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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 392


Hal 9000 said:

Here’s a full mockup of the Ach-To sequence, featuring a regrade by NeverArGreat:


I had a chance to sit down and watch it and admittedly, I am kinda confused by it because of the changing “colors” of island’s sky and whatnot. My brain is having a hard time understanding it and the sense of time. It kinda comes accross has “the sky is acting crazy” more than passing time.

If I could make a suggestion, I think it would help to break things by swapping a scene in between the Act-To stuff to help alleviate it?

So Maybe instead of

Kylo/Han scene>Pryde/Palpy Scene>Poe & Crew>Acho-to … maybe break it up something like Kylo/Han>Pryde/Palpy>Acho-To Part 1<Poe & Crew>Acho-to Part 2.

I don’t know how that would change up the flow or whatnot, but it would really help the mind to get a better sense of time passing by and not changing weather.

That’s just my opinion on that. (Hail to the death of the Timer)

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I’m with jarbear. The scene flows in such a way that I don’t really buy that time is passing that fast despite the jarring color changes, and it seems to skip from dusk straight to dawn. I think it would need to start at night and become dawn (maybe not believably possible) or be broken up by another scene for me to buy it if I saw it a first time. Someone mentioned the Falcon trip from IV, but the start and end of that trip were broken up by the Alderaan scene.

Actually, we already went through the trouble of adding a new establishing shot of the island, so why not use it? So first, we see Rey has wrecked her ship on the island. Luke steps out for his big reveal and says “what are you doing?” Then we cut to a different scene; maybe the Poe and Finn scene moves here, maybe the Palpatine & Pryde scene moves here, idk. Then we cut back to the island with our new island shot and drop in on Luke and Rey’s conversation. At that point we don’t even necessarily need the color changes, or at least they needn’t be so dramatic, as the scene change already tells us time has passed.


It’s important to clarify that I’m not trying to be rude when I say the following. I think your work is really well done, Nev.

But why should we delete portions of the film in order to keep this cosmetic change? It looks like Luke’s “You have everything you need” would have to go so you could create a transition to something else for a while. I’d personally prefer to have content rather than a little less content in a different shade. What do you all think, though?

Again, I think it’s a cool idea but might not be worth it.


I think the scene in the hut looks beautiful and the dialogue should remain untouched.

Would having a night shot of the island from TLJ help in any way?


Jar Jar Bricks said:

It’s important to clarify that I’m not trying to be rude when I say the following. I think your work is really well done, Nev.

But why should we delete portions of the film in order to keep this cosmetic change? It looks like Luke’s “You have everything you need” would have to go so you could create a transition to something else for a while. I’d personally prefer to have content rather than a little less content in a different shade. What do you all think, though?

Again, I think it’s a cool idea but might not be worth it.

No offense taken!

I was just spitballing ways to make it seem like more time could pass, and in that idea the ‘you have everything you need’ could stay and just be moved to directly after ‘the thousand generations live in you’, and the transition would happen right after that. The idea would lose the lines from Rey about how she’s stuck on the island, but that feels if anything like she has allowed Luke to make her decision for her and is now committed to going to Exegol where as if you cut those lines of Rey’s we can allow her more time for her decision.

It’s not strictly necessary of course, but it might be worth looking at if people aren’t sold on the passage of time based on color grading alone.

ThisIsCreation said:

I think the scene in the hut looks beautiful and the dialogue should remain untouched.

Would having a night shot of the island from TLJ help in any way?

A night shot of the island would only make sense at the beginning or end of the Hut scene since I don’t think the first part of the sequence would work at night. If it went anywhere, it would probably go right before the Hut scene, but I don’t think it’s necessary if the time is implied to be dusk at the beginning of the scene.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Pryde & Palps > Rey and Luke chatting at Tie Roasty Time > Poe and Crew > Establishing night time Ach-to + Hut scene and rest?

Would that help give time? Im still thinking out loud.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Alright, I’ve played around with the Dyad line some more - I’ve adjusted some of the volume levels, smoothed out some transitions, and expanded it a by a few milliseconds to allow it more room to breathe. I’ve also tried to trim out the pop on “We’re” that ThisIsCreation noticed. Hopefully that’s better now. As always, I’d really appreciate feedback!

Video: https://streamable.com/22yxx5
Audio: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15vYvwSZdut74Rjn9th5JVLFObebcZhXq/view?usp=sharing

Also, for those that are interested, I’ve mocked up a new version of the “Kylo in the Falcon” scene with a quick new color pass, using the incredible clean plate provided by 21C Peasant. Following RogueLeader’s lead, I’ve shared it on the Redux thread: https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Star-Wars-The-Rise-Of-Skywalker-Redux-Ideas-thread/id/71460/page/152#1414616

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Sherlock, you really are a genius.

Sounds perfect in the video format to me. Haven’t tried headphones yet but on speakers it sounds completely natural.

EDIT: Still a slight hiccup with headphones on, but who is usually watching movies with them on anyways?


I’m really happy with out it sounds with all of the sounds added in.

If I could suggest adding a slight compression to Kylos line, so it all is level but other than that it sounds great and if it wasn’t for the fact we focused on it, you wouldn’t think twice about it being a thing that was added in. Great job man


We could cut out the “two were made line”

Rey says that almost as if it was a question earlier on in the film that got cut. We as the audience have known since the jump that there were two wayfinders. That line has always felt out of place and cutting that dialogue could help sell the passage of time part we’re talking about with Achto.

Using Jarbear’s sequencing idea, we could cut Ach-to at “you have everything you need” then cut to Pow and Crew. Then Act-to part 2 could start with Rey pulling the wayfinder out of the ship with no dialogue, perhaps no music either, then a rush of water and the music starting to swell in as she runs in the morning to see Luke pull the x-wing out of the ocean.

This might not work either, but its something.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


I never got the issue about that line. Lando tells her “only two were made.” Rey doesn’t realize the other is in the ship she was in. Realizing that a second one is with her prompts her to recall Lando’s words.

Not poetry, but it’s fine.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I don’t think splitting up the Ahch-To scenes would be a good idea. In the movie, we’ve been on Ahch-To for almost 4 minutes by the time Luke lifts the X-wing. If it starts with Rey getting the wayfinder, then it’s only 30 seconds. I feel like the scene loses some of its power if the build-up to it is interrupted.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


I’m only looking on my phone but that looks so good. I love the moodiness of the sky in the doorway in contrast of Luke’s glow. It also feels like the movie gets a little breathing space to pass over another day. Really nice.

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I do think that works.

I do like the new colors of this scene, especially while they’re inside the hut. The darkness, plus the warm hues, makes it feel cozy.

I know you said it wouldn’t work, but in my mind, I do like the idea of starting off with a night establishing shot (maybe you could brighten it slightly to make it feel almost like a morning twilight, or just leave it dark). The scene of her throwing wood at the TIE fighter only shows the sky in one or two shots just in the corner, so perhaps they could be recolored or replaced.

I guess, in general, it would require more work to make it seem like all of the light is mostly coming from the fire, but I feel like the best way to make it feel like time has passed would be between the two island establishing shots. The first being night, or a dark morning twilight. The second one at dawn, and then we finally see the sunrise as Luke is lifting the X-Wing. I would probably try to make their sitting conversation outside a little darker too, to better match how dark it looks from inside the hut. But I guess you could argue that is just an exposure discrepancy. And going from darkness to dawn feels like it would fit well, thematically. Rey starts off in a dark place, but as she talks to Luke, the light appears.

But it might be too much work for little purpose, so I understand why you wouldn’t pursue this.


It’s an interesting idea to start the island scene in total darkness. It would make sense to have a shot of the island at night from TLJ for this, maybe with a small spot of fire. To darken the flaming TIE sequence is doable, and I bet the next shots could be darkened a bit more as well to further match the hut.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I just noticed the “A 1000 generations…” line being cut. I’ve been wanting to remove that weird exposition for a while but never got around to it. This is excellent. If there is a way of fixing those earlier scenes I’d love to use this if I may?

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Hal 9000 said:

I never got the issue about that line. Lando tells her “only two were made.” Rey doesn’t realize the other is in the ship she was in. Realizing that a second one is with her prompts her to recall Lando’s words.

Not poetry, but it’s fine.

I cut it out because it feels like clunky exposition during an emotional scene. We don’t need to hear her make the connection to what Lando said (in fact, I’ve considered cutting Lando’s line as well). She should be able to figure out by herself that Kylo must have had one.


To show how much I love y’all:


Password: fanedit

No sound, for even my love has limits. And I don’t have a good source 😉

Anyway, there’s no second establishing shot since I’m not sure if it can be made dark enough for these scenes.

The fireside chat is just about as dark as it will get, methinks, and the light entering the hut is slightly brighter to give more of a gradient into morning.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


This is the best I’ve seen it so far, but I’m still not buying those shots in the sitting on a log scene. Way too warm and bright.


Perhaps the log scene could be darkened, but I feel like it works for me pretty well. I feel like if the colors were like this in the film, I would understand that dawn was approaching.