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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 390


21C Peasant said:

Kylo Searches the Falcon - No time code

Most of it is not my work, but I did touch it up a bit.


On the topic of the TFA Kylo in the Falcon scene: 21C Peasant posted the above wizardry over in the “Info: Fixing the TFA and TLJ Deleted Scenes” thread a few months back.

For my money, this is the most polished version of the scene out there at the moment. It’s so close to being completely seamless, imo.

However pie-in-the-sky the idea may currently be, I would absolutely LOVE to see this Kylo/Ben moment integrated into TROS somehow.


If we can get these shots to not feel random, then I think that idea is pretty solid. But the shots have to somehow not feel randomly inserted.

Edit: Kylo taking the dice too early could almost be a sort of spoiler?

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


LesPaul32 said:

21C Peasant said:

Kylo Searches the Falcon - No time code

Most of it is not my work, but I did touch it up a bit.


On the topic of the TFA Kylo in the Falcon scene: 21C Peasant posted the above wizardry over in the “Info: Fixing the TFA and TLJ Deleted Scenes” thread a few months back.

For my money, this is the most polished version of the scene out there at the moment. It’s so close to being completely seamless, imo.

However pie-in-the-sky the idea may currently be, I would absolutely LOVE to see this Kylo/Ben moment integrated into TROS somehow.

That version is Telecine’s work with the first shot cropped to remove the timecode.

JEDIT: I have done some experimentation here, so I’d suggest moving this discussion away from Hal’s already burdened thread. 😃

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Oops! I did say my sarcasm gets me in trouble. My apologies guys.

I just felt things were bubbling up between some of you so I thought I’d address it with some banter. I guess it gets lost in text but I’m glad people felt the same. The word “arguing my point” really doesn’t have to be til the death. If I’ve learned one thing from editing star wars, it’s that people can have completely different opinions and still get on. Happy to see it’s got us back on track though.

Here’s where I’m at:

I’ve remasked the T-Minus 5 windows as they had a slight round edge that I wasn’t happy with. They are now square to match the Falcon shape and is finished.

Crackling Saber is on hold as I’m becoming way too picky about the effect and it seriously changes under a different light. Sometimes the particles animate perfectly, while in other shots they seem to have an energy flow. No idea why, They all have the same settings but I’ll figure it out once I get more time.

Not sure if you’re going with the Sith Red Lightning? but those scenes are looking incredible but again, my perfectionist ways are picking holes in everything I do.

@sherlockpotter Lightsabers fizzling out near the end of the Death Star battle, and after Palpatine’s defeat (In development, I think? I remember seeing a test clip, possibly done by MR?) Is finished. My next video will be on this scene so I’ll upload some test shots once I release that tutorial.

@Burbin I forgot to bring it up a way back, but didn’t MR’s shot of Vader’s Fortress in the background still have the ‘lights’ on? I couldn’t even tell but if it does I’m sure it’ll be an easy fix for this cut. I’m personally leaving them on to show the Mustafarians still using it. Didn’t it use to be a monastery or something?

@NeverarGreat Eventually I hope to do the timecode removal of the Klyo scene and several others from TFA, but the time and effort required are quite daunting. If you ever do this please let me know. I was going to attempt it when I revisit the other movies so that would be a load off if you manage it. Thanks! EDIT: DUDE, Those other clips that look awesome. Nice work

@sherlockpotter Potentially recoloring Ahch-To to go from nighttime to sunrise? (Discussion – I don’t think we decided one way or the other. I personally like the idea though. Plus, if the sky becomes purple at sunrise, it would symbolize Leia’s new lightsaber color.) This is a beautiful idea. I’d love to see this happen.

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Movies Remastered said:

@Burbin I forgot to bring it up a way back, but didn’t MR’s shot of Vader’s Fortress in the background still have the ‘lights’ on? I couldn’t even tell but if it does I’m sure it’ll be an easy fix for this cut. I’m personally leaving them on to show the Mustafarians still using it. Didn’t it use to be a monastery or something?

So yeah the lights ARE still on in this shot but it’s very hard to tell. I’d imagine this would be much easier to fix than the much closer shot. It’s just a bunch of pixels after all.

And we are using the lights out larger shot, so this would be a good idea.

If I were to try to work on it, I would have to go frame by frame to edit it in like paint or something. So hopefully somebody else knows how to do it better lol.


Let’s see, few responses:

  • The T minus 5 scene is being tweaked further? I’ll look forward to seeing what’s there. I don’t mind the way it is in V1 with a woosh through hyperspace followed by a zip out across realspace. But I’d be happy to include the reordering as that seems like how it would have been if it were made that way in the first place.

  • I don’t plan to use the red Sith lightning, no. Personally I don’t really get the appeal, and I like how the Sith lightning in the movie and others goes along with the natural phenomena of the Sith homeworld.

  • The saber fizzling out will be great to see. Exciting to hear its (almost?) finished!

  • It’s hard to get myself to care about a discrepancy between the lights being off in the main shot and on in the distant shot. No one would ever notice that.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

  • It’s hard to get myself to care about a discrepancy between the lights being off in the main shot and on in the distant shot. No one would ever notice that.

That was my thought initially Hal (mostly because I didn’t even notice they were on in the distant shot until now).

But if we want to be perfectionists here, it definitely wouldn’t hurt 😉


Hal 9000 said:

Here’s a full mockup of the Ach-To sequence, featuring a regrade by NeverArGreat:


I’m going to be 100% honest… I’m not a fan of this. 😕

I’m not entirely sure why but something is kind of off about it (don’t really understand what day cycle is supposed to be happening). Plus, I think it’s a change that doesn’t really need to be implemented in the film in the first place. I was fine with the Ahch-To sequence as is in regards to the time of day it was set.

But, that’s just me. Others might like it.


That’s okay, thanks for saying so! I’m not sure either, and I’d still like to play with it and perhaps use a less intense application of the change.
Nighttime does make it feel spookier to be talking with a g-g-g-ghost!

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Here’s a full mockup of the Ach-To sequence, featuring a regrade by NeverArGreat:


I actually really, really like this! 😃

My only suggestions would maybe be that the colours of the very first shot of the island are a little funky looking and could probably match the following shots a little better. I also think the moment inside of Luke’s hut should by made a little more distinctly nighttime since at the moment it looks a little too ‘day-to-night’ if you get that reference. 😉

Slightly off-topic but Hal, have you experimented with a slightly more intense setting to the de-blued Luke ghost? I remember back when the LUT by Skenera was provided, you decided on going for like a 75% setting? I think??? I’d be interested to see what a 100% setting would look like with this new day cycle grading applied. 🤔

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BrotherOfSasquatch said:

Hal 9000 said:

Here’s a full mockup of the Ach-To sequence, featuring a regrade by NeverArGreat:


I’m going to be 100% honest… I’m not a fan of this. 😕

I’m not entirely sure why but something is kind of off about it (don’t really understand what day cycle is supposed to be happening). Plus, I think it’s a change that doesn’t really need to be implemented in the film in the first place. I was fine with the Ahch-To sequence as is in regards to the time of day it was set.

But, that’s just me. Others might like it.

I think the latter half of the regrade looks great, the first half is too orange, i think it needs to be darker.

The shot originally is way too artificial, they are clearly on a set, as an irish person, id recognise real irish grass anywhere lol, but it’s fake as hell in the sequence with luke, its too green, the mockup fixes that issue.

I think going from the planet the rebels are on, to another planet with the same type of light, it just feels bland as hell and feels last minute. The lighting is so fake looking and so green. It pulls me right out of the movie.
We are supposed to feel for Rey, while the background is all calm and happy looking.

EDIT: the second half of the regrade is amazing in my opinion, look at how much better Luke looks! when he says the '‘thousands generations’ line, i love it.


I will try to play with it, but all I would be able to do is change to what degree the changes are applied by overlaying and opacity.

Also, any further de-blueing of Luke would have to be done anew, since I can’t just apply that over this as they are totally separate clips with entirely different overall looks. So once we get Luke’s haircut finished up we could hammer out the finer details of Luke’s blueness.

My stance on revising fan edits.


new shot from MR to move “T minus five” line to before exiting hyperspace (not sure about this one yet, may leave as original)

What does this mean?

Jar Jar Bricks said:

I have an idea suggestion + a concept of it. There is a shot of Kylo in a surrounding that looks like his chambers on his Star Destroyer in the documentary. If you place it at the beginning of the mind link scene with Rey touching the dagger in his chambers, it makes it look like Kylo is right behind her… only to reveal that he isn’t. And then later on the fight, it appears they are fighting in his quarters while Kylo isn’t actually there, and that they are fighting on Kijimi’s surface while Rey isn’t actually there. So it all makes sense.

It’s a subtle change, but I feel it adds to the intensity of the “jumpscare”, if you will 😃


Important clarification: This change is inspired by Fixing Disney Star Wars.

Also, there is a slight audio pop there but that’s just because my editing software is bad. That wouldn’t be there in the final product.

I actually really like this! Works well imo

And I can’t believe I’ve never seen that deleted Kylo/Falcon. Wish it had been included in the original movie


I can certainly give the scene another go, since I agree that the first bit is too orange and it probably doesn’t go dark enough leading into the hut.

As for a de-blued Luke, what kind of effect should we be going for here? Do we want the overall blue of the effect pulled back so that he’s more ‘ghostly’, or is the intent to bring out more of his natural colors so that it appears like a faded version of Mark Hamill?

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Personally, those colours really mess with my head. Each scene seems to be a different colour but that’s coming from colourblind eyes.

I absolutely LOVE the de-blue Luke. Was that done using a LUT or did someone else pre do those scenes? 100% approve of that change.

@Brewzter I wasn’t happy with the transition from hyperspace so I did a little tweak. This is the older scene. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BwHer15DeU

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Hal 9000 said:

Here’s a full mockup of the Ach-To sequence, featuring a regrade by NeverArGreat:


I agree with everyone else that the nighttime and morning regrades look fantastic. Not sold on the evening, though.

Also, I find it somewhat hard to believe that Rey and Luke would be talking ALL night long. Of course, Ahch-To could have a shorter day/night cycle if we wanted to. But the impression for the average viewer is that she was there for about 10 hours. Meh.

Is it possible that when she is burning the Falcon it is night? That would not only make the timing make more sense, but also remove the evening regrade that doesn’t look as good.


Skenera did the de-blue Luke and sent me a master clip, not a LUT. I then overlaid it over the regular film footage and adjust opacity to get a level of blue-ness that felt appropriate. This would need to be done again once we have the haircut footage.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Hal 9000 said:

Here’s a full mockup of the Ach-To sequence, featuring a regrade by NeverArGreat:


I agree with everyone else that the nighttime and morning regrades look fantastic. Not sold on the evening, though.

Also, I find it somewhat hard to believe that Rey and Luke would be talking ALL night long. Of course, Ahch-To could have a shorter day/night cycle if we wanted to. But the impression for the average viewer is that she was there for about 10 hours. Meh.

Is it possible that when she is burning the Falcon it is night? That would not only make the timing make more sense, but also remove the evening regrade that doesn’t look as good.

The issue is that there are quite a few shots with a bright sky directly behind/through Rey and Luke. I masked those out and darkened them for an evening look, but I don’t know if replacing them with night would work at all, and if it did it might just look obviously day for night. It would certainly be harder than masking the door and window of the hut.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Hi, in unsure if this is the right place to ask/if its appropriate.
So apologies if it isn’t.

But is there any way I could get a PM of the movie any version of the edit?

Unless it’s no different than the Google drive link on reddit, because all the quotas are full and it seems impossible to currently watch.

Again sorry if this is the wrong place!

“You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view” — Obi-Wan Kenobi


Alright, here I am again with one of my daily ideas for your edit, Hal.

Luke currently says the following:
“Because you’re a Palpatine. Rey, some things are stronger than blood…”

My problem with that is he never specifies what is “stronger than blood”. Sure, maybe his message speaks for itself, but I am proposing the following:
“Because you’re a Palpatine. Your spirit, your heart. Rey, some things are stronger than blood…”

You can take that snippet from his currently removed line concerning Leia. Here is what I’m talking about:


Once again, don’t mind the music overlap/audio confusion. It wouldn’t be like that in final.