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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 373


Well… Now we have a blueprint for what the puppeteer can say along with what the actual puppet show can be.


Hal 9000 said:

Thought I’d go see what CaptainFaraday was planning for this same sequence for his novelization rewrite. Might be good for inspiration:

CaptainFaraday said:

“Let’s split up, see what the locals know,” Poe said.
He and Finn headed off, but Rey’s legs were suddenly rooted in place. A pair of Acky Acky were performing a puppet show, and one of them had just used a word she recognised.
“Di sana berdiri Skywalker!”
All of the children gasped. Some of them cheered. Rey looked more closely at the puppets.
A little human figure made of twisted-up wire and tiny cloth robes stood in front of a blast door made of paper, the puppeteer pulling a string to make his arm brandish a little green wire sword at a puppet of an AT-AT walker. The walker had just fired some little pieces of red paper at him, to absolutely no effect. Then the children whooped and cheered again as the little wire man leapt at the walker, and the puppeteer flipped it over backwards with a cowardly little wail.
Luke’s saber on Crait that day had been blue, and Rey noticed immediately, as someone who lived in the burned-out shell of one for the better part of her life, that the walker had been designed after the old Imperial kind. She smiled. Even if some of the details weren’t perfect, she thought, the important part of the story was still there.
The children stared wide-eyed, sometimes gasping, sometimes laughing, as other exploits of puppet Luke were depicted. A mother dressed in bright pink sat amongst them, bouncing a pudgy infant in her arms. Instead of the long trunks of the adults, the children had rather stubby little noses and plump cheeks. Rey’s smile doubled as the baby chuckled at Luke knocking down a round dish that was clearly supposed to be the second Death Star.
Something tugged on her tunic, and she looked down to find a young Acky Acky girl in a green robe trying to get her attention. Rey knelt before her.


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I mean, I could make a walker and a Kylo puppet, film a few different elements, and then let people decide whatever they want to use.


RogueLeader said:

I mean, I could make a walker and a Kylo puppet, film a few different elements, and then let people decide whatever they want to use.

Make it so …

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


RogueLeader, you’re a prodigy. Looking forward to what you’ll do! Be sure to document it with some pictures maybe. How cool; this project will generate bonafide hardware props.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hey, Hal. Gotta say, I’m sorry if I seem impatient for the release of V2. Part of my OCD is wanting the project to be complete and finished to everyone’s satisfaction

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


RogueLeader said:

I mean, I could make a walker and a Kylo puppet, film a few different elements, and then let people decide whatever they want to use.

I think different options would be great. The Kylo idea is fun but it does seem to open a whole can of worms.


Hate to keep harping on the simplicity thing, but I think TLJ is a great example of what I mean, not just because that’s what this is referencing. Johnson scripted that moment out from the start, he didn’t retrofit it like we are doing, and look what he came up with - three walkers, one Jedi. That’s all, nothing crazy. Just exactly what you need to get the point across. Generally the rule of thumb in editing is the less detail you have, the shorter it can be. I think we’ll find that even if you extend the shot, having too much going on will still be a lot to take in.


So then maybe what Faraday described might be the best bet? Where Luke makes fire or a red bolt fly back and hit the walker, making it fall below stage. That seems like a simple, easy to convey action. And you wouldn’t have to extend the shot at all I don’t think.


Should the Luke puppet be made of string and wires, like that Proof of Concept image, or made of the same material as the fire and walker? Right now I’m just planning to replicate that look, but I’m still deciding on Luke’s design.


Again, I apologize if my questions seem very dated, but is jonh working on a version of the Force spirit sequence that has Sebastian Shaw as Anakin?

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


I’m not certain whether jonh is still planning to pursue a Shaw ghost, and he sort of pops up as he pleases once in a while.

I don’t have any preferences for the Luke figure, just whatever you can put together that looks feasible to have been made by those aliens. It doesn’t necessarily need to look as crude as the Canto Bight slave kids’ since this would have been made by adults for a show rather than duct taping trash to make a secret toy.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I did have a pm with him where he said he was working on something. An aged Bryan Cranston has a striking resemblance to Shaw, I think that was something he was exploring.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


I agree it shouldn’t be too crude like tlj, this is a dedicated puppet show, not kids using trash and scraps.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


My main concern about having a Shaw ghost is that it would be impossible (at least with my abilities) to revert it back to the way we have it in v1 while still having the crackly saber. And I would want to do that for myself and everyone else who prefers Hayden.

Also, I know Hal isn’t usually interested in hosting multiple versions at once (unless it’s multiple audio tracks).

Another important thing to remember when changing it to Shaw is that currently the movie has Hayden Christensen saying all of Anakin’s lines in the Jedi Voices scene (“Bring back the balance, Rey, as I did.”) It would be pretty jarring to go from a young Anakin’s voice to a 60+ year old man, at least in my opinion.

EDIT: Just remembered that in canon force ghosts can present themselves however they want. My argument for keeping Hayden is that he would want Palpatine to recognize him.


RogueLeader said:

So then maybe what Faraday described might be the best bet? Where Luke makes fire or a red bolt fly back and hit the walker, making it fall below stage. That seems like a simple, easy to convey action. And you wouldn’t have to extend the shot at all I don’t think.

Personally I’m leaning towards

  • Luke simply pops into frame
  • Luke pops out of frame
  • or Luke pops out of frame and back in, possibly with some laser fire missing him

As with Kylo appearing I think having the walker fall might open another can of worms. Luke’s stand was impactful in part because it was nonviolent. Now, yes, the end result here is people picking up arms against the First Order. But I wonder if it might raise some questions. Like, if this had been in TROS as is, would we see it as yet another TLJ retcon? I know, I know, I know. The legend grows and changes and whatnot. But this is my point, this is a lot to ponder and think about for a short shot or two that is not remarked upon.

RogueLeader said:

Should the Luke puppet be made of string and wires, like that Proof of Concept image, or made of the same material as the fire and walker? Right now I’m just planning to replicate that look, but I’m still deciding on Luke’s design.

I would say keep the same design as TLJ for that recognizability, but change the materials so it’s not just the same exact thing.


Movies Remastered said:

The questions would be

  1. What materials do the Acky Acky have available?
  2. Can they really craft anything details looking at their hands/tools etc?
  3. Are details really gonna show on such a small stage?

So, I decided to try to answer two of these questions by consulting the Ancient Jedi Texts (er… the “Art of” and “Visual Guide” books for TROS, I mean) and snap some pics of certain images and texts that could possibly help whoever is going to make the puppets.

They’re all iPhone pics, so I apologize for that. Hopefully, something good can be gleaned from them!



Add Sebastian Shaw saying “Rey” from “You already did.” but chop off to make him say “Rey.”


Those photos are great. Thanks for sharing.

I guess the other question would now be, should they be more 2D Asian shadow puppet stay or a more African wicker and tissue paper 3D stick puppets.

Who’da thought a 2 second clip would be so fascinating. 😃

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