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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 371


Movies Remastered said:

Hal 9000 said:

Wow, MR, I’m beginning to worry about you. That looks insane. I’m sure the rest can be covered by foreground puppets or objects.

And lol @ just having them watch TLJ on a CRT.

I worry about me too!! Haha. I’m my worst critic so this isn’t anywhere near where I want it.

I think the puppet show should remain basic and fun, How about a gorilla walker firing a few bolts at Luke and have him kinda twist and bob up n down like he’s dancing to deflect them? Kids love that stuff. Could even add a few “pew pews” in there 🤣

I demand the Pew Pews now. Hahah!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Alright, I watched the scene again. It goes

  • Shot from the side of the puppet show (this will need VFX too)
  • Wide shot of kids laughing (they could be laughing at anything at this point, could just be the narrator’s description)
  • Shot of the puppet stage (we slot in whatever VFX we come up with)
  • Close up of kid laughing (could very easily just cut this out)
  • Wide shot of kids looking in wonder
  • Rey watching (maybe slot in some cheers here)

So, looking at it, if you cut the close up of the kid laughing, you really don’t need to do anything crazy here. My final suggestion would be you see the walker on one side, and then Luke pops into frame on the other side. Alien says “Skywalker,” or like “Mastah Jedai Skywalker” some shit like that. Nothing too over the top, gets the point across quickly and efficiently.


Not very techy, at all, as for inserting “Skywalker” in it … is it possible or helpful to remove or voice over him with a “new voice” and says whatever he says, but the “new voice” then uses the “Skywalker” line whenever. I would think that may help it sound more natural than how he sounds and then a random “Skywalker” that doesn’t quite match it?

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


jarbear said:

Not very techy, at all, as for inserting “Skywalker” in it … is it possible or helpful to remove or voice over him with a “new voice” and says whatever he says, but the “new voice” then uses the “Skywalker” line whenever. I would think that may help it sound more natural than how he sounds and then a random “Skywalker” that doesn’t quite match it?

I had considered this as well. The only problem is that whoever voice acts this would have to be proficient in their particular gibberish. Maybe it isn’t as complicated as it sounds?


Luke hitting a Grand Slam and taking out an AT-AT sounds hilarious and it is exactly the type of exaggeration that Luke was talking about in TLJ with “The Legend of Luke Skywalker”

The galaxy in TFA thinks Luke is a myth because of his god-like status.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Depending on how exactly the whole festival sequence is cut together, maybe Rey could even be looking around aimlessly, then she hears “Dooba jabba Skywalker!” Or whatever, and that’s what causes her to look over at the puppet show?

And then it could be something like Luke hopping up and down around the walker, saying “Ha ha!” And the kiddies laugh at that.

Edit: Muffy, your gif is hilarious!

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


sherlockpotter said:

Depending on how exactly the whole festival sequence is cut together, maybe Rey could even be looking around aimlessly, then she hears “Dooba jabba Skywalker!” Or whatever, and that’s what causes her to look over at the puppet show?

And then it could be something like Luke hopping up and down around the walker, saying “Ha ha!” And the kiddies laugh at that.

Omg this. Totally.

And DZ, I believe that is the intention. He is considered a myth in TFA, the myth is proven factual in TLJ, and it brings the entire galaxy together in TROS.


jarbear said:

Not very techy, at all, as for inserting “Skywalker” in it … is it possible or helpful to remove or voice over him with a “new voice” and says whatever he says, but the “new voice” then uses the “Skywalker” line whenever. I would think that may help it sound more natural than how he sounds and then a random “Skywalker” that doesn’t quite match it?

I wasn’t aware the alternative was even being considered, I don’t think that would work at all. Granted, we will have to check to see the audio channel situation but a full dub would definitely be more seamless.


Yeah, I had been assuming someone would just overdub the puppeteer’s voice completely rather than trying to shoehorn in a “Skywalker”.


DominicCobb said:

Alright, I watched the scene again. It goes

  • Shot from the side of the puppet show (this will need VFX too)
  • Wide shot of kids laughing (they could be laughing at anything at this point, could just be the narrator’s description)
  • Shot of the puppet stage (we slot in whatever VFX we come up with)
  • Close up of kid laughing (could very easily just cut this out)
  • Wide shot of kids looking in wonder
  • Rey watching (maybe slot in some cheers here)

So, looking at it, if you cut the close up of the kid laughing, you really don’t need to do anything crazy here. My final suggestion would be you see the walker on one side, and then Luke pops into frame on the other side. Alien says “Skywalker,” or like “Mastah Jedai Skywalker” some shit like that. Nothing too over the top, gets the point across quickly and efficiently.

I think we could even slot in a closer shot of the stage after the kid laughing to have some breathing room for the scene.


DominicCobb said:

Alright, I watched the scene again. It goes

  • Shot from the side of the puppet show (this will need VFX too)
  • Wide shot of kids laughing (they could be laughing at anything at this point, could just be the narrator’s description)
  • Shot of the puppet stage (we slot in whatever VFX we come up with)
  • Close up of kid laughing (could very easily just cut this out)
  • Wide shot of kids looking in wonder
  • Rey watching (maybe slot in some cheers here)

So, looking at it, if you cut the close up of the kid laughing, you really don’t need to do anything crazy here. My final suggestion would be you see the walker on one side, and then Luke pops into frame on the other side. Alien says “Skywalker,” or like “Mastah Jedai Skywalker” some shit like that. Nothing too over the top, gets the point across quickly and efficiently.

To make it easier on our VFX gods, I don’t think we even need the side shot. Maybe something like:

  • Rey looks over
  • Wide shot of the front of the stage
  • Close up of the stage (using the same angle, so only one VFX is needed)
  • Kids laughing
  • (Maybe, if we want it to breathe more, an extra, closer-up shot of Puppet Luke blowing a raspberry, or waving his lightsaber in the air while making trumpet noises. Doo dodo DOOO!)
  • Back to the search
  • Jar Jar pointed out that the next scene is actually the “What’s your family’s name, you dumb, orphan bitch??” scene. Apologies for my oversight, I thought it came in sooner. That’ll actually flow really well!

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Thing is that they actually don’t go “back to the search” after that. That’s when the lady asks Rey her last name (another reason why this addition works so well).


BrotherOfSasquatch said:

DominicCobb said:

Alright, I watched the scene again. It goes

  • Shot from the side of the puppet show (this will need VFX too)
  • Wide shot of kids laughing (they could be laughing at anything at this point, could just be the narrator’s description)
  • Shot of the puppet stage (we slot in whatever VFX we come up with)
  • Close up of kid laughing (could very easily just cut this out)
  • Wide shot of kids looking in wonder
  • Rey watching (maybe slot in some cheers here)

So, looking at it, if you cut the close up of the kid laughing, you really don’t need to do anything crazy here. My final suggestion would be you see the walker on one side, and then Luke pops into frame on the other side. Alien says “Skywalker,” or like “Mastah Jedai Skywalker” some shit like that. Nothing too over the top, gets the point across quickly and efficiently.

I think we could even slot in a closer shot of the stage after the kid laughing to have some breathing room for the scene.

Truth be told I don’t think that’s necessary, I would just make the puppet shot a little bit longer than in the film as is. Don’t think you need to provide too much emphasis here, less you get into fan edity feeling territory. I like the idea that this is just a subtle little moment without much fanfare, as if, like “of course this is happening, we don’t need to make a big deal of it.”

sherlockpotter said:

DominicCobb said:

Alright, I watched the scene again. It goes

  • Shot from the side of the puppet show (this will need VFX too)
  • Wide shot of kids laughing (they could be laughing at anything at this point, could just be the narrator’s description)
  • Shot of the puppet stage (we slot in whatever VFX we come up with)
  • Close up of kid laughing (could very easily just cut this out)
  • Wide shot of kids looking in wonder
  • Rey watching (maybe slot in some cheers here)

So, looking at it, if you cut the close up of the kid laughing, you really don’t need to do anything crazy here. My final suggestion would be you see the walker on one side, and then Luke pops into frame on the other side. Alien says “Skywalker,” or like “Mastah Jedai Skywalker” some shit like that. Nothing too over the top, gets the point across quickly and efficiently.

To make it easier on our VFX gods, I don’t think we even need the side shot.

You could cut it pretty easily, but I do think the shot provides a nice bit of geography. There might be other ways to make this easier for the viz wizzes, like maybe just obscuring the area that shows the puppets with something.


This is all fascinating … can it be done?

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I think if this was in the actual movie there would be a close up of it cause it’s important to Rey’s arc and the audience is meant to see it, I think a quick one second shot might go by too fast.


Cool! Something can definitely fit into that timeframe. Have you managed to remove the remaining pieces of the previous puppet show as well?


8 hours is already more than enough. Thanks for the work you’ve already done.


For Poe, the Spice Runnin’ Boy, could we maybe pull some Keri Russell dialogue from The Americans? Something like “He was a spy,” or “He was a double agent”? Then we could just add some audio filters to give it that helmet quality.

If we just had that little piece, I think it would be pretty easy to cut around the rest of the dialogue and make it fit. I’m definitely willing to try if someone can help me track down those lines!

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


I agree that he should be a double agent, but we still have to clarify that he was posing as a spice runner. Otherwise Finn teasing him as being a spice runner doesn’t make sense (and man I love the banter between those two).


Yeah, I’d be open to a “here you go” whole solution about the spice runner thing, but I won’t lean that way.

Let me try to say that a different way. I’m not gonna push for it but if anyone does want to pursue this I could add it to Ascendant if it feels fluid and legit. To me, though, there’s not really an issue with the original. And I’m sure there’ll be EU stuff to fill in his story.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal, I’m sure there will be 15 books published in the next 10 years about Poe and Keri Russell having a fling while running spice. The EU never disappoints 😉

I’m thinking something like this:

ZORII: Babu? Babu only works with the crew. That’s not you anymore.

REY: What crew?

ZORII: Oh, funny he never mentioned it. Your friend’s old job was running spice, “until we learned he was a spy for” (The Resistance) [pulled from a few lines down]

FINN: You were a spice runner?

POE: You were a stormtrooper?

REY: Were you a spice runner?

POE: Were you a scavenger? We could do this all night.

ZORII: You don’t have all night. You know, I’m still digging out of the hole you put me in when you left to join the Resistance. You. You’re the one they’re looking for. Bounty for her just might cover us.

(We can play around with it, Jar Jar; but I’m not sure how well it will fit if he was just playing a part. And personally, I think this particular banter feels a little awkward anyway. Unlike the rest of the script, which sounds like it was written by Aaron Sorkin.)

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Hal 9000 said:

To me, though, there’s not really an issue with the original. And I’m sure there’ll be EU stuff to fill in his story.

I suppose it’s possible that as a moody teenager he ran away from home (the Resistance) and joined up with the wrong people for a while. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the canon answer eventually.

EDIT: Sherlock, you writing that out made me realize how much of their funny banter you would have to cut out to make this work. As much as I would like to get rid of this to avoid stereotypes, I think I’m gonna have to agree with Hal here.


sherlockpotter said:

Hal, I’m sure there will be 15 books published in the next 10 years about Poe and Keri Russell having a fling while running spice. The EU never disappoints 😉

I’m thinking something like this:

ZORII: Babu? Babu only works with the crew. That’s not you anymore.

REY: What crew?

ZORII: Oh, funny he never mentioned it. Your friend’s old job was running spice, “until we learned he was a spy for” (The Resistance) [pulled from a few lines down]

FINN: You were a spice runner?

POE: You were a stormtrooper?

REY: Were you a spice runner?

POE: Were you a scavenger? We could do this all night.

ZORII: You don’t have all night. You know, I’m still digging out of the hole you put me in when you left to join the Resistance. You. You’re the one they’re looking for. Bounty for her just might cover us.

(We can play around with it, Jar Jar; but I’m not sure how well it will fit if he was just playing a part. And personally, I think this particular banter feels a little awkward anyway. Unlike the rest of the script, which sounds like it was written by Aaron Sorkin.)

I filmed a video showing that very scene yesterday. 👍🏼

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