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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 370


How long do we need this shot to be? Right now it’s only 1 second of footage, would we want to somehow increase it to 2 or 5 seconds? I remember the first time watching the film I didn’t even notice what the children were watching because it went by so quickly.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


We could keep it at only a second long if we add in the alien saying “Skywalker”. Or the children could mention Skywalker.


ok fine… yeah you guys are right… get rid of the laughing child… 😢

Would it be possible to play the shot of the puppet stage, then reverse it, to make it double the length if needed? Or would that look weird in this case?

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Ideally we could communicate something worthy of the laughter of the child crowd, but if not we could resort to cutting the shot.

As usual it’s hard to imagine what to do here because I don’t know what will end up being possible for you guys. Luke hitting a home run and taking down a walker? Having a walker collapse in sync with lowering his hand? Kylo Ren’s pants falling down?

My stance on revising fan edits.


Maybe keep the closeup of that one kid, but replace the audio with children cheering “woo!” instead of all laughing?

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Hal 9000 said:

Ideally we could communicate something worthy of the laughter of the child crowd, but if not we could resort to cutting the shot.

As usual it’s hard to imagine what to do here because I don’t know what will end up being possible for you guys. Luke hitting a home run and taking down a walker? Having a walker collapse in sync with lowering his hand? Kylo Ren’s pants falling down?

One thing that pops in my mind, which you or someone may have mentioned, that the “show” does not have to actually match what happened on crait. It’s hearing from somebody, who heard it from somebody, who heard it from somebody. It’s more about the legendary confrontation of the Jedi Master against an army.

So for the puppetry, it really can be mostly what we see, and basically have a “large puppet” that looks like a walker get’s hit by a flame thingy and falls down quickly. (If that is what already happens, than roast me since I don’t watch this movie much obviously)

Is that enough for the kids to laugh? Probably.

The other tough part to help it feel connected is even having the name “Skywalker” used to sound convincing from the alien … even during the time the children are laughing maybe?

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


RogueLeader said:

Might be too much work, but since Zorri wears a mask the whole time, we could redub her to fit whatever new narrative we wanted. For example, we could have her say Poe was just working as a spice runner undercover for the Republic, which is why Zorri is so pissed off at Poe (and would help alleviate some of the stereotype issues of making the Latino character a former drug runner.)

When Poe asks how long Kijimi has been like this, she could say not long after Crait or Skywalker. And when Poe starts getting down in the dumps about people losing hope, Zorri could tell him that these people have actually regained hope and are resisting.

And I don’t think the mask has to be perfect MR. Once we have puppets there, it’ll probably distract from any imperfections. Plus, it’s such a short shot anyway.

A couple of thoughts on everything. RogueLeader, that’s a fantastic idea of Poe working undercover for the Resistance - especially since the Spice Runner thing was a retcon anyway. It was previously established that Poe was born to members of the Rebel Alliance, and grew up in that environment. Wookieepedia has two sentences about him being a spice runner; and one of those is just “He eventually stopped running spice.”

Rogue’s line switcheroo would help to put Poe’s backstory back in order.

If we wanted to build up the “Rebellion on Kijimi” angle, that could be accomplished with a few crowd-supplied ADR lines (like was done with “For Skywalker!”) such as “Take them down!” “For the Resistance!” “Down with the First Order!” Etc.

Also, for everyone saying, “We only have one second to shoot the puppet show,” I don’t think that’s true at all. Obviously, we’ll all be hugely grateful for whatever puppet segments can be created - and I’m not saying we have to add anything super long or complex - but imagine: We have our quick, one-second establishing shot of the puppet show. Then we can cut to a close up of just the puppet stage (using MR’s fantastic clean-plate backdrop (Seriously man, great job!). You don’t need to see the audience in the same shot anymore. Loop some sound effects underneath of the crowd, and it should all feel pretty seamless, I think.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Yeah I was the one who mentioned the whole stretching of the truth with the story.

Anyways, I agree that only Luke knocking the fire back like a baseball and destroying the walker would be funny enough for the children to laugh.


Yes, we could make the puppet show a few seconds longer if needed for the idea being pursued.

Also, if we slip “Skywalker” into the alien dialogue or replace the dialogue altogether, the name ‘Skywalker’ should be said before cutting to the stage so that the audience has a better chance at registering what it is meant to convey. We already get the hint that it’s about Luke’s exploits in TLJ ala Broom Boy.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Add a banner somewhere:

“The Luke Skywalker Show”


“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


jarbear said:

Add a banner somewhere:

“The Luke Skywalker Show”


And then we make a special edition of Ascendant to replace the English text with Aurebesh.

Just joking around of course.


Movies Remastered said:

This is around 8 hours of work so far on the Puppet removal. It’s really tricky to get the pattern of the material looking like it hasn’t been clone stamped and mimicking the wind blowing in the background. It’s probably going to take another 10 mask layers to get right…


WOW… That is super impressive that you were able to do that, man!


Re: puppet Luke disappearing… I mean that’s literally what happens in TLJ. If you’ve seen TLJ, you know that’s the capper to the whole thing - Luke comes out, stands them down, then disappears. I don’t see why laughing at him disappearing would seem like a diss at Luke at all, that doesn’t even make sense.


DominicCobb said:

Re: puppet Luke disappearing… I mean that’s literally what happens in TLJ. If you’ve seen TLJ, you know that’s the capper to the whole thing - Luke comes out, stands them down, then disappears. I don’t see why laughing at him disappearing would seem like a diss at Luke at all, that doesn’t even make sense.

I still don’t think it needs to be a 1:1 recreation of what happened in TLJ even disregarding people thinking the child’s laughing at Luke’s death. Seeing that the only ones who witnessed the face-off was the First Order and Luke himself (the Resistance having retreated into the caves to escape after he shows up), I don’t think the Galaxy at large would know what exactly happened. All they would know is that Luke faced off against the might of the First Order and won somehow.

Anyways, I guess this is my long winded way of saying that I’m absolutely for the “Luke batting away the laser shot” aspect of the puppet show rather than him just disappearing.


I completely get what you mean Dominic,

At least for me, it’s not so much of “kids dissing at Luke” with laughter is the exact thought on this topic. I think its more of … how it could come across of the “audience” watching the children laugh as Luke “faces the FO and then disappears.” one could IMPLY they are “laughing at the cowardly Luke” or “He got blown up, funny loser”

So to help streamline things, since we have laughing children … why not make the portrayal of the scene imply some comedy. Having “puppet luke” essentially hit them with, or knock them back with “The FireBall of Destiny” would probably make a child laugh when you see the big ole walker puppet fall down from it.

Kids … and adults … laugh at people/animals/things hurting themselves or falling down.

It’s a simpler way to convey it, and this is a story based on “what they’ve heard.” So the exact events do not need to follow exactly what happened in TLJ … Only Luke and FO saw what happened. Events and stories get distorted … but the idea of the “legend of Skywalker” who created the spark for the galaxy to start raising up is key.

Also, for dialogue sake, if it helps, maybe even a simple line of “The Jedi” could help if it is easier to implement than “Luke Skywalker.” Dunno if that helps with anything, but maybe for the alien dialogue? Jabba the Hutt did use, in “english”, “Jedi” and “Jedi Mind trick.” It may … feel more natural?

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


jarbear said:

Also, for dialogue sake, if it helps, maybe even a simple line of “The Jedi” could help if it is easier to implement than “Luke Skywalker.” Dunno if that helps with anything, but maybe for the alien dialogue? Jabba the Hutt did use, in “english”, “Jedi” and “Jedi Mind trick.” It may … feel more natural?

The kids at the end of TLJ are speaking in another language and still say “Luke Skywalker”. It sounds natural in that scene. I think it would be best to simplify it to “Skywalker” though, as it matches the title more accurately.


Yeah, for thematic reasons it would be better to have the narrator say “Skywalker” rather than “Luke Skywalker.”

And Dominic, I just meant that one could walk away from seeing the Luke puppet disappear (quickly be pulled below the stage) thinking they were laughing at his apparent demise. If the TLJ scene were set right before this, I don’t think it’d be a problem at all but it could be misread.

Perhaps if the walker sends a fireball toward Luke but he disappears and the ball continues on its path without hitting him.

My stance on revising fan edits.


For me, Luke disappearing is not just about accuracy. It’s about simplicity and clarity of the point we’re trying to get across. Since it’s accurate to the movie, it makes it easier to understand what is happening since we recognize what is depicted, and it would be easier to accomplish.

If people are really worried about the laughing, you could just have the Luke puppet dip below the frame and then pop back in again or something. Arguably you might not even need to have anything happen at all. Just have the puppet bounce around the frame a bit, almost tauntingly. That might actually be the best thing to do regardless.

Not to put too much of a damper on the “walker falling down” concept, but I think visually your first instinct when you see that is you would think they’re recreating TESB, which kinda defeats the purpose we’re going for.


DominicCobb said:

Arguably you might not even need to have anything happen at all. Just have the puppet bounce around the frame a bit, almost tauntingly. That might actually be the best thing to do regardless.

If we’re sticking to the one second then this would make the most sense.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

jarbear said:

Also, for dialogue sake, if it helps, maybe even a simple line of “The Jedi” could help if it is easier to implement than “Luke Skywalker.” Dunno if that helps with anything, but maybe for the alien dialogue? Jabba the Hutt did use, in “english”, “Jedi” and “Jedi Mind trick.” It may … feel more natural?

The kids at the end of TLJ are speaking in another language and still say “Luke Skywalker”. It sounds natural in that scene. I think it would be best to simplify it to “Skywalker” though, as it matches the title more accurately.

Oh crap, that’s right. Nevermind. Lol

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Hal 9000 said:

Wow, MR, I’m beginning to worry about you. That looks insane. I’m sure the rest can be covered by foreground puppets or objects.

And lol @ just having them watch TLJ on a CRT.

I worry about me too!! Haha. I’m my worst critic so this isn’t anywhere near where I want it.

I think the puppet show should remain basic and fun, How about a gorilla walker firing a few bolts at Luke and have him kinda twist and bob up n down like he’s dancing to deflect them? Kids love that stuff. Could even add a few “pew pews” in there 🤣

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RogueLeader said:

Might be too much work, but since Zorri wears a mask the whole time, we could redub her to fit whatever new narrative we wanted. For example, we could have her say Poe was just working as a spice runner undercover for the Republic, which is why Zorri is so pissed off at Poe (and would help alleviate some of the stereotype issues of making the Latino character a former drug runner.)

When Poe asks how long Kijimi has been like this, she could say not long after Crait or Skywalker. And when Poe starts getting down in the dumps about people losing hope, Zorri could tell him that these people have actually regained hope and are resisting.

And I don’t think the mask has to be perfect MR. Once we have puppets there, it’ll probably distract from any imperfections. Plus, it’s such a short shot anyway.

“Poe was just working as a spice runner undercover for the Republic, which is why Zorri is so pissed off at Poe” Brilliant idea RogueLeader as Poe previous spice running days feel so shoe horned in this films story.

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

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