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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 368


Movies Remastered said:

DZ-330 said:

It might be good to have Luke and the walker falling which would explain why the kids are laughing.

Yeah, I’m with you on this. Do you have a high res version of the images you’ve used?

This was not made by me. All credit to Cinefy

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Cinefy has been online today. Maybe he remembers where he got those images from?


Chase Adams said:

Movies Remastered said:

That sounds great! I’ve got a bunch of scenes I’m already working on but I could maybe try to make a clean plate for you if you wanna take the first run at it?

I would love it if a clean plate could be made, that’s a good starting point.

Cool, its 3am so im about to crash. Ill take a run at it tomorrow for you…

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Chase Adams said:

Movies Remastered said:

That sounds great! I’ve got a bunch of scenes I’m already working on but I could maybe try to make a clean plate for you if you wanna take the first run at it?

I would love it if a clean plate could be made, that’s a good starting point.

And yeah, feel free to go crazy with what the puppets do which makes the children laugh. Like I said, the details of Luke’s last stand are probably being told nothing like what actually happened due to the game of interplanetary telephone that has been happening over a year with it. People exaggerate details over time when telling stories, particularly for children.

I wish I could help, but like I said previously it would take a lot of effort for me to simply put the static image in lol.


Yeah I like the idea of Luke doing some godly act in it like reflecting the shots back at the walker and then it collapsing, hence the laughter from the children. I think it would enforce the legendary/mythical status he has across the galaxy.


Lmao, I just realized another reason why putting this scene in would help our edit. We are currently given no real reason as to why there was a random stormtrooper in the middle of the celebration since we pushed Kylo discovering their location forward. It’s possible that somebody called in the First Order because that person witnessed Luke’s story being told by the locals. Perhaps there is a reward for giving the First Order intel on any Resistance sympathizers. It ties in nicely with our new crawl, too.


Damn, you guys are on it! Nothing should surprise me anymore.

Rey looks thoughtfully at the children watching after this shot, so it would really feel like it belonged there to begin with.

Man, I’m looking forward to what you madlads can do with real props and filming. Holy shit.

JEDIT: Aaaaaand, what does a cute little alien ask Rey right after this?

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

JEDIT: Aaaaaand, what does a cute little alien ask Rey right after this?

I had this exact same thought Hal. It really enhances the ending of the movie. She sees Luke at this point in the movie via puppet show, is asked her last name, and says she doesn’t have one since she doesn’t feel worthy enough yet. She sees Luke at the end of the movie, is asked her last name, and takes the name of Skywalker after everything she’s been through.

How did JJ and Terrio not realize the potential here?


DZ-330 said:

Just thought of a fun change that could make for a good easter egg. When Rey is on Pasanna and stumbles across the kids watching the puppet show, how hard would it be to make it look like Luke versus the First Order and slightly extend the shot as a nice callback to TLJ. Especially with Rey’s reaction afterwards. Doesn’t seem like it would be too complicated for someone to mock up. Not even sure if it is worth the trouble though…

It’s nice seeing something you suggested like forty pages ago coming to fruition haha

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Well, hindsight is 20/20 as they say. And I don’t work well under pressure either, which I’m sure they had a lot of with time constraints.


Back to the topic at hand, if somebody thinks their voice sounds enough like the alien narrating the puppet scene then it would be nice to have the word “Skywalker” slipped into his sentence. Or we could just redub him (might be hard to mimic their language though).

Alternatively, we could have the kids scream or chant “Skywalker”. Don’t know where we could get that audio though.


Hal 9000 said:

Man, I’m looking forward to what you madlads can do with real props and filming. Holy shit.

Wait!? Real props and filming? Okay, I’ll admit, I really haven’t been paying much attention to the thread due to completing the next audiobook in my Harry Potter series, but are we literally about to start going the Adywan route here for V2?

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


This is a fantastic idea everyone! Plus, it hearkens back to the kids on Canto Bight from the last film, and any additional connective tissue this film can have to the others before it is golden.

I agree with Brewzter, it should be some cartoonishly epic display of Luke’s powers. I would avoid having Luke fall over - it’s ultimately supposed to be an inspirational story, after all.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


DZ-330 said:

DZ-330 said:

Just thought of a fun change that could make for a good easter egg. When Rey is on Pasanna and stumbles across the kids watching the puppet show, how hard would it be to make it look like Luke versus the First Order and slightly extend the shot as a nice callback to TLJ. Especially with Rey’s reaction afterwards. Doesn’t seem like it would be too complicated for someone to mock up. Not even sure if it is worth the trouble though…

It’s nice seeing something you suggested like forty pages ago coming to fruition haha

Here’s hoping forty pages from now, someone implements my idea of adding laser bolts to the “fly over” shot during the Mustafar Minute. lmao.


Ok, I just rewatched the puppet scene in the movie proper.

So, I’m obviously very much down for pulling an Adywan and going all out with comping in live action puppets and all that (which BTW Chase, I’m hoping you might have some of the wooden puppets they sell at Galaxy’s Edge. That could be a nice tie in.)


I do have two alternate ideas of how we could possibly approach this scene and make it easier on those who are willing to do it. Unfortunately, I’m one of those guys who only has ideas and can’t really do them. So, I apologize in advance. Here’s what I’m thinking:

  1. We just comp in a Luke Skywalker puppet to the scene that’s already there. Meaning we don’t comp in a walker puppet and not make it explicitly about Luke facing off against the First Order in the last film. It could just be a “Legend of Skywalker”, that may or may not be real. I think of it kind like that book that came out around the time TLJ was released, detailing different far-fetched stories about Luke.

  2. We do it in Blender. Now, I have no idea how Blender works or if anyone around these parts know how to use it. However, there have been some AMAZING things I’ve seen that could be done with this software. The thing that made me realize we could possibly use this is this short where someone perfectly replicated the Rankin-Bass stop motion specials with it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4EuDkPD5x8. IDK, I feel like standard puppetry could be replicated good enough through it as well.

Anyways, those are my ideas. Again, sorry that I’m just putting ideas out there rather than helping along with them.


Re: the puppet idea. If done right it’d be my favorite TROS change in any edit, I’ve wanted it for a long time. Here are my thoughts:

This is a very short moment, so you need something really simplistic to get the idea across during the brief amount of screen time it has. Since this is directly picking up the thread of the kids on Canto Bight replaying Luke’s stand at the end of TLJ, I would suggest making the puppets as similar as possible to what we see in TLJ to get that point across efficiently. To that end, while it is fun to imagine wild scenarios using the puppets, we must remember this is a fan edit. Things would be different if we were JJ designing the scene. All we have is a two second shot.

Honestly you could probably just cut the shot of the kids laughing, but I would say in terms of what’s the simplest thing to do if you want to keep it, just have Luke suddenly drop out of the puppet frame, to show him “disappearing.”

As for how this can be accomplished: I’m no wizard here. But given the shot is so quick, I think you probably could get away with 2D elements. What Cinefy did - with motion and proper comping/color correcting - would honestly look fine.


I really really love this puppet idea, so so much… but please do not cut the closeup of that cute little laughing alien baby, whatever you do!!!

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


unless you absolutely have to, i guess… 😉

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


nl0428 said:

Hal 9000 said:

Man, I’m looking forward to what you madlads can do with real props and filming. Holy shit.

Wait!? Real props and filming? Okay, I’ll admit, I really haven’t been paying much attention to the thread due to completing the next audiobook in my Harry Potter series, but are we literally about to start going the Adywan route here for V2?

My intention was always to try and film a scene of Rey building her Saber using Luke and Leia’s Crystals and now reshooting two dice shots with kylo ten. Adywan is most definately an inspiration.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Icecream2448 said:

I really really love this puppet idea, so so much… but please do not cut the closeup of that cute little laughing alien baby, whatever you do!!!

Agreed. Now that I have thought about it for a while, maybe it would be best to simply have the Luke puppet vanish/go below. Perhaps he dodges the fire/laser by doing that. I feel like that could fit into 2 seconds.


At the end of the day I’d say go for whatever is doable, as having something will be better than having nothing but a good idea.

I imagine the Luke figure batting fire toward the walker would be the best bet for about a second of footage followed by laughter. If Luke vanished without reappearing it may seem like the children are laughing at the defeat of this traitorous Jedi figure.

Even so, there’s probably a better idea in one of our heads.

My stance on revising fan edits.