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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 364


sherlockpotter said:

I’ve added some film grain that seems to match the quality of the other footage (but let me know if I should tweak it). Thanks to Burbin for the suggestion - I think it definitely helps to tie everything together! And as a bonus, the color banding doesn’t seem as bad anymore! There’s still a little bit of weird brightness to the right of Leia’s right hand, but that seems to be in the original footage too.

I’ve also gone and made it slightly more blue.

Unless there are any other suggestions, here’s V4, both in context of the scene to make sure it all matches, and as an isolated clip to make inserting it as simple as possible for Hal.

Scene: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zuDJLLg96FG7RyU7b56Fe0OVT6GLdqkf/view?usp=sharing
Clip: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DzaKiOT4X4DKFrPOTqiZpysUfoUDTsT7/view?usp=sharing

You may have to download the video to see the full quality. This is a screenshot of how it should look:

V3: https://i.imgur.com/4xIMw0w.png
V4: https://i.imgur.com/DynQOUH.png

Looks great, the bluer tone matches better too.

Hal, have you considered switching the placement of the medal shot to the first Leia shot? It was suggested earlier and I think it does fit much bettter since in the second shot it jumps from her sitting straight and holding the medal with her right hand to laying down and holidng it with her left hand hand.

EDIT: Oops I didn’t see this is in discussion, here’s a demo of what a simple placement switch from the second Leia shot to the first (using sherlockpotter’s latest version) would look like, just for consideration, though I like Mildly-yellow’s edit aswell:


Burbin said:

sherlockpotter said:

I’ve added some film grain that seems to match the quality of the other footage (but let me know if I should tweak it). Thanks to Burbin for the suggestion - I think it definitely helps to tie everything together! And as a bonus, the color banding doesn’t seem as bad anymore! There’s still a little bit of weird brightness to the right of Leia’s right hand, but that seems to be in the original footage too.

I’ve also gone and made it slightly more blue.

Unless there are any other suggestions, here’s V4, both in context of the scene to make sure it all matches, and as an isolated clip to make inserting it as simple as possible for Hal.

Scene: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zuDJLLg96FG7RyU7b56Fe0OVT6GLdqkf/view?usp=sharing
Clip: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DzaKiOT4X4DKFrPOTqiZpysUfoUDTsT7/view?usp=sharing

You may have to download the video to see the full quality. This is a screenshot of how it should look:

V3: https://i.imgur.com/4xIMw0w.png
V4: https://i.imgur.com/DynQOUH.png

Looks great, the bluer tone matches better too.

Hal, have you considered switching the placement of the medal shot to the first Leia shot? It was suggested earlier and I think it does fit much bettter since in the second shot it jumps from her sitting straight and holding the medal with her right hand to laying down and holidng it with her left hand hand.

I say put sherlock’s color corrected shot into where mildly-yellow put the original.


jarbear said:

Lol … when you think about it … what a mess. Hahahaha … ahaha … (cries a bit)

It wouldn’t be star wars without a convoluted story. It’s been that way since they retroactively made Anakin & Vader the same person.


ThisIsCreation said:

jarbear said:

Lol … when you think about it … what a mess. Hahahaha … ahaha … (cries a bit)

It wouldn’t be star wars without a convoluted story. It’s been that way since they retroactively made Anakin & Vader the same person.

Not really. In a New Hope, there was something implied about Luke’s father. First, you have Uncle Owen not wanting to talk about Lukes Father. It was taboo to talk about him. Something was kind of fishy there.

Then when Luke asked Obi Wan about his father, you visually see Obi Wan react to the question, paused, and then told the “story” about his father.

There was something set up, or at least allowed the possibility of something significant about his father which made it believable, or at least “natural” about Vader being the father.

Unlike this trilogy, there was no set up or even hints about Palpy coming back to make it believable. (Heck, the leaked script for Dual of the Fates did not have Palpy be brought back, so this was never the plan even at the beginning or at TLJ). Let alone the lore before it, but that’s a side topic.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


That was purely coincidental. When Owen says he’s afraid Luke is too much like his father, he means he doesn’t want Luke running off on adventures and getting killed, as all the Jedi were hunted down and killed by the Empire. Even now that’s probably how the scene is meant to be read from Owen’s perspective; nothing about the scene, or the movie, implies that Owen is afraid Luke will be “like his father” by being an evil power-hungry genocidal monster, and it’s highly unlikely Obi-Wan told Owen that Anakin is now Darth Vader.

Meanwhile, Obi-Wan has pause when Luke asks him about his father because the very next thing he says is that a pupil of his murdered Luke’s father and all the Jedi. Obi-Wan feels uncomfortable and probably guilty talking to Luke about it. It’s only retroactively that we now point to and see connections where there originally were none.

Frankly, I think that will happen to a lesser degree with the ST too; in the future, kids who liked the movies at a young age and didn’t have all the behind the scenes chaos (or the loss of the Legends EU) at the forefront of their minds will read the movies as more connected than we currently do. For example, I think Rey’s vision in the cave in TLJ, where she’s surrounded by darkness and copies of herself, will certainly be read retroactively to foreshadow her dark side clone heritage, even though the scene was originally written to just mean that she’s by herself because her parents were no one.


Another audio line mix up. This time with Leia and the medal:
Pw: fanedit

I think it plays well with Kylo’s statement before:
“You can’t go back to her now. Like I can’t.”

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


I like the idea of Leia saying something more significant to him. In response to him saying “You can’t go back to her now. Like I can’t,” could she maybe say “Come home” or “Come back.” She has some lines in TFA to Han that might work as a base - “Bring him home,” “I want him back.”

And it might flow a little better with a bit of a pause there. Maybe she could say the second part as she’s lying down?

Also, was the plan for the end of this fight, with the crackly saber, still to have Rey’s short out right before Kylo prepares his final swing? Because that’s going to look awesome if so, and it’ll explain why she doesn’t raise the saber to block again.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


I know there was talk for “Ben, come home.” but I don’t know where the progress on that was

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


In all honesty I think adding in the medal is unnecessary. I think having the shot on Ben not cut is a more emotionally resonant, him realizing his mother I find more compelling. If it was me I wouldn’t worry about the medal.


Dominic was working on that. Last I recall it wasn’t yet totally seamless. I’m okay with simply “Ben,” but would be open to other options as long as they end up feeling (in that totally subjective way) right for the moment once implemented.

Also, if MR or anyone else does want to depict Rey’s saber crapping out at the end of that duel, I would happily use it!

Jar Jar Bricks, I couldn’t do any better than you did with sequencing removing the “grandchild to come home” bit. I got the audio to sound fluid and inconspicuous, but it’s the same sequencing. Works totally fine.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Mildly-yellow said:

In all honesty I think adding in the medal is unnecessary. I think having the shot on Ben not cut is a more emotionally resonant, him realizing his mother I find more compelling. If it was me I wouldn’t worry about the medal.

It’s a little thing but I feel it’d be good to do unless it causes a problem, as it ties Leia into the Han scene more closely, helps you to notice the one shot the medal was present in that scene, and makes Chewie receiving it not come out of nowhere.

That said, there is severe color banding present in the right side of the frame, especially when compressed while exporting from my NLE. Sherlockpotter, I don’t know how you applied the effect to the shot, but I don’t suppose there would be a way to export ONLY the added stuff and not the shot itself? Or, is there a way to export in a higher quality than the mp4 wrapper you used?

Here’s what I’m leaning toward as far as placement: https://vimeo.com/515582857

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal, are you using the V4 edit? V4 (I think) removes the color banding, as well as adds film grain, and probably is the closest match in terms of color and brightness to the rest of the scene.

Also, maybe I’m going slightly crazy from having obsessed over the coloring of that scene, but it looks like your test clip there doesn’t include the color re-grade present in Ascendant V1? My V4 edit was designed to match the Ascendant tone. Does that have to be changed?

That said, I think the flow works very well!

V4 clip: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DzaKiOT4X4DKFrPOTqiZpysUfoUDTsT7/view?usp=sharing

And some screenshots for comparison.

V3: https://i.imgur.com/4xIMw0w.png
V4: https://i.imgur.com/DynQOUH.png

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Yes, I do enjoy the new location of the medal shot.

And Hal, you said you ended up going with the sequence I recommended. That’s fine, I think it works well enough. But were you also able to remove Finn’s dubbed line from the audio mix while still having Poe’s sigh?


I like the placement of the medal shot too, and I thought of the same explanation for it that’s been said. It makes the shot of her suddenly holding the medal as she lays down… not so random anymore. I like it, it improves that moment for me.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


sherlockpotter said:

Hal, are you using the V4 edit? V4 (I think) removes the color banding, as well as adds film grain, and probably is the closest match in terms of color and brightness to the rest of the scene.

Also, maybe I’m going slightly crazy from having obsessed over the coloring of that scene, but it looks like your test clip there doesn’t include the color re-grade present in Ascendant V1? My V4 edit was designed to match the Ascendant tone. Does that have to be changed?

That said, I think the flow works very well!

V4 clip: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DzaKiOT4X4DKFrPOTqiZpysUfoUDTsT7/view?usp=sharing

And some screenshots for comparison.

V3: https://i.imgur.com/4xIMw0w.png
V4: https://i.imgur.com/DynQOUH.png

It’s subtle, but you can tell the light is fake, you should blur it or use a different shape to make the falloff softer.


Yes, could a blue be applied or something to the added light?

And this is just to test placement; I was playing with overlaying the original shot to try to reduce the banding I was getting. And I’m going to have to reapply the LUTs again once the editing for V2 is done because of the weird workflow I have. So nothing to worry about there; it’ll be the same in the final product.

And yes, removing that Finn line was easy. I shortened the shot of Poe just a little so it doesn’t feel like a pause.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I’m currently working on a bunch of scenes with other editors so the crackling saber effect has taken a back seat. I’m am working on a few faulty Saber effects to include during the battle and in my version Ben fixes the crystal after it’s teleported. I’m happy to experiment with other ideas too.

One thing I have noticed (perfectionist) is that the new particle layer takes away the crackling effect in the training scene so I wanna get that sharp before moving on.

Palpatines red lightning scenes are looking epic, btw.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Movies Remastered said:

and in my version Ben fixes the crystal after it’s teleported.

Does this mean you aren’t planning on working on the effects after that point in the movie?

I ask because people on this edit, myself included, liked the idea that Ben still has a crackley saber even on the light side. It shows that his past actions still exist. Also, some people could think it was a major visual effects error because up until that point the effect has blatantly been there.

EDIT: Just realized I legitimately have no clue what scenes have been done/still need to be done with the saber effects. Has this scene already been done? If so, no biggie then.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

sherlockpotter said:

I guess I’m still confused about Palpy flip-flopping between wanting Rey as a child, giving up trying to find her, deciding to kill her, and then going back to finding Rey after Ben turns.

Note: Edited this comment to reflect what I believe Hal is going for.
Palpatine’s plan in the edit we’re creating:

  1. Palpatine sends Ochi to track down and kill Rey because he “saw what [she] would become” (a powerful Jedi), but her parents won’t reveal her location. Ochi kills them as he feels they no longer serve any purpose.
  2. Palpatine puts all of his efforts into corrupting Ben Solo for an essence transfer.
  3. Palpatine wants Snoke to have Kylo kill Rey because he is using only Kylo. Kylo resists.
  4. He had already put a ton of effort into corrupting Kylo, so yet again he tells him on Exegol to kill Rey. This is the task which will prove whether or not he is a worthy vessel.
  5. Kylo realigns himself with the light, and Palpatine senses it. His new goal is to corrupt Rey and essence transfer into her.
  6. She refuses. Then he discovers he can drain their dyad to restore his full strength.

It’s really complicated, but at least it (mostly) makes sense.

Why remove the part where Palpatine wants to get Rey as a child because he knows she’ll grow up to perform the Sith ritual? When her parents refuse to reveal her location and are killed, this is when Palpatine gives up on Rey for his Sith ritual altogether and turns to Ben Solo.


Don’t worry, I already have the footage for after the saber is teleported so that’s no problem.

And take your time, MR. I’ll be ready whenever you are able to get it.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:
Here’s what I’m leaning toward as far as placement: https://vimeo.com/515582857

Yeah this placement works the best IMO. It doesn’t split up the shot of Kylo looking toward his mom and it draws your eyes to the medal as Leia lays down

Jar Jar Bricks said:
I ask because people on this edit, myself included, liked the idea that Ben still has a crackley saber even on the light side. It shows that his past actions still exist. Also, some people could think it was a major visual effects error because up until that point the effect has blatantly been there.

Agreed, I think the idea of Anakin’s saber crackling when Ben wields it is the most symbolically powerful part


TestingOutTheTest said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

sherlockpotter said:

I guess I’m still confused about Palpy flip-flopping between wanting Rey as a child, giving up trying to find her, deciding to kill her, and then going back to finding Rey after Ben turns.

Note: Edited this comment to reflect what I believe Hal is going for.
Palpatine’s plan in the edit we’re creating:

  1. Palpatine sends Ochi to track down and kill Rey because he “saw what [she] would become” (a powerful Jedi), but her parents won’t reveal her location. Ochi kills them as he feels they no longer serve any purpose.
  2. Palpatine puts all of his efforts into corrupting Ben Solo for an essence transfer.
  3. Palpatine wants Snoke to have Kylo kill Rey because he is using only Kylo. Kylo resists.
  4. He had already put a ton of effort into corrupting Kylo, so yet again he tells him on Exegol to kill Rey. This is the task which will prove whether or not he is a worthy vessel.
  5. Kylo realigns himself with the light, and Palpatine senses it. His new goal is to corrupt Rey and essence transfer into her.
  6. She refuses. Then he discovers he can drain their dyad to restore his full strength.

It’s really complicated, but at least it (mostly) makes sense.

Why remove the part where Palpatine wants to get Rey as a child because he knows she’ll grow up to perform the Sith ritual? When her parents refuse to reveal her location and are killed, this is when Palpatine gives up on Rey for his Sith ritual altogether and turns to Ben Solo.

Don’t worry, this idea isn’t entirely removed from this edit. That post of mine you shared originally had that part listed. I only removed it because that isn’t Hal’s goal to still have that idea.

But rest assured, Finn says that Ochi was supposed to take Rey to Exegol after he captures her. At that point, Palps could either do the ritual or kill her; we simply made it up to interpretation. We mostly removed the implication that beyond her childhood he ever wanted her alive, which helps streamline the plot.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

Movies Remastered said:

and in my version Ben fixes the crystal after it’s teleported.

Does this mean you aren’t planning on working on the effects after that point in the movie?

As I said “Happy to experiment with other ideas”

It’ll be easy to finish what others want at that point but Luka has finished all the layer scenes. I’m just redoing his work by adding particles etc. The first confrontation between Rey & Kylo visually annoys me as Rey’s Saber changes length during the fight as they’ve just masked the shorter prop in post without adjusting the length. I’ll be redoing those clips and making the Saber just skim Kylos face etc.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Hal 9000 said:

And take your time, MR. I’ll be ready whenever you are able to get it.

Thanks Hal, our lockdown ends at the end of June so I’m trying to get everything finished before then…

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Movies Remastered said:

I’m currently working on a bunch of scenes with other editors so the crackling saber effect has taken a back seat. I’m am working on a few faulty Saber effects to include during the battle and in my version Ben fixes the crystal after it’s teleported. I’m happy to experiment with other ideas too.

One thing I have noticed (perfectionist) is that the new particle layer takes away the crackling effect in the training scene so I wanna get that sharp before moving on.

Palpatines red lightning scenes are looking epic, btw.

Hmm, there’s also the in-universe logic to consider. Why would teleporting the lightsaber suddenly repair the crystal? Other items, like Vader’s helmet, weren’t fixed when they were teleported.

As for the red lightning, I’m torn on this one. I have no doubt that it looks amazing; and one of the things I love about Leia’s purple lightsaber is that it helps to break up the visual monotony of Exegol’s cyan color palette. But Palps has always had bluish lightning, even back to ROTJ. Maybe it helps to distinguish this one as a new body? What do other people think?

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!