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Hal’s Rogue One edit (a half-assed version of DigMod’s) (Released) — Page 6


I messed around with it last night and got it to where I thought it was at least decent. Used the soundtrack and then some ambience from earlier. Not sure it’s an improvement over what RogueLeader was able to accomplish.

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Thanks, that is a subtle change. I had essentially recreated it but I thought I must have misunderstood because it felt jerky to me. Whereas this looks fine, so it’s probably just the way it was framed: something someone else did that people say is good versus seeing it in my editing window with the frame outlines moving around.

And DigMod, I imagine wav files will be the best bet.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Noticed a line which might be worth removing @ 1:32:03 when the rebels are attacking Scarif and Krennic tells an officer to lock the base down the officer replies surpised and asks “and close the shield?” well er… Yeah 😑

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

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I just watched from Jedah to Eadu without Draven’s “kill Galen” orders and it indeed is more impactful when Jyn realizes what is happening and also when the Alliance is at the table and the other leaders start going after Draven for going Rogue. Fantastic ideas!

I’m having a bit of trouble with smoothing out the audio with taking out Draven’s communication to Cassian after he receives the word that Jedah has been destroyed. I’ve looked for the music in the soundtrack and the FYC soundtrack I have but I can’t find it. Anyone know if the piece is available?

Hal, here are the wav files: https://www40.zippyshare.com/v/Ef5G68z1/file.html
They start when Jyn wakes from the dream sequence and it ends on the last frame before the wide shot of Jedah.

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


I got the post-Jedha scene to work, and sound good to me at least. I’ll post a clip when I can, maybe tonight.

And implement that audio clip. And see about the shield line.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Nevermind, here’s a 5.1 clip to preview. https://drive.google.com/file/d/10ovgZ_BGHBKpCq4mpcpXUuWAqMR8Xc8i/view?usp=drivesdk

Actually, it sounds rough between lines so I’ll revisit it.

Well that’s a much better approach than I was trying 😃

Here’s my halfed version of Hal’s approach. The ending of it feels a bit rushed?

EDIT v2:
And an updated version that I’m completely happy with

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


Just to be sure, Burbin, are the newer color corrected deepfake clips meant to blend (mid-shot even) with the regular BluRay? Or to correspond with some global color correction applied to the source first?

Also, unrelated to anything else, where’s your username come from?

My stance on revising fan edits.


For the sake of messing around with the “to eadu scene!” with the latest changes, I want to share what RogueLeader did. The objective between the alteration of this scene does a couple of things:

1.) Jynn is not just here for the ride anymore, but is driving the plot now
2.) Jynn’s speech now has actual purpose

So as we know the scene is originally this:

Cassian relays what happens to Yavin - Told to go to Eadu and Kill Galen - Jynn talks about faith and mission - Rallies troops to go to Eadu and get father.

So first off, when you think about it … what was the point of Jynn’s speech and rallying call? Cassian already said out loud “set course to Eadu.” So … they were already going there to seemingly do what she was trying to inspire the rest of the crew to do. In their minds … why else go to eadu? So Jynn has this “speech” and “motivating speech” to do something … which they already were seemingly going to do. It would be like a father has the family pile in the car and tells them “We are going to Disney Land” and one of the kids tries convincing the rest of them they should go to Disney land and go on the rides. Ummm … yeah … Your dad right at the start said you are going to Disney land … why do you need to convince him and the others to go there?

So instead, with this clip, you’ll see it is her convincing the group, and Cassian, to go to Eadu. It’s been changed where you hear Cassian say towards the beginning “plot a course to Yavin 4” and the rest of the scene plays out the same, until the end Cassian contacts Yavin 4. Now this clip is BEFORE applying the Deepfake to Tarkin and the alterations Burbin made (Which is fantastic). This is just to see the direction overall.

So just an idea that may or may not work with the edit, but just an idea if possible!


“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I spliced Cassian line “Set course for Eadu” that he says after contacting with Alliance, and a line Cassian says mentioning Yavin IV after they escape Eadu.

When I made this scene, I originally made it with the intention that they accomplished their mission, securing the pilot, which is why Cassian is returning to base. Jyn has to convince Cassian to now go after her father, since Bodhi knows where he is.

I suppose this could still work, but the whole purpose of getting the pilot was to find out from him where her father was, so I don’t know if Cassian returning to base without even speaking with Bodhi makes sense. I guess you could argue that he was going to take Bodhi back to base for questioning, but Jyn pressed Cassian to go ahead and get her father now.

This was also a scene I wanted to restructure a bit, and reshuffle the dialogue. I think there is a way to make the dialogue in this scene flow much better than how I had it in general, but I also wanted to make this scene more about Jyn wanting to rescue her father, rather than becoming fully committed to the cause.


Nice rearrange. I wonder if it would be wise to also remove Draven’s line “We have no idea what he’s making for the empire” as it’s assumed after that speech that Cassian would tell them?

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


RogueLeader said:

I spliced Cassian line “Set course for Eadu” that he says after contacting with Alliance, and a line Cassian says mentioning Yavin IV after they escape Eadu.

When I made this scene, I originally made it with the intention that they accomplished their mission, securing the pilot, which is why Cassian is returning to base. Jyn has to convince Cassian to now go after her father, since Bodhi knows where he is.

I suppose this could still work, but the whole purpose of getting the pilot was to find out from him where her father was, so I don’t know if Cassian returning to base without even speaking with Bodhi makes sense. I guess you could argue that he was going to take Bodhi back to base for questioning, but Jyn pressed Cassian to go ahead and get her father now.

This was also a scene I wanted to restructure a bit, and reshuffle the dialogue. I think there is a way to make the dialogue in this scene flow much better than how I had it in general, but I also wanted to make this scene more about Jyn wanting to rescue her father, rather than becoming fully committed to the cause.

One thing that can add some “rational” of returning to Yavin 4 is a line he uses with Jynn about “We are deep in Imperial Space, I cannot send that kind of information” when she talked about the Death Star Plans. So we already have a type of rational on NOT sending information out at all … but to bring the whole crew back to base to go over the intel they have with the pilot

So the flow of the scene is Cassian is returning to Yavin 4 with the pilot, as the official mission dictated earlier. Jynn recommends going to Eadu to bring father back to confirm his intel, the source of the message on how to destroy the weapon. Although it is a risk to broadcast to Yavin 4, as he states to Jynn, it may be worth the risk to retrieve Galen since Jynn pushes for it.

Draven confirms the information but still says to proceed with his initial orders. For him, he believes Galen is the problem, so his kill orders stand. This also can add to Cassian’s dilemma about the kill orders. At first, it’s pretty “simple” to do since he knew nothing about Galen. Now, he knows Jynn and the rest of the crew are behind Jynn to retrieve Galen. Heck, the pilot was telling them how Galen is the good guy. So although he relays the information to Yavin 4 to make it a retrieval mission, and not an assassination mission … but the old orders stand. This helps contribute with the conflict we visually see later with him with the orders.

He had an “out” to not kill Galen, but Jynn had the crew behind her and a logical step for the mission to retrieve Galen who knew how to destroy the weapon to go to Eadu instead of just going back to base.

EDIT: There would be one line to remove from Cassian, at one point when Jynn says he should notify the base he says “I’ve already done that”, to help with the concept of not broadcasting out to base because they were deep in imperial space, by removing that line (may need some tweaking overall) it helps sell that he has NOT sent out any information out and only did because the benefit of reaching out to the base about going to Eadu was worth the risk.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Messing around with this on my timeline. What is the flow of the scenes? Are you doing:
Jump from Jedha, Jyn rallies team, Krennic & Tarkin over Jedha, Yavin receiving update, U-Wing recieving orders, Krennic leaving
Jump from Jedha, Jyn rallies team, Yavin receiving update, U-Wing recieving orders, Krennic & Tarkin over Jedha, Krennic leaving

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In the version of the scene jarbear has been sharing, I originally had the scene order as: Jump from Jedha, Krennic & Tarkin over Jedha, Jyn rallies team, Yavin receiving update, U-Wing recieving orders, Krennic leaving.

If that change does get implemented, I would consider restructuring the conversation to go something like this. As that version has it, Bodhi is unprompted when he asks Jyn if she is Galen’s daughter. This version of the conversation has him ask after she refers to Galen as her father.

Scene starts on Jyn, with eyes closed, processing what just happened. We hear Cassian say “Set course for Yavin IV” in the background.

Chirrut: Baze, tell me. All of it? The whole city? Tell me.

Baze: All of it.

Baze gives Bodhi a dirty look. Bodhi, defeated, slumps his head down and removes his goggles.

Jyn: My father’s message, I’ve seen it.

Cassian looks over at Jyn.

Jyn: They call it the Death Star. But they have no idea, there’s a way to defeat it.

Bodhi: So you’re Galen’s daughter?

Jyn: You know him?

Bodhi: I’m Bodhi, the pilot.

Jyn: You brought the message?

Bodhi: Yes. Your father, he said I could get right by myself.

Jyn stares intensely at Bodhi.

Bodhi: He said I could make it right… if I was brave enough… to listen to what was in my heart.

Cassian walks closer to Bodhi as he speaks.

Bodhi: Do something about it.

Jyn stands.

Jyn: [to Cassian] You’re wrong about my father!

Then the conversation continues however you want. I personally would prefer cutting the dialogue between Jyn and Baze referring to what her father did as “rigging a trap inside of it”, but that may cut too much from the scene, especially since this version of the scene also cuts Baze’s line “Seems pretty late to me”. If you wanted to keep that line, you could do this:

Bodhi: Guess it was too late.

Jyn: It wasn’t too late.

Baze: Seems pretty late to me.

Jyn: [OF] No.

Bodhi looks at Jyn as she stands up.

Jyn: [to Cassian] You’re wrong about my father!

But I prefer the pacing of the first version, personally.

In the version jarbear posted, I also had changed Jyn’s line from, “Then we’ll find him and bring him back, and he can tell them himself” to “Then we’ll bring him back, and he can tell them himself”, but I think this trim was unnecessary in retrospect, especially if you establish that Cassian has told K2 to go back to Yavin IV. Plus, it is an awkward cut, I think.

I also like jarbear’s idea to cut Cassian’s line “I’ve already done that.”


Apologies, folks, I’m just trying to understand the status of the various Rogue One projects right now. In my understanding:

  • DigMod created Rise of the Rebellion a while back, with a fair few changes on too of the base film.
  • HAL made one change to that for his edit (what was that?)
  • The recent deepfakes have been included in v2s of both of those.
  • Burbin’s and others’ recent suggestions have spawned a few new ideas, which DigMod has implemented and Hal intends to (meaning the two are still identical except for Hal’s one change?)

And Rogueleader, forgive me, I can’t remember if you’ve made your own edits, but it looks like you’ve got even more radical (but still great sounding) ideas? But I’m not clear if you’re going to implement those or if HAL/DigMod are?

It all sounds good and it feels like there’re no bad options here, I’m just struggling to follow the changes per editor right now!

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Hal 9000 said:

Just to be sure, Burbin, are the newer color corrected deepfake clips meant to blend (mid-shot even) with the regular BluRay? Or to correspond with some global color correction applied to the source first?

Also, unrelated to anything else, where’s your username come from?

Lol it’s a nickname I’ve had since I was a kid, though I do enjoy a good whiskey.

I made the clips using your edit as the base and masking the deepfake footage over it, however exporting the render seems to change the colors somewhat, de default color settings made the whole thing green for some reason, in the newer clips I just altered the render settings and got a closer resemblance to the original footage. Same thing happened with the Vader’s Castle shot I shared on Ascendant btw, giving it a less red/more orange tint, couldn’t fix it changing the settings, but I like the look.

jarbear said:

For the sake of messing around with the “to eadu scene!” with the latest changes, I want to share what RogueLeader did. The objective between the alteration of this scene does a couple of things:

1.) Jynn is not just here for the ride anymore, but is driving the plot now
2.) Jynn’s speech now has actual purpose

Personally I prefer the way it plays out originally, Cassian’s main objective is to “authenticate the story and then if possible find [Galen Erso]”. They believe he is critical to the development of this weapon, which plays into the orders to kill him. And on that note, I wouldn’t want to lose Draven’s reaction to “Jedah Destroyed”, it gives his orders more motivation (killing Galen, commanding a direct assault on Eadu). He feels “a decision needed to be made”.

Those cut lines are also where Cassian autheticates the story, “Weapon Confirmed. Jedah Destroyed”. He then asks if he proceeds with the secondary objective after learning Galen is on Eadu. Jynn’s “speech” is not meant to rally them to go to Eadu, she’s telling them her father is not the evil imperial they believe, it has a purpose as it is what makes Cassian hesitate on following his orders. The Rebels don’t know that Galen is working against the Empire, and neither does Cassian, since the message was destroyed on Jedah, he has to trust Jynn’s word.

I think if this change was merged with the “secret mission” change, it would muddle the motivations of everyone. The progression in the story makes more sense if “finding Galen” is given some importance from the beggining.


I think that’s right, except that DigMod and I may deviate further as we revise our projects. (Or perhaps those will end up pretty similar.)

I don’t know RO like the back of my hand but I’ll see if I run into any problems editing this scene whenever I end up doing so. You guys are giving me quite a to-do list once I have time to dedicate to it.

My stance on revising fan edits.