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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 144


JakeRyan17 said:

Oh, I know. This started as posting a silly TikTok.

To honestly fix it, I imagine you’d need to define why Luke gave up the search. I’d love for it to be he sensed Grogu and left to go be in The Mandalorian and was simply to preoccupied with training Jedi after that to bother with finding ancient Sith and Jedi attifants… but that’s really the only thing I could see doing it.

Also, not a plot hole, but why did Lando stay on Pasaana for 30 years? Like, Luke bails on the search, and Lando just… vibes in the desert for 30 years? Gave up searching for (presumably) Jannah?

To be fair, Luke and Lando’s quest ended 13 years before the sequel trilogy (sometime after Rey’s parents were killed, and a lot of time after Mando). It hardly makes Lando’s decision to retire as a hermit any more reasonable, nor does it retroactively make the film more sensical. It bugs me how much of this necessary background was tossed aside only to show up in ancillary material. Cutting the subplot about Lando’s tragedy yet keeping his meeting with Jannah is one of the strangest choices in SW history ever.


Hal 9000 said:

Yeah but ghosts… don’t necessarily act like human beings who take the world seriously. They are perhaps more like divine figures who intervene according to something else.

The Force doesn’t necessarily think and act the way humans do, and in death the distinction between the part of the Force that is the individual and the Force in its totality is lost.

You can sort of fill the Wayfinder plot hole if Vader just simply didn’t know about Exegol, or at least where it was. That makes Vader even more of an unequal partner to Palpatine, though, and that’s something I’m not a fan of.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


Since ANH, We have had constant “dumb star wars moments” that get remedied in time.

Why was there a weak spot in the death star and no one noticed.

Why did obi-wan not tell luke he had a sister, it’s not like it would ruin any plan, matter of fact it would make luke care more about saving her.

Why didnt Vader feel that he was literally in scenes with his own daughter and never felt a glimpse of the force.


ThisIsCreation said:

Since ANH, We have had constant “good star wars moments” that get broken in time.

Why was there an intentional flaw in the death star and no one noticed.

Why did obi-wan not tell luke he had a sister, it’s not like it would ruin any plan, matter of fact it would make luke care more about saving her.

Why didnt Vader feel that he was literally in scenes with his own daughter and never felt a glimpse of the force.


You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


So much of Ben’s conversations with Luke are on the same level, even telling him where to go to achieve his goals, his ghost is also very concerned about the state of the Galaxy, who’s alive and who isn’t. Also, Vader has traveled to Exegol— happening in the current comics.

Obi-Wan was willing to sacrifice Leia, because he valued Luke more. It wasn’t until Yoda said there was “another” that he put stock in Leia being worth saving— even in that scene he was willing to let Leia die.

The Vader not sensing Leia might have to do with familiarity, as he recognised Ben specifically but didn’t sense Luke and only found out he was his son later, and only sensed Luke was strong with the Force when he used the Force on his Death Star trench run.


Rey’s training Crackling Saber Scene. I haven’t added the particle layers yet but let me know if you spot any imperfections. For some reason my computer glitches on playback so if anyone can think of how to fix this please let me know? I’ve cleared RAM, HD space, and Cache but still glitches.


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So in total we have you, kewlfish, and Luka working on the crackling saber?


TestingOutTheTest said:

ThisIsCreation said:

Why didnt Vader feel that he was literally in scenes with his own daughter and never felt a glimpse of the force.


He felt Obi-wan, and you’d think he’d feel his offspring, i know it’s all a retcon that they’re related, but that’s how i feel about any current issues, they always end up being ironed out.


ThisIsCreation said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

ThisIsCreation said:

Why didnt Vader feel that he was literally in scenes with his own daughter and never felt a glimpse of the force.


He felt Obi-wan, and you’d think he’d feel his offspring, i know it’s all a retcon that they’re related, but that’s how i feel about any current issues, they always end up being ironed out.

I doubt it’ll be ironed out, but again: this wasn’t an issue. Vader isn’t even sure it’s Kenobi immediately, he says it’s feels familiar, then comes to the conclusion that it’s Obi-Wan. It’s not surprising that Vader wouldn’t recognise two people he’d never met.


Movies Remastered said:

Rey’s training Crackling Saber Scene. I haven’t added the particle layers yet but let me know if you spot any imperfections. For some reason my computer glitches on playback so if anyone can think of how to fix this please let me know? I’ve cleared RAM, HD space, and Cache but still glitches.


Looks good to me! If anything, I’d want the effect to be even more pronounced; but I’m sure that will happen when you add the extra particle layers. I’m so glad we’re finally getting some degree of continuity between the saber breaking in the last movie, and it being a “patch job” in this one. Plus, the symbolism of her slipping more to the Dark Side like Kylo… just amazing.


Ok cool. I took about 9 hours on this shot. Adding more effected really looked fan edity in places, where as others looked great. I think it’s a job of just finding the sweet spot. I’ll work on the particles next and see if it balances out a bit.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


I was thinking, of the scenes where rey is on Ahch-To, what if it starts early morning when it’s still quite dark, and once we get to the scene where she takes the wayfinder the scene stays untouched to let us see that she’s been there for more than just 10 minutes and the sun is coming up.

In my opinion it makes the burning ship more striking visual, especially with luke emerging.


Movies Remastered said:

Ok cool. I took about 9 hours on this shot. Adding more effected really looked fan edity in places, where as others looked great. I think it’s a job of just finding the sweet spot. I’ll work on the particles next and see if it balances out a bit.

I think it’s because the lightsaber is such a light, icy blue color, it causes the flickering colors to blend more together. And we’re in daylight here, which doesn’t help. Compared to Kylo’s red saber, the red feels more distinct against the white. You’re right, it’s just hitting that sweet spot.


hinventon said:

Movies Remastered said:

Here is an end Saber spark test. 3 different versions, first clip regular speed and second at half speed to see the difference. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks to @skenera for helping with colour correction.

The idea is to give Rey a reason for burying the Sabers after the battle with Palpatine.

V1 No blue puff of smoke
V2 Hard blue smoke
V3 Softer blue smoke


This looks great, the only thing that looks off is that the lasting smoke puff sends seems to follow the camera movement instead of staying in its own spot. But I love it other than that.

Seconded, regarding the smoke, it like, stays on that same spot instead of expanding. Personally, I’m leaning towards V1 or V3. Great work!!


An interesting and “potent”(Idk what other word could describe it) edit I think many would enjoy would be to include the Fortnite Final Order message, but instead of having it be in the beginning or middle portions of the movie, it would be inserted into Palps monologue before he casts his Force Storm, omitting a few words from the Fortnite message as to avoid repetition. Something like: “The great error is corrected. The day of victory is at hand. The day of revenge… Do not fear their feeble attack my faithful, nothing will stop the return of the Sith!” (Optional Red Force Storm)

I feel this edit would 1) Flesh out an already great scene and 2) would add that extra Sheev charisma present in the previous films

EDIT TO ADD: “The Great Error” could have a triple meaning; meaning the Skywalker legacy/Anakin, Rey, and the Jedi


A relatively mundane edit would be to add a louder, more bombastic Sidious theme to the sequence, maybe with sith chorus


I like the sound of that, I’d be interested to see a concept.


Who was it who made the mockup of Rey with a black outfit? I know it would be unrealistic to do it for the whole movie, but what if we just did it for the final scene?

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?