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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 329


Hal 9000 said:

I didn’t realize it was finished either. Could you direct me to download links for them?

I had/made some time this evening to tend to this project. I added the Death Star duel saber footage from Luka Frik, and the Coruscant shot. The latter needed an audio extension so I patched that. I borrowed DominicCobb’s idea to merge two sequences that were split of Rey landing on Exegol and making her way toward the Emperor. I removed Sith-eyes Threepio mentioning that the spot must be approached “from the Southern shore.” And I removed Rey’s mother calling her by name, which was easily done without issue. (I like the idea from TFA lore that Rey named herself, borrowing from the X-Wing helmet she had. If any future EU stuff depicts her name going back to birth, this won’t contradict it.)

I tracked the timing adjustments made to sync, so hopefully I can adjust the commentary, subtitles, and chapters without a bigger fuss.

Felt good to get this more in order. And although I don’t know when, there will come a Rey Nobody alternative version.

Nice! Did you have a chance to check out how DominicCobb ordered the scenes under the sand pit on Pasaana? I thought it flowed a bit better, but you might disagree. I noticed in his workprint that he slightly slowed down the last shot of Kylo Ren in the briefing scene, which allowed for a little more dead air after his line I thought made the transition to the next scene feel a bit less rushed.


Dawn of the Rise of the Skywalker: Justice Of The Force Ascending a Star Wars Story

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Wow, Dawn of the Jedi is actually a cool title for the movie 😀

Sorry guys for no update on Portuguese subs.unfortunately I lost the work I did when i was 3/4 done so I m starting since scratch (with backup this time), thougj I have little time now, so it may be done in late February.
Sorry if someone s waiting for it.


I will look into Dominic’s handling of the underworld level, thanks.

And I’m sure the Portuguese subtitles will be welcome whenever it’s sane for you to complete them. No rush, in other words.

My stance on revising fan edits.


szopman said:

Wow, Dawn of the Jedi is actually a cool title for the movie 😀

Especially considering the fact that the movie ends with a binary sunrise.


Hal 9000 said:

Dawn of the Rise of the Skywalker: Justice Ascending

Why am I imagining Rey having a mustache that’s been digitally “shaved”?

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Movies Remastered said:

I’m just taking some time off as I’m burnt out. If you scroll through my old posts it should be clearly posted, if not I’ll be back in the office in a few days. No access to vimeo on my phone.

I’ll do that. Thanks, and I hope you get to relax and recuperate.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I’m getting so excited by the thought of these V2 changes, and I can’t wait to see all of the new VFX shots.

A massive thank you to everyone who’s worked on this project!


I was able to finesse it to make it work even so, as the purple blade is only on the far left for a few frames, using layering and cropping.

I was able to tinker with some of the other bits and pieces. I did find where 21C has posted the Mustafar shots. I will get that implemented with corresponding audio. And that way if anyone does want to explore the idea of adding trees to the foreground I could drop that in.

It’s the one found here, immediately following the establishing shot of the planet:

My stance on revising fan edits.


I agree that the shot of the castle could use something more to feel integrated into the rest of the scene. I think some trees would certainly help. I also think it might make sense for the lava flow to be dried up and the castle more ruinous if possible.


I wish I had that level of talent but alas I do not. I know we have some VFX Jedi on these forums though.


Oups, I didn’t see that about the shot 29 but it’s corrected now !