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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 327


NeverarGreat said:

Honestly, neither version of the lines changes their underlying inanity. shrug

Ehhh, maybe. Though this change does make it so it’s not just, “Nuh uhh, I am better than you!”

What could maybe be a better variation would be if Palpatine’s line was the one to be tweaked.

Instead, have him say:

Palpatine: “I am the Sith.”
Rey: “I am all of the Jedi.”

Just thinking out loud, but either way, I do feel like the exchange is significantly less corny with the edit.

“The Ziggy Edit” — A Conceptual Fanedit of Return of the Jedi



mikereese971 said:

Hey Hal, not sure if you saw JakeRyan’s trimming of the “All Sith/The Jedi” line, but any thoughts on using that idea? The line is still godawful, but somehow cutting out that one word makes it a lot less cringey (to me, at least).

The clip that shortens Palpatine’s line doesn’t flow well, but cutting Rey’s line down is fantastic. Makes a huge difference for me personally.


Hmm, it’s executed well, but as eyerollingly on-the-nose as the original writing is, saying she’s all the Jedi ties it in more closely to the voices she’s heard and, in this edit, the ghosts. She’s pointing out to Palpatine that he’s not just facing a “scavenger girl”, but rather someone who is channeling all the previous Jedi - she’s been a Jedi all movie, but it’s only towards the end there where she really tunes in to that wider legacy. (Mace Windu was a Jedi and it didn’t help him much against the lightning.)


The Energy and Fluid lightsaber blade types are almost too unnoticeable to me, lol. I noticed that a while back during the test of the effect in motion in the Death Star II lightsaber duel. Might work better if there was a scene in the film of someone pointing out that her lightsaber is a little off, but with how it’s constantly flailed around for 80% of the film, I’d bet a large chunk of people wouldn’t notice it’s much different on the Energy or Fluid setting. Although I could be wrong.

Noise max looks good, but if I had to pick, I’d go with full-on Unstable. But I understand the point that it might look fan-edity next to the professionally done unstable Kylo lightsaber. If, when Kylo gets the blue lightsaber, we are planning to turn off the effect (since it’s back in Skywalker blood’s hands, that point was said earlier as well) then perhaps I’d be more forgiving of the Energy or Fluid settings.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


I spend most of yesterday trying to find the kylo setting for the movie but people seem to get it right at a distance bit those close up shots just look wrong.

I managed to do a hybrid of Luka’s and the movie one and currently working on adding spark particles as an added detail others have requested.

Huge respect for Kewlfish & Luka for attempting these scenes. Patience would be an understatement!

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

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StarkillerAG said:

Brewzter said:

Just learned that Christopher Sean (the voice actor for Kaz in Resistance) has a Cameo account where you can pay $30 for him to record any video/message. Given that his ship and a few others from the show were created for TROS but unused and the novelization included him along with a line of dialogue, would anyone be interested in group-funding him to record the line for the edit? Inferno Squad was included so I figure there will also be interest in this. The novelization goes:

“Zay Versio with Inferno Squad, standing by. Look at all these ships!”
“Fireball, here. Hi everyone!”
“Cut the chatter, Kaz,” a deep voice responded.

Given how short the line is I’m not sure if enough people would be interested in chipping in a bit so maybe the line could also be spliced together from show dialogue? Along with Yeager’s line in response.

Just want to see Resistance included 😃

Those lines actually were recorded, using impersonators. They were just buried deep in the audio mix to avoid standing out from the rest of the fleet dialogue.

Never got an answer to this back in August- are the impersonator Resistance voice lines and Inferno Squad voice lines available to use? I’d like to make the Resistance one audible in my version, as well as feature the Infero Squad one more prominently.


I processed and added the effects for Hal’s scene, do you want the files that sound more like radio chatter?


I actually like the “For Skywalker” and “We believe in you Poe” lines. They don’t sound fanedity to me at all. They could easily have been ADR’ed and inserted into the original film and I wouldn’t have batted an eye.


Technically they should all come out of the center channel since they’re comm chatter, but it felt right to spread them into the left and right channels in this case.

My stance on revising fan edits.


ThisIsCreation said:

I’m happy with the current Hal9000 cut of the movie, but just seeing Vader’s castle being added a few pages back has made me really want to see it. Cut the stormtroopers etc & cut to the tie’s flying over the trees as they do in the current Hal cut, but it is really cool to see.

I’m sad i wasn’t here when the first edit was being made, would totally love to be added to the rebel calls lol

Not too late. Send me something and I can tuck it in there.

haha! thank you. will do this weekend.


axlanian said:

I processed and added the effects for Hal’s scene, do you want the files that sound more like radio chatter?

Hey, I might PM you about this. I like the way it’d one in Hal’s but am considering some slight retiming for my edit.


@Hal 9000 In your commentary you describe how poppasketti did similar edits regarding the replacement of the TIE fighter on Exegol with an Imperial shuttle, replacing it with such as the Titanic and other things as a joke. Where can I see those?


Replaced the Imperial TIE Kylo took to Exegol with an Imperial shuttle, because ANH had made a point to establish that TIEs don’t have hyperdrives, whereas shuttles have been depicted onscreen as using them.

There was absolutely no indication that Kylo Ren had the TIE fighter jump to lightspeed from Kef Bir to Exegol.


TestingOutTheTest said:

Replaced the Imperial TIE Kylo took to Exegol with an Imperial shuttle, because ANH had made a point to establish that TIEs don’t have hyperdrives, whereas shuttles have been depicted onscreen as using them.

There was absolutely no indication that Kylo Ren had the TIE fighter jump to lightspeed from Kef Bir to Exegol.

Except that everyone else used light speed to traverse that expanse, including the crazy nebula (as they exit hyperspace when they come out of it). That’s an indicator, even if we don’t see the ship make the jump.

It’s not something that bothers me specifically, but it is definitely implied by the nature of every other ship that travels back and forth.

I do think it’s plausible that post ANH that TIE Fighters gained hyperdrives, especially since Vader’s TIE had it. It’s never commented on in canon other than in A New Hope, and we know it’s being developed.


This sounds awesome! Please, Please, can you send me the link?


Replaced Kylo Ren’s line “I never lied to you” with “You were right” for more intuitive and precise continuity with TLJ even as the scene retcons it. In that film, it is Rey herself who supplies the information that her parents “were nobody.”

Kylo Ren clearly wanted to take credit for what Rey said.

(…though, I would suggest the line can be changed to “We were wrong. Your parents did love you. They left you… to protect you,” since I never saw Rey’s TLJ arc as about “being insignificant in general,” but more that she needed to come to terms with her parents being bad people and stop caring about them, the “nobody” part is there not to say that Rey is insignificant, but only there so she would no longer use any destiny or purpose to feed her internal lie that her parents loved her and thought she was valuable so she’d feel loved, happy.)

Removed talk about Leia (and possibly Luke, depending on one’s interpretation of the scene) having known about Rey being a Palpatine.

The Leia thing is there to show to Rey that being related to Palpatine doesn’t inherently make her worthless.