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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 325


I like both effects in the stills, but I think I’d need to see them both in motion to determine which looks better.


Movies Remastered said:

I’m trying to give Rey’s crackling Saber a different effect than Kylo’s. This may not be the best example but the core white is more his style but what are your thoughts on more outer blue crackle than core instability?


I agree with Ax that we need to see it in motion to determine it.

Comparing with shots of Kylo’s saber affect with these stills … it SEEMS like the second shot is “less” like Kylo’s to help it be distinctive. However, need to see it in motion to really tell.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Honestly I don’t think it should be distinctive. I think it should mirror Kylo’s as closely as possible to show that Rey is in danger of embracing the dark side. The audience should make the comparison between her saber and Kylo’s in their head.


Yeah man! Crackle the crap out of it!


Cinefy said:

I like the idea but you can literally see BB-8 is damaged, don’t think this works

If you think the dialogue is okay as I cut it, and the only issue is the one shot of BB-8, perhaps there’s another shot of an undamaged BB-8 that could be spliced in instead? And in that case, would the flow of scenes work any better like this, or not really?


NeverarGreat said:

Movies Remastered said:

I’m trying to remember, was Anakin’s crystal broken in half at the end of TLJ, or was it just cracked with a split body?

Cracked right in half

“Nothing that a little off-screen duct tape won’t fix” -JJ, probably.

JJ, the King of using band-aids.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Hal 9000 thanks for providing this fan edit and everyone elses hard work/contributions. I provided tons of voices on reddit when you requested it. I sent 100’s of recordings (even in Mickey Mouse voice to make you laugh).

spoilers ahead . I enjoyed most of it. It was great to hear people talk when they show up to help with the battle. The only thing I hated and it drove me up a tree in theatres and made me barf/cut my wrists was when Rey responds to the old lady and says she is Ray Skywalker. NO NO NO NOO!!! NEVER IN ANY DIMENSION IS SHE A SKYWALKER! If she said just “Ray” or “Ray Palpatine” it would of been fine or “I am a jedi”. UGH. Any plans to modify that at all or remove that stupid scene all together?


We decided to use a different take of her saying it which imo makes it a lot better and believable.


Why can’t she be a Skywalker? I agree that it’s a bit of ham-fisted, predictable writing, and a somewhat odd choice for Rey the character considering her closer relationship to members of the Organa-Solo branch of the family, but given Terrio’s hangup with ‘dynasties’ I can see why they went with her being adopted into Luke’s family specifically, and it doesn’t strike me as being massively implausible or anything.


sade1212 said:

Why can’t she be a Skywalker? I agree that it’s a bit of ham-fisted, predictable writing, and a somewhat odd choice for Rey the character considering her closer relationship to members of the Organa-Solo branch of the family, but given Terrio’s hangup with ‘dynasties’ I can see why they went with her being adopted into Luke’s family specifically, and it doesn’t strike me as being massively implausible or anything.

Not to mention, it makes “Skywalker” the last spoken word of the saga.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


I liked "Rey Skywalker:, but the new angle and way she delivers the line makes me LOVE “Rey Skywalker”.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!



Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Movies Remastered said:

Have Ben live, Leia’s vision of his death changes, they get married, Reylos unite! Everyone wins.

Have Ben live, but slip away into exile to go be a wandering Robin Hood-type who tries to redeem himself by helping the downtrodden across the galaxy because there’s no way he would be accepted with Rey’s Resistance buddies after what he’s done


axlanian said:

Movies Remastered said:

Have Ben live, Leia’s vision of his death changes, they get married, Reylos unite! Everyone wins.

Have Ben live, but slip away into exile to go be a wandering Robin Hood-type who tries to redeem himself by helping the downtrodden across the galaxy because there’s no way he would be accepted with Rey’s Resistance buddies after what he’s done

This is the obvious answer. Shame there’s no way to implement it.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


axlanian said:

Movies Remastered said:

Have Ben live, Leia’s vision of his death changes, they get married, Reylos unite! Everyone wins.

Have Ben live, but slip away into exile to go be a wandering Robin Hood-type who tries to redeem himself by helping the downtrodden across the galaxy because there’s no way he would be accepted with Rey’s Resistance buddies after what he’s done

That would be… aggh! Can we have a redo on episode IX, PLEASE!?


Ben disappears immediately after saying, “ow!” and leaves Rey to successfully overthrow Palpatine by herself. Paint out jonh’s work of adding ghosts to approximate the original footage and edit out the Jedi voices.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Whenever I get around to my edit of the Sequel Trilogy, I’m recording myself doing an impression of Adam Driver saying, “Rey” when he picks up Rey after climbing out of the pit. The take will be in a low under breath type of delivery.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.