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Unusual Sequel Trilogy Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 76


Rtiller said:

Sorry if my Rian comment offended some of you. I figured that since this thread’s goal was to edit the sequels, that most of you didn’t like TLJ, which is the main reason the sequels need to be edited, from a story standpoint.

Ultimately the reason I’m interested in ST fanedits is because there’s an actually good story told under some surface-level problems. There’s a lot of potential for even a more conservative fanedit to improve upon them. Compared to the prequels, which are so deeply bad that it would take a really radical fanedit to fix them. Which is really a whole different can of worms.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


JakeRyan17 said:

TestingOutTheTest said:

Uh, what? In TFA, Rey accepts her family is never coming back to see or get her, and Finn learns to stop running away from the First Order and fight for someone: Rey.

She doesn’t really accept that, she just swaps out Luke as the one she’s searching for, it’s even spoken in dialogue. That’s not an arc.

The whole reason she wanted to stay on/return to Jakku is to wait for her family to come back, she feels that if she leaves Jakku then her family will not be able to find her there.


After being told that’s the reality of the situation.

Maz: “There’s no one coming back for you, but there’s still someone who could.”

Rey: “Luke.”

It’s the same quest, same emotion, same everything… just located elsewhere.


Uh, what? In TFA, Rey accepts her family is never coming back to see or get her, and Finn learns to stop running away from the First Order and fight for someone: Rey.

I actually agree with this. The problem is Finn TFA should have him commit to the Resistance cause rather than stretching it to TLJ. It feels too slow. I felt like he was repeating his arc and only now do I realize he technically he was only going to Starkiller Base to save Rey. My mind had glossed over that and remembered him committing to the cause in TFA. It’s like memory is autocorrecting the script.


I’m pretty sure you’d have thought Rian destroyed Star Wars to an even greater extent if he had revealed that Luke left his daughter to fend for herself on a desert planet for fifteen years while he hid on a lovely island drinking green milk and crying with his bird friends. Plus any idea that Rey was trained as a child is odd, because if she was old enough to receive significant training, she’d have been old enough when she was left on Jakku that she’d have not completely forgotten about it.

Maybe it’s the (in the British sense, mind you) republican in me but I don’t get the obsession with inherited power. Sure, Luke’s dad was a powerful force user, but we have no indication that Sheev Palpatine, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Mace Windu, Ahsoka and so on came from any family background of using the Force. There’s some odd writing in TFA around her knowledge of things like Jedi mind-tricks, but it’s hardly the only instance in the film where JJ writes Rey as if she’s actually watched the original trilogy.

There’s not much point fanediting movies you believe fundamentally have a bad story line, because there’s not that much you can do to change that with the available footage. Rather, it tends to attract people who, as SparkySywer says, believe there is a good story here, and engage in “constructive” fanediting.


sade1212 said:

Maybe it’s the (in the British sense, mind you) republican in me but I don’t get the obsession with inherited power. Sure, Luke’s dad was a powerful force user, but we have no indication that Sheev Palpatine, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Mace Windu, Ahsoka and so on came from any family background of using the Force.

Also in TPM Qui-Gon implies to Anakin’s mother that the Jedi screen for children in the Republic to see if they’re Force-sensitive or not, implying they look for children anywhere in the Republic, not bloodlines (“Had he been born in the Republic, we would have identified him early, and he would have become Jedi, no doubt…he has the way. But it’s too late for him now, he’s too old.”); and in AotC, it’s stated having personal attachments would get Anakin expelled if caught.

This creates the inference that most Force-users don’t come from powerful lineages.


Rtiller said:

Sorry if my Rian comment offended some of you. I figured that since this thread’s goal was to edit the sequels, that most of you didn’t like TLJ, which is the main reason the sequels need to be edited, from a story standpoint.

I’d just like to address a couple of things here.

Firstly, I don’t think it’s right to assume that (in general) people produce or watch fanedits because they dislike a given movie. Rather, I’d say that they acknowledge that the content is broadly worthy and good, but that that content has an alternative potential edit which people could find more enjoyable. But by and large we’re here because we love these franchises and want to see them at their best, rather than being here out of frustration with their failings.

Obviously there are less popular and more popular movies, and therefore more and less common movies to be targeted for edits. Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Last Jedi seem to be the most controversial. But having been a member of this community since the peak of Prequel era fanedit production, to my memory there’s only one movie which has generated nearly universal frustration and dislike on these forums, and that’s Rise of Skywalker.

Secondly, I don’t think it’s correct to say that any one film is the main reason the sequels need to be edited. There’s definitely a broad sense of discontinuity between the films in terms of overall plot, character arcs, and storytelling style, which has resulted in the community looking for ways to smooth the experience out and make the Sequel trilogy feel more coherent, but it feels like that issue is much more of a “team effort” than the fault of any one film.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Very well said. Always love to see you chime in, Eddie!

This is more speculation, but it would be interesting to see in future Old Republic, or even High Republic content, where Jedi or Sith houses are a thing. Perhaps there was a long standing belief in powerful Force bloodlines, whether or not that belief actually had any truth to it. And maybe we could see the issues that arose from such families, whether it be related to attachment, hubris, etc. Maybe the Skywalkers won’t be the first family soap opera the galaxy has had to deal with.


Rtiller said:

Before realizing that Roundhead Rian wanted to destroy star wars,

Here we go again…
Well, I’ll edit the sequels sooner or later, and yet I LOVED The Last Jedi. To me it was by far the best of the three.

Italian faneditor.

PM me for links if interested.


I feel TLJ took the biggest risks but did the most damage in the process. I lived the fact they highlighted capitalism, slavery, a broken Luke and the final scene with Leia but it did miss the mark on many things. Daisy Ridley dialogue was awesome and they disrespected Ackbar. Unforgivable imo.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Movies Remastered said:

I feel TLJ took the biggest risks but did the most damage in the process. I lived the fact they highlighted capitalism, slavery, a broken Luke and the final scene with Leia but it did miss the mark on many things. Daisy Ridley dialogue was awesome and they disrespected Ackbar. Unforgivable imo.

I never cared that much about Ackbar. He was a meme character.
The only disputable aspect about TLJ (in my very personal opinion) was Canto Bight and Finn’s treatment. Finn, to me, worked as a side character, a character used to enhance other charismatic characters. Except for his betrayal as stormtrooper, in TFA he didn’t do that much; he was always with others. First with Poe, then with Rey, then with Han, then again with Rey. In TLJ they tried to give him more ground by putting another even less charismatic character on his path. Still, I didn’t hate it, I just liked it less than other parts. But everything else, to me, was just great.

Italian faneditor.

PM me for links if interested.


ELAYEM said:

Has anyone thought about making Rey a padawan “abandoned” by her master? I’m asking that since I was thinking of a way that she could battle Kylo without the justification of her “downloading” Kylo’s training into her mind during the interrogation scene in TFA

The story I was imagining for her with the footage we already have would somewhat go like this:

-Rey is born in Jakku, as the daughter of two selfish jerks
-Her parents then sell Rey to a young woman, a Jedi
-The woman then proceeded to train Rey at a very young age (Rey’s parents on the other hand, already died)
-Years later, Rey’s master learns that Rey was targeted by the Sith and hids her on Jakku (We repurpose footage of Rey’s mother to depict this, while also cutting Rey’s father entirely)
-Rey is left behind by the woman and, blinded by the dark side, kills her master with the use of force lighting
-The traumatic experience is blocked from Rey’s mind and she probably misremembers her master as her true mother

All of this would be implied across the trilogy, with the plot twist in Episode IX being that Rey killed the only person that really cared for her until she met Finn and BB-8

Also, this would erase the feeling that Kylo’s lines in TLJ about Rey’s parents are being retconned in ROS (they would be actually expanded and fleshed out) and would give a better excuse about how Rey can fight (and win) against an experimented force user

Well, following what I proposed yesterday I was thinking that if you really wanted that Rey was the daughter of some preexisting but very obscure and unknown characters; you could have Laze Loneozner and Camie Marstrap (Luke’s friends from the deleted scenes of ANH) as her parents (this would all be headcanon since I don’t know how to incorporate that in the films in an organic way)


IlFanEditore said:

Movies Remastered said:

I feel TLJ took the biggest risks but did the most damage in the process. I lived the fact they highlighted capitalism, slavery, a broken Luke and the final scene with Leia but it did miss the mark on many things. Daisy Ridley dialogue was awesome and they disrespected Ackbar. Unforgivable imo.

I never cared that much about Ackbar. He was a meme character.
The only disputable aspect about TLJ (in my very personal opinion) was Canto Bight and Finn’s treatment. Finn, to me, worked as a side character, a character used to enhance other charismatic characters. Except for his betrayal as stormtrooper, in TFA he didn’t do that much; he was always with others. First with Poe, then with Rey, then with Han, then again with Rey. In TLJ they tried to give him more ground by putting another even less charismatic character on his path. Still, I didn’t hate it, I just liked it less than other parts. But everything else, to me, was just great.

Finn in TFA was definitely a main character along with Rey. In fact, he could easily have been the main character if he turned out to be Force sensitive from the outset. It was TLJ and TROS that sidelined him the most and elevated Rey to unquestioned Main Character status, IMO.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

IlFanEditore said:

Movies Remastered said:

I feel TLJ took the biggest risks but did the most damage in the process. I lived the fact they highlighted capitalism, slavery, a broken Luke and the final scene with Leia but it did miss the mark on many things. Daisy Ridley dialogue was awesome and they disrespected Ackbar. Unforgivable imo.

I never cared that much about Ackbar. He was a meme character.
The only disputable aspect about TLJ (in my very personal opinion) was Canto Bight and Finn’s treatment. Finn, to me, worked as a side character, a character used to enhance other charismatic characters. Except for his betrayal as stormtrooper, in TFA he didn’t do that much; he was always with others. First with Poe, then with Rey, then with Han, then again with Rey. In TLJ they tried to give him more ground by putting another even less charismatic character on his path. Still, I didn’t hate it, I just liked it less than other parts. But everything else, to me, was just great.

Finn in TFA was definitely a main character along with Rey. In fact, he could easily have been the main character if he turned out to be Force sensitive from the outset. It was TLJ and TROS that sidelined him the most and elevated Rey to unquestioned Main Character status, IMO.

I have a different opinion, but that’s totally fine. It’s probably because I never found Finn to be charismatic (meaning as a character who could carry the scene by himself), and I found the attempts made in following movies kinda forced. He’s always alongside other characters who push the story forward, while he’s just there, commenting or doing stuff that brings to nothing.

Italian faneditor.

PM me for links if interested.


Movies Remastered said:

I feel TLJ took the biggest risks but did the most damage in the process. I lived the fact they highlighted capitalism, slavery, a broken Luke and the final scene with Leia but it did miss the mark on many things. Daisy Ridley dialogue was awesome and they disrespected Ackbar. Unforgivable imo.

Yep. TLJ has some good aspects, but the bad aspects really outweigh the good–so much so it damages the franchise. If you change a character for the worse, especially when it’s the climax of a longrunning story, then that leaves a bad taste in many viewers’ mouths. See Game of Thrones as a good example of how to subvert expectations, derail a character, and retroactively ruin watching that character again since you know the ending is bad.

Since the rest of the sequel trilogy bookending TLJ ignores its characters, and with the Mandolorian subtly trying not to acknowledge them either, it seems Disney is picking up on that. We won’t be seeing [A Star Wars Story:Holdo/Rose/nameless-creepy-guy-“don’t join”]. Looking forward to finding how they will retcon Kylo’s school killing to miraculously miss Grogu (for the second time).


Except Luke wasn’t “changed for the worse”, IMHO.
I really don’t understand what people watched (and then I’ll promise I’ll shut up. And always remember “De gustibus non disputandum est”).

  1. Luke’s strenght was never his infallibility. Luke wasn’t Superman. Luke wasn’t a perfect hero. Never. He always made mistakes. While Leia was fighting in the Alliance, he was “playing” on Tatooine and he wanted to become a Rebel just because he wanted adventures. In Empire he makes a huge mistake that brings to him losing a hand and almost dying. In Return he almost falls to the Dark Side as soon as Vader taunts him. That’s why in my opinion TLJ’s Luke is in line with OT. What he did with Ben was a mistake, and the movie itself recognizes it as a mistake. Objection: “But he tried to redeem Vader. Why didn’t he do the same with Ben?” —> Well, of course because in this case he was responsible.
  2. Everyone loved The Mandalorian scene because “that’s the real Luke Skywalker”. Excuse me? In Empire, Yoda says that a Jedi uses the Force “for knowledge and defence”. That’s precisely what he does in TLJ, he projects not to kill but to protect the Resistance. THAT his the concretization of Luke’s arc. His scene in The Mandalorian actually builds on TLJ’s Luke. It mirrors Rogue One’s Vader scene, and Luke (unlike Ahsoka) doesn’t have any doubts about training Grogu. Luke is hot headed, ready to do everything to rebuild the Order. What I’m saying is that there’s only ONE Luke. A flawed hero who makes mistakes (in OT, in The Mandalorian, in TLJ) but always manages to learn from those mistakes. Yet almost everyone is like “I loved him in the Mandalorian because he’s a true jedi there (even though he acts almost like a Sith). But I hate TLJ because that’s not Luke (even though he makes a mistakes, learns from it and brings his arc to a conclusion by using the Force to protect others)”.

I’m sorry for this. I’ll delete it if it’s too much, lol.

Italian faneditor.

PM me for links if interested.


IlFanEditore, spot on about Luke. TLJ was the film in the sequel trilogy most devoted to telling a story first and foremost. Abrams was the one more concerned with giving Wookieepedia authors something to get excited for and visuals with no real meaning or purpose to them. Johnson made sure everything connected and had consequence.

And while Finn and Rose going to Canto Bight may feel like a side adventure, it drives the main plot and has the largest impact on the climax. It’s because of Finn and Poe (who sent Finn) that they’re caught, that most of the Resistance gets destroyed, etc. It’s even because of the Canto Bught sequence that Rey and Kylo don’t kill each other, their fight over Anakin’s lightsaber being interrupted by the Holdo manoeuvre that became the only solution to DJ’s betrayal.

Rey stalking Luke didn’t drive the plot forward, and Poe stalling to give Finn more time didn’t drive the plot forward: Finn and Rose going to Canto Bight did.


thebluefrog said:

with the Mandolorian subtly trying not to acknowledge them either

It’s interesting that this narrative has picked up so much steam considering how it has little basis in the text.

  • The Mandalorian depicts a galaxy about twenty-five years prior to TFA, where the ruling power is the New Republic (the one mentioned and briefly seen in TFA). It’s implied to not have a fantastic grip on things.
  • There’s an Imperial Remnant who explicitly mention “order” and are working on cloning/growing force sensitive lifeforms, very reminiscent of the jar of Snokes in TROS and Palpatine’s efforts to clone himself.
  • Luke appears to be perusing the galaxy to rebuild his new Jedi Order, and seems quite sure of himself and his abilities, so I doubt he’ll take it well when all of that gets burned down (twice the pride, double the fall!).
  • Grogu has used Force healing, a power only seen otherwise in TROS.
  • Cobb Vanth is from the Aftermath novels, which were written explicitly as part of the “Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens” publishing effort
  • The dropships from the Boba Fett intro episode are clearly supposed to be a precursor to the First Order dropships.
  • Operation Cinder is from Battlefront 2 (and the Shattered Empire comics, which were also Journey to TFA material), which has a campaign expansion which takes place during the sequel era.

And they didn’t have to do this. Favreau, Filoni and co. could’ve decided to focus entirely on the low-level, grimy underworld stuff to avoid having to acknowledge the wider timeline whatsoever, but they didn’t. They decided to bring in Grogu, the Force, the New Republic, the Imperial Remnant, cloning, Luke, Cobb Vanth, and so on.

Edit: I do agree that there’s absolutely no way Grogu is going to die during the destruction of Luke’s temple though. Honestly, I don’t know why everyone just assumed that immediately - there’s about nineteen years in between Mando Season 2 and the temple getting blown up; Ben Solo is still only four years old when Luke takes Grogu. There’s zero chance of Grogu, the merchandising overlord, remaining absent for the entire rest of the show.


I don’t think TLJ sidelined Finn, I think it’s just that the Canto Bight arc was a little weak. It’s not hard to imagine an Episode 9 where Finn is just as prominent as Rey, if not more.

TRoS is kind of indefensible in this regard, though. Finn’s barely a character and it’s hard to imagine any post-TRoS story where Finn isn’t completely lesser than Rey, especially now that Rey’s supposed to be training Finn.

sade1212 said:

thebluefrog said:

with the Mandolorian subtly trying not to acknowledge them either

It’s interesting that this narrative has picked up so much steam considering how it has little basis in the text.

Yeah but Mando is kino and Jon Favreau is based Happy Hogan, therefore it must be ignoring the ST.

Edit: I do agree that there’s absolutely no way Grogu is going to die during the destruction of Luke’s temple though. Honestly, I don’t know why everyone just assumed that immediately - there’s about nineteen years in between Mando Season 2 and the temple getting blown up; Ben Solo is still only four years old when Luke takes Grogu. There’s zero chance of Grogu, the merchandising overlord, remaining absent for the entire rest of the show.

I think it’s just moreso that Grogu going with Luke calls attention to that. It’s not hard to write an Episode where Grogu leaves Luke and reunites with Mando (and I fully expect it to happen in the first or second episode of Season 3), but it’s something that they still have to write.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


ELAYEM said:

Well, following what I proposed yesterday I was thinking that if you really wanted that Rey was the daughter of some preexisting but very obscure and unknown characters; you could have Laze Loneozner and Camie Marstrap (Luke’s friends from the deleted scenes of ANH) as her parents (this would all be headcanon since I don’t know how to incorporate that in the films in an organic way)

Toying again in my head with the idea of making Rey’s plot twist being that she killed her master instead of Rey being Palpatine’s granddaughter, I thought:

Would you like the idea that Rey’s master (her mother in the actual film) was Luke’s former apprentice and Luke gived her lightsaber to Rey instead of Leia’s lightsaber during Episode IX?
I thought that it might be doable but would make Leia’s role in Episode IX even smaller than it already is

I also thought that the idea of Rey having a Jedi master would raise several questions to the general audience like: Why she doesn’t appear either as a voice or a ghost through the entire trilogy?


You could always go with the classic memory wiped youngling at Luke’s temple theory.


Heya everyone,

So I’m working on my own fan edit of this. I was wondering if someone could help me remove the ILM logo of a part of a clip? It’s the exterior ILM space shot that we saw in Hal’s ascendant cut. There’s a couple seconds that I would like to add to that and was wondering if anyone or if u could direct me to someone of expertise that can remove it?

thanks a ton!


Anakin Starkiller said:

You could always go with the classic memory wiped youngling at Luke’s temple theory.

I certainly could but I wanted to know how far could I get in a radical edit of the sequels without (mostly) new footage and just dialogue/score tweaks

Rey being either Luke’s daughter/apprentice crossed through my mind a lot of times, then I thought that Rey should be the apprentice of a male Jedi (her father in the theatrical film) but her mother was always with them and it would be a real pain to remove her (that’s when I thought about making her Rey’s master and now, I thought about also making her Luke’s first apprentice instead of Leia)


Making Rey Luke’s daughter would be the cleanest and simplest way to go, especially since it’s very nearly spoken in dialogue between Maz and Rey in TFA.

Anyone else and you would need new scenes that didn’t exist.


JakeRyan17 said:

Making Rey Luke’s daughter would be the cleanest and simplest way to go, especially since it’s very nearly spoken in dialogue between Maz and Rey in TFA.

Anyone else and you would need new scenes that didn’t exist.

I guess you’re right, there’s enough dialogue/footage to make it plausible
Luke’s family disappearing (with his wife dying and his daughter trapped on Jakku) could be perfectly used as the reason of why he is a broken man who lost faith in himself during the ST and even thinks briefly about killing his own nephew after sensing Ben’s dark thoughts