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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 324


What if Rey’s training course and Force vision came after the scene where Poe accuses her of not doing enough to help the Resistance? That way her frustration and anger in that scene would have a more palpable cause (rather than her smiling contently at Leia, and then going immediately apeshit on the training remote). Rey could go from her failed meditation session to speaking with Leia in the hanger; then later, a hard cut from Poe telling her “We need you” to the training scene (cutting her line about “What’s the message?”), and then a cut from the training course to everyone listening to Palpy’s message.

I feel like that would be a better transition tonally than we got in the original film, not to mention a better motivation for her pushing herself so hard during the training course than…nothing? It goes from angry Rey, to “What was all that evil stuff?” to “Oh noes, the Emperor is back! That was the evil stuff!”, as opposed to the original through line of “Ha ha, fun banter! Oh crap, it’s the lord of all evil.” The only iffy thing would be trimming/rearranging some of the dialogue, but I think it would be possible.


mikereese971 said:

What if Rey’s training course and Force vision came after the scene where Poe accuses her of not doing enough to help the Resistance?

That sounds interesting, but wouldn’t work.
BB-8 is damaged during training and her and Poe discuss it.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


That would be hard to do as half of their banter is involving broken BB-8

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Watched this again last night and there were a couple of colour-related issues that stood out to me.

The first is that Ghost Luke is de-blued significantly in certain shots and less so in others. Does anyone else notice this, or am I seeing things? Is there any chance this can be made more consistent in V2?
The second is that the added shot of Leia looking at Han’s medal is quite bright compared to the very dark room she is located and subsequently lies down in. In my opinion, it stands out as a result. Perhaps a colour adjustment would help it fit in better?

And finally, the Lando/Jannah moment is still incredibly awkward to me. My wife, who had not seen TROS since opening night said, “huh…? What is that supposed to mean?” immediately after it happened. I’ve come around to all of your other changes/decisions and love what you (and the OT community) have accomplished overall, but I struggle to identify what is gained by keeping this scene.

Eagerly anticipating V2!!!


It’s the only “ending” for their characters in the film. And it’s assumed this story thread will come back again? Possibly pick up in the Lando TV show they announced, perhaps? So, might as well just keep it.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


If only there was anything in the film that implied Lando was looking for his long lost daughter, that scene would have a clearer subtext.


Icecream2448 said:

It’s the only “ending” for their characters in the film. And it’s assumed this story thread will come back again? Possibly pick up in the Lando TV show they announced, perhaps? So, might as well just keep it.

Neither character is really all that important to this film though - do we care if they get an ending here? I’m not fussed about Rose and Babu Frik getting all but ignored in the final scene and both of them arguably did more in this trilogy.

But while we’re on the topic of the ending, maybe cut Chewie getting the medal? It’s so fan-service-y and embarrassing.


Cinefy said:

That sounds interesting, but wouldn’t work.
BB-8 is damaged during training and her and Poe discuss it.

I feel like we could pass off Poe’s comments as “paranoid parent and/or trying to distract Rey from the Falcon” if the scene is pruned carefully. Here’s a rough edit of the scene that I was testing out. (I was also seeing if I could cut out Hux’s spy subplot, so all references to that have also been removed. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )


The shot of Leia is from Force Awakens; but I feel that if Carrie hadn’t passed away, she would have been there to greet Poe when he returned anyway. If we want to continue with something like this, other folks (more talented than me) might be able to tweak the Leia shot a bit more, or to cover up BB-8’s missing plate in the one shot. Personally I don’t think either of those are deal breakers, though.


Not to piss you off or anything, Hal, but if deleted scenes for this movie come out in the next year or two, will you come out of retirement just to do a V3 to incorporate them? I know you’ve said yes, but I also know you want this all done and over with to put it behind you.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


mikereese971 said:

Cinefy said:

That sounds interesting, but wouldn’t work.
BB-8 is damaged during training and her and Poe discuss it.

I feel like we could pass off Poe’s comments as “paranoid parent and/or trying to distract Rey from the Falcon” if the scene is pruned carefully. Here’s a rough edit of the scene that I was testing out. (I was also seeing if I could cut out Hux’s spy subplot, so all references to that have also been removed. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

I like the idea but you can literally see BB-8 is damaged, don’t think this works

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


nl0428 said:

Not to piss you off or anything, Hal, but if deleted scenes for this movie come out in the next year or two, will you come out of retirement just to do a V3 to incorporate them? I know you’ve said yes, but I also know you want this all done and over with to put it behind you.

Oh, yes, I would most likely do so. Provided that the deleted scenes actually fit in and make an improvement.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Chase Adams said:

Just to pull an idea RogueLeader had in the TROS ideas thread for everyone’s consideration…

RogueLeader said:

Kind of building on the idea of the crackly Skywalker saber, I think it could be interesting if during Kylo and Rey’s duel on the Death Star, that Rey’s saber was almost becoming “overloaded” from the constant saber-clashing, and starts shorting out by the end of the duel. For example, in the shot where Rey sort of shakes her hand, you could have the saber fluttering in and out. Then finally, when Kylo keeps hammering away at Rey while she is on the ground, we could see the saber give out while Kylo is raising his to deliver the final blow. This would give a reason for why Rey grabs Kylo’s saber and stabs him with it, rather than just using her own.

I think it would add an interesting aspect to the duel that we haven’t really seen before, where our characters are dealing with a malfunctioning weapon. It also gives Rey a practical reason for why she inevitably builds her own.

This is something I really think would be great to fully realise. 😃
Hopefully it can find a place in this edit.

If this is something feasible that someone here is able to do, it would be one of the best changes possible. I’m still frustrated that JJ completely ignored Luke’s saber getting broken in half.


axlanian said:

Chase Adams said:

Just to pull an idea RogueLeader had in the TROS ideas thread for everyone’s consideration…

RogueLeader said:

Kind of building on the idea of the crackly Skywalker saber, I think it could be interesting if during Kylo and Rey’s duel on the Death Star, that Rey’s saber was almost becoming “overloaded” from the constant saber-clashing, and starts shorting out by the end of the duel. For example, in the shot where Rey sort of shakes her hand, you could have the saber fluttering in and out. Then finally, when Kylo keeps hammering away at Rey while she is on the ground, we could see the saber give out while Kylo is raising his to deliver the final blow. This would give a reason for why Rey grabs Kylo’s saber and stabs him with it, rather than just using her own.

I think it would add an interesting aspect to the duel that we haven’t really seen before, where our characters are dealing with a malfunctioning weapon. It also gives Rey a practical reason for why she inevitably builds her own.

This is something I really think would be great to fully realise. 😃
Hopefully it can find a place in this edit.

If this is something feasible that someone here is able to do, it would be one of the best changes possible. I’m still frustrated that JJ completely ignored Luke’s saber getting broken in half.

Are you kidding? The fact that it was fixed and even has a thing attaching the two broken pieces of the lightsaber serves as a visual reminder for Rey’s failure in TLJ, sort of like Kylo Ren’s scar which symbolizes how his actions of killing Han will always be there.


TestingOutTheTest said:

axlanian said:

Chase Adams said:

Just to pull an idea RogueLeader had in the TROS ideas thread for everyone’s consideration…

RogueLeader said:

Kind of building on the idea of the crackly Skywalker saber, I think it could be interesting if during Kylo and Rey’s duel on the Death Star, that Rey’s saber was almost becoming “overloaded” from the constant saber-clashing, and starts shorting out by the end of the duel. For example, in the shot where Rey sort of shakes her hand, you could have the saber fluttering in and out. Then finally, when Kylo keeps hammering away at Rey while she is on the ground, we could see the saber give out while Kylo is raising his to deliver the final blow. This would give a reason for why Rey grabs Kylo’s saber and stabs him with it, rather than just using her own.

I think it would add an interesting aspect to the duel that we haven’t really seen before, where our characters are dealing with a malfunctioning weapon. It also gives Rey a practical reason for why she inevitably builds her own.

This is something I really think would be great to fully realise. 😃
Hopefully it can find a place in this edit.

If this is something feasible that someone here is able to do, it would be one of the best changes possible. I’m still frustrated that JJ completely ignored Luke’s saber getting broken in half.

Are you kidding? The fact that it was fixed and even has a thing attaching the two broken pieces of the lightsaber serves as a visual reminder for Rey’s failure in TLJ, sort of like Kylo Ren’s scar which symbolizes how his actions of killing Han will always be there.

Please try to avoid using mock suprise when disagreeing with someone’s opinion. I don’t know if I’m alone in this but to me it comes off as an attempt to belittle them.

The minor repair is so visually slight that it’s extremely missable, though. The fact that no attention is drawn to it makes me infer that the production team would rather have viewers not notice it. And with that interpretation, I’d assume that the bit of metal which reconnects the two halves is essentially there to put the question to bed if it comes up, rather than as a cool theme or idea that the production team would like to draw attention to.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


If it could somehow be shown that Luke and Leia’s sabers are broken after the Palpatine fight, that would make burying them and her making her own make much more sense. Maybe in the shots of Rey holding and dropping the lightsabers on the ground some sparks could be added coming out of the sabers, like Palpatine’s lightening fried them or something like that? Or even some smoke? Something to hint that they are broken.

It would be harder to do but maybe have them still ignited when she holds them and they both sizzle out on the ground?

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


I believe Movies Remastered made a small edit of sparks coming out of Anakin’s lightsaber?


I’m still working on it but if anyone would like to work on the contrast of the alpha channel that would help?

Could you imagine what deleted scenes they have? Both Solo & TLJ were transformed/rescued with deleted scenes. TROS would be the same, imo.

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DZ-330 said:

If it could somehow be shown that Luke and Leia’s sabers are broken after the Palpatine fight, that would make burying them and her making her own make much more sense.

Not to mention the thematic resonance that would add, given that this is the conclusion of the entire Skywalker Saga. As the Saga ends, so too does the Skywalker lightsaber.


I did make a video for my channel about unreleased deleted scenes that I could find.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


mikereese971 said:

Not to mention the thematic resonance that would add, given that this is the conclusion of the entire Skywalker Saga. As the Saga ends, so too does the Skywalker lightsaber.

Agreed. One thing I hate most about this movie is it does very little to try and end things. Take some risks! Kill some characters! Do something! Breaking the two Skywalker lightsabers takes a risk.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


I’m trying to give Rey’s crackling Saber a different effect than Kylo’s. This may not be the best example but the core white is more his style but what are your thoughts on more outer blue crackle than core instability?


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Particles should be flying off of Anakin’s saber, sort of like the same with Kylo Ren’s.