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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 320


DominicCobb said:

jonh said:

DominicCobb said:

jonh said:

Hello! These are the shots in which it has been possible for me to change Luke’s hair, there are other shots in which it is impossible: a thousand generations … it is impossible, for me at least.
I have also lost two kilos of weight to Luke


Great work jonh! We knew you could do it.

Couple little nitpicks:

  • At around :14/:15 you can see some residual blue glow flare up in the background to the left of Luke
  • At around :25 when the hair blows, the mask seems a bit obvious since the hair moves by the edge stays the same

I also wonder if there’s some way you could thin up the shot where Luke stands up and says “there’s something my sister would want you to have”? That one always stands out to me, I think it’s more a matter of the angle and the robe making him look bigger but he just looks strange there to me.

can you tell me where exactly? with screenshots, to fix it ?😉

At 00:00:15:07

It’s tough to see in still but look at that part of the frame in motion and you’ll see the blue flare up a bit.

Now that I got my fine toothed comb out, I also noticed some stray pieces of hair at


00:00:14:06 (and in the same spot the frame before and after)



good eye! I will try to fix it!!😃


MalaStrana#2 said:

sidshady12 said:

It is an interesting thing to think about - how far did they go on their first light speed jump? And would it make sense with the whole chances of running into a star or other debris?

The speed of light is 299,792,458 m / s

Being generous, I’m assuming he was going light speed for 3 seconds, but it might be 3.2 or something. Multiplied by 3 and converted to miles, you only get 558,847.

EDIT: nvm ships go WAY faster than the speed of light in star wars pretty sure

https://www.tor.com/2014/12/08/star-wars-how-fast-is-the-millennium-falcon/#:~:text=The Millennium Falcon’s top speed,So there we have it.

With this guys research and anaylsis, which I’m inclined to believe because for the star wars lore/movies to make sense with the distances and speeds seen then going hyper speed would be extremely faster than just normal light speed, so even 3 seconds is by no means a ‘quick/close jump.’ Did some calculations with the times this guy theorized and the falcon likely would’ve gone a couple trillion miles in just a few seconds

Well, I would say it’s Star Wars, not Star Trek, doesn’t need to be realistic as long as it keeps inner consistency within the Universe it takes place.

Honestly, it doesn’t even do that. In ANH, it explicitly only takes them a few minutes to get from Alderaan to Tatooine, which is a pretty lengthy trip based on in-universe maps. Other films clearly have longer travel times. Hyperspace travel has always, since the very beginning, moved at the speed of plot.

Edit: my recollection of this scene was off. Still, as I say below, my point remains.


omnimuffin said:

MalaStrana#2 said:

sidshady12 said:

It is an interesting thing to think about - how far did they go on their first light speed jump? And would it make sense with the whole chances of running into a star or other debris?

The speed of light is 299,792,458 m / s

Being generous, I’m assuming he was going light speed for 3 seconds, but it might be 3.2 or something. Multiplied by 3 and converted to miles, you only get 558,847.

EDIT: nvm ships go WAY faster than the speed of light in star wars pretty sure

https://www.tor.com/2014/12/08/star-wars-how-fast-is-the-millennium-falcon/#:~:text=The Millennium Falcon’s top speed,So there we have it.

With this guys research and anaylsis, which I’m inclined to believe because for the star wars lore/movies to make sense with the distances and speeds seen then going hyper speed would be extremely faster than just normal light speed, so even 3 seconds is by no means a ‘quick/close jump.’ Did some calculations with the times this guy theorized and the falcon likely would’ve gone a couple trillion miles in just a few seconds

Well, I would say it’s Star Wars, not Star Trek, doesn’t need to be realistic as long as it keeps inner consistency within the Universe it takes place.

Honestly, it doesn’t even do that. In ANH, it explicitly only takes them a few minutes to get from Alderaan to Tatooine, which is a pretty lengthy trip based on in-universe maps. Other films clearly have longer travel times. Hyperspace travel has always, since the very beginning, moved at the speed of plot.

Where does it explicitly say that?

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


jarbear said:

omnimuffin said:

MalaStrana#2 said:

sidshady12 said:

It is an interesting thing to think about - how far did they go on their first light speed jump? And would it make sense with the whole chances of running into a star or other debris?

The speed of light is 299,792,458 m / s

Being generous, I’m assuming he was going light speed for 3 seconds, but it might be 3.2 or something. Multiplied by 3 and converted to miles, you only get 558,847.

EDIT: nvm ships go WAY faster than the speed of light in star wars pretty sure

https://www.tor.com/2014/12/08/star-wars-how-fast-is-the-millennium-falcon/#:~:text=The Millennium Falcon’s top speed,So there we have it.

With this guys research and anaylsis, which I’m inclined to believe because for the star wars lore/movies to make sense with the distances and speeds seen then going hyper speed would be extremely faster than just normal light speed, so even 3 seconds is by no means a ‘quick/close jump.’ Did some calculations with the times this guy theorized and the falcon likely would’ve gone a couple trillion miles in just a few seconds

Well, I would say it’s Star Wars, not Star Trek, doesn’t need to be realistic as long as it keeps inner consistency within the Universe it takes place.

Honestly, it doesn’t even do that. In ANH, it explicitly only takes them a few minutes to get from Alderaan to Tatooine, which is a pretty lengthy trip based on in-universe maps. Other films clearly have longer travel times. Hyperspace travel has always, since the very beginning, moved at the speed of plot.

Where does it explicitly say that?

That’s actually my bad- after posting, I realized my memory of the scene had gotten mixed up a description of the scene somebody had said to me in conversation a bit ago. My memory is garbage.

That being said, Han enters the room, talks about how he’d thrown the Empire off their tail, and then within minutes the ship is coming up on Alderaan. It’s clearly not meant to be an extended period of time. I’d argue the scene doesn’t make any sense if it takes more than half an hour.


Just how fast is a ship going when it is traveling in hyperspace? It turns out, the Lucasfilm Story Group doesn’t worry too much about those details, as Rogue One: A Star Wars Story co-writer Gary Whitta recently revealed that the Star Wars brain trust told him, hyperspace moves exactly as fast as the story requires. According to Whitta…

“The way I heard it was hyperspace moves at the speed of plot, which is, whatever is the most dramatically interesting time it takes to get from somewhere to somewhere else, that’s how long it takes.”

-CinemaBlend interview

However, if you must have in-universe explanations:

Despite being a mature technology and ships having travelled relatively stable hyperspace-routes that were updated constantly, moving through hyperspace was still a dangerous proposition. While generally determined by the distance between two planets, hyperspace travel times between two locations seemingly close to one another could be drastically extended by the need to navigate around stellar hazards, such as asteroid fields and nebulae.

An example of this is the journey from Coruscant to Alderaan. In terms of distance, Alderaan was situated close to Coruscant—the former at approximately 5,000 light years from the Core, the latter at approximately 10,000. However, during the Imperial era, such a journey required roughly sixteen hours of travel due to a section of the route passing through a part of the largely-uncharted Deep Core, where navigation was difficult as a result of the gravity wells produced by the congregation of stars. Ironically, then, it was actually faster to get from Tatooine to Alderaan on the other side of the galaxy. In some cases, intragalactic travels could take days, depending on the distance between two planets and the obstacles between.

-The Wookieepedia article on Hyperspace

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


No worries. I’ve done it too, thought I was missing something.

That was the beauty of the originals … time/travel time were left ambiguous. We were not given timers … since that would cause all sorts of issues to try and "make it 100% logical/explainable for science/laws/etc. How long did it take the crew to get to Alderan? We aren’t told. How long did it take the crew to get to Cloud city without a hyperdrive? We don’t know. Those scenes were split up with other scenes/locations that gives “the illusion of time” occurring. Simple and works.

That’s why I appreciate the removal of the “timer” in this edit about the “Palpy fleet attack.” Again, like the Last Jedi we are told things happening in hours and the “hero’s” are all traveling and doing things “within hours” and makes it … unbelievable. Also, the light speed skipping breaks “the rules/laws” from ANH. Heck, it breaks the movie before it it’s rule on how it works. LOL it was just bad, period.

It’s bad to make a created story that tells you at the beginning “Oil and Water do not mix” and then later show water mixing with oil." Takes you out of that world the author/creator is creating. A big no-no in story telling.

Also Jonh, again, great work with the haircut. Comparing it with the original “wig” it’s night and day difference.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


jarbear said:

No worries. I’ve done it too, thought I was missing something.

That was the beauty of the originals … time/travel time were left ambiguous. We were not given timers … since that would cause all sorts of issues to try and "make it 100% logical/explainable for science/laws/etc. How long did it take the crew to get to Alderan? We aren’t told. How long did it take the crew to get to Cloud city without a hyperdrive? We don’t know. Those scenes were split up with other scenes/locations that gives “the illusion of time” occurring. Simple and works.

That’s why I appreciate the removal of the “timer” in this edit about the “Palpy fleet attack.” Again, like the Last Jedi we are told things happening in hours and the “hero’s” are all traveling and doing things “within hours” and makes it … unbelievable. Also, the light speed skipping breaks “the rules/laws” from ANH. Heck, it breaks the movie before it it’s rule on how it works. LOL it was just bad, period.

It’s bad to make a created story that tells you at the beginning “Oil and Water do not mix” and then later show water mixing with oil." Takes you out of that world the author/creator is creating. A big no-no in story telling.

Also Jonh, again, great work with the haircut. Comparing it with the original “wig” it’s night and day difference.

As a giant dork, I am legally compelled to note that the canon reason it doesn’t break the ANH rules is that the ‘skips’ are precalculated at the outset, before any jump takes place.


Great! I would love to see this version, where can I find it?


As a giant dork, I am legally compelled to note that the canon reason it doesn’t break the ANH rules is that the ‘skips’ are precalculated at the outset, before any jump takes place.

Lol, let me guess, in the book/tweet/something outside of the movie? Oh boy, this is another one of those bandaids like “caused a space time disruptions to be seen thousands of lightyears away” with StarKiller base and seeing the distractions of the New Republic. Oh JJ …

Another reminder … Thank you Hal for removing this scene!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Happy to.

No one looking up at the destruction of Hosnian Prime from Maz’s castle seemed to have any issue identifying what was happening. That explanation just doesn’t fly.

And I do feel similarly about lightspeed skipping. Maybe it’s just me being an insufferable dork, but I do.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Happy to.

No one looking up at the destruction of Hosnian Prime from Maz’s castle seemed to have any issue identifying what was happening. That explanation just doesn’t fly.

And I do feel similarly about lightspeed skipping. Maybe it’s just me being an insufferable dork, but I do.

I feel the same way about that scene and I’m definitely an insufferable dork, so there’s no maybe about it 😉

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Just so everyone knows, I’ve got some all-consuming business to keep up with in my personal life so I won’t have a lot of time to dedicate to going about this. I will still release V2 and the Rey Nobody edit, even if it takes time and ‘the right day’ here and there. I also hope to get the slight revision to TFA out the door.
Thanks for your understanding. I do the easy part, but you all are keeping the project going and I know V2 is going to be incredible for it.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Just so everyone knows, I’ve got some all-consuming business to keep up with in my personal life so I won’t have a lot of time to dedicate to going about this. I will still release V2 and the Rey Nobody edit, even if it takes time and ‘the right day’ here and there. I also hope to get the slight revision to TFA out the door.
Thanks for your understanding. I do the easy part, but you all are keeping the project going and I know V2 is going to be incredible for it.


Thanks for everything you do; we will be patiently awaiting V2. Perhaps this is the wrong thread to ask this on, but what alterations are proposing on the updated TFA cut?


Hal, you aren’t planning to hide any subtle hints of Palpatine in TFA are you?


Darth Sadifous said:

Hal, you aren’t planning to hide any subtle hints of Palpatine in TFA are you?

He already added Palpatine’s voice to the force vision. Not sure if he did anything else though.


That and a very subtle tweak when we see the Vader helmet to hint at the Emperor’s theme.

I don’t plan to do anything else about it. I’m okay with it being that way, as any left turn hints would maybe feel weird and sort of weirdly anachronistic. It’s like the OT having twists that have dubious retroactive buildup. I dunno. But I’m okay with TFA like we got it. It and TLJ have a couple subtle hints that weren’t there before.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Somewhere, several pages ago, someone mentioned implying Leia was more responsible for the Han apparition. I had mocked this up awhile back if this is helpful:

21C Peasant said:

At the risk of annoying everybody, I put together another version of my tie sequence including a brand new shot of the ties with the castle in the background.

Please keep in mind that I’m doing this purely for my own enjoyment, not to try to impress anyone or to try to convince Hal9000 to include this in his edit. I’ll be putting this in my own personal edit, but if anyone wants to use it in theirs, that would be cool, too.

As someone in this community once said, “The best edit is always your own.”

Right on!


Can you send this to me without any added music? Really like the concept, but the music feels too looped over the Battlefront Footage.


Hal 9000 said:

Does the lossless audio output work for you for that? It’s fully baked in and part of the mix. I can send the separate raw audio if you need it, though.

Whichever is easiest for you. Much appreciated. I finally downloaded your workprint so it’ll be tomorrows viewing 😃

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Replaced Kylo Ren’s line “I never lied to you” with “You were right” for more intuitive and precise continuity with TLJ even as the scene retcons it. In that film, it is Rey herself who supplies the information that her parents “were nobody.”

Kylo just wanted to take credit for what Rey said.


JakeRyan17 said:

Somewhere, several pages ago, someone mentioned implying Leia was more responsible for the Han apparition. I had mocked this up awhile back if this is helpful:

21C Peasant said:

At the risk of annoying everybody, I put together another version of my tie sequence including a brand new shot of the ties with the castle in the background.

Please keep in mind that I’m doing this purely for my own enjoyment, not to try to impress anyone or to try to convince Hal9000 to include this in his edit. I’ll be putting this in my own personal edit, but if anyone wants to use it in theirs, that would be cool, too.

As someone in this community once said, “The best edit is always your own.”

Right on!


Can you send this to me without any added music? Really like the concept, but the music feels too looped over the Battlefront Footage.

Wonderful! I too really like the theory that Leia conjured the Han apparition. My interpretation is that Leia, with Luke’s help, used her remaining life force to conjure Han.


pw: fanedit


Clavis said:

Wonderful! I too really like the theory that Leia conjured the Han apparition. My interpretation is that Leia, with Luke’s help, used her remaining life force to conjure Han.


pw: fanedit

LOVE this idea. Anything to give a bit of explanation/causality.