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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 318


Hal 9000 said:

That is extremely cool, and your version of the entire opening works well!
For TROS:A I’d love to add just the modified RO castle shot and add the castle over Kylo’s shoulder. I wonder if the RO shot could even lose the red glow, as though it’s just dead and static inside even?

Agree with your assessment.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


There’s gotta be somebody on this site with access to 4k Rogue One. Right?


4K is tricky because of the HDR. You’ll have to adjust the colours yourself; maybe Dre’s tool can help. Just make sure to preserve the 10-bit colour depth, because if you convert it to 8-bit and then try to tonemap it to SDR it’ll probably have some gross banding.


I can encode and provide clips of Rogue One sequences in 4K if anyone needs. Either in native HDR, or “SDR conformed” in 4K native if needed. I used the entire film for my own 4K HDR Rogue One/ANH edit.

If someone can provide me a timestamp, I’d be happy to upload a clip.

1080p downscale from 4K HDR (SDR Conformed)

4K HDR Native (Note: Windows sucks at taking native 4K HDR screencaps. The above “conformed” shot is closer to how the colors should look, while the detail in this image is more accurate)


I like the added threes a lot. It shows the same shot but 35 years later, this way the entire Saga gets represented in Ascendant.

So long 🙌


I love the current edit of the movie the idea of you guys adding even more is exciting as hell.


Movies Remastered said:

I should be getting it tomorrow. Does anyone know the best way to convert an 4k mkv to mp4 without colour loss?

Heya, I had to do this for my mini TROS edit. PM me and I can give u my work flow etc.

I use handbrake


I finally had a chance to watch this edit over the weekend. FANTASTIC WORK EVERYONE! Thanks for all the collaboration that brought this to fruition, I loved it!


Movies Remastered said:

hedgesmfg said:
If someone can provide me a timestamp, I’d be happy to upload a clip.

Fantastic, It’s 1:12:46:04 to 1:13:14:21 but may vary with 4k version. Thanks.

I’ll work on that and get it up for you sometime later today. A 4K SDR mp4 seems like the simplest option for you to work with, so I’ll try to get that up in a codec you can edit with soon.


hedgesmfg said:

Movies Remastered said:

hedgesmfg said:
If someone can provide me a timestamp, I’d be happy to upload a clip.

Fantastic, It’s 1:12:46:04 to 1:13:14:21 but may vary with 4k version. Thanks.

I’ll work on that and get it up for you sometime later today. A 4K SDR mp4 seems like the simplest option for you to work with, so I’ll try to get that up in a codec you can edit with soon.

Superstar! I’m in the UK so my days about to end here, so no rush.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

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Movies Remastered said:

hedgesmfg said:

Movies Remastered said:

hedgesmfg said:
If someone can provide me a timestamp, I’d be happy to upload a clip.

Fantastic, It’s 1:12:46:04 to 1:13:14:21 but may vary with 4k version. Thanks.

I’ll work on that and get it up for you sometime later today. A 4K SDR mp4 seems like the simplest option for you to work with, so I’ll try to get that up in a codec you can edit with soon.

Superstar! I’m in the UK so my days about to end here, so no rush.

Ended up happening quicker than I expected. This should be what you need.

Try this. Encoded in h.264 at a high bitrate (25000kbps with a 65000 maximum), as an mp4 file. Loads just fine into my own copy of Premiere Pro. Uses the 4K HDR data but converted into a 4K SDR source to preserve as much color as possible without sacrificing resolution. It should work, but let me know if it doesn’t and I can re-encode it in another format.


Be sure to download the file for the full resolution. Google drive doesn’t stream 4K.

(Also worth mentioning, but if anyone needs clips from it, since this is a TROS edit I can do the same with the 4K HDR version of TROS itself. I already used it when editing this trailer)


Removed Rey using the dagger as an impossible compass while surveying the wreckage of the second Death Star.

Why do people forget that C-3PO told them where to stand?


TestingOutTheTest said:

Why do people forget that C-3PO told them where to stand?

What line does he say I honestly can’t remember. Either way, it is a kinda corny scene haha.


It’s in the scene where he gets red eyes as he reads the dagger. One of the things he says is a set of coordinates, and that the dagger has to be used on the southern shore of the Death Star lake. The scene is still cheesy though, and I’m glad Hal’s edit changed it.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


The whole thing was bad … just bad … I am glad it was removed. The concept of it was just … bad.

A Sith-supporter guy, used by Sidious, went to the wreckage of the Death Start “X” years ago, decided to make a dagger in the shape of the wreckage … and then have a little pointer that extends out and “points” to the exact spot of the wayfinder.

Remember, this is HIS dagger that HE created … for “reasons” to lead to a location he has knowledge of, that then points to a wayfinder, (which he obviously knows where it is “stored”) … so it could help navigate you to Exegol, which he came from. Must have made it in case he developed dementia and forgot how to get home?

SO yeah … the whole thing is just BAD and this helps make it LESS bad.

Granted, if there was a way to change the “translation” scene, even by using a new voice over to change the dialogue to make it more vague about the dagger’s origin and how to find the wayfinder, it would be better and still can say “The dagger will lead the way” or whatever the line is. Obviously the issue is how to make it so the crew knows to go to the DSII wreckage …

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Removed lightspeed skipping sequence. It made no sense given how hyperspace has always been depicted, as quick travel, not teleportation.

The planets are very clearly that close to each other, so no it isn’t depicted as teleportation. The sequence is still unnecessary, though, as Poe’s recklessness can be inferred from the Falcon breaking through the ice.


Yeah, is there a shot of the planets close together or something? If we actually saw a few moons or planetoids in the direction Poe jumps into hyperspace, it actually might sell the the whole concept more. But it looked like empty space to me.


Ummmm … what?

watches clip

Still very confused with that assessment/statement.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


It is an interesting thing to think about - how far did they go on their first light speed jump? And would it make sense with the whole chances of running into a star or other debris?

The speed of light is 299,792,458 m / s

Being generous, I’m assuming he was going light speed for 3 seconds, but it might be 3.2 or something. Multiplied by 3 and converted to miles, you only get 558,847.

EDIT: nvm ships go WAY faster than the speed of light in star wars pretty sure

https://www.tor.com/2014/12/08/star-wars-how-fast-is-the-millennium-falcon/#:~:text=The Millennium Falcon’s top speed,So there we have it.

With this guys research and anaylsis, which I’m inclined to believe because for the star wars lore/movies to make sense with the distances and speeds seen then going hyper speed would be extremely faster than just normal light speed, so even 3 seconds is by no means a ‘quick/close jump.’ Did some calculations with the times this guy theorized and the falcon likely would’ve gone a couple trillion miles in just a few seconds