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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 135


That’s what I linked? I meant trying to do something like that with jonh’s version of adding in Ben.

So I spent a couple of hours learning more about iMovie through YouTube tutorials and eventually was able to make this:


It’s pretty bad, but I think it gives a good idea of what I’m trying to do.


Sebastian Shaw footage can be taken from films he was in pre-ROTJ with the eyebrows digitally removed and rotoscoped onto Anakin’s body in jonh’s ghost scene.


CourtlyHades296 said:

rotoscoped onto Anakin’s body in jonh’s ghost scene.

The circle is now complete. Hayden was rotoscoped onto Shaw’s body in RotJ, now Shaw will be rotoscoped onto Hayden’s body in TRoS.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


I would like a version of the movie that keeps most of Hal9000’s changes.

My only extra edits would be this:

Keep leia’s lightsaber the same colour as it is in the movie originally.
I don’t want to see the force ghosts. I don’t want to see ghost ben solo.

Id pay someone to do it.

edit: ive seen hal’s version now, ignore the above.


ThisIsCreation said:

I would like a version of the movie that keeps most of Hal9000’s changes.

My only extra edits would be this:

Keep leia’s lightsaber the same colour as it is in the movie originally.
I don’t want to see the force ghosts. I don’t want to see ghost ben solo.

Id pay someone to do it.

Why so against giving Leia’s colour the colour Carrie Fisher desired while also making it distinct from the other lightsaber being used in the scene (which helps show/emphasise that Ben uses his grandfather’s saber)?

I get not having all the ghosts in the climax… but taking Ben out of the final ghost scene was a big issue for me personally. It felt dismissive of his character arc and Rey’s as well for that matter.

Just curious to hear your reasoning.


JakeRyan17 said:

ThisIsCreation said:

I would like a version of the movie that keeps most of Hal9000’s changes.

My only extra edits would be this:

Keep leia’s lightsaber the same colour as it is in the movie originally.
I don’t want to see the force ghosts. I don’t want to see ghost ben solo.

Id pay someone to do it.

Why so against giving Leia’s colour the colour Carrie Fisher desired while also making it distinct from the other lightsaber being used in the scene (which helps show/emphasise that Ben uses his grandfather’s saber)?

I get not having all the ghosts in the climax… but taking Ben out of the final ghost scene was a big issue for me personally. It felt dismissive of his character arc and Rey’s as well for that matter.

Just curious to hear your reasoning.

actually the more i think about it the more im alright with the lightsaber, but i would like to ghosts removed, especially Ben’s. Simply because we don’t know what they might do in the future with him.


ThisIsCreation said:

JakeRyan17 said:

ThisIsCreation said:

I would like a version of the movie that keeps most of Hal9000’s changes.

My only extra edits would be this:

Keep leia’s lightsaber the same colour as it is in the movie originally.
I don’t want to see the force ghosts. I don’t want to see ghost ben solo.

Id pay someone to do it.

Why so against giving Leia’s colour the colour Carrie Fisher desired while also making it distinct from the other lightsaber being used in the scene (which helps show/emphasise that Ben uses his grandfather’s saber)?

I get not having all the ghosts in the climax… but taking Ben out of the final ghost scene was a big issue for me personally. It felt dismissive of his character arc and Rey’s as well for that matter.

Just curious to hear your reasoning.

actually the more i think about it the more im alright with the lightsaber, but i would like to ghosts removed, especially Ben’s. Simply because we don’t know what they might do in the future with him.

Well, I’m my cut Ben is still alive but in canon he’s dead dead so why not have a force ghost?

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Movies Remastered said:

Has anyone got a template of the rotating title star wars logo? After effect or premiere pro version will do.

Like from the trailers? I’m not sure which rotating graphic you’re referring to.


Movies Remastered said:

Yeah. Like when the main logo opens and the white title text rotates 45 degrees?

I have the font Disney used for the episode titles, but not the motion graphic itself. I would love to have it as well if anyone has it. I could create it in After Effects, but I don’t really have the time right now.


I’ve spent all day getting the logo to separate properly but I wrecked my back over Christmas so the rest will take a while.

I did see a fairly simple tutorial on YouTube using a fake 3d text which I’ll probably end up using that if no one’s done it before.

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Not sure how we could imply it, but I think it would be cool if we could explain that the reason the Sith Fleet needs to be controlled by some kind of tower is because all of those ships are completely empty, and they need to be remotely controlled. Maybe we could redub that dumb line about harvesting the galaxy’s young to man the fleet. How are babies gonna man the fleet you are launching in less than 16 hours? Maybe we could redub him to say, “We’ll need to install a comm tower onto this ship to control the fleet remotely.”

This way, the only people the Resistance really kills are the people aboard the First Order Star Destroyer, and the TIE Fighter pilots. Also, I think it is a cleaner explanation, than them needing it to get through the nebula.

EDIT: And this might not be right for a mainstream edit, but I wonder if you could just extended Finn/Jannah’s mission, and cut out the bull with them wanting to destroy the command deck. Just have them disarm the navigation tower, and let the battle itself lead to the destruction of the Star Destroyer.

I mean, it is already weird. Finn and Jannah deactivate the navigation tower. They start running back to the transports, but then they turn around. Rose asks them where they are and tells them to leave without them (which makes my eyes roll, since this is sort of a spit in the face to their interaction at the Battle of Crait. Finn wants to sacrifice himself again and Rose is like “okay”) But then, during Palpatine’s speech to Rey, as they’re watching the Resistance be destroyed, it looks like Finn and Jannah are actually running back toward the transports. But then, next time we see them, they’re standing right next to the turbolaser they were hacking into when he had his convo with Rose. Idk, I guess it is nice for these ex-stormtroopers to have the opportunity to kill their former masters, but this sort of thematically contradicts Finn’s story in TLJ. But I guess if your preferred edit cuts all of that shit out, then it doesn’t matter.


RogueLeader said:

They start running back to the transports, but then they turn around. Rose asks them where they are and tells them to leave without them (which makes my eyes roll, since this is sort of a spit in the face to their interaction at the Battle of Crait. Finn wants to sacrifice himself again and Rose is like “okay”) But then, during Palpatine’s speech to Rey, as they’re watching the Resistance be destroyed, it looks like Finn and Jannah are actually running back toward the transports. But then, next time we see them, they’re standing right next to the turbolaser they were hacking into when he had his convo with Rose. Idk, I guess it is nice for these ex-stormtroopers to have the opportunity to kill their former masters, but this sort of thematically contradicts Finn’s story in TLJ. But I guess if your preferred edit cuts all of that shit out, then it doesn’t matter.

In the novelization, Rose asks Finn what he’s doing and he responds “saving what I love.” I guess she lets him because she understands he’s doing it for the right reasons? Honestly, if that had made it into the movie it probably would have gotten eye rolls for the opposite reason (although I still wish they had left it in because that conversation in the movie was way too short).

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


I would’ve liked the line, because it’s a more meaningful sacrifice that he’s contemplating (rather than dying to fail in saving the Resistance in TLJ).


Hal 9000 said:

Lol he would’ve sounded like someone saying what he feels he has to to his girlfriend to be able to go out and drink with the guys.

Lol, so true. But it isn’t much better than the current version, which sounds like Finn is saying, “Rose. Please. Let’s not do this shit again.”

This is contradictory from what I said earlier, but if they wanted to go with the angle that Finn is “saving what he loves” by destroying the command tower, that might’ve been clearer if Hux was still alive and was killed in the destruction. Sure, the First Order apparatus is what feeds the child soldier program, but it was Hux’s army. He says as much in both TFA and TLJ. Sure, I guess Pryde takes that over once he kills Hux, but, in a way, stopping Hux would at least be a symbolic way of stopping the stormtrooper program.

But maybe they wanted to make the final battle more impersonal for Finn, since that will make it seem less like he is seeking personal vengeance, and is just trying to fulfill his mission of stopping the fleet, rather than wanting to kill anybody?

Would love to get some thoughts on this. Right now the final battle feels a bit generic, and it would be nice if there was a little more catharsis or something to the way the battle ends. Maybe including Hux would go more against Finn’s character arc in last two films. It just feels like the battle is missing something for Finn’s character. I don’t know. Obviously we don’t have much to work with, but still. Finn and Rose’s interaction just feels weird and forced, to me.

EDIT: It could be interesting if when Finn asks Hux why he saved them, Finn could ask Hux to come with them, but then Hux responds, “I don’t care if you win, I want Kylo Ren to lose.”
This way, Finn actually offers his enemy mercy, so regardless of you include Hux in the final battle or not, it shows some interesting development for Finn. Although, I would suggest including the idea of making Finn and Poe stun stormtroopers rather than killing them, as well. It would be weird if he killed stormtroopers, but then offered mercy to Hux.


I understand how you feel RL. I actually kind of think the movie’s biggest sin is what it did to Finn and Rose, separately and together. No follow through whatsoever. It’s frustrating because it’s easy to think of so many little things they could have done - the star destroyers are remote or manned by Sith Troopers who are clones or robots, or Finn uses the comms tower to send a message to the crews of the SDs to abandon ships. Finn could have had a line to Jannah to convince her to join the Resistance, Finn and Jannah and co. could have had stormtrooper armor in the final battle to signify where they came from. But no, no, no. Unfortunately I don’t know how much we can do.


While I understand wanting to make Hux the person Finn kills, his becoming the spy and helping Finn closes that loop (independent of his death by Pryde). The system that faccilitated Hux’s army (that wasn’t just Hux’s since he’s too young) is what Finn is destroying, and those he loves and desires to save are The Resistance.


That is a good point. Maybe when Rose asks what he is doing, instead of saying, “We’re taking the entire ship down”, he could say, “We’re taking the First Order down.”

Might not be good. I just wish their interaction was a little different.


RogueLeader said:

That is a good point. Maybe when Rose asks what he is doing, instead of saying, “We’re taking the entire ship down”, he could say, “We’re taking the First Order down.”

Might not be good. I just wish their interaction was a little different.

I would like that. Hell, I’d love a repeat of the line from TLJ about being the spark that burns the FO down… but I think only Poe, Leia, and Holdo say it (or things like it).