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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 310


poppasketti said:

Hey everyone,

I finally had a little free time and was able to make an effort to add Coruscant into the board room meeting scene!

pw: fanedit

The new FX shots are at :06, 1:23, and 1:25. There’s no audio because the clip I had to work from didn’t have audio, but I can add that later!

Thank the maker! Hope you had a merry Life Day Poppa,

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Looks fantastic!

I’d say if you could perhaps extend the first shot a few seconds, I can see if I can similarly extend it even just a second or so on the audio end of things.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Thanks for all of the feedback, and hope everyone’s having Happy Life Days!

The matting on the window isn’t perfect, partially because the shot is a very difficult track with all of the reflections and camera movement (Mocha couldn’t handle it at all, so I’m stuck with the AE trackers and manual corrections). I honestly wasn’t sure that last shot was going to work at all because of this! I can make another pass at some point to smooth that out as best I can, though it will probably never be perfect.

I think extending that first shot may be doable. I’ll see if using After Effects frame interpolation can get us a few extra frames (ideally 24 for a few extra second). Shrinking the planet in that shot may also make it a bit less distracting. We’ll see!

And yeah, that light source on the big ship was something I was looking at. There does appear to be an off-camera star shining down from above, which you can see just as the smaller ships whip past the camera. That’s where the ship supposedly gets it’s light. At first, when adding the planet, I actually put it at the top-left of frame, because it felt pretry natural with the lighting. The trouble was, it didn’t feel like it matched the position of the planet in the final shot, which was the most important factor to me. I suppose the ship could have rolled over between the shots, or even the conference room could be upside down? But I felt like matching the framing closely would be best! We’ll see!


I was actually going to suggest making the planet bigger in the first shot. If it went further into the space of the Star destroyer we would see it earlier, and then the shot might not seem like it goes by so fast. Or perhaps if it was below the SD rather than to the side?


That’s an option too! At first I had it bigger and more in frame behind the SD but something felt like it was too “loud” to me. And I didn’t want to put it bottom left because I felt like it would feel off with the lighting on the ship. I kind of wanted some of the planet to peak over the SD so that some of the light on it could be coming from the glow of the planet. I can try slowing it down a bit first and then see if I can make it register more before the cut.


Like how someone said on your edit of The Force Awakens where the music when the First Order arrives on Takodana is loud, the final piece of music when Rey looks out at the Ghosts is too quiet.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


poppasketti said:

Hey everyone,

I finally had a little free time and was able to make an effort to add Coruscant into the board room meeting scene!

pw: fanedit

The new FX shots are at :06, 1:23, and 1:25. There’s no audio because the clip I had to work from didn’t have audio, but I can add that later!

Hell Yes! This is what I have been talking about; you nailed it poppa. It looks amazing! Now do you think you can take a crack at Vader’s castle too?


Poppa does it again! Just a little polish and it’s perfect. Such a “simple” thing to do that adds so much.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Would have been interesting to hear Palpatine say “More than a clone less than a man” just not seen any adequate edits of that yet, most of the ones I’ve seen need work but would like to see it included some how,
also would have been cool if palpatine said “Nothing will stop the revenge of the sith”

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Ok, here’s an updated pass at the Coruscant addition! It’s the same link as before:

pw: fanedit
(The new FX shots are at :06, 1:24, and 1:26)

For the first shot, I enlarged and moved the planet more prominently into the frame, and I was able to extend the shot by a full 24 frames to give it more time to register (Hal you will need to extend the audio like you said).

For the last shot, I made a few refinements. First, I made the rings on the left less circular and more oval. Then, I was actually able to get a good track using Mocha, which made the window frames considerably more stable, and all of the roto should be greatly improved. It might not be quite perfect, but I scrutinized those edges as best I could and this may be about as good as I can get it!


Oh yeah that’s much better. It’s more obviously Coruscant in this version and the audience has more time to register it.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


The final shot is perfect, wonderful work!

The first shot is improved but I noticed there’s a bit of wobble between planet and ship, perhaps the extending of the shot made it more obvious. Not a big deal either way. There’s also a bit of a ‘cutout’ look to the ship overlaying the planet here, maybe putting some light bleed from the planet around the edges of the ship would blend the elements more, especially since the sunlight glare on the planet now overlaps part of the ship. Some effect like this, though maybe not quite so dramatic:

ship over planet

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


poppasketti said:

Ok, here’s an updated pass at the Coruscant addition! It’s the same link as before:

pw: fanedit

For the first shot, I enlarged and moved the planet more prominently into the frame, and I was able to extend the shot by a full 24 frames to give it more time to register (Hal you will need to extend the audio like you said).

For the last shot, I made a few refinements. First, I made the rings on the left less circular and more oval. Then, I was actually able to get a good track using Mocha, which made the window frames considerably more stable, and all of the roto should be greatly improved. It might not be quite perfect, but I scrutinized those edges as best I could and this may be about as good as I can get it!

My goodness that looks good.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Thanks everyone!

Nev, I’ll take another look, but I used the opening shot of TFA as a reference for whether there should be any light wrap effect (bleed) around the ship. There isn’t any in TFA and it has a cutout effect. I think it’s because the light is not emanating from the planet. In the image you sent, the flare is coming from the star, not the actual planet.

I can look at the wobble, but I think it’s mostly an illusion because of the camera shake. It is a weird shot, the parallax happens in the original between the Ship and stars as well (which makes sense given the distance).


Hey Nev, I actually made another pass (same link as above), and I think I locked down the shot a little bit more. The ship matte shouldn’t be dancing all over as much, and the planet stays mostly in place. The ship does continue to drift forward because I think that motion was always intended.


Yeah a light leak would really sell the shot for me, but I’m happy with how it is now.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Yeah, I think I’ll try that! Can’t do it tonight, but maybe in the next day or so I can take a look. Thanks!


Someone suggested adding in Vader’s castle in the Mustafar sequence earlier. Do you plan on doing so?


TestingOutTheTest said:

Someone suggested adding in Vader’s castle in the Mustafar sequence earlier. Do you plan on doing so?

It’s a change that will happen evantually its just a matter of time like the Coruscant planetary shot.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


AMAZING! The last shot is perfect now.

screeching halt, suddenly time for complaints Buuut wait… is Coruscant cut off in the opening shot on the bottom left corner for a second? It’s pure black. Or is it another Star Destroyer?

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


poppasketti said:

Yeah, I think I’ll try that! Can’t do it tonight, but maybe in the next day or so I can take a look. Thanks!

If I’m gonna nitpick badly I’d say those small black dots are supposed to be flying ships on Coruscant but they’re stagnant. You could just clone stamp them out of the clean plate or I’ve rendered a clean shot from Episode III if it would help?

That end sequence is flawless! Amazing work, Poppa. Nice to see you back.

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