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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 308


But it doesn’t completely blow up before our eyes. That would have been traumatizing to the (toxic, circle jerky) fanboys!

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


I love how the whole point of the video was having the Force Ghosts assist Rey, and everyone here is just arguing over whether killing Nien Nunb is a good idea.

But yeah, the video doesn’t do anything for me. It’s pretty much just a recreation of Jonh’s edit with more obvious effects, plus some weird deepfake thing at the end. Like, is that really the best way you could have had Anakin deliver the killing blow to Palpatine?

At least it’s better than some edit a guy on Twitter made, where the entire scene was just replaced by a white screen while a voice actor doing an Obi-Wan impression said “It’s alright Rey, I’m gonna erase Palpatine’s existence forever.” Then it just cut to after Palpatine’s defeat, with no explanation whatsoever. I still find it hilarious.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Hal 9000 said:

It was cool to see and it must’ve been a big project for him to put together, but I don’t think there’s anything new I would actually wish to see folded into the film itself.

jonh’s work is sublime in its subtlety and fits better for this project, which it was meant for and this other thing was not.

Only thing I think could be implemented is a couple shots, like the Nien Numb explosion, since alot of people didn’t realise he died.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore



So I hadnt watched Rise of Skywalker until yesterday - through your edit, except for the first 30 minutes on a shitty camrip when the film came out. I was prepared for a shitshow beyond belief in an epilepsy-inducing first 30 minutes. It was… not a shitshow anymore. It was okay. It was paced better. Annoyances were removed. I don’t remember the original coherent flow of scenes, but I believe there were changes made. The film felt better. However, one thing that cant be undone and that is the only thing to really ruin the first act of the film is the inclusion of Palpatine. I will not go into details as this is not a review thread for the film, but oh my. What a disaster to bring him back. Not to mention what an insult.

As for the rest of the film, it feels like a Indiana Jones movie with the treasure hunt. I am glad you edited the horrible “They fly now” from the trailer, and to be fair the only part of the film I really enjoyed was actually all the stuff on the Lando-planet and up until they arrive on the planet with the random new woman character. It was the only place in the film where I actually got to listen to character conversations and world building without being rushed to another setpiece. And the Chewie death was heartbreaking, although I realized the second after he didnt die because I havent heard nothing about that on social media. But the way these scenes played out did give the film some stake and build some character for Rey. Too bad they did a cop out - once again.

As for the Third Act… I dont know what you have done here or not done here - but I suspect you’ve done a lot of fixing up on horrible lines and silly antics, but the third act is just disgraceful nonetheless. Everything is non-sensical and disappointing. Sidious is a meme, the Star Destroyers are plot devices concocted out of thin air without any logistic reasoning behind it, Kylo Rens character arc is at this point butchered and so is the sequel trilogy to be fair. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that the Original Trilogy is worse off from this ST, due to the very fact that this is now all globally canon and stuck in most people’s head’s. I did get a slight goosebump from important Jedi characters showing up at Rey’s confrontation with Palpatine, but it died out at the reminder of what I was actually watching.

Conclusion and thoughts

What you have done here, HaL9000, different from your other edits, is that you have taken a piece of broken glass and been told to glue it together without glue. The first 30 minutes are objectively better and intruiging, and the first half of the second half - until the new-woman-character-planet, is the best part of the film.

I think fanediting is a gift for us mere mortals to use to improve upon something that has a lot of potential. This way, we can give ourselfs and our common fan brothers and sisters an improved and perhaps even completely new experience. In my subjective perspective of this film and this edit, I must be honest and bold enough to say that this is the only Star Wars film that can not be fixed to do just that. There is not enough (good) material. Hell, I used 40 minutes after watching your edit trying to look for deleted scenes or extended cuts to come with ideas, but all I could find was a video on YouTube with extended trailer shots and behind-the-scenes pictures.

I applaud your work having enjoyed Attack of the Clones and ROTS fanedits a very lot, as well as improved versions of TFA and TLJ, but here I think we all must just acknowledge that Disney stole our money and won.

Thank you for your efforts!

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


On the topic of versions of this scene that go even further than Jonh’s, I’m quite fond of this one, which also has the advantage of having pleasing art. I think Jonh’s is as close as you can feasibly get to it with fanediting, though, without going too far in a few places.


Anjohan, thank you for your thoughts. Interesting to hear from someone for whom Ascendant was their first viewing of the film. I tend to agree with your overall assessment, that the movie is really an unfortunate conclusion to the saga and doesn’t leave fan editors much of the usual gifts. It’s a frustrating movie that we’ve been able to improve to a satisfying degree, though it remains a mess.
I’d be interested to hear your thoughts if you skim through the cut list, if you haven’t already.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Also, I’m genuinely interested in your first impression of the added dialogue when the huge fleet arrives, since that was totally absent in the theatrical. Did it feel like an edit or addition by us?

My stance on revising fan edits.


Well, Hal, I’ll say. I’ve watched exegol space sequences a gazillion times, but when I saw your thing with the added audio. I got chills and shivers. It was a genius addition that if you told me on paper thats what you added, I would’ve been like. thats cool. But seeing it, everything just felt perfect. To me, a part of star wars has always been about the “wars” part and all the space ships, and just seeing a moment where the galaxy is united and showing up with all the “XXX standing by” and the “we believe in you Poe”, and “for skywalker!” it gives me goosebumps everytime. I like the movie the way it was, but you added to it. Literally as your description, conservative edit, but enhances the main story.


Luka Frik said:

So I’ve improved part 1 of the Exegol fight (indeed, it was way too subtle, thanks for the feedback) and I’ve finished part 2 :

Part 1 : https://vimeo.com/493406497

Part 2 : https://vimeo.com/493733280

pw : fanedit

There are some really cool elements to the new force ghost scene i.e. Yoda and Qui-Gon but Anakin’s deepfake was a little too much for me. There’s clearly a lot of working going into these new scenes so I’ll look forward to seeing what else he comes up with.

Luka, Those scenes look amazing, mate. Really well done on finishing these.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


“We believe in you Poe” line, felt very fan edity for me

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


DominicCobb released his workprint of his edit. He presented a very creative alternative for the hanger scene for a Rey Nobody version.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


nl0428 said:

DominicCobb released his workprint of his edit. He presented a very creative alternative for the hanger scene for a Rey Nobody version.

Link? I didn’t see it in the Rey Nobody thread


Looks great, Luka!

So I’m a bit unclear on how the edit works. Will it be able to be applied to the version with Leia’s blue saber?


PM Dom if you want to see it.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Yes Brewzter, I think it won’t be a problem, the tracking of Luke’s saber is done with another layer on AE, I’ll just have to change the video on which the effect is applied.


Luka Frik said:

Yes Brewzter, I think it won’t be a problem, the tracking of Luke’s saber is done with another layer on AE, I’ll just have to change the video on which the effect is applied.

Are the Exagol scenes with Skenera’s LUT added or are they original footage?

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Luka Frik said:

Yes Brewzter, I think it won’t be a problem, the tracking of Luke’s saber is done with another layer on AE, I’ll just have to change the video on which the effect is applied.

Is your plan just to export/upload an alpha/keyable version of what you come up with? I think that would be an easy solution for anyone worried about video source discrepancies.


Yes, my intention was to give access to the AE files (.aep), do you think it will work ? And I will also upload the version I’ve worked on (Skenera’s LUT).


Luka Frik said:

Yes, my intention was to give access to the AE files (.aep), do you think it will work ?

It should as long whoever is accessing it has at least the version of AE you’re working in or above, which might not be the case for everyone. (As well if you’re using a specific plug-in that might cause an issue.) For those without AE I think an alpha render would be a good alternative.


I’d say just distribute final output based on the commercial BluRay and anyone can apply whatever they were applying to it anyway to make it consistent with their project.

My stance on revising fan edits.