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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 302


Hal 9000 said:

mrbenjamino said:

just came across this on reddit from a guy on YouTube named JXEditor, thoughts?


I wonder if a line from the Han scene could be used. “You’re just a [memory.]”

Does unmasked Kylo ever say “clone” or something similar? “Snoke” might have a usable vowel. The word “own” maybe?

Palpatine’s voice sounds pretty good, given the source. Blends into the vibe the overall scene gives to his voice.

Kylo only says clone from TFA while wearing his mask. There could be other words to use to piece meal it.

I gotta admit, the palpatine line was cleaned up pretty significantly from the original source. Impressive.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Hey Hal. Long time lurker.

Really impressed with what you and your contributors have been able to achieve. Could I get a PM please?

Looking forward to watching. Thanks.


According to JXEditor, he got an impersonator to record new lines. He did both Kylo and Palpatine. Someone who goes by Ian-Luke Productions.


The Palpatine line sounds wonderful, but I agree that the Kylo line is too quiet and feels out of place. It’s almost like Kylo is shy or something and mumbles the end lol.

And great work again Luka! So glad to see this edit continuing. I especially liked the shot at 0:34 where the two crackling sabers connect for a couple of seconds.


Luka Frik said:

Please feel free to give me your feedback, I personally think that the beginning needs improvement.

Hmmm… Almost seems a little too subtle and the crackles seem too linear and not random enough.

In terms of tracking the movement across the blade, absolutely perfect!

I remember a while ago the majority of us agreed upon Rey’s lightsaber being as noticeably crackly as possible, without taking it too far.

Regardless, keep up the good work! I’m so thrilled that someone has finally undertaken this huge task! 😃

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Chase Adams said:

Hmmm… Almost seems a little too subtle and the crackles seem too linear and not random enough.

After going back to both clips and looking further, I see what you mean. In the second clip, you can’t really tell that the blade is meant to be crackly, while the second half looks great. Maybe because the first half has shots from far away?

Regardless, keep up the good work! I’m so thrilled that someone has finally undertaken this huge task! 😃

Agreed! 😄


I agree, the intensity of the crackle could be increased. But looks great!


Yeah, I would think trying to roughly match Kylo’s crackle would be the aim. In most shots in works but in the shots where you can see it closer it’s too subtle.


DZ-330 said:

Now if only Jonh can get Luke to the barber shop… we’ll be in a great place 😃

And give Sebastian Shaw his time to shine as a ghost as well… (Yes, I won’t ever let this go!! 🥴)

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Can I ask who did the excellent Naboo shot? Would love to get one that’s about twice the length if possible.


Luka Frik said:

Part 2 : https://vimeo.com/490953426 !

pw : fanedit

Please feel free to give me your feedback, I personally think that the beginning needs improvement.

Incredible tracking work but I could barely notice and crackling. Can you up the effect and make it a little more random?

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Could I please have a link to this? Sounds awesome, and I’ve loved your previous works.


OK, I tried to increase the crackling, is it better ? My fear was that on a TV screen, it became too visible but I might be wrong.

Part 2 : https://vimeo.com/491240392

pw : fanedit


The crackling looks much better for the first half now! But I think it’s overdone towards the end- especially in the close-up shots at 0:34 and 0:37, you can visibly see chunks of the crackle layer (not sure what to call it) coming off and it looks fake. I appreciate how hard you’re working on this!


Could the crackling effect be added to the original source instead of the Ascendant source? If someone wanted to make an edit with the original coloring I feel like it would be harder to take these clips and revert them to the original colors than the other way around.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


if ya want I could have a crack at the Kylo line

Hal 9000 said:

mrbenjamino said:

just came across this on reddit from a guy on YouTube named JXEditor, thoughts?


I wonder if a line from the Han scene could be used. “You’re just a [memory.]”

Does unmasked Kylo ever say “clone” or something similar? “Snoke” might have a usable vowel. The word “own” maybe?

Palpatine’s voice sounds pretty good, given the source. Blends into the vibe the overall scene gives to his voice.

booyah baybeee


Brewzter said:

The crackling looks much better for the first half now! But I think it’s overdone towards the end- especially in the close-up shots at 0:34 and 0:37, you can visibly see chunks of the crackle layer (not sure what to call it) coming off and it looks fake. I appreciate how hard you’re working on this!

I think the size and amount is right, but yes it’s staring too look a little crunchy. I’d say it’s just a bit too sharp, I’m not sure what program or effect is being used but if it’s possible to feather it a bit, make the edges a little smoother less harsh, that’d be ideal (once again look to Kylo’s blade for visual reference).

dgraham414 said:

Could the crackling effect be added to the original source instead of the Ascendant source? If someone wanted to make an edit with the original coloring I feel like it would be harder to take these clips and revert them to the original colors than the other way around.

Yes this is important too, not just for the color but also generational loss.


Luka Frik said:

OK, I tried to increase the crackling, is it better ? My fear was that on a TV screen, it became too visible but I might be wrong.

Part 2 : https://vimeo.com/491240392

pw : fanedit

Fear not as I watch all this on my TV and seems fine, although…

When comparing Kylos sabre to Lukes the arcing effect does seem somewhat “static”, Kylos seems to have a kind of extra glow/fire effect which merges the sabres outline somewhat if that makes sense.

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

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DominicCobb said:

I think the size and amount is right, but yes it’s staring too look a little crunchy. I’d say it’s just a bit too sharp, I’m not sure what program or effect is being used but if it’s possible to feather it a bit, make the edges a little smoother less harsh, that’d be ideal (once again look to Kylo’s blade for visual reference).

Sharp! There it is. Couldn’t describe what I was thinking lol. Kylo’s saber’s crackle is a fuzzy, fire-like natural crackle and Anakin’s saber’s crackle in those last few shots look sharp and artificial.