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The Mandalorian - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 43


Boba’s looking smooth. It’s so weird seeing him with a fresh paint job, he looks like a human scale action figure! (I like the look though. Anyway, seeing as next episode he’ll likely help storm Gideon’s cruiser, it won’t be too long until that armour’s put through the wars again.)

Another action packed episode and I liked it a lot. Got both Rogue One and Solo vibes from it, and seeing as for a while it felt like every new Star Wars movie or show had to have a new type of Stormtrooper, it’s really good to see returning designs.

I loved how they brought back Mayfeld and made him far more complex. TV shows are just good for that, and Dave Filoni is particularly good at making good ‘filler’ episodes which become more important later on. I thought the episode works very well thematically, too - Mayfeld sees the stormtroopers celebrating and showing respect for one another (also, is this the first time stormtroopers have been humanised?) and it makes him think. Later, he’s so sure he’s in deep waters, but when his old commanding officer doesn’t recognise him he fully realises how little elites care about those they command. I like that theme a lot and Mayfeld is a really compelling character now.

Cinematography was great, and seeing the Empire version of Slave 1 in action was really something else. I love seeing team-ups, and this episode just feels they’ve taken a handful of random characters from the show (+ Boba Fett) and thrown them together on a vital mission. I love it. Great job Rick Famuyiwa… for the 3rd time!

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Wonderful episode! I love how Boba’s new paint job is a nod to the early 80s marvel comics. 10/10!


I was really impressed with this one. Mayfeld’s musings and the Officer’s philosophy were obvious highlights, which, given that they were well-written dialogue scenes, was a pleasant surprise. Thought the seismic charge was a little fan-servicey, but not overtly so.

No idea why Mando sent Gideon that message though.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


timdiggerm said:

No idea why Mando sent Gideon that message though.

My wife said the same thing. It’s simple. Mando is a bad@ss. He’s putting fear into his opponent. A frightened opponent makes mistakes and is more easily defeated.

It’s the same concept as the scene at the train station in Tombstone where Kurt Russel is yelling “You tell ‘em I’m comin’! And hell’s comin’ with me!!” It’s a terrifyingly determined man making a chilling threat.

It may or may not be the best tactical decision but it is a tactical move with a clear intention. And it’s bold, which makes it even scarier to someone like Gideon (who’s clearly a proud tactician himself) when you consider he knows the potential foolishness of laying your hand out like that. If Mando is confident enough to warn Gideon he’s on the way, Gideon probably has good reason to be afraid.


My only question is how that face scanner works. Doesn’t it need a biometric pass like a fingerprint reader? Is his face now logged in their system?


Mocata said:

My only question is how that face scanner works. Doesn’t it need a biometric pass like a fingerprint reader? Is his face now logged in their system?

Knowing this show, if Din’s face is catalogued in an Imperial database, it could well come back to haunt him.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Agree. But why did it let him access it?


Maybe it’s a captcha. Like prove you’re a human sort of thing. So no droids can access the data.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


Maybe. The old Empire seemed to have no security on their systems when R2 just broke in.


timdiggerm said:

Thought the seismic charge was a little fan-servicey, but not overtly so.

I’m always curious about comments like these. What do you define as fan service? It was used logically and organically in the situation, so why would it be “fan service”?

Forum Moderator

Tobar said:

timdiggerm said:

Thought the seismic charge was a little fan-servicey, but not overtly so.

I’m always curious about comments like these. What do you define as fan service? It was used logically and organically in the situation, so why would it be “fan service”?

That’s fair. I think there were probably other ways to take out the TIEs, but instead they had him use something from AOTC that many fans agree was super cool. But 🤷🏻‍♂️

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


Yeah a seismic charge is a questionable weapon to use against two Tie fighters, and I wonder if this particular one was detonated manually by Boba in order to time the explosion so exactly. It’s fan service in a way. But would you really complain? What are action scenes for if not to entertain you, and for that matter what is this fictional universe for if not to make you happy? That seismic charge made me happy.

(Edit: I am completely aware of how Star Wars is meant to accomplish more things than entertainment, culturally and thematically. But the seismic charges aren’t! They’re just pure fun)

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Tobar said:

timdiggerm said:

Thought the seismic charge was a little fan-servicey, but not overtly so.

I’m always curious about comments like these. What do you define as fan service? It was used logically and organically in the situation, so why would it be “fan service”?

Because seismic charges are one of the few memorable things about AOTC and kind of a meme on their own right. Much like Boba saying “I’m a simple man making his way through the galaxy” referencing Jango’s line from AOTC, that is also a meme, and a good portion of fans loved it.

timdiggerm said:

Am I wrong in thinking that most of the troopers we saw were probably Rogue One costumes?

Indeed, there were a lot of shore troopers at the Imperial facility. It’s not the first time the series recycles props, though. Multiple extras from TFA, Rogue One and Solo have made reappearances.


Knight of Kalee said:

timdiggerm said:

Am I wrong in thinking that most of the troopers we saw were probably Rogue One costumes?

Indeed, there were a lot of shore troopers at the Imperial facility. It’s not the first time the series recycles props, though. Multiple extras from TFA, Rogue One and Solo have made reappearances.

I actually think its quite neat that they’re reusing costumes for the movies. Not only is it nice seeing familiar uniforms, aliens, etc. but it’s fun to see that even a big show like The Mandalorian resorts to recycling props and costumes. Like Hal 9000 said earlier, there’s a certain charm to these simple and old school moviemaking shortcuts.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


ZkinandBonez said:

Knight of Kalee said:

timdiggerm said:

Am I wrong in thinking that most of the troopers we saw were probably Rogue One costumes?

Indeed, there were a lot of shore troopers at the Imperial facility. It’s not the first time the series recycles props, though. Multiple extras from TFA, Rogue One and Solo have made reappearances.

I actually think its quite neat that they’re reusing costumes for the movies. Not only is it nice seeing familiar uniforms, aliens, etc. but it’s fun to see that even a big show like The Mandalorian resorts to recycling props and costumes. Like Hal 9000 said earlier, there’s a certain charm to these simple and old school moviemaking shortcuts.

Agreed, and except for the part where they were “Shore Troopers” in a jungle, it makes the universe seem more consistent. Having a new kind of trooper for no real reason (looking at you, Rogue One) just feels silly.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


The shore troopers made sense to me since this seemed to be a hot, humid environment not dissimilar to Scarif.


I still cant get over how well Bill Burr’s dialogue came across. This show has so much going for it. Multifaceted appeal.


Poster for Chapter 15: The Believer.

I kinda expected a Bill Burr poster for Chapter 15, especially since we got Cobb Vanth and even a Frog-Lady poster earlier, though this does makes more sense for season 2 overall. However, since we already got a Gideon poster I’m now really curious about who we’ll get a poster for after this week’s episode.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


A New Practical Miniature in The Mandalorian!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRSPfAkz5Bs&t - from the EC Henry YouTube channel (2:45 mins long).

Now that it has been pointed out it really does seem like Gideon’s cruiser might be a miniature like the Razor Crest (some shots anyway). So it’ll be interesting to see if the next season of Disney Gallery confirms this or if this is a CG model made to look like a “retro” miniature just like the Star Destroyers in RO.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


Thanks Bonez, that was a really interesting watch. I’m glad the video went into detail on the differences between CGI animation and models. Ever since I heard rumours there could be a Star Destroyer or something similar in The Mandalorian, I was hoping they would do model work for it. The Arquitens looks fantastic, and now every time I see it on screen I’ll appreciate it even more, knowing it’s a real, hand-crafted miniature ship.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


The practical model is 3D printed from a computer file, shot with a digital camera on a computerized rig…