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Rangers Of The New Republic (live action series) - general discussion thread (Cancelled)


“Set within the timeline of The Mandalorian, this new live-action series from executive producers Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni will intersect with future stories and culminate into a climactic story event.”

^ from the ‘Future Lucasfilm Projects Revealed’ article on the official Star Wars website.

and https://twitter.com/starwars/status/1337173771682103297

This announcement of the many new Star Wars series had me the most eagerly awaiting for more information. A ‘Texas Rangers’ vibe? Trying to keep in the peace in the Outer Rim, or even core worlds, with potential for crossovers with The Mandalorian and characters from there, and also the other announced series linked above. Oh yes! 😃

Or maybe something else completely? Either way, I am looking forward to hearing more about this series.


ZkinandBonez said:

This might also be what the rumoured Cara Dune series actually is.

Please don’t

She’s okay in Mando, but she ain’t got the chops to carry her own series. At least not yet.

Since this will directly tie into the Ashoka series, it’s more likely that this is the Rebels sequel.

Personally I’d prefer if this turned out to be a buddy-cop crime thriller in the Core worlds. But that’s just me…

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

ZkinandBonez said:

This might also be what the rumoured Cara Dune series actually is.

Please don’t

She’s okay in Mando, but she ain’t got the chops to carry her own series. At least not yet.

Since this will directly tie into the Ashoka series, it’s more likely that this is the Rebels sequel.

Personally I’d prefer if this turned out to be a buddy-cop crime thriller in the Core worlds. But that’s just me…

Oh I don’t think it will be Cara Dune’s series in the same way as the Andor series, but that the rumours that Gina Carano would be in another series might be based on leaks from this series. I get the impression that it will be an ensemble cast, maybe including Carson Teva but probably mostly new characters.

Not to sure about the Rebels sequel idea, unless you’re just referring t it tying in to the story of the Rebellion as a whole? If they end up doing the Ezra return in live action them I’m pretty sure they’ll do that in the Ahsoka series. Since it’s only one season they might be banking on the animated series fans being a big part of the market, while the other two Favreau/Filoni series, plus all the other ones, will be more focused on a general audience.

Though it being parallel to The Mandaorian doesn’t mean we’ll see too many familiar characters and it could mostly be its own thing overall. I agree it would be nice to finally get to see what’s going on in the core worlds.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
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Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


My guess is this is both the rumored Fett show as well as the rumored Cara and Bo show.


I guess when most people talk about “Rebels sequel” they mean a follow-up to the closing seconds of the finale, that is, Ahsoka and Sabine teaming up to find Ezra (and possibly Thrawn).


Knight of Kalee said:

I guess when most people talk about “Rebels sequel” they mean a follow-up to the closing seconds of the finale, that is, Ahsoka and Sabine teaming up to find Ezra (and possibly Thrawn).

Correct. My guess is that those story points will be covered in the Ahsoka show though. Not Rangers.


Hal 9000 said:

Is it just me or does that logo feel similar to Buzz Lightyear’s logo?

I couldn’t resist.

“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas


The Mandalorian, Ahsoka, and The Rangers of the New Republic will “intersect” and “culminate into a climactic story event.”
My guess would be finding Ezra and Thrawn in the unknown regions also leads to the emergence of The First Order and more about why they want Grogu.


I really hope not. I was kind of sick of the Filoni OCs inexplicably showing up this season, but at least Ahsoka and Bo-Katan were decent characters in TCW. Genuinely, unironically Ezra is the worst Star Wars character. At least Jar Jar isn’t really that relevant to the story, and Anakin Skywalker is kind of made better in TCW.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


I agree wholeheartedly. The Ahsoka circlejerk is so tired and Ezra is genuinely the worst Star Wars character. In fact, I’d take it a step further and say that I would’ve enjoyed Rebels more if Jar Jar was the lead instead of Ezra. Then again, maybe he’d be distracting, but at least he has an actual personality.


Well I’m on the side that likes Ezra (his development through Rebels was nice and his ending appropiate for his arc. There’s no way he’s the objectively worst) and I’m pretty open to the idea of seeing more television characters come back to the spotlight. I really hope this crossover project ends up being a worthy way to retroactively improve the post-ROTJ timeline, and a satisfying culmination of the dangling threads left by TCW, Rebels and Mandalorian.


Three different series will culminate in a climactic event. I’m thinking the Ahsoka series will primarily deal with her and Sabine looking for Ezra by finding Thrawn. Season 3 of The Mandalorian probably focuses on Mandalore and the darksaber. No idea what Rangers of the New Republic could be. I like Ezra, but even if you don’t, I doubt he’s coming to take over all three series. I do think the beginnings of The First order could be involved though, but that’s just a guess.

Side note, my two cats are named Ezra and Sabine.


Jon Favreau Reveals ‘Rangers’ will take place not too long after ROTJ. Also, Rangers will be written by Favreau and Ahsoka by Filoni.

“That was a film that we all grew up with. I was an usher in the movie theater back in Queens when Return of the Jedi was playing so I saw that movie dozens and dozens of times at work and now it’s so fun to be continuing the story after that with some of those characters,”

So…Big Three back on the table?

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I’d only go for the OT trio if it was an animated project. And I’d LOVE to see the OT trio in an animated project.

In fact, I’d prefer it if the inevitable Ahsoka and Luke first meeting is in animation. CGI Luke is fine for The Mandalorian, but when you need to convey emotion… maybe not.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


idir_hh said:

So…Big Three back on the table?

No way they’ll get Harrison Ford to even come close to the franchise ever again.


I’m sure he will phone in a few lines for an awful digital double if they offer enough cash.


timdiggerm said:

thebluefrog said:

idir_hh said:

So…Big Three back on the table?

No way they’ll get Harrison Ford to even come close to the franchise ever again.

Surely TROS demonstrated he’ll do anything for a big enough paycheck?

I think the nature of the scene had something to do with it. It’s a wonderful scene, and he probably thought it justified him returning.



‘The Mandalorian’ EP Dave Filoni’s ‘New’ Job at Lucasfilm Isn’t Actually New, but Fans on Twitter Got Excited Anyway’ by Adam B Vary - first reported on


‘Star Wars: Rangers of the New Republic Reportedly Not in Active Development’ from comicbook.com, by Patrick Cavanaugh.

It’s not officially cancelled yet, and will maybe still continue, but to me this implies that Rangers was going to heavily feature Cara Dune and that’s now been quietly thrown out of the window. It’s a shame if it really is cancelled - I was hoping the series could replace Cara (if it was ever going to feature her) with a character like Hera Syndulla.

Mostly, I just want to avoid all these bloody Mando tie-in shows. Disney’s story planning has gotten very reactionary and because The Mandalorian is popular, they started a bunch of similar projects in the same time period. Even The Bad Batch is following some of its story beats. I just wanted Rangers to be much more free of the need for interconnectivity. If it was going to be a Cara Dune story simply to capitalise on the success of The Mandalorian, I’m not bothered if it’s cancelled. If it could be a show more free of expectations, full of New Republic worldbuilding, an introduction to original characters or a much-needed continuation to the stories of Hera, Jacen Syndulla, or Zeb and Kallus from Rebels… I’d love it to continue production.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


jedi_bendu said:

Mostly, I just want to avoid all these bloody Mando tie-in shows. Disney’s story planning has gotten very reactionary and because The Mandalorian is popular, they started a bunch of similar projects in the same time period. Even The Bad Batch is following some of its story beats. I just wanted Rangers to be much more free of the need for interconnectivity. If it was going to be a Cara Dune story simply to capitalise on the success of The Mandalorian, I’m not bothered if it’s cancelled. If it could be a show more free of expectations, full of New Republic worldbuilding, an introduction to original characters or a much-needed continuation to the stories of Hera, Jacen Syndulla, or Zeb and Kallus from Rebels… I’d love it to continue production.

So true. Arguably the one known character who should have a recurring role should be Paul Sun-Hyung Lee’s pilot. Maybe the different series could use a Coulson-like character to add up interconnectivity in small doses but it’s time to let each storyline breath.


Knight of Kalee said:

Arguably the one known character who should have a recurring role should be Paul Sun-Hyung Lee’s pilot. Maybe the different series could use a Coulson-like character to add up interconnectivity in small doses but it’s time to let each storyline breath.

I forgot to mention him, but yeah! Paul Sun-Hyung Lee’s enthusiasm for Star Wars and happiness at appearing in it is infectious and I’d love Carson Teva to appear in more upcoming projects for this alone.
In terms of story reasons, it’s well worth focusing on people who’d usually be background characters, viewing the struggle of the New Republic to succeed the Empire from the perspective of a ‘random’ x-wing pilot.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


It’s not officially cancelled yet, and will maybe still continue, but to me this implies that Rangers was going to heavily feature Cara Dune and that’s now been quietly thrown out of the window. It’s a shame if it really is cancelled - I was hoping the series could replace Cara (if it was ever going to feature her) with a character like Hera Syndulla.

I think it was pretty petty to fire Carano in the first place. This is why I hate Twitter.