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Unpopular Opinion Thread


A thread to discuss your unpopular Star Wars opinions.

I’ll start:

The Prequel Trilogy is the best era.

Rogue One and The Last Jedi are the best films of the Disney era.

Solo is too modern and topical but has some pretty cool concepts and moments. Namely Enfys Nest’s reveal and Darth Maul’s appearance.

Anakin’s fall to the Dark Side doesn’t feel rushed.

Anakin and Padme’s romance is believable.

The Ewoks are cute and feisty. They also serve an important role within the narrative.

Clone Wars and The Clone Wars are both equally great series.

Rebels is up there as part of the best content from the Disney era.

The Original Trilogy is just as flawed as the Prequel Trilogy but both are amazing.

Disney should’ve followed George’s Sequel Trilogy treatments.

Attack of the Clones is underrated.

“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas


Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is alright. It’s the worst of the four, but it’s not that bad.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


I don’t mind most of the special edition changes to the OT. Things like changing Boba Fetts voice to Morrisons for example. I’m all for continuity with the PT and OT.

Not a huge fan of Ashoka. Hear me out on this one. It’s not so much her character. But more to do with how important she feels in the grand scheme of the PT, while never being mentioned a single time in the PT. She just has the shoe-horned in appeal that I can never quite shake.

The Sequel trilogy is terrible. So terrible they aren’t even fan-edit fixable. But this isn’t really a controversial opinion, at least in some areas of the fandom.

ROTJ is my all time favorite Star Wars movie.


David Prowse should have played the unmasked Anakin Skywalker in the theatrical cut of ROTJ.

The Republic Era is the most interesting one.

Obi-Wan and Maul’s 1-vs-1 duel in TPM is the single greatest lightsaber action in the 9-film saga.

I don’t mind Yoda using a lightsaber.

Most of the old EU (Legends) wasn’t actually that great (despite some excellent content such as KOTOR and 2D Clone Wars).

The Clone Wars and Rebels have some bits of very bad stuff, but the good parts are so consistently great it’s forgivable.

If they were going to resurrect Palpatine for the end they should have started with him in TFA. No Snoke, etc.

The Last Jedi gets way too much flack for it being “bold” despite pulling back most of its subversive ideas at the last second (Luke’s heroism notwithstanding).


Return of the Jedi is not the worst film of the original trilogy.

The lightsaber duels as portrayed in the prequel trilogy ruined lightsaber combat.

Rian Johnson should’ve helmed the entire sequel trilogy.


WitchDR said:

I’m all for continuity with the PT and OT.

I don’t know why they decided to edit the OT to fit with the PT, instead of writing a prequel trilogy that fits in with the OT.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


The Sequel Trilogy was pretty good overall, even if TROS was only a 3/10.

Most of the ST’s faults can be traced to J.J. Abrams and not Rian Johnson, who has a much deeper understanding of Star Wars and wrote a much more interesting and engaging movie.

Han appearing to Ben metaphorically makes vastly more sense than having Anakin’s ghost do so literally.

Redeeming Ben and having Reylo happen was the right call - too much is made about him being some abusive murderer considering this series is a mythic fantasy where our heroes also rack up huge kill counts and show even less remorse.

Victory Celebration is pretty generic and I much prefer Yub Nub (even though I didn’t grow up with the OOT).

Attack of the Clones is a comfy movie and is more emotionally resonant than Revenge of the Sith, which I find frustratingly hollow and disappointing.

Solo is really solid; better than Rogue One, which is overrated.

Star Wars movies should absolutely have something to say about politics, even contemporary politics, and I appreciate the Lucas-era movies for having some surprisingly spicy takes on American imperialism and how fascism can come about.

ROTJ would get absolutely savaged for the amount of runtime wasted on teddybears if it came out today, and only gets a pass because it’s been out for 37 years. It’s great, though.


sade1212 said:

how fascism can come about.

You don’t need a decade long overly complicated secret plan to stage a coup (just look at the state of the world today). The PT (and The Clone Wars animated TV show) fail completely to be relevant as understanding politics (especially the TV show aimed at children: the more political arcs are dreadfully boring)


There’s certainly interest in the fact that the Republic is portrayed as a completely ineffectual opposition to Palpatine’s rise - the deleted subplot from ROTS where a group of senators gather together with the apparent aim of stopping Palpatine consolidating power, but achieve absolutely nothing except a completely useless meeting and thus doom the galaxy to 25 years of violent resistance, comes to mind. Palpatine’s use of a scapegoat enemy he himself manufactured to justify his forever war is also notable, as is the reference to the military-industrial complex via the Trade Federation, Commerce Guild, Banking Clan etc. And of course the visceral display of inequality and arrogance in how the Jedi and Senate literally live and work in ivory towers and great domes miles above the average people of Coruscant with whom they rarely seem to have any interaction (and even further from the Outer Rim), despite suffering, crime, slavery, and so on being very prevalent. These aren’t especially profound or controversial takes generally, but are a little spicier than what most movies aimed at a similar demographic have to say.

I agree that TCW rarely has much to say in it’s “political” arcs, since they’re mostly only political in so far as they’re Padme-centric. When it does get at something interesting re:Republic interventionism and whether the Separatists actually have a point, it’s undermined by always resolving to Republic good/Separatists bad. Off the top of my head, only the Ahsoka Leaves arc ultimately does anything I find interesting in that respect.

Plus the Republic literally grows and enslaves child soldiers, which is sort of hilariously definitely a war crime, especially since the opposition are just droids so the Republic’s sentient death toll winds up way, way higher than that of the Separatists.


Some parts are better than others, but all of Star Wars is good.

Right now is the best time to be a Star Wars fan.

The future of Star Wars is bright.


sade1212 said:

There’s certainly interest in the fact that the Republic is portrayed as a completely ineffectual opposition to Palpatine’s rise - the deleted subplot from ROTS where a group of senators gather together with the apparent aim of stopping Palpatine consolidating power, but achieve absolutely nothing except a completely useless meeting and thus doom the galaxy to 25 years of violent resistance, comes to mind. Palpatine’s use of a scapegoat enemy he himself manufactured to justify his forever war is also notable, as is the reference to the military-industrial complex via the Trade Federation, Commerce Guild, Banking Clan etc. And of course the visceral display of inequality and arrogance in how the Jedi and Senate literally live and work in ivory towers and great domes miles above the average people of Coruscant with whom they rarely seem to have any interaction (and even further from the Outer Rim), despite suffering, crime, slavery, and so on being very prevalent. These aren’t especially profound or controversial takes generally, but are a little spicier than what most movies aimed at a similar demographic have to say.

This point is best illustated in TPM when, upon learning about slavery on Tatooine, the only one who is truly shocked and outraged is Padmé, whilst Qui-Gon flat out says they’re only looking for ship repairs and that they’re not here to liberate slaves.


Rodney-2187 said:

Some parts are better than others, but all of Star Wars is good.

Right now is the best time to be a Star Wars fan.

The future of Star Wars is bright.

Glad to see another sentient being on the same page of positive feelings for SW as me.


The PT & ST reflect each other perfectly — equally terrible in diametrically polar ways.


Z6PO said:

sade1212 said:

how fascism can come about.

You don’t need a decade long overly complicated secret plan to stage a coup (just look at the state of the world today). The PT (and The Clone Wars animated TV show) fail completely to be relevant as understanding politics (especially the TV show aimed at children: the more political arcs are dreadfully boring)

Gotta agree, Palpatine’s rise to power is completely inaccurate to how actual dictators rise to power. George Lucas compares Palpatine to Caesar, Hitler, and Napoleon, and none of their rises to power have any similarities to Palpatine other than that they gamed the system from the inside.

Caesar, Hitler, and Napoleon were natural consequences of centuries of building rot in the nations they took power in. What was this in the Galactic Republic?

For all the movies are concerned, Palpatine comes out of nowhere for no reason and wins because something something manipulation.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


DuracellEnergizer said:

The PT & ST reflect each other perfectly — equally terrible in diametrically polar ways.

Is this really an unpopular opinion? Thought it was cannon…


Knight of Kalee said:

Rodney-2187 said:

Some parts are better than others, but all of Star Wars is good.

Right now is the best time to be a Star Wars fan.

The future of Star Wars is bright.

Glad to see another sentient being on the same page of positive feelings for SW as me.

There are more of us.


It’s interesting and enjoyable to read everyone’s choices and perspectives.

A couple more for me:

I prefer the way Finn is portrayed in TLJ to TFA. He’s less anxious and more calm.

I love Jar Jar and find him to be criminally underrated.

“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas


I think Last Crusade is the worst Indiana Jones film. Henry Jones Sr is portrayed as a buffoon in between being this great professor and a man of intellect. The film is so mixed up in if it wants to be a parody of Indiana Jones, the shock and suspense scenes are laughable there is no tension. Unlike Temple of Doom there is no real peril or feeling that something bad could happen to Indiana. Rather than elevating the material everything was made juvenile. Honestly i doubt i will ever watch the movie again.


I have five:

The Phantom Menace felt the most like a Star Wars film out of the prequels.

The Mandalorian is a mediocre show composed merely of fan-service and callbacks.

Boba Fett should have stayed dead in the Sarlaac pit.

The Last Jedi is the worst Star Wars film because it’s boring and has no rewatch value. Plain and simple.

The EU was basically professional fan-fiction, even prior to Disney’s acquisition


Wexter said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

The PT & ST reflect each other perfectly — equally terrible in diametrically polar ways.

Is this really an unpopular opinion? Thought it was cannon…

From what I’ve seen, most fans love one trilogy, loathe the other, or enjoy both. Fans who dislike both trilogies seem to be in the minority.


I find TRoS more interesting than The Mandalorian. I just like my big epic Saga, okay? I don’t really see the appeal of Mando.

I think Last Crusade is the worst Indiana Jones film.

I actually agree by virtue of retreading too much ground from the first film. Abrahamic artifact, desert chase, Sallah, Marcus, Nazis (okay, this one I can sort of excuse, but it is still weird how out of the four movies only these two share villains), etc…

ROTJ would get absolutely savaged for the amount of runtime wasted on teddybears if it came out today, and only gets a pass because it’s been out for 37 years. It’s great, though.

In some circles (like here), it already does.

The PT & ST reflect each other perfectly — equally terrible in diametrically polar ways.

Is this really an unpopular opinion? Thought it was cannon…

From what I’ve seen, most fans love one trilogy, loathe the other, or enjoy both. Fans who dislike both trilogies seem to be in the minority.

While yes, those who hate both are relatively rare, most would agree their strengths and weaknesses are directly opposite.

I love Jar Jar and find him to be criminally underrated.

Jar Jar gang rise up!


Rogue One is incredibly overrated. Only the last third of the movie is enjoyable.

Solo is incredibly underrated. It is the best Disney Star Wars movie.

TROS is the most enjoyable of the ST, although objectively it’s by far the worst

TLJ is a middle of the road movie, it is neither the worst thing ever nor the best thing ever

TCW Season One, as flawed as it is compared to other seasons, is still incredible overall

Rebels has great ideas but unfortunately the characters act too childish to take seriously

2005 Battlefront II hasn’t aged well. The 2017 version is much more impressive

Maul- A Star Wars Story


Vader slaughtering the rebel soldiers at the end of Rogue One isn’t that impressive, because at the end of the day they are frightened unprepared men who are clearly no match for him.


Rogue One is not as good as everyone says it is. The characters are boring, the plot almost entirely relies on bland callbacks with no substance to them, and the hallway scene makes Vader seem way too “cool” when that was never the point of his character.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience: