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The Mandalorian - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 32


I was very impressed with this episode, I hope this brings more directorial opportunities for Bryce Dallas Howard inside and outside of Star Wars.

Still feel like Bo Katan looks too young, but it is pretty cool they cast the same actress as Clone Wars/Rebels, and I loved her in Battlestar Galactica, so I’ll learn to accept it.

Also, I really don’t mind the main plot taking breaks and telling smaller stories that build up the world within the grand adventure. Personally that’s why in general have found more enjoyment out of Star Wars in television than most of the movies, they allow for more depth.


From the last time we saw Bo-Katan to the time of The Mandalorian is only about 30 years. If she was in her 20’s then, she’d be in her 50’s now. Katee Sackhoff is 40. I know plenty of people in their 50’s who look like they’re in their 40’s. I’m glad they made her just as they did.


Just wanted to say that I totally agree that the episode worked if you don’t know anything about Bo-Katan, Ahsoka, etc. I have not seen TCW or Rebels and only sort of know what happens, my wife knows even less, and we found the episode completely understandable and great.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


I rewatched it today to process it better. What a fantastic episode, its lackluster length notwithstanding. I’m glad the plot is finally moving forward and loved seeing Bo-Katan. Also it surprised me that Bryce Dallas Howard directed this chapter. A very nice step-up from her previous one.

I can’t speak for those who haven’t seen the Filoniverse since literally everyone at my home is familiar with Ahsoka and Bo thanks to Clone Wars. But I’d say this chapter explains itself pretty well for casual fans. I felt Bo-Katan’s appearance is justified and I’m really hyped for the possibility of her facing Gideon and how the Darksaber is going to factor in all of this.

I had dismissed the rumors of Bo-Katan appearing, even though the possibilities got higher after Boba and Cobb appeared in chapter 9. So seeing her was, in words of Palpatine, a surprise to be sure but a welcome one. Bo’s armor looked fantastic in live action, and the fact they got Katee Sackhoff to play her is enough for me to forgive the issues with her age.

I’ll admit I went apesh*t when Ahsoka got name-dropped, though my expectations for her debut remain tempered once again. I really hope they knock it out of the park and do Ahsoka justice without compromising the quality of the show. As I mentioned earlier, Bo-Katan was a good enough example of how to do it.

Also let’s acknowledge some love for Mr. and Mrs. Frog, the best live action Star Wars couple since Han and Leia.


Frame from Chapter 5: The Gunslinger! Frog lady was definitely apart from her husband for quite a while.

EDIT: Sorry, I forgot there was already a post about this when chapter 10 came out.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Is it just the lighting/colour-correction or does this version have a different colour? She looks almost brown or sandy here instead of the more pinkish-purple from the last two episodes. I suppose they might have recoloured the costume/mask after they wrote this character as a female looking for her husband and decided to clarify it by making them blue and pink.

Either way, I think its a great little detail that they decided to flesh out this minor background character for two episodes.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


ZkinandBonez said:

Is it just the lighting/colour-correction or does this version have a different colour? She looks almost brown or sandy here instead of the more pinkish-purple from the last two episodes. I suppose they might have recoloured the costume/mask after they wrote this character as a female looking for her husband and decided to clarify it by making them blue and pink.

Either way, I think its a great little detail that they decided to flesh out this minor background character for two episodes.

She still looks pink/purple to me, I reckon it’s just that she’s backlit and in a dim and dingy cantina.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


This is the best character(s) poster yet, Katee Sackhoff looks particularly great! It might be a spoiler in effect, but it’s now my phone’s lockscreen wallpaper. Anyone who tries to access my phone without permission gets spoiled for The Mandalorian season 2.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


jedi_bendu said:

This is the best character(s) poster yet, Katee Sackhoff looks particularly great! It might be a spoiler in effect, but it’s now my phone’s lockscreen wallpaper. Anyone who tries to access my phone without permission gets spoiled for The Mandalorian season 2.

It looks like Disney is going to post a new one on facebook/twitter every Monday, so if anyone hasn’t seen the episode by then, they better not get online. I bet the Ashoka poster is going to be a huge deal.


Probably my least favourite episode of this season so far, but still a really solid episode and it was a lot of fun seeing how Navarro has changed since season 1. I am curious though about how much time this series is supposed to cover as Greef is starting to show some grey hairs. The last three episodes seems to only have covered a week or so, a month at best, yet now Greef has visibly aged and Navarro has had quite a significant change. I suppose this only means that the time between seasons is ripe for books, comics, etc. to expand.

The last scene of this episode s certainly going to spark a lot of debate among the fans. The whole shot of the mystery troopers gave me a shadowtroopers from Jedi Outcast vibe.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


If they start veering down the Snoke/Palpatine/Exogol thread. I’m out.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

If they start veering down the Snoke/Palpatine/Exogol thread. I’m out.

It may very well be the backdrop of the story…


I personally wouldn’t necessarily mind if it tied into it indirectly, but if they just directly end up cloning/growing Snoke in this show then that would be pretty frustrating.

The moment they confirmed that Snoke was a strand-cast shortly after they’d brought it up in chapter 7 I figured they connect the two in the EU somehow, but I really do hope they won’t make any blatant connections between this show and the ST. I hope they understand that the Mandalorian fans aren’t necessarily ST fans, as especially since there’s so much time between the two canonically that they’ll only do a loose connection and focus on their own story instead. They can always just have a failed clone/strand-cast of the child and end it at that for this show, and then later in some novel or comic make Snoke a later attempt based on the same experiments…or something like that.


Come to think of it, the clones/strand-casts seen in this episode are probably meant to fill those dark armors we saw in the last few shots. If not, then that last shot with wide shot with Gideon wouldn’t make much sense.

They probably will add some kind of loose connection to Snoke and Exegol in the EU, but I think this show is currently doing its own independent thing.

Maybe my Jedi Outcast vibe wasn’t that far off and Gideon wants to create force-sensitive stormtroopers kind of like the shadowtroopers in Legends.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


ZkinandBonez said:

The last scene of this episode s certainly going to spark a lot of debate among the fans. The whole shot of the mystery troopers gave me a shadowtroopers from Jedi Outcast vibe.

Sounds like one heck of a battle is coming our way. Can’t wait!

idir_hh said:

If they start veering down the Snoke/Palpatine/Exogol thread. I’m out.

I’ve thought that’s what they want The Child for since the third episode of the first season.


Did anyone else think the mysterious “alien worker” who tipped off Moff Gideon looked a lot like Ochi of Bestoon?

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


When Ahsoka shows up, will Gideon be equally interested in her midichlorians as well?


Z6PO said:

idir_hh said:

If they start veering down the Snoke/Palpatine/Exogol thread. I’m out.

It may very well be the backdrop of the story…

Exactly. Ever since we saw the kamino symbol on the doctor, when Mando delivers the child, it’s been pointing to the child being the important factor in the creation of Snoke and the resurrection of the Emperor. Todays episode, where the holo recording mentions needing a specimen with a really high “M” count (so glad they didn’t mention midichlorians by name) pretty much cemented that. We don’t get a good look at the failed clones. But the seeds were planted a long time ago. It’s all tied to the Emperors return. But will it turn out to be Ahsoka that becomes the missing piece needed for the resurrection and the child will no longer be needed? That wouldn’t surprise me with Filoni involved, especially now it’s confirmed she will be in the show.




I chuckled when Mythrol complained there was no guard rail.


Did you spot the IG-11 statue ?!