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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 282


sade1212 said:

MMP said:

I can’t understand why so many of you have a problem with Rey being a Palpatine. For me, it’s the only possible explanation why she is so powerful. I like the character of Rey, but in Part 7 & 8 it always bothered me, that she was too strong and powerful. But when it became known that she’s a Palpatine, everything made sense to me.

But why is Palpatine so powerful? If it’s genetic, there’s no reason Rey couldn’t have been born with the same random innate power as young Sheev. If it’s from years of intense Sith training, then Rey wouldn’t have inherited it.

The problem isn’t inherantly with Rey being a nobody, it’s that she was written in such a way as though she is coincidentally connected to everything and central to everything while also gaining power conveniently rapidly and effortlessly, with J.J.'s mystery box as the “excuse”.

But you’re right in that Palpatine being the reason doesn’t work, because Palpatine needed to train to become as powerful as he is. In my opinion, a better way to fill J.J.'s mystery box would have been if they had just gone the Bourne Identity route: I.E. make Rey a powerful partially trained former student of Luke’s who had gotten her memory wiped. TLJ could have then opened with Luke recognizing her but still refusing to complete her training. Rey’s disillusionment with Luke would coincide with her gradually regaining her memories of the man Luke used to be.

But as it stands, I think people place way too much stock in the “message” that comes from Rey’s lineage. There doesn’t need to be a message, some people in Star Wars are randomly powerful, most people are randomly not powerful at all, some people are powerful because of their bloodline, it just is what it is and it doesn’t need to be a message about what people can be in real life, other than the fact that none of that stuff should matter in regards to the choices you make. And from that perspective, Rey being a Palpatine is…fine.


I think it’s about time to finish up with cover artwork. I remember seeing awesome cover artwork months ago, but I think it still needed some of the details to be filled in with text. If we can get that completed and get that to me, it’ll be one less obstacle to getting V1 out in the near future.

Burbin is working on subtitles in, I believe, English, French, and Spanish. I’ll get chapter stops generated, and try to record a commentary track (probably split across two sittings after everyone else goes to bed).

My stance on revising fan edits.


I can do Portuguese subs. And help with Spanish ones.
I was thinkim bout doin Polish ones but I dont think it Will be much of a use 😅


Hal 9000 said:

Copy the workprint to your own Google Drive, and then copy it again within your Drive. That should be enough to fool it into bypassing the limits.

And thanks; I like Kerr’s LOTR edits a great deal. 😃

Thanks for the help. I was able to download the copy, however once downloaded, it only had the audio for the score, and now dialogue. I checked in VLC and it only had a single audio track to select from. Very strange.


That’s… weird. Not sure about that one.

And hey, if you’d like to make more subtitles for other languages, feel free! Once Burbin is done I’m sure he’ll let me know and can make them available for that.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Seems like the download quota has expired for all of your downloads, Hal.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Yes, I concur.

Which isn’t surprising considering Google Drive and how it works these days. I can stream it, but can’t download it for my own full viewing.

A torrent somewhere would be nice.


We’ll just have to wait and be patient.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Movies Remastered said:

For the Bluray cover, I’ll have to shorten the design as I can’t stretch it out due to too many layer variants but I hope this is ok now?

Here’s what Movies Remastered was working on months ago!

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.



tfa should get a proper title to match the last two…

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Hal 9000 said:

Yes, thank you, that’s it.

Movies Remastered, would you be able to finish that by doing the DVD and BR cover variants?

I’ve just got two new contract for work so I’m a little short of free time for the next month but if you PM me these links or the dimension I’ll try to finish when I can.

Also if you have the image idea, blurb or text you want on the back that would help.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


TFA: Restructured
TLJ: Retweaked
TROS: Readjusted

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Well, I didn’t know there’d be edits of 8 and 9 when I named TFA:R. I don’t want to change it now; it’s done.

And I’ll get you the details on the cover artwork tonight when I can sit down with it. Thanks again.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Tagline: Every saga has an end…
Synopsis: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker gets an overhaul to serve as a conclusion to the Star Wars saga. Pacing, character journeys, and story continuity are improved via an unprecedented fan editing collaboration. A layer of polish and care applied to a relentlessly fast-paced film. Subtle character tweaks. And a few new surprises.

Running time is 138 minutes. Same “features” as TLJ, but there should be Spanish subtitles as well.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I like the blurb.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Hal 9000 said:

That’s… weird. Not sure about that one.

And hey, if you’d like to make more subtitles for other languages, feel free! Once Burbin is done I’m sure he’ll let me know and can make them available for that.

I feel like an idiot. I was able to download from the original link and didn’t get the “exceeded…” message. When I played it on my PC, it still didn’t have dialogue. Knowing there was nothing wrong with the file, I changed the audio to stereo and all audio was restored. Curious, I checked my copied one, and it too worked fine. Oh well… looking forward to watching the latest workprint!


Hey HAL!

Just finished 6.1 LOVED IT! Only thing I thought was out of place was, again…The KOR voices. on Passana both the lines they say sound very layered on top of the audio and not…well said in that environment. Funny enough the voice lines on Exegol sound better its just on Passana where they sound so out of place, maybe because there is so little accompanying sound.

Also the second line after “Solo’s Wookiee” I legitimately could not understand for the life of me. Only after running it back 4 times I assume he says “I get his teeth”? Either way if something could be done with those lines as well I dont think I have any problems with it at all!

Still too quite as well. Had to max out my volume on my computer to make it sound appropriate,(and I’m wearing headphones).

The further polish is fantastic as well! The additional music makes the flying through the wall scene much better.

You guys even managed to pull off the Naboo shot, which is passable!

Everything you all have done is amazing and I’m so excited to have this in my library along with Poppasketti’s TLJ edit as my definitive SW versions.

This is the way.


I know that this has been discussed already, but I don’t really think that the Burning Homestead track needs to be in both The Force Awakens and The Rise of Skywalker. It kind of takes away from a powerful moment.

Personally, I think it would be best to use the original piece of music composed for when Rey takes the saber in The Force Awakens so the Burning Homestead track can have an even more powerful impact to when the ghosts show up. That way a familiar piece of music plays along with familiar characters.

This is the original part John Williams composed when Rey uses the Force on Anakin’s saber on Starkiller Base.


The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


I agree with you, which is why I tried it. It didn’t work very well and it would require me to do a lot of work to rebuild TFA’s video stream because doing it at all requires adjusting sync. Even so, the moment felt very underwhelming.

I agree, but there hasn’t been anything else to fit in adequately in practice.

My stance on revising fan edits.