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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 212


This project is So great that we should all start to promote it on social media 😄 what do u think guys? 😉


No. That could potentially endanger the survival of this site. The last thing we need is to bring more attention to ourselves. I think people should find their way here instead of vice-versa. Its a niche corner of the galaxy, I’m sure most of us would like it to stay that way.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

No. That could potentially endanger the survival of this site. The last thing we need is to bring more attention to ourselves. I think people should find their way here instead of the vice-versa. Its a niche corner in the galaxy, I’m sure most of us would like it to stay that way.

Totally agree! I found this place after getting sick of Reddit abuse. I wouldn’t want this forum filled with scum and villainy, so I specifically don’t mention it by name in my videos or social media. Protection is key!

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Ok, sorry, you guys are probably right 😉 never mind 😉


EddieDean said:

Yeah, if people are passionate about fanedits, they’ll find us. It’s not wise to promote the community too widely.


Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


I don’t mind spreading the word, but it can easily feel tacky and I’ve never felt it appealing to actually do. And for what? I don’t make anything on this, not even any YouTube clips to even slightly monetize. I just like the idea of people who like this sort of thing stumbling onto the finished product and getting to have Christmas.

My stance on revising fan edits.


The idea was more like to share with people a watchAble and enjoying version of the movie we all waited So long for.
But I understand why its better not to do it 😉


medioCORE said:

Hal 9000 said:

And about the 16 hours thing… It unfortunately is about the only real reason the characters keep pushing on so relentlessly, not going back to base and not staying to reflect for any length of time on Ach-To, etc.

Ah, bummer. Not even a throwaway line edit/rerecord saying “an attack is imminent,” or “they’re preparing to attack on all free worlds” or something like that? Haha

I just feel the 16 hour window is WAY too small for everything in the movie to take place. I personally think the characters’ urgency with the breakneck pace of the movie can be properly motivated by the terror of just the knowledge that Palpatine is back and preparing to wreak havoc:

Palpatine is revealed to be on Exegol and an attack is imminent -> Rey recognizes the name Exegol and knows how to find it based on the texts and Luke’s journals -> there’s no time to lose for the heroes to start the hunt for Exegol, especially since this is what Rey has been training for, and she’s motivated by her dark vision and wants to fight it -> they head to Pasaana to start the journey looking for clues, Rey finds the dagger that reeks of the dark side, which is growing in power by the minute, whispers getting stronger -> they need 3PO’s translation, so they have to head to Kijimi -> the dark side whispers/calls are getting even stronger, maybe flashing more visions in Rey’s head(?) -> this leads them to the ruins of the Death Star II on Endor -> etc.

But I’m just being whiny. I know it takes a TON of work, and I’m super happy and impressed with the work being done! You’re awesome!

EDIT: skipping through the movie, would it flow or make sense to put the scene of Pryde communicating with Palpatine (with minor tweaks) right after he kills Hux ("…HIS foolish act will be in vain…"), and then later just transition from Kylo throwing his saber to Leia’s body at the Resistance Base without that scene in-between.

Thats unfortunate its staying I agree with medioCORE that 16h doomsday clock feels out of place as the timers never referenced after that initial scene.

ChainsawAsh said:

Darth Muffy said:

If we’re emphasizing on Reys darker side via the sabre could we maybe consider Rey indirectly killing Leia

Haven’t watched your video, but this is how I interpreted the scene in the theater and how I still interpret it, and I still think it’s weird that nobody else seems to see it that way.

Rey definitely killed Leia by accident, you guys. That’s why she tried to run away and hide on Ahch-To.


Thanks ChainsawAsh glad to hear I’m not the only one who interpreted that way, hence my mock up video to futher emphasize the fact.

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

💡 Save confusion & express your comments with Markdown Emojis here 💡


Movies Remastered said:

idir_hh said:

No. That could potentially endanger the survival of this site. The last thing we need is to bring more attention to ourselves. I think people should find their way here instead of the vice-versa. Its a niche corner in the galaxy, I’m sure most of us would like it to stay that way.

Totally agree! I found this place after getting sick of Reddit abuse. I wouldn’t want this forum filled with scum and villainy, so I specifically don’t mention it by name in my videos or social media. Protection is key!

I honestly have no idea how i got here lol i think i stumbled upon it looking for the best 3-1 edit of The Hobbit. Thought it was Adywan for a sec, but he has his Starwars wordpress site he promotes on his fb page.



Hal 9000 said:

If someone can come up with an alternative line that still does the trick, I’m open to it!

I still don’t think much needs to be done to alleviate it if we understand the plan to stop the fleet.

During the intel, they got the details they need about the ships and the planet: They can’t leave unless they are guided out. Destroy their “beacon,” they are stuck. So the “hurry” aspect is, you gotta stop them before they leave. They are all “grouped” together in one spot that rely’s on a “beacon” to get them out. Once they are out, how can they even try to stop each destroyer before they “blow stuff up?” It would be impossible.

That is where the hurry is. There was NO need for a timer, the stakes are there: Stop the ships before they leave. They have a weakness: They need to be guided out. Destroy their guide, the threat is eliminated.

There is your more logical timer. The audience doesn’t need to have an explicit timer told to them since the war room explained the situation and the logic on why you need to “hurry up and stop them before they leave.”

When you have a container of water with a hole in it. You don’t need a timer to know when it’s too late to recover the water. Your finger needs to quickly plug the hole since you can’t really scoop all the water back in with your hands once it is all out.

EDIT: Chainsaw, that’s how I view that scene too, Rey FORCEFULLY stabbed Leia. Hence her exile. She “messed up” like Luke did, hence the pattern she was following

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


jarbear said:

Hal 9000 said:

If someone can come up with an alternative line that still does the trick, I’m open to it!

I still don’t think much needs to be done to alleviate it if we understand the plan to stop the fleet.

During the intel, they got the details they need about the ships and the planet: They can’t leave unless they are guided out. Destroy their “beacon,” they are stuck. So the “hurry” aspect is, you gotta stop them before they leave. They are all “grouped” together in one spot that rely’s on a “beacon” to get them out. Once they are out, how can they even try to stop each destroyer before they “blow stuff up?” It would be impossible.

That is where the hurry is. There was NO need for a timer, the stakes are there: Stop the ships before they leave. They have a weakness: They need to be guided out. Destroy their guide, the threat is eliminated.

There is your more logical timer. The audience doesn’t need to have an explicit timer told to them since the war room explained the situation and the logic on why you need to “hurry up and stop them before they leave.”

When you have a container of water with a hole in it. You don’t need a timer to know when it’s too late to recover the water. Your finger needs to quickly plug the hole since you can’t really scoop all the water back in with your hands once it is all out.

EDIT: Chainsaw, that’s how I view that scene too, Rey FORCEFULLY stabbed Leia. Hence her exile. She “messed up” like Luke did, hence the pattern she was following

After Watching the scene again, I agree with you. The line about the 16 hours can honestly be completely cut from the scene and it’ll work just fine. The stakes are all set already.


natm said:

jarbear said:

Hal 9000 said:

If someone can come up with an alternative line that still does the trick, I’m open to it!

I still don’t think much needs to be done to alleviate it if we understand the plan to stop the fleet.

During the intel, they got the details they need about the ships and the planet: They can’t leave unless they are guided out. Destroy their “beacon,” they are stuck. So the “hurry” aspect is, you gotta stop them before they leave. They are all “grouped” together in one spot that rely’s on a “beacon” to get them out. Once they are out, how can they even try to stop each destroyer before they “blow stuff up?” It would be impossible.

That is where the hurry is. There was NO need for a timer, the stakes are there: Stop the ships before they leave. They have a weakness: They need to be guided out. Destroy their guide, the threat is eliminated.

There is your more logical timer. The audience doesn’t need to have an explicit timer told to them since the war room explained the situation and the logic on why you need to “hurry up and stop them before they leave.”

When you have a container of water with a hole in it. You don’t need a timer to know when it’s too late to recover the water. Your finger needs to quickly plug the hole since you can’t really scoop all the water back in with your hands once it is all out.

EDIT: Chainsaw, that’s how I view that scene too, Rey FORCEFULLY stabbed Leia. Hence her exile. She “messed up” like Luke did, hence the pattern she was following

After Watching the scene again, I agree with you. The line about the 16 hours can honestly be completely cut from the scene and it’ll work just fine. The stakes are all set already.

How it could go:

POE: He’s been planning his revenge. His followers have been building something for years. The largest fleet the galaxy has ever known. He calls it the Final Order. I̶n̶ ̶1̶6̶ ̶h̶o̶u̶r̶s̶,̶ ̶a̶t̶t̶a̶c̶k̶s̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶f̶r̶e̶e̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶l̶d̶s̶ ̶b̶e̶g̶i̶n̶

[Chewie groans]

POE: The Emperor and his fleet have been hiding in the Unknown Regions. On a world called Exegol.


I hadn’t considered it like that but you’re right: the rush is the logistics of the fleet taking off. My only concern is that this may not be clear until late in the film. There are a few times during the adventure when characters say “We don’t have time to X.”

And that’s an interesting read on the Leia death, with Rey feeling responsible for it. That makes sense! I’ll have to play with the scene, though, unless there’s a mock-up out there I may just not be remembering right now. If Rey stabbing Kylo is followed by Rey dropping headphones, there’d be a lot to cram in from Leia before seeing her give out altogether.

My stance on revising fan edits.


That would be a tough edit, though an interesting idea. I think it’s doable.

The biggest hurdle is what now distracts Kylo for her to stab him?


What I had read the scene as was Leia contacts Ben through the force, Rey sees Kylo is distracted and stabs him, not realizing that Leia is connected with him, so Leia dies from the wound. Honestly, I think the order of scenes the movie gave us makes the most sense for that interpretation.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


I’d almost get rid of the headphone drop, and cut from stabbing directly to Leia holding her chest in shock.


Hal 9000 said:

I hadn’t considered it like that but you’re right: the rush is the logistics of the fleet taking off. My only concern is that this may not be clear until late in the film. There are a few times during the adventure when characters say “We don’t have time to X.”

And that’s an interesting read on the Leia death, with Rey feeling responsible for it. That makes sense! I’ll have to play with the scene, though, unless there’s a mock-up out there I may just not be remembering right now. If Rey stabbing Kylo is followed by Rey dropping headphones, there’d be a lot to cram in from Leia before seeing her give out altogether.

For the first part, yes, they don’t have time for “x” because they need to hurry up and stop the fleet. Why the rush? It is explained at the briefing. We can stop them in their tracks if we destroy their beacon. Once they are out, it’s game over. That’s how they even HAD A CHANCE to win with a small fleet. Destroy the beacon, they are trapped. Game over for the baddies.

I really think this is simple, no other work needs to be done, just remove the timer, which makes no sense. What’s 16 hours in a galaxy? How do you do it if we are talking about different planets, different solar rotations, planet spinning, etc. Just removing that stupid timer is such a breath of fresh air. We get an explanation on the rush. Think about this all, the movie itself doesn’t explain things. How did Palps live? (Disney still hasn’t given a clear answer, they go back and forth.) What did Finn want to say to Rey (RJ Tweeted it since it was explained or talked about in the movie) How did the Wayfinder survive in Kylo’s TIE when it EXPLODED? (Oh yeah, plot armor) How did Ben reach Exegol in a standard TIE Fighter? (Oh yeah, RJ tweeted it was a special TIE with hyperdrive even though its been established those TIES do not.)

Let’s not get too caught up on full on explanations.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Generally agree about the time lock tied in with the beacon.
They have 70 bajillion souped up Star Destroyers hanging out there.
You destroy the beacon…um…they build another one. Or two. Just to be safe.
Unless they’re out of building resouces from crafting 70 bajillion souped up Star Destroyers.


regularjoe said:

Generally agree about the time lock tied in with the beacon.
They have 70 bajillion souped up Star Destroyers hanging out there.
You destroy the beacon…um…they build another one. Or two. Just to be safe.
Unless they’re out of building resouces from crafting 70 bajillion souped up Star Destroyers.

That’s a plot hole written by JJ Abrams and Chris Terrio… luckily Palpatine explodes or something and all the ships blow up too? It’s kinda unclear… They do blow up a few by destroying the canons, but the majority just… ¯_(ツ)_/¯


JakeRyan17 said:

regularjoe said:

Generally agree about the time lock tied in with the beacon.
They have 70 bajillion souped up Star Destroyers hanging out there.
You destroy the beacon…um…they build another one. Or two. Just to be safe.
Unless they’re out of building resouces from crafting 70 bajillion souped up Star Destroyers.

That’s a plot hole written by JJ Abrams and Chris Terrio… luckily Palpatine explodes or something and all the ships blow up too? It’s kinda unclear… They do blow up a few by destroying the canons, but the majority just… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

They get stuck without the navigation signal from the capital ship.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


jarbear said:

Hal 9000 said:

I hadn’t considered it like that but you’re right: the rush is the logistics of the fleet taking off. My only concern is that this may not be clear until late in the film. There are a few times during the adventure when characters say “We don’t have time to X.”

And that’s an interesting read on the Leia death, with Rey feeling responsible for it. That makes sense! I’ll have to play with the scene, though, unless there’s a mock-up out there I may just not be remembering right now. If Rey stabbing Kylo is followed by Rey dropping headphones, there’d be a lot to cram in from Leia before seeing her give out altogether.

For the first part, yes, they don’t have time for “x” because they need to hurry up and stop the fleet. Why the rush? It is explained at the briefing. We can stop them in their tracks if we destroy their beacon. Once they are out, it’s game over. That’s how they even HAD A CHANCE to win with a small fleet. Destroy the beacon, they are trapped. Game over for the baddies.

I really think this is simple, no other work needs to be done, just remove the timer, which makes no sense. What’s 16 hours in a galaxy? How do you do it if we are talking about different planets, different solar rotations, planet spinning, etc. Just removing that stupid timer is such a breath of fresh air. We get an explanation on the rush. Think about this all, the movie itself doesn’t explain things. How did Palps live? (Disney still hasn’t given a clear answer, they go back and forth.) What did Finn want to say to Rey (RJ Tweeted it since it was explained or talked about in the movie) How did the Wayfinder survive in Kylo’s TIE when it EXPLODED? (Oh yeah, plot armor) How did Ben reach Exegol in a standard TIE Fighter? (Oh yeah, RJ tweeted it was a special TIE with hyperdrive even though its been established those TIES do not.)

Let’s not get too caught up on full on explanations.

Michael Scott “Thank you!” GIF goes here

Seriously. The line of the 16 hours could be removed and the implied stakes and rush are still pretty much intact. Such a simple edit would go a long ways… haha.


Getting stuck doesn’t really solve why they can’t build a new navigation tower, or why each ship wasn’t individually equipped to navigate since the capital ship was. It also doesn’t explain how the Resistance ships can navigate with no issue, including their capital ships that arrive.

The entire conceit is full of logic holes.