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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 201


Thanks a lot, Movies Remastered, I like that cover a great deal. Once the edit is locked we should have everything needed in order to complete full covers for Bluray and DVD.

And I agree that it’d be better for the saber to remain crackly for the whole movie. So as long as kewlfish is going to actually do the effect for the entire movie I’ll be glad to utilize it. I think you’ve got skenera’s purple saber footage already but let me know if you need jonh’s or any other footage to work with.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Rey is already on the light side, the saber first calls out to her in TFA, and she actually knows how to heal as demonstrated twice on screen before the finale. Why wouldn’t Rey have been able to heal it herself?

The lightsaber suddenly being fixed when Kylo grabs it doesn’t make sense in-universe and would just come across as an error to a new viewer of the edit, and it doesn’t add anything thematically that Kylo wielding the blade in the first place doesn’t already do.

Always broken or never broken is my hard stance.


Can you make two versions available, one with and without the crackle effect for those of us who aren’t a fan of it.


Hey, Hal? How would you feel if I tried to put together a possible extension or new re-cut of Ben’s death for more grieving over his loss?

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


I love the new poster, but the saturation is almost cranked. Wouldn’t it be better if Rey kept her skin tone?

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


Knight of Kalee said:

So, making the Skywalker blade also distorted serves two purposes:

  • continuity fixing. It acknowledges the ending of TLJ, where the lightsaber was split in half. Rey repaired it, but in an imperfect way, leaving the blade unstable as a result. The actual kyber crystal IS seen when Rey holds the pieces of the broken saber. So it’s less of a retcon and more of an actual consequence.
  • storytelling tool. Rey wielding a crackly lightsaber represents her inner conflict and her struggle with the dark side. It mirrors Kylo’s blade, and also serves as a subtle irony when Ben finally claims his grandfather’s weapon, but it’s damaged and imperfect.

Thanks Knight of Kalee that explains it well.

heil Palpatine!


I’m not bothered by canon fodder about how lightsabers work. In TLJ it was broken in half, and in this movie Rey has reforged it but feels conflicted about her inner darkness. Makes perfect sense to me that the saber should crackle in a similar fashion as Kylo’s. It’s sort of like Luke wearing black in ROTJ: it makes us question whether she may actually go dark.

Jaws123DRevenge said:

Can you make two versions available, one with and without the crackle effect for those of us who aren’t a fan of it.

I can’t. I’m already going to do a Rey Nobody cut at some point, but the final product should be plenty high quality enough to be worked from if anyone wishes to tweak or do anything else to.

nl0428 said:

Hey, Hal? How would you feel if I tried to put together a possible extension or new re-cut of Ben’s death for more grieving over his loss?

Well, I’d welcome it, of course. Have at it!

Jaws123DRevenge said:

I know you already are gonna put Kylo in as a force ghost on Tatooine, but have you considered adding Anakin too? Something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlnRy7g--tU

We have considered it, but I think that’d be way too distracting and unnecessary. It feels right to have just Luke, Leia, and Ben.

Also, I do agree the saturation could stand to be dialed down on the cover.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Movies Remastered said:

It seems to look a bit washed out and doesn’t pop

just like the movie, therefore looks just perfect

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


Looks great! The skin tone looks a lot better in this one.


Here it is. It’s been quite a while since I’ve shared an attempt. Mind that this is very rough and is showcasing how Ben’s death could be extended slightly and recut to have a stronger emotional impact.

PASSWORD: fanedit

I just realized that some of the text got cut off. This is what it said.

FX Work to Remove Ben and Insert Rey in New Position

Recoloring from Night to Day and Replace Background

FX Work to Stabilize Shot and Recolor (Shot of Wayfinder)

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


If that fx shot could work it would be very nice to take a moment and mourn his loss

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


Would be a neat call back to TLJ to have his shirt be taken by the wind in that wide shot.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


nl0428 said:

Here it is. It’s been quite a while since I’ve shared an attempt. Mind that this is very rough and is showcasing how Ben’s death could be extended slightly and recut to have a stronger emotional impact.

PASSWORD: fanedit

I just realized that some of the text got cut off. This is what it said.

FX Work to Remove Ben and Insert Rey in New Position

Recoloring from Night to Day and Replace Background

FX Work to Stabilize Shot and Recolor (Shot of Wayfinder)

The music doesn’t work for me at all but the additional shots could work pretty well with the necessary FX work.


Octorox said:

nl0428 said:

Here it is. It’s been quite a while since I’ve shared an attempt. Mind that this is very rough and is showcasing how Ben’s death could be extended slightly and recut to have a stronger emotional impact.

PASSWORD: fanedit

I just realized that some of the text got cut off. This is what it said.

FX Work to Remove Ben and Insert Rey in New Position

Recoloring from Night to Day and Replace Background

FX Work to Stabilize Shot and Recolor (Shot of Wayfinder)

The music doesn’t work for me at all but the additional shots could work pretty well with the necessary FX work.

The music is from Samuel Kim. If anyone can find music similar to this, it would be great. I didn’t really like how the original score played out for the scene. It sounded a bit misleading, rushed and inappropriate for a emotional scene such as this.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Extending that scene kinda feels unnecessary and I don’t think the music works at all.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


skenera said:

Movies Remastered said:

It seems to look a bit washed out and doesn’t pop as much when you lighten her skin?

I’ve noticed Rey is still blurry, you should use the upscaled source image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uRIjDiHL-lYgbFtDnVy3K6xd8fGSgjac/view?usp=sharing

Rey should be fine the source was 5000px but there are 5 layers to create that effect. If anything it’s the brushed metal and background that could be a little off as those were only 2000px. I’ve added so many filters and layers now that I couldn’t replicate it starting fresh.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


I think that’ll be more than adequate for purposes of cover artwork. Again, very nicely done.

And, Noah. I like the idea but I’d hate to lose the original score for that scene and moment. I think it’ll be another one on the reject pile. But I’m glad you mocked it up and we had another idea to consider.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Here is my second pass… I fixed the masking issues, made the blade a bit more subtle, and fixed the log scene. Some issues that got pointed out where actually issues with the theatrical release (i.e. like a lightsaber tip going through a tree) so there wasn’t much that I was able to do about that, but the footage is moving so quick that you won’t notice it when watching the movie at normal speed.

This export is lower quality as I wanted you all to see if there any noticeable issues before do the final render.


Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y