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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 199


skenera said:

Movies Remastered said:

skenera said:

Movies Remastered said:

What resolution do you need?

I think I could only find a 72dpi source image so I’m not sure if it’ll scale up to 300dpi for DVD cover.

I can’t find that star wars logo anywhere. Does anyone have it so I can finish this?

I’ve upscaled the source image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uRIjDiHL-lYgbFtDnVy3K6xd8fGSgjac/view?usp=sharing

I’m only on my phone right now. How’d you do that and what’s the resolution now?

I used Topaz Gigapixel AI, the resolution is 5400 x 8000 px.

I’ve not used that before. I upscaled from 72dpi to 300dpi and smoothed out some of the noise so the latest upload should be around the same size as you got?

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I’m on my phone right now but I can search around for the sounds that people use for dueling sabers when I get home. Maybe tomorrow?

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


I think the sounds most in need is just static crackling like when it’s being held still. I won’t replace the other swishing sounds or anything like that. Just overlaying the crackle at times without overdoing it since her saber isn’t as fractured as Kylo’s.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Could you take the crackles of a camp fire and lower them in logic or something? I wonder if there’s any BTS on how they created the sound.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


Hal 9000 said:

I think the sounds most in need is just static crackling like when it’s being held still. I won’t replace the other swishing sounds or anything like that. Just overlaying the crackle at times without overdoing it since her saber isn’t as fractured as Kylo’s.

The second clip I sent was a 3 minute static held?

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I’ve been such a Klaud this evening. Yes, that second video is perfect for that. I have been ducking in between guerrilla cleaning my house and didn’t ever click on the second one.

And I love the cover artwork, thanks to you guys for working together on it.

We’re gonna get this thing there!

My stance on revising fan edits.


That cover art work is the bomb.

I’m also digging the crackly saber effect. Maybe the crackling could be pitched a tad higher to differentiate it a little more from Kylo’s. It would be interesting if when Rey transports the saber to Ben during the climax, that somehow the act of passing it through the Force healed the crystal. So when Ben receives it, the crackling is gone. But maybe people would be confused by that and think it was just missing the effect. Anyway, definitely like it!

This is probably an unnecessary idea, but I had a thought regarding the Star Destroyer montage at the end of the film. I know Finn says that people are rising up across the galaxy, but I think it would be cool to actually see that those people are the one’s causing the Star Destroyers to crash. For example, maybe you could add cloud cars or other ships to Bespin, flying around the crashing destroyer. With snooker’s Naboo mock-up, you could add N-1 star fighters.


If the blade remains crackly when passed to Ben then it works really well as a metaphor/imagery.

He’s always wanted to emulate Vader, but failed => He’s always had a red blade, but broken
He finally rejects his darker legacy => He throws his red blade into the ocean
He begins to turn to the light and embrace Rey, but he’s still broken => Rey hands him her blue saber, but broken

Plus, we know he’s always considered the Anakin saber his birthright - this way he finally gets it, but incomplete, imperfect.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Hey all! Finally got time to check out the edit. I ENJOYED THIS SIGNIFICANTLY MORE. It was more…respectful and honest. Flowed far far better! Great work! Honestly I haven’t seen ROS since theaters so watching it again I was impressed but I didn’t realize (and I mean this as the highest compliment) just how much finagling you all have already done (this tends to happen), all in all I want to say from outside perspective I didn’t notice 95% of the changes and I think they healed 100% of the pacing problem.

P.S. is there a list of changes coming that havent made it into the workprint? Would love to see that since I dont know if I can go through another 100 pages.

I’ve been checking in on the new edits and ideas and i’d like to throw my two sense in as well, but for now I’ll stick to…

I think the Rey V Kylo indeed does need some additional scoring. This is coming from a HUGE John Williams fan as well, but after watching the normal version (feeling subconsciously underwhelmed) and some of the edits using Samuel Kim’s (also big fan) work I just felt far more immersed in the scene’s danger with a STAR WARS DUAL feeling to it. I do feel conflicted about changing something as precious as the film’s score but at the end of the day, I believe it serves the film better. And isn’t that what its all about?

I believe this is the audio used https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykfWGc5MRFo&list=PL9PLUrw0CbcTK97xwPGVLs8EcZUIap54v
and as long as there is some clever finagling nearing the end of the fight when Rey is tiring I think this would work beautifully. Now I remember seeing HAL saying something like we would would need to get Samuel Kim to compose for this scene specifically to make it truly work. Can we just ask him? I know he does work for SW fan projects already I dont know why he would turn this down outside of time or some other variable (I dont know him personally or anything, just saying). If this is something you might consider pursuing HAL I wouldn’t mind trying to contact him about it (dont know how effective I can be doe).

I do actually like the addition of a short Jedi Purge insertion when Palps is blowing the fleet away, (perhaps a bit more subtle) it works better than I thought it would and it adds more dire emotion to the scene.

all for giving the Knights of Ren more personality (likely a touchy job but I have learned not to underestimate the power of fan boi edits, especially with Poppasketti around).

I dont much understand the dubbing of Boolio, is there something else crucial that we need to tell the audience (outside the state of the first order, which I think would be better served in the opening crawl)? Cause if its just the voice…um Mark Hamill nuff said. Especially since elsewhere the movie makes a point to provide translation to Alien speech.

I think thats it for the music and sound, EDITS/CHANGES are coming when I have time and sanity, I’ll give it a more scrutinized watch later but I just want to say…I am really truly impressed with the creativity in the workprint (the ending was genius!), I absolutely cannot wait to watch this with palatable sound quality! Great job everyone!

This is the way.


Well, if the crackling stops when it’s passed to Ben it’d mean less work! And it could be one of those things one may not notice on first viewing. Works for me.

And thanks, axios, for your take. Glad you liked it! We’ve hashed those ideas out. I added some light duel of the fates music from Maul’s scene in Solo, which was Cinefy’s idea. It’s not overpowering, scratches an itch, and feels like a good compromise.
I also don’t want to use tracked score for that Palpatine music. Maybe I’ve lived inside the prequels too much, but that music in that moment is readily identifiable as the order 66 montage and I find it very distracting.

My stance on revising fan edits.


kewlfish said:

Alright all, here is Rey’s training scene. The Pasana clip was low quality footage, but I used the actual movie footage for this one. Let me know the issues that y’all see with it and I will continue to refine it.


Yes… Oh hell yes!!! 😍

This was one of the first things I commented on to my brother after seeing the first teaser. I told him that Anakin’s lightsaber should have been like this.

Can I make a suggestion,
When you do the Ben Solo scenes, can you make sure you use Skenera’s purple lightsaber scenes as base footage?


These are the clips I am referring to:

skenera said:

OK, this should be closer: Part 1 and Part 2

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kewlfish said:

Alright all, here is Rey’s training scene. The Pasana clip was low quality footage, but I used the actual movie footage for this one. Let me know the issues that y’all see with it and I will continue to refine it.


The only moment that looks odd is the wife shot of Rey balancing on the log with the visor. The saver just looks too thick. But the rest of it looks amazing!

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


Chase Adams said:

Can I make a suggestion,
When you do the Ben Solo scenes, can you make sure you use Skenera’s purple lightsaber scenes as base footage?


These are the clips I am referring to:

skenera said:

OK, this should be closer: Part 1 and Part 2

Unless, of course, kewlfish prefers to have the effect cease when it is handed to Ben through the Force. If not, I’d also need the effect applied to jonh’s ghost footage when the saber is used.

My stance on revising fan edits.


dgraham414 said:

kewlfish said:

Alright all, here is Rey’s training scene. The Pasana clip was low quality footage, but I used the actual movie footage for this one. Let me know the issues that y’all see with it and I will continue to refine it.


The only moment that looks odd is the wife shot of Rey balancing on the log with the visor. The saver just looks too thick. But the rest of it looks amazing!

There are several shots in which the blade looks too thick. I also wonder if there’s a way to give more variation to the distortion, right now it’s a bit uniform across the blade.

Overall, though, it’s a really cool improvement!

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Just wanted to chime in and say that I’d definitely want to crackle the entire time. It’s much more symbolically meaningful for Ben to wield the saber he’s always desired but crackling (to represent how he can now honor his bloodline but not ignore his sinful past). Plus it doesn’t make much sense for it to change and would confuse many…

And kewlfish, it’s looking great! Like dgraham414 said, the saber looks too thick on the log scene but the rest is great. You nailed the training remote part! Looking forward to seeing more.


I know at some point C-3PO dialogue was being searched for and realised theres a bunch of Anthony Daniels dialogue in Lego: Star Wars Droid Tales including a memory restoration scene.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Cinefy said:

I know at some point C-3PO dialogue was being searched for and realised theres a bunch of Anthony Daniels dialogue in Lego: Star Wars Droid Tales including a memory restoration scene.

A little late to the party…

But anyway… yes, that scene was discussed and the Droid Tales scene was harvested for potential lines. I proposed the idea of using a certain line to have 3PO ask R2 to retsore his memory for him instead of the silly smash cut, but nobody liked it. “Sad”

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CHASE: Damn, I wish I wasn’t colorblind to Purple LOL

HAL: As much as it’s a cool idea having the Saber heal via the Rey exchange I’m not sure if that will come across in the edit. It may just look like a continuity issue. A Crackling Saber is exactly what TROS edit needs. I thought around the 1:04 mark looked off and the effect smoothed out a little too much so I’ll help Kewlfish work out the mask issues in parts of that fall short. Most of the scene is perfect though.

CINEFY: Someone posted around 100 pages ago. That dialog seemed to work really well as it was almost a like for like scene.

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Nice find Chase!

After watching this Saber scene a bunch of times why does Rey always run with a lit Saber? Running with scissors is bad enough. It cuts from Running lit Saber to not lit to lit in the original. She did the sane in TLJ.

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I like the idea of having the blade “heal” when it’s passed to Ben


^ Exactly, I would say to have it crackle the entire time and if people want to have it revert for Ben, they can slice the original footage in.