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Unusual Sequel Trilogy Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 55


Knight of Kalee said:

Movies Remastered said:

I did wonder. I was thinking of adding star destroyers arriving at each planet destination before the battle starts to add to the reason why the galaxy got involved but I couldn’t think of a reason why they would do that unless they were xyston class destroyers.

In my headcanon I just assumed the First Order had occupied and laid siege to all those worlds in the aftermath of TLJ, paying off what Rey stated in that movie: “The First Order will control all the major systems within weeks”. Perhaps this detail could be included in a redone opening crawl.

I’ve just filmed a tutorial crawl video including my new layout. Should be edited in a few days. So, Do you think that Star Destroyers orbiting each planets atmospheres would be a good set up before the final battle?

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Sure, if there’s some way to convey the peoples of the galaxy are under a oppresive FO regime and have this being their primary motivation to join the battle at Exegol, instead of just being cowardly/lazy until Lando charms them out of it. Maybe you could use some shots of FO Destroyers over planets for your Palpatine broadcast montage.


Knight of Kalee said:

Maybe you could use some shots of FO Destroyers over planets for your Palpatine broadcast montage.

I was just typing that!

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Knight of Kalee said:

Sure, if there’s some way to convey the peoples of the galaxy are under a oppresive FO regime and have this being their primary motivation to join the battle at Exegol, instead of just being cowardly/lazy until Lardo charms them out of it. Maybe you could use some shots of FO Destroyers over planets for your Palpatine broadcast montage.

That’s exactly what I’m thinking. I originally had shots of other planets but they just stood out as recycled footage, then I designed the Coruscant and kylo scenes but now I’m thinking of mixing both ideas and have the destroyers appear in each sky scene to highlight the treat and change the original footage more. 🤔

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thebluefrog said:

NeverarGreat said:

It’s funny, the more you think about it. The First Order General was offed as a joke and their Supreme Leader hallucinated himself into switching sides, then the rest of the organization died off screen.
A story for the ages.

Pretty much all characters except Rey were reduced to jokes by the end.

Pretty sad waste of potential.

Yeah, but most of that happened in TRoS, which only seemed to care about two characters. Hux was turned into a punching bag in TLJ. I actually think most of his abuse is warranted, and in keeping with the trilogy’s comedic tone, but the yo mama joke is too much.


Anakin Starkiller said:

thebluefrog said:

NeverarGreat said:

It’s funny, the more you think about it. The First Order General was offed as a joke and their Supreme Leader hallucinated himself into switching sides, then the rest of the organization died off screen.
A story for the ages.

Pretty much all characters except Rey were reduced to jokes by the end.

Pretty sad waste of potential.

Yeah, but most of that happened in TRoS, which only seemed to care about two characters. Hux was turned into a punching bag in TLJ. I actually think most of his abuse is warranted, and in keeping with the trilogy’s comedic tone, but the yo mama joke is too much.

There’s a line between comedic and just plain comical; the First Order wasn’t intimidating at all once they started just being the incompetent butt of jokes. Snoke too, hurling Rey around telekinetically then bleah I’m dead.

It was a problem with the prequels where the tone was uneven throughout all 3 movies, i.e. Nemoidians ended up just being boring and forgotten as villains. Did anyone even remember them by the time Anakin sliced them up? At least Lucas realized his humour didn’t fit with Sith and you can see this with the deleted scenes. I mean Anakin chirping like R2 would’ve been the “yo mama” joke of Sith.


There’s a line between comedic and just plain comical; the First Order wasn’t intimidating at all once they started just being the incompetent butt of jokes. Snoke too, hurling Rey around telekinetically then bleah I’m dead.

The First Order as a whole is never portrayed as a joke, though. Sure, sometimes the individuals within it can be a tad silly, but they never undermine the organization.

And Snoke throwing people around with the Force is perfectly reasonable. I don’t see the need to label things such as him literally wiping the floor with Hux as a comedic beat. To me it’s just a display of Snoke’s power.


Anakin Starkiller said:

There’s a line between comedic and just plain comical; the First Order wasn’t intimidating at all once they started just being the incompetent butt of jokes. Snoke too, hurling Rey around telekinetically then bleah I’m dead.

The First Order as a whole is never portrayed as a joke, though. Sure, sometimes the individuals within it can be a tad silly, but they never undermine the organization.

And Snoke throwing people around with the Force is perfectly reasonable. I don’t see the need to label things such as him literally wiping the floor with Hux as a comedic beat. To me it’s just a display of Snoke’s power.

No, you misunderstood what I meant about Snoke. I meant the poor uneven mood of how he was built up to be this big threat, tossing Rey around, and then 2 mins later is lying there comedically with a stupid Jar Jar-ish expression on his face.


I heard the terrible news today that Italian composer Ennio Morricone passed away today at 91.

Hearing the news made me want to share some old ideas I had of doing a Tarantino-esque mash-up of TFA and TLJ, using some of his music. Here are two videos I did to see how well his music blends with the visuals of The Last Jedi. Considering how incredible his music is, it isn’t difficult for it to enhance any scene that they’re used in.



Is there room for some Prequel references we haven’t thought of yet? Or maybe we should recap those we have.


Anakin Starkiller said:

Is there room for some Prequel references we haven’t thought of yet? Or maybe we should recap those we have.

Good idea,

I think so far we have…

Extra Mustafar scenes by Lilian, Kewfish and myself
A Moon switch into Endor by poppa
Ewok and falcon scene by snooker
Kylo looking over Coruscant by Idir_hh
Kylo at Jedi Temple by Jonh and Poppa (maybe)
Coruscant ending by poppa, audio fix by myself
Naboo ending by Snooker
Vaders shuttle switch by Poppa
Anakin as a force ghost by jonh

Duel of the fates or Battle of the heroes (depending on whos cut)
Ambush on Coruscant (my cut)
Across the stars (Over Ben & Rey’s kiss) but not confirmed if right to use.

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Prequel references that have been considered:

  • Fortress Vader (from Rogue One) added to the Mustafar minute.
  • Coruscant added in the background before the First Order council scene (suggested by Hal)
  • C-3PO mentioning Padmé or Anakin instead of Rey after having his memory restored.
  • C-3PO mentioning Moraband/Korriban when talking about Exegol (“the place where the Sith hid after the fall of Korriban…”)
  • Hint to the Sith Troopers being clones.
  • Rey’s power explained by a vergence in the Force (suggested for Rey Nobody editions)
  • Sith whispers guide Rey to the Wayfinder (done by Hal)
  • Leia purple saber (done)
  • Green mist added to Palpatine’s surroundings and green Force-draining effect to imply a connection with Nighsisters/Sith magic.
  • (Radical) Turn Ajan Kloss into Naboo (mock-ups done by snooker)
  • Familiar aliens (Twi’leks, etc.) rotoscoped in the background of some scenes as extras (the whole trilogy was lacking in this aspect).

Non-prequel references but rather Canon fixing minor edits

  • Cut “They fly now!” (done)
  • Have Zorii say Poe left her to join the New Republic, instead of the Resistance.
  • Not referring to Endor as the place where the Galactic Civil War ended.

Score edits:

  • Duel of the Fates chanting for the “ritual” moment on Exogol.

I’d really like to make Exegol Coruscant. It ties everything together quite nicely. Palpatine’s lair being the Sith Temple beneath the Jedi Temple draws from Lucas’s ideas. I also think “Exegol was Coruscant all along” would be a fun light twist. The only obstacle is what to do with the space battle.


Anakin Starkiller said:

I’d really like to make Exegol Coruscant. It ties everything together quite nicely. Palpatine’s lair being the Sith Temple beneath the Jedi Temple draws from Lucas’s ideas. I also think “Exegol was Coruscant all along” would be a fun light twist. The only obstacle is what to do with the space battle.

[1313 - Night]

Ships zip past as the camera pans up to the entrance of the surface above. A haunting rumble can be heard, the belly of the planet is raging.

[Coruscant - Day - Industrial complex]

Lightning strikes as mountains rise from the surface, but no, they are not mountains, they are STAR DESTROYERS.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Anakin Starkiller said:

I’d really like to make Exegol Coruscant. It ties everything together quite nicely. Palpatine’s lair being the Sith Temple beneath the Jedi Temple draws from Lucas’s ideas. I also think “Exegol was Coruscant all along” would be a fun light twist. The only obstacle is what to do with the space battle.

If some one makes a 4k or higher map of Coruscant please lmk



idir_hh said:

I don’t know if they are in 4k but something like these could probably be used




Middle image is super tiny fyi. But no, i need a map map, not a side shot of the city. To make a planet with it. I need to do one for my edit but dont know how best to go about it and have been hoping to find one online already made.


Like this



Ah I see, what I had in mind was what the background landscape could look like for the battle of Exogol.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


A small change that would add some connective tissue would be adding the Exogol temple to the background of the vision of Kylo and his knights on the stormy rainy planet in TFA.
Of course always in motion the future is so it doesn’t have to correlate exactly with how it happens in TROS with Kylo being there on his own without his helmet.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…