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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 118


David__B said:

Hey folks, not sure if someone brought this up.

Here, the narrator brings up a very interesting point:
When Rey fights those Red Guards/Sith Troopers after giving her saber to Kylo, they show the same action TWICE.

Like, she kills 6 guards, then we cut to Ben killing some more Knights of Ren, and then she kills those same 6 guards again, simply shot from various different angles, as if they were complete different set of guards.

Which, once you see it, holy shit, you can’t UNsee it.

Was this already talked about/did someone already fix this?

As if I couldn’t facepalm this movie anymore. Haha! Great video. Robothead brought up the guards in another video but it wasn’t as well constructed as this. I’ve now gotta re-edit that scene AGAIN!!! Thanks. 😉

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krausfadr said:

So basically Disney fan edited their own footage.

TRoS already felt like a mediocre fan edit of a better movie. I can already see the feedback threads in my head…

“Hey, it’s a good first step u/JJAbrams, but there’s a lot of unfinished stuff here. I know you cut the scene where Finn tells Rey he’s force-sensitive, but you forgot to get rid of the subplot about him trying to tell Rey something. You should cut that before going any further.”

“Getting rid of the first 20 minutes just doesn’t work either. The new opening with Kylo immediately on Mustafar is super jarring. Especially since you cut the stuff with Hux and Pryde on the surface, and Palpatine’s message to the galaxy.”

“That crawl is really clunky. In the main saga, an opening crawl really only has one word that’s capitalized, which is meant to be the most important part of the movie (like DEATH STAR) in ANH. But here you’ve capitalized like five different things, and some of them aren’t even proper nouns. Why is “REVENGE” capitalized? I know you wanted to get right to the action, but revealing Palpatine’s return in the opening crawl? I’m afraid that doesn’t work. Especially since you cut out the part where we see how he survived in the first place, and just used his line from RotS instead. I’m looking forward to a V2, I think most of these problems can be ironed out.”

“Cutting the subplot about Lando’s daughter just makes him look like a creep at the end.”


TK-422 said:

krausfadr said:

So basically Disney fan edited their own footage.

TRoS already felt like a mediocre fan edit of a better movie. I can already see the feedback threads in my head…

“Hey, it’s a good first step u/JJAbrams, but there’s a lot of unfinished stuff here. I know you cut the scene where Finn tells Rey he’s force-sensitive, but you forgot to get rid of the subplot about him trying to tell Rey something. You should cut that before going any further.”

“Getting rid of the first 20 minutes just doesn’t work either. The new opening with Kylo immediately on Mustafar is super jarring. Especially since you cut the stuff with Hux and Pryde on the surface, and Palpatine’s message to the galaxy.”

“That crawl is really clunky. In the main saga, an opening crawl really only has one word that’s capitalized, which is meant to be the most important part of the movie (like DEATH STAR) in ANH. But here you’ve capitalized like five different things, and some of them aren’t even proper nouns. Why is “REVENGE” capitalized? I know you wanted to get right to the action, but revealing Palpatine’s return in the opening crawl? I’m afraid that doesn’t work. Especially since you cut out the part where we see how he survived in the first place, and just used his line from RotS instead. I’m looking forward to a V2, I think most of these problems can be ironed out.”

“Cutting the subplot about Lando’s daughter just makes him look like a creep at the end.”


Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Knight of Kalee said:

DarkSpecter5K said:

Here’s an idea, I know jonh said he made a final edit on the Force ghosts guiding Rey in killing Palpatine, but would it be possible to edit Sebastian Shaw from Jedi into it in place of Hayden for a second?

I like Hayden, don’t get me wrong, but I was thinking if Obi-Wan can go back and forth on his age can’t Anakin do it too?

I remember jonh did acknowledge the possibility of featuring Shaw, but dismissed it for the moment because of the lack of decent footage in comparison to Hayden. Shaw could be doable but it would stick out, compared to the almost seamless look of the other Jedi.
Still, he did “age” Hayden’s appearance making him look middle-aged.

That makes sense, going to have to rewatch the scene again because I must not have noticed the aging before


David__B said:

Hey folks, not sure if someone brought this up.

Here, the narrator brings up a very interesting point:
When Rey fights those Red Guards/Sith Troopers after giving her saber to Kylo, they show the same action TWICE.

Like, she kills 6 guards, then we cut to Ben killing some more Knights of Ren, and then she kills those same 6 guards again, simply shot from various different angles, as if they were complete different set of guards.

Which, once you see it, holy shit, you can’t UNsee it.

Was this already talked about/did someone already fix this?

And can somebody make a video explaining this in a less obnoxious way?

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Ed Slushie said:

And can somebody make a video explaining this in a less obnoxious way?

Summing it up, they reused the same fight scene twice, but using different angles and adding different VFX to the first one to make it different from the second one (the intended-as-original).

Damn, now I won’t be unable to unsee it :´(


Knight of Kalee said:

Ed Slushie said:

And can somebody make a video explaining this in a less obnoxious way?

Summing it up, they reused the same fight scene twice, but using different angles and adding different VFX to the first one to make it different from the second one (the intended-as-original).

Damn, now I won’t be unable to unsee it :´(

Wow. I had assumed the over-the-top pacing was because the scenes were cut down, but maybe they just didn’t shoot enough.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Ed Slushie said:
Wow. I had assumed the over-the-top pacing was because the scenes were cut down, but maybe they just didn’t shoot enough.

I think it’s more of a ‘oh shit, she dispatches them too quickly’ type of deal. Like, maybe, originally, Ben kills the Knights, and we cut to Rey’s fight, and they realized that it’s better if we intercut them, but Rey beats them all in seconds, so…


Knight of Kalee said:

Ed Slushie said:

And can somebody make a video explaining this in a less obnoxious way?

Summing it up, they reused the same fight scene twice, but using different angles and adding different VFX to the first one to make it different from the second one (the intended-as-original).

Damn, now I won’t be unable to unsee it :´(

That’s as bad as TLJ’s red power rangers fight choreography with the disappearing weapons. They have the budget, why did none of them actually do quality control?


That’s clearly a salty Relyo account, their statement on Palpatine contradicts what we know from Phil Szostack, and the Matt Smith thing is an old conspiracy that never had any ground.

This is as BS as those “rumors” that Disney is rebooting the series. It also… kinda doesn’t matter? No meaningful new info even if it’s true.


RogueLeader said:

I thought that too!

And it could be another way to show Hux is losing his influence within the First Order. Clearly he is not as important as he was in the previous films, and if his army is becoming less important, then we have a more tangible reason why Pryde’s political influence is outgrowing Hux’s.


I am still holding out hope someone will implement this idea. I agree it ties into the prequels and TFA line nicely. It also helps explain how they had enough manpower to control the fleet. Finally, I believe it helps reinforce the fact that Palpatine is a clone in this film which is quite murky in the theatrical release.


idir_hh said:

Some apparent leaks from TROS behind the scenes drama: (take with a grain of salt)

It’s the same nonsense. At most base, it’s wrong because it claims that the Knights of Ren actors were rehires from TFA. They weren’t. All new stunt actors. This isn’t a ‘new’ leak. Somebody else claimed this months ago, and was distinctly just as full of shit then as they are now.


Did anyone already consider changing Dark Rey’s sharp teeth and giving her yellow eyes instead? Just a thought.


I know it’s in the novel but did anyone add Luke calling out to Leia that it’s time,before she spoke to Ben and went into a coma?


Also I don’t know how it can be done, maybe by muting 3PO,but what do people think of adding the Stsr Tours clip of the Battle of Exegol into the film to extend the space battle? Personally I thought the battle itself was too short for a final fight


DarkSpecter5K said:

Also I don’t know how it can be done, maybe by muting 3PO,but what do people think of adding the Stsr Tours clip of the Battle of Exegol into the film to extend the space battle? Personally I thought the battle itself was too short for a final fight

I agree, and after looking it up I would say there are definitely some good shots in there, but all I can finnd of the ride is just second-hand phone footage with the 3d double-vision effect still on. Do you know of a higher quality version online somewhere?

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Ed Slushie said:

DarkSpecter5K said:

Also I don’t know how it can be done, maybe by muting 3PO,but what do people think of adding the Stsr Tours clip of the Battle of Exegol into the film to extend the space battle? Personally I thought the battle itself was too short for a final fight

I agree, and after looking it up I would say there are definitely some good shots in there, but all I can finnd of the ride is just second-hand phone footage with the 3d double-vision effect still on. Do you know of a higher quality version online somewhere?

Closest video I could find. https://youtu.be/l0Kcyg_m3F0

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


If anybody was looking for a less MIDI-ey version of the trailer music to use anywhere in their edit, Baltic House Orchestra did a version that seems to have been genuinely done by an, uh… Orchestra, so it might fit better.



Ed Slushie said:

DarkSpecter5K said:

Also I don’t know how it can be done, maybe by muting 3PO,but what do people think of adding the Stsr Tours clip of the Battle of Exegol into the film to extend the space battle? Personally I thought the battle itself was too short for a final fight

I agree, and after looking it up I would say there are definitely some good shots in there, but all I can finnd of the ride is just second-hand phone footage with the 3d double-vision effect still on. Do you know of a higher quality version online somewhere?

Apparently the ship was in the movie, so it’s canon. It was cut from a charge but it’s in the crowd. This version might work



omnimuffin said:

If anybody was looking for a less MIDI-ey version of the trailer music to use anywhere in their edit, Baltic House Orchestra did a version that seems to have been genuinely done by an, uh… Orchestra, so it might fit better.


That’s not an orchestra. It’s just different instrumentation plug-ins than what Kim used.


Broom Kid said:

omnimuffin said:

If anybody was looking for a less MIDI-ey version of the trailer music to use anywhere in their edit, Baltic House Orchestra did a version that seems to have been genuinely done by an, uh… Orchestra, so it might fit better.


That’s not an orchestra. It’s just different instrumentation plug-ins than what Kim used.

I couldn’t tell the difference.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?