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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 117


Octorox said:

I spent a few hours re-sorting the LEGO Star Wars voiceover lines by character instead of level. This should make relevant lines easier to find: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1x9jVm0p8GydqtH1Vvl0SHtfbuIfkUzJV?usp=sharing

Wow! This must’ve taken a lot of time. If anyone is still looking for Leia to say “come home” there’s the clips you’ve been looking for.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Octorox said:

I spent a few hours re-sorting the LEGO Star Wars voiceover lines by character instead of level. This should make relevant lines easier to find: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1x9jVm0p8GydqtH1Vvl0SHtfbuIfkUzJV?usp=sharing

Wow thanks a lot for doing this. It’s truly an invaluable resource for Star Wars Fan editors.

I wonder if I’m allowed to pin such resources on the front page of this thread?

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Wow that worked so much better than I thought it would!
With this line change I could imaging using the yellow lightning in Pasaana

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


My continued attempt at Frankensplicing the hangar scene:


My idea here is to strongly imply that Palpatine is dying as a direct result of what Vader did, he just didn’t die immediately like we all assumed. To make room for that, I had to remove the dyad explanation, which would probably be moved to Rey & Kylo’s long-distance duel since I can’t think of anything else to put there.

Honestly, though, I spent like four hours editing this and it still doesn’t sound good. I need to do something simpler but I can’t think of what.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Very nice. Maybe you can change it to “soon what Anakin Skywalker started will be complete” or “soon I will finish what Anakin Skywalker started.”

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


DarkSpecter5K said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

Knight of Kalee said:

I would gladly learn VFX stuff and modify the lip-syncing of the characters to redub the planet’s name as Korriban. The shot of the Sith statues with the orange ambience just speaks KOTOR.

Korriban is widely known to those it concerns, though, so it wouldn’t function as a secret base. All the more reason to stay close to the official blue grade to differentiate it from Korriban. It also really suits Palpatine. I do like the “grey” recolor though. Something along those lines might be good.

I’ve only seen the orange recolor, has gray been done yet? I can see grey mixed with green from the machine like someone else suggested to imply the Nightsister magic

I’ve redone the gray LUT (it’s a bit less red), here is how it looks on Exegol: https://vimeo.com/435562056
password: fanedit

edit: slightly less gray but also less red LUT


skenera said:

DarkSpecter5K said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

Knight of Kalee said:

I would gladly learn VFX stuff and modify the lip-syncing of the characters to redub the planet’s name as Korriban. The shot of the Sith statues with the orange ambience just speaks KOTOR.

Korriban is widely known to those it concerns, though, so it wouldn’t function as a secret base. All the more reason to stay close to the official blue grade to differentiate it from Korriban. It also really suits Palpatine. I do like the “grey” recolor though. Something along those lines might be good.

I’ve only seen the orange recolor, has gray been done yet? I can see grey mixed with green from the machine like someone else suggested to imply the Nightsister magic

I’ve redone the gray LUT (it’s a bit less red), here is how it looks on Exegol: https://vimeo.com/435562056
password: fanedit

That looks awesome. Makes a lot of the scenes look so much more… real. And the contrast between the lightsabers and the background is much more striking now. Some of the interior shots are still a bit too red, but that’s my only issue.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


skenera said:

DarkSpecter5K said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

Knight of Kalee said:

I would gladly learn VFX stuff and modify the lip-syncing of the characters to redub the planet’s name as Korriban. The shot of the Sith statues with the orange ambience just speaks KOTOR.

Korriban is widely known to those it concerns, though, so it wouldn’t function as a secret base. All the more reason to stay close to the official blue grade to differentiate it from Korriban. It also really suits Palpatine. I do like the “grey” recolor though. Something along those lines might be good.

I’ve only seen the orange recolor, has gray been done yet? I can see grey mixed with green from the machine like someone else suggested to imply the Nightsister magic

I’ve redone the gray LUT (it’s a bit less red), here is how it looks on Exegol: https://vimeo.com/435562056
password: fanedit

Both red and grey work so much better than the original. It seems to bring out so much depth and more detail. Nice job.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Never thought I’d be glad to see more grey in a modern cgi-heavy blockbuster, but I definitely like this more than the theatrical.


I can certainly play with it, but the color correction will be the last part of the pipeline, once the edit is ‘locked.’ I could imagine maybe using this as well as the regular LUT, meeting someplace between.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I used color correction and changed some sound effects to change it so that the heroes are only stunning the stormtroopers. I still don’t know how to change shape of the blaster bolts themselves, but it’s a start:


You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


That’s what I thought too at first, but then I noticed that when Chewie shoots a stormtrooper with one of their own blasters, it shoots sparks upon impact, but when Hux gets shot with the same kind of blaster, there are no sparks. So one could argue that the explosive contact depends on whether the target is wearing armor, not on the type of blaster bolt.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


skenera said:

DarkSpecter5K said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

Knight of Kalee said:

I would gladly learn VFX stuff and modify the lip-syncing of the characters to redub the planet’s name as Korriban. The shot of the Sith statues with the orange ambience just speaks KOTOR.

Korriban is widely known to those it concerns, though, so it wouldn’t function as a secret base. All the more reason to stay close to the official blue grade to differentiate it from Korriban. It also really suits Palpatine. I do like the “grey” recolor though. Something along those lines might be good.

I’ve only seen the orange recolor, has gray been done yet? I can see grey mixed with green from the machine like someone else suggested to imply the Nightsister magic

I’ve redone the gray LUT (it’s a bit less red), here is how it looks on Exegol: https://vimeo.com/435562056
password: fanedit

I like it, honestly it feels like you can see more now while keeping it mysterious and creepy


Here’s an idea, I know jonh said he made a final edit on the Force ghosts guiding Rey in killing Palpatine, but would it be possible to edit Sebastian Shaw from Jedi into it in place of Hayden for a second?

I like Hayden, don’t get me wrong, but I was thinking if Obi-Wan can go back and forth on his age can’t Anakin do it too?


DarkSpecter5K said:

Here’s an idea, I know jonh said he made a final edit on the Force ghosts guiding Rey in killing Palpatine, but would it be possible to edit Sebastian Shaw from Jedi into it in place of Hayden for a second?

I like Hayden, don’t get me wrong, but I was thinking if Obi-Wan can go back and forth on his age can’t Anakin do it too?

I remember jonh did acknowledge the possibility of featuring Shaw, but dismissed it for the moment because of the lack of decent footage in comparison to Hayden. Shaw could be doable but it would stick out, compared to the almost seamless look of the other Jedi.
Still, he did “age” Hayden’s appearance making him look middle-aged.


skenera said:

DarkSpecter5K said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

Knight of Kalee said:

I would gladly learn VFX stuff and modify the lip-syncing of the characters to redub the planet’s name as Korriban. The shot of the Sith statues with the orange ambience just speaks KOTOR.

Korriban is widely known to those it concerns, though, so it wouldn’t function as a secret base. All the more reason to stay close to the official blue grade to differentiate it from Korriban. It also really suits Palpatine. I do like the “grey” recolor though. Something along those lines might be good.

I’ve only seen the orange recolor, has gray been done yet? I can see grey mixed with green from the machine like someone else suggested to imply the Nightsister magic

I’ve redone the gray LUT (it’s a bit less red), here is how it looks on Exegol: https://vimeo.com/435562056
password: fanedit

This LUT is almost a must for me. It’s great!! A lot spookier than the blue, imo.


That’s really great ! But I agree with what someone said before, grey looks a bit reddish, it would be even more spooky if the grey color was more desaturated 😄


Hey folks, not sure if someone brought this up.

Here, the narrator brings up a very interesting point:
When Rey fights those Red Guards/Sith Troopers after giving her saber to Kylo, they show the same action TWICE.

Like, she kills 6 guards, then we cut to Ben killing some more Knights of Ren, and then she kills those same 6 guards again, simply shot from various different angles, as if they were complete different set of guards.

Which, once you see it, holy shit, you can’t UNsee it.

Was this already talked about/did someone already fix this?


David__B said:

Like, she kills 6 guards, then we cut to Ben killing some more Knights of Ren, and then she kills those same 6 guards again, simply shot from various different angles, as if they were complete different set of guards.

Which, once you see it, holy shit, you can’t UNsee it.

So basically Disney fan edited their own footage.

heil Palpatine!