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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 172


The only issue I have with BFII footage in Mustafer are when the troop carriers are landing as it’s look very “gamey”. My preferred option would be TIEs flying over head and then the storm troopers disembarking from the troop carriers as that appears as movie footage. This would mean cutting out both the troop carriers landing and the interior shot of the troop carriers.


Movies Remastered said:

I feel like I joined this forum at the vest time. Loving all the input and how the group process is working. It keeps it so fresh.

TFA:R was fun, too. Especially working to finish it in time for a pre-TLJ premiere viewing.

The gist: no one steps up to execute the common idea of moving SKB’s firing to the third act, so I reluctantly try. I succeed in part, but it doesn’t totally work, and I feel dissatisfied with it being something that really wants to work, but doesn’t really.
Then, in early 2017, NeverArGreat and Sir Ridley (in particular, there were others like Jackpumpkinhead) swoop in from nowhere and do a ton of FX work. With new doors open, we all have a process going with an eye on December 2017. We largely succeed, though put out a more polished version a month or two later.
I put out a V3 (and then a mostly technical issue-correcting but also Palptine-tweaking V4) with a few more changes that are broadly welcomed, deciding not to restrain myself like I had, given that 8 and 9 would receive Hal9000 edits after all. (I had naively hoped the ST wouldn’t need fan edits, so TFA was treated minimally invasively.)

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

I’ll do the regular Palpatine version, and then a Nobody version once Dominic has blazed that trail at some point later.

I think the blade whispers is one of several things one would leave a first viewing maybe having missed, after all.

How do we all feel about the newer Ochi ship shot from poppasketti? I think it’s very much improved, but it may be too iffy to be included. He’s said so himself. Eh?

How do you plan to pull off a Rey Nobody version?? I’d love to see a cut like that!


Hal 9000 said:

Movies Remastered said:

I feel like I joined this forum at the vest time. Loving all the input and how the group process is working. It keeps it so fresh.

TFA:R was fun, too. Especially working to finish it in time for a pre-TLJ premiere viewing.

The gist: no one steps up to execute the common idea of moving SKB’s firing to the third act, so I reluctantly try. I succeed in part, but it doesn’t totally work, and I feel dissatisfied with it being something that really wants to work, but doesn’t really.
Then, in early 2017, NeverArGreat and Sir Ridley (in particular, there were others like Jackpumpkinhead) swoop in from nowhere and do a ton of FX work. With new doors open, we all have a process going with an eye on December 2017. We largely succeed, though put out a more polished version a month or two later.
I put out a V3 (and then a mostly technical issue-correcting but also Palptine-tweaking V4) with a few more changes that are broadly welcomed, deciding not to restrain myself like I had, given that 8 and 9 would receive Hal9000 edits after all. (I had naively hoped the ST wouldn’t need fan edits, so TFA was treated minimally invasively.)

It’s extremely impressive just how much talent is in this community, especially in this edit. As much as not having deleted scenes for TROS was a frustration I feel it’s pushed us all to think a little harder about solving this cluster of a trilogy.

I’m still determined to design the TFA scene were Kylos mask remains on until he meets Han and thanks to Poppas TLJ edit I’m going to revise it again and link it with TROS more. I loved the Palp radio teaser ending in that edit.

I haven’t got around to watching your new workprint for TROS yet but I can’t wait to see the new direction you’ve taken…

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


I agree that the BFII footage looks too “gamey”. Besides, I thought one of the main points of adding extra shots to the beginning of the movie was to establish that the scene was happening on Mustafar but in the end, it doesn’t really help with that. The pacing isn’t really improved either so only keeping the TIEs flying over the forest might the best choice here.

By the way, someone (I’m really sorry, I can’t remember who) posted a long time ago this shot of a burning forest :

I feel like the color grade is really coherent with the movie scene . Maybe adding some TIEs flying in this shot could work ?


What if for the Mustafar scene you have just an extended fly over the trees scene and then cut to the close up of Kylo. This means that we slow down the pace a bit, but you give it gravitas with just how many ships are flying into Mustaphar? Just a thought.


The BF2 footage doesn’t really look less gamey than anything out of the prequel, i think is ok.


RogueLeader said:

Beyond the CG footage sticking out from the following live-action sequence, there’s a few other reasons why I don’t think the battlefront footage fits in.

Compare this to the opening of TFA. We see the transports leave the destroyer from space, and we later see them land at the village. We follow these ships to the action. These Mustafar shuttles have no introduction and we cut to them jarringly, never to see them again. As others have mentioned, we also see a Star Destroyer in-atmosphere, even though the only Star Destroyer we previously saw was in orbit. These shots imply that we are also witnessing the beginning of this battle, but when we cut to Kylo Ren it appears as if we are in the middle of the battle already. Also, the normal speed of the battlefront shots doesn’t gel really well with the slow-motion Kylo’s shots.

These shots thrown in where they are arguably makes this opening sequence more erratic than it was, imo. It’s not that I don’t like it in theory, but I don’t really see or feel how these shots flow into one another. It’s why I didn’t like how the original jumped from space, and immediately into the middle of a battle.

That is why I like the shot of the TIEs flying over the battlefield. We get visual continuity between the space shot and the landscape shot with the TIEs flying in Vic formation. Perhaps you could create even stronger visual continuity between the landscape shot and the first ground shot by adding small yellow and red blaster bolts zipping across the battlefield, since we also see the in the following shot with Kylo. Adding element of battle, like blaster fire and explosions, might help alleviate that comforting feeling you also described that shot having. We see that we are already in the midst of battle, which lines up with what we see in the following Kylo sequence.

To me, that flyby shot is the only shot we’ve experimented with that genuinely feels like it could’ve been plopped right into the theatrical movie. I just personally don’t think the battlefront shots hold up from a visual perspective or an editing perspective.

I hate saying that because I know other editors put a lot of time into making those shots fit better into the scene and I think they did a great job at that (my problem with the footage definitely isn’t their contribution to it!). This whole Mustafar conundrum has been a long process of experimentation and trial & error. But it just comes down to honestly figuring out what works and what doesn’t. And out of everything this what I think makes the most sense.

TL;DR: RL is a stickler for visual continuity.

Agreed. The tie flyover is the only shot that I feel gels with the battle scene. Adding some blast shots and noises into the foreground could make it work with the next clip of the troopers firing behind kylo.


Hal 9000 said:

Movies Remastered said:

I feel like I joined this forum at the vest time. Loving all the input and how the group process is working. It keeps it so fresh.

TFA:R was fun, too. Especially working to finish it in time for a pre-TLJ premiere viewing.

The gist: no one steps up to execute the common idea of moving SKB’s firing to the third act, so I reluctantly try. I succeed in part, but it doesn’t totally work, and I feel dissatisfied with it being something that really wants to work, but doesn’t really.
Then, in early 2017, NeverArGreat and Sir Ridley (in particular, there were others like Jackpumpkinhead) swoop in from nowhere and do a ton of FX work. With new doors open, we all have a process going with an eye on December 2017. We largely succeed, though put out a more polished version a month or two later.
I put out a V3 (and then a mostly technical issue-correcting but also Palptine-tweaking V4) with a few more changes that are broadly welcomed, deciding not to restrain myself like I had, given that 8 and 9 would receive Hal9000 edits after all. (I had naively hoped the ST wouldn’t need fan edits, so TFA was treated minimally invasively.)

I recently watched your tfa restructured on the drive, it was a very smart idea to move the skb firing to the third act it gives so much more impact on the characters that way with the one two punch of hans death and the destruction of the Hosnian system. I watched with the commentary track because I’ve seen tfa too many times lately and it was nice hearing your explanation of the changes made, and funny because at one point you say that episode 9 hopefully doesn’t need a fan edit


In my opinion the Mustafar sequence looks great, with the only shot that really sticks out being the troop carriers landing. I think if you cut that but kept the interior shot and the the shot of the troops disembarking it would look better. I also think this footage (pw: fanedit) from Movies Remastered could be used to extend the shot a bit so the transition from the troops to Kylo is smoother. I still think you should leave out the flying troops, but that extra second of the others charging into battle could help.


For what it’s worth, I’m also in the camp of thinking Mustafar looks pretty good in Hal’s most recent mockup. I think the pacing helps a ton and the effects hold up, I’ve seen worse CG in the sequel trilogy. I think it makes a really good buffer for the scene.


Just watched the Mustafar cut and I haven’t read a ton of discussion so I’m a pretty neutral first time viewer.

This is very minor and all the pacing, colors, and sound was great. I just had one underlying reason for disliking the video game footage, and that is: it looks like it’ll be a normal invasion fight scene, but then it cuts right to a slow motion epic music fighting scene. I think the battle could be more consistent without the video game footage. Show your establishing shots, then boom, go to the normal fight from the movie. You could even add a second establishing forest shot if you want I liked that close up when someone posted earlier.

That said, I was analyzing it closely knowing it’s a fan edit. Show it to a true clueless viewer and they might not notice what I was thinking.


Hello again everyone!

I really like what ultimately ended up happening with DotF playing over the DSII duel. Feels like a real good compromise. Hal, to answer your question from 10,000 years ago, I slowed down that version of DotF myself to better sync it to the scene.

Regarding the Mustafar Minute, I have a couple thoughts. I think the sequence flowed better when you cut from the interior of the troop transport straight to Kylo’s close-up, since the shot composition inside the transport is pretty tight. As is, you’re cutting from wide landscape -> wide of landers… landing -> tight inside landers -> wide of troops -> tight on Kylo. Going tight, then wide, then tight again gives the scene a weird rhythm I feel.

I also think the landscape shot should be mirrored so that the TIEs are traveling from left to right. Every other First Order element in this sequence are either facing or traveling left to right: the Star Destroyer is pointing screen right, the landers and troopers move screen right, and Kylo fights his way through the forest from left to right. It’s a little thing, but continuity of motion goes a long way.


Another small idea to improve the pacing of the movie : I think slightly extending (4-5 seconds) the shot of Kylo Ren lost in thoughts on the Death Star would help with that. In the cinema, the scene with Han Solo didn’t completely land emotionally for me because the movie didn’t let time to breathe from the previous scene to this one. So here’s a quick mock-up (I didn’t increase the frame rate with interpolation) :

(pw: fanedit)

First version is the extended one (I let the previous scene for you to see if it flows well), second one is the movie version. Any thoughts ?


Luka Frik said:

Another small idea to improve the pacing of the movie : I think slightly extending (4-5 seconds) the shot of Kylo Ren lost in thoughts on the Death Star would help with that. In the cinema, the scene with Han Solo didn’t completely land emotionally for me because the movie didn’t let time to breathe from the previous scene to this one. So here’s a quick mock-up (I didn’t increase the frame rate with interpolation) :

(pw: fanedit)

First version is the extended one (I let the previous scene for you to see if it flows well), second one is the movie version. Any thoughts ?

Wow, this feels really good! Han’s “hey kid” really got me in your version. 😃


Thanks, glad you like it ! Someone posted some extended shots like that in the previous pages, he/she could maybe take a look at it.


Thanks ! The thing is that my computer isn’t really powerful enough to run DaVinci or Premiere Pro… But I’ll try it.


Heres a thought to further extending the films pacing were needed and giving more depth to Leias death while also emphasising Leia helping Kylo become Ben again through his conflicted guilt over killing his father as well as Rey showing her darker side developing.

Rens Redemption video clip:

Needs proper sound and clean up but hope you get the idea.

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

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