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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 167


Hal 9000 said:

Also, here’s a test of Mustafar. Visuals come from poppasketti and LILLIAN. Audio by LILLIAN, modded and scored by me. Not sure about the choice of music, but here’s where we are:


I don’t know if it works. Right now, it seems too “unofficial” to be usable. Maybe Poppa’s TIE fighter shot could work on its own, but I think everything else should go.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

I don’t know if it works. Right now, it seems too “unofficial” to be usable. Maybe Poppa’s TIE fighter shot could work on its own, but I think everything else should go.

On the contrary, I think the Battlefront trailer stuff looks great and blends seamlessly, as does the shot of the volcano behind trees. I could take or leave the overhead lava shot though.


I disagree. I think the Battlefront trailer footage and the lava river are too obviously computer animated, and the volcano shot is too obviously taken from a nature documentary. Seamless editing is a big goal with Hal’s edits, and I don’t think the new footage meshes with that goal.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Agreed with having the troop carriers fly by instead of the Ties. I think “Journey to Exogol” would be a better pick for the score.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Hal 9000 said:

Hey, thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. It’s probably good you haven’t been following the thread closely, since you can provide a fresher reaction

#2 is all thanks to DominicCobb, btw.

#4 is from poppasketti.

#5 has had some discussion, and the idea is that the dagger is the one whispering to her to nudge her in the right direction. It may not be clear enough to really be viable. I guess we are still indeterminate if it is truly viable to replace the Goonies moment.

I had watched your workprint 1, and it was nice already, even though there were less changes.
Again, I had some things to do in these days so I just read that you released your V2. To me there were no issues like rough cuts or else. The first act has a much better pacing.
I also noticed, but that’s personal, that jonh’s ghosts scene gave me a quite different feel while watching the whole movie. I mean, at first it was only a single scene, but now it really feels like something that should have been there from the stars. It also connects the three trilogies better than anything else (Ben from OT, Anakin from PT, Luke from ST).
I also liked the subtle DOF motive during the Death star duel.

Oh, and about the Dagger. I’ll have to rewatch the scene. At first I didn’t get your intention, but that’s probably because I was trying to notice every change (I’ve watched TROS countless times for that awful edit of mine, like I’m sure many of you have). To enhance your point you could maybe add some whispers as Rey is holding the Dagger in front of the Death Star? It could work with 3PO’s like “Only this blade tells”. Tells. Like, literally.

EDIT I think some parts of the Mustafar sequence could be used. The wide shot with TIEs looks ok to me. The volcanic eruptions look too real-world IMHO, while the shot of stormtroopers getting out of the transport too animated. But I like the landing (not the last frames when the camera inclinates).
That’s such a great work though. There are just very minor issues for me and I’d totally watch and enjoy any edit with those shots.

Italian faneditor.

PM me for links if interested.


I wouldn’t use music from Revenge of the Sith for the Mustafar opening.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


I’ll admit it, it does seem very disjointed with the mix of video game footage and different sources that personally don’t jive for me.

I commend the hard work people did on it and I know I have no room to say much since I can’t even come close to doing work like that at all.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


StarkillerAG said:

I disagree. I think the Battlefront trailer footage and the lava river are too obviously computer animated<

Compared to pretty much every shot of the clones in Attack of the Clones I think it looks far better. I mean, it does look like CGI, but many shots in these films are mostly or entirely CGI. I just don’t think it looks noticeably worse than other effects shots in the film. Maybe if they were actually shooting it for the film they would have used actors in suits but unfortunately we don’t live in that universe.


Octorox said:

StarkillerAG said:

I disagree. I think the Battlefront trailer footage and the lava river are too obviously computer animated<

Compared to pretty much every shot of the clones in Attack of the Clones I think it looks far better. I mean, it does look like CGI, but many shots in these films are mostly or entirely CGI. I just don’t think it looks noticeably worse than other effects shots in the film. Maybe if they were actually shooting it for the film they would have used actors in suits but unfortunately we don’t live in that universe.

I honestly didn’t know the troop transport stuff was video game footage until you guys mentioned it. I thought it blended seamlessly. I agree that the overhead lava shot looks a bit off and the volcano through the trees is clearly shot in documentary style and definitely out of place.


I think the maybe the overhead lava shot and the forest and eruption shot should go. The first one because it breaks the visual continuity between the establishing shots (TIEs over forest, then just lava, then forest again) and doesn’t add very much to the sequence itself.

And the second one doesn’t blend very well with the original film and Battlefront footage. The reason why the moment with the troopers looks a bit “fake” in hindsight is because the next lava shot is clearly a real location (unless some color-correction/filter is applied to it). If the Battlefront stuff led up right to Kylo Ren it would work better, because Kylo’s establishing character moment is shot in a very stylistic way, making the transition less jarring.

The Battlefront shots look pretty good and realistic on their own, though, so I think they should be kept.

Regarding to the music, I’d replace it with the unused portion of “Journey to Exegol” (that one with all the drums and stuff).


I personally feel that some colour correction is all that’s really needed and made a different choice of score (I have no much of a problem with it, but there could be better choices.) I think the chosen shots work well overall, except maybe the overhead, downfacing lava shot is a bit iffy.


Knight of Kalee said:

I think the maybe the overhead lava shot and the forest and eruption shot should go.

I agree. These are the two shots that didn’t feel “Star Wars-y” to me. Everything else felt like it belonged.


I think in a sequence like we typically get from a Star Wars film, we’d want more establishing stuff, but where the Kylo rampage is so stylized, it’s probably fine to eliminate the two volcano shots, but keep the Battlefront and the TIEs.


The battlefront footage makes it feel blatantly like a fan-edit, in my opinion. The only shot that I think actually works is the TIEs flying over. Just that shot alone would be enough to act as a buffer between the planet establishing shot and the first shot of Kylo.


I think I’ve been convinced that the Battlefront footage belongs. I agree that the two lava shots should be cut though, they break the visual flow of the scene. And I agree that the opening portion of “Journey to Exegol” would be much better than the current music.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


There are a few other Battlefront cinematics with shots that could also work.

https://youtu.be/yz15PFcbmN0?t=21 - A shaky stormtrooper close-up. Doesn’t tell us much, but it might help make the rest of the scene’s hectic pace seem more intentional.

https://youtu.be/mlCH4uBBOzE?t=19 - An alternate shot of a First Order transport landing for battle. This one isn’t as fast-paced, but it might fit better with the rest of the scene visually since it doesn’t show the sky.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


idir_hh said:

Me thinks something like this would be ideal :

Nah, I don’t think that’s good enough. I wouldn’t want to use any footage that’s recognizably from other movies, and that forest interior shot is too short.

I think the best option is to cut it like this:

  • Original establishing shot of planet
  • Poppa’s TIE flyby
  • Battlefront footage of troop transports
  • Kylo kills the natives

Short, simple, and to the point.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


I love that shot of Kylo in space on the bridge, but it’s really awkward to see him in space and then the next time we see him he is slaughtering mushroom men. If only there was a shot (which I doubt there is) of kylo turning around on the bridge (like a "bring my shuttle) moment.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


Regarding the dagger whispers, would it help if they got louder and more intense as Rey moves further into the Death Star?


Ed Slushie said:

There are a few other Battlefront cinematics with shots that could also work.

https://youtu.be/yz15PFcbmN0?t=21 - A shaky stormtrooper close-up. Doesn’t tell us much, but it might help make the rest of the scene’s hectic pace seem more intentional.

https://youtu.be/mlCH4uBBOzE?t=19 - An alternate shot of a First Order transport landing for battle. This one isn’t as fast-paced, but it might fit better with the rest of the scene visually since it doesn’t show the sky.

Nice find! That second video has some great shots. Not sure the first one is useable though. I looked everywhere for a shot of the back of Kylo’s head.

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Another reason I’m leery of the Kylo bridge shot is because, as I recall, it was agreed it was best and most intense to see his face for the first time when he turns around in the forest.

I think the best sequence would be what Starkiller AG suggested, albeit with a bit more of the Battlefront footage, particularly what Kewlfish and Movies Remastered worked on to recolor the blue blaster bolts to match the yellow in Kylo’s shots.

As for the short forest interior shot, maybe that could be a buffer between the shot of Kylo standing in the empty forest and the shot of him pushing the stone lid off of the wayfinder altar.

EDIT: I also believe Kewlfish had a version of the transports landing that made the lens flare less pink and the sky in the background of the running troopers shot less blue? Perhaps that could be of use here.


I know this would be creating more work for myself, but I kind of feel like the best buffer shot would be the ties flying into the atmosphere (like the Rogue One shot coming through the clouds). That would establish continuity with the opening shot, while also allowing for the idea that the ties could be a patrol overseeing what’s happening on the ground, instead of them being with the actual troop carriers landing. I don’t have the Rogue One shot, but if someone sends it to me I could try it sometime?