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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 154


dgraham414 said:

I honestly feel like a lot more needs to be done with the first 20 minutes. It felt rushed in the theater and the cuts made make it feel even more rushed.

The main problem I have had with this film is how long it takes for me to get my footing when I watch it. What is there right now makes that feeling worse. It is just soooo quick, with no room to breathe.

I need to think more about how that can be improved, but rearranging the scenes breaks the logic of the film. Since there can’t be a spy in the FO to tell them anything until Kylo knows… trying to move the Rey training scene up works with logically, but thematically it is a weird scene to start on…

I guess I’m just in despair with the beginning…

I know it’s not much, but I used frame interpolation to slow down some shots:
Rey Meditating: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kwfGpav6A4
Rose looking conflicted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rheQxglHw8
Kylo Choking that guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiWDE7UlKCk
Chewie expressing concern: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_4UCkobI9o

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


I don’t think that’s the problem. The shots themselves are a nice length, the problem is that the movie goes frantically between plot points with no time to breathe. Removing and/or reshuffling those plot points would be much better for pacing than artificial slo-mo.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


For the moment, here’s the opening of the movie, restructured: https://vimeo.com/430217410

I made the “Find me” calls as Kylo picks up the Wayfinder almost subliminal. And when we see the Falcon in hyperspace, I removed the thunder continuing to roll by using some audio from the Falcon in hyperspace from ANH.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I found time to watch the workprint and dang!! It’s infinitely more watchable than the theatrical release! While I would have personally made much more radical changes, all of these existing changes compound into a very wonderful edit! I agree with most criticisms I’ve seen so I won’t repeat any! I can’t wait to see the edit become even greater!

Lovely work! Immensely proud of everyone! 💕


Hal 9000 said:

For the moment, here’s the opening of the movie, restructured: https://vimeo.com/430217410

I made the “Find me” calls as Kylo picks up the Wayfinder almost subliminal. And when we see the Falcon in hyperspace, I removed the thunder continuing to roll by using some audio from the Falcon in hyperspace from ANH.

That reworked opening act worked a lot better I was expecting. Great job!


Ed Slushie said:

I know it’s not much, but I used frame interpolation to slow down some shots:
Rey Meditating: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kwfGpav6A4
Rose looking conflicted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rheQxglHw8
Kylo Choking that guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiWDE7UlKCk
Chewie expressing concern: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_4UCkobI9o

Ed, these look very smooth. What software did you use to accomplish the frame interpolation?

heil Palpatine!


StarkillerAG said:

I don’t think that’s the problem. The shots themselves are a nice length, the problem is that the movie goes frantically between plot points with no time to breathe. Removing and/or reshuffling those plot points would be much better for pacing than artificial slo-mo.

I second this. The way the film is shot is fine. The key is in the editing.


StarkillerAG said:

I don’t think that’s the problem. The shots themselves are a nice length, the problem is that the movie goes frantically between plot points with no time to breathe. Removing and/or reshuffling those plot points would be much better for pacing than artificial slo-mo.

I second this. The way the film is shot is fine. The key is in the editing.


Hey could I get a link to the workprint? Cheers


Hal 9000 said:

For the moment, here’s the opening of the movie, restructured: https://vimeo.com/430217410

I made the “Find me” calls as Kylo picks up the Wayfinder almost subliminal. And when we see the Falcon in hyperspace, I removed the thunder continuing to roll by using some audio from the Falcon in hyperspace from ANH.

I think this flows significantly better,and it will be even better with Dominic’s vision sequences.


How’s this? We’d just need an obscure enough foreign language track. (Nien Nunb is precedent!)

Finn: Boolio, good to see you. You got something for us?

Boolio: The First Order spy says they stumbled upon a fleet from the last war.

Finn stares blankly.

Boolio: There’s more, but no time. Get the message to Leia.

Finn: How do we thank you?

Boolio: Thank the spy.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Since Rey asks about the validity of the rumoured spy, I prefer the original version of Boolio confirming that “There’s a spy in the First Order”. And since said spy is Hux, he would probably point out that it was The supreme leader himself that found the fleet, not The First Order. After all it was entirely his initiative and would emphasis that he’s been searching for said fleet for a while.

It’s why I would do the first part like this:

idir_hh said:

Finn- “got something for us?”

Boolio- "There’s a spy in the First Order. The Supreme leader, he’s found something, the rumoured hidden fleet from the old war.

I really like the rest of the dialogue you’ve written.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Hal 9000 said:

On its way up now. Sending out a few PMs.

Please request PMs here, rather than PMing me, as whomever sees it first who has the link can respond!

Hello, can i have the link, too? Please PM.


PM sent.

My concern is the first shot of Boolio speaking is pretty short. He just says “From a new ally. A spy in the First Order.”

Might be too much to cram in. But hey, maybe I’ll try that out next and just see.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Honestly I’m pretty ambivalent about dubbing Boolio. Rose already says she’s “studying schematics of old destroyers” which gives some indication that these aren’t all brand new ships.


Hal 9000 said:

PM sent.

My concern is the first shot of Boolio speaking is pretty short. He just says “From a new ally. A spy in the First Order.”

Might be too much to cram in. But hey, maybe I’ll try that out next and just see.

I wonder if the shots of him talking could be extended by reversing the shots back to back. Also, since you would be dubbing him in an alien languages, one could assume that it’s one of those “one word sentence” languages.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I still think the opening restructure should be like how Dominic had it. I also wouldn’t move Finn, Poe and Chewie’s game of chess at the end. Also, I just realized we’re on Page 154. Jeez!

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


nl0428 said:

I still think the opening restructure should be like how Dominic had it. I also wouldn’t move Finn, Poe and Chewie’s game of chess at the end. Also, I just realized we’re on Page 154. Jeez!

I really liked the game of chess at the end for Hal’s cut. It was very creative and showed them all traveling together at the end.

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Hal 9000 said:

I like the scene where Chewie supposedly dies, I just don’t like that it was a cheap fakeout! However, it’s a little beyond the scope of this project to just remove. Now, we see Rey sense Chewie’s alive, and see him a bit later when the crew rescue him. Damn, it’d be good to have that Kylo Chewie scene to work with.

I think another added benefit of removing Chewy’s “death” and the force tug of war is that it removes Rey’s Sith lightning. Isn’t she OP enough?? Her learned heritage and desire to kill Palpatine is enough to sway her to the dark side.


schizopolis23 said:

Hal 9000 said:

I like the scene where Chewie supposedly dies, I just don’t like that it was a cheap fakeout! However, it’s a little beyond the scope of this project to just remove. Now, we see Rey sense Chewie’s alive, and see him a bit later when the crew rescue him. Damn, it’d be good to have that Kylo Chewie scene to work with.

I think another added benefit of removing Chewy’s “death” and the force tug of war is that it removes Rey’s Sith lightning. Isn’t she OP enough?? Her learned heritage and desire to kill Palpatine is enough to sway her to the dark side.

I cut the tug of war but if you cut the lightening then you’ll need to cut the following Rey chat with Finn and Chewies rescue?

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


I feel like this scene is a pretty critical moment in the trilogy. I do wish it had more teeth, in that Chewie’s death had stuck, but at the very least you have Rey being forced to reckon with her dark power. Her need of support/guidance, which she lacked for most of her life, is never more clear, and it’s a great low point to have in a final chapter of trilogy/saga.


Finally got a chance to watch the updated beginning and my gosh it is soooo much better!

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.