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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 150


I think there’s a very small change to the Ahch-To scene that could help implying that Leia knew about Rey being a Palpatine from the start while Luke only discovered it later (when he became a Force ghost or connected himself back to the Force in TLJ).
Just cut the “too” from when Luke says “Leia knew it too”. I think it’s easy to do since Luke says it off-screen.
This way, it implies that only Leia knew about Rey while being alive.


Remember that look Leia gave Rey when Poe says somehow Palpatine returned? Yeah, she knew what’s up.

For the “Find me” on Mustafar, I wonder if you could include the sith whispering from the Acolytes when Rey confronts the Sith Throne, I think it would be great foreshadowing. It could be why Kylo suddenly turns around. Then when zooming in on the wayfinder you can hear “find me”.

Also, are you planning on making the Sith Acolytes chant duel of the fates when Palpatine prepares for the sacrifice? Would be a great nod to TPM.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I really don’t like the whole “Leia always knew”. She clearly didn’t, not even in TFA.
Again, they tried to mimic Return of the Jedi and the Ben-Luke dialogue. But back then Obi Wan and Yoda knew who Luke and Leia were because they were present during their birth, not because “the Force told them”.
How could Leia know that Rey is related to Palpatine? Luke can because he’s a Force ghost (maybe he has a greater understanding in this state), but personally I hated that scene and revelation that totally comes out of nowhere.
To me it’s better to have Luke just say “Because you’re a Palpatine” and then make him sit next to Rey.

Italian faneditor.

PM me for links if interested.


I think that not only did Leia know, but that Han also knew. It explains Han giving Rey a guilty look when she says “I never knew there was this much green on the galaxy”, it also explains the abrupt cut when Maz asks Han “who’s the girl” and last but not least, it explains Leia’s affinity to Rey from the very beginning, (and the long hug). I guess Leia relates to Rey since she is also the daughter of Vader, making it her obligation to look out for her.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


jkimm said:

Does anybody else find it odd that Luke’s hair blows in the wind? He is a ghost after all.

Don’t mention this to Jonh. He loses his shit every time Luke’s hair is mentioned. 🤣

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Oh my god, Hal, I just finished watching the workprint and the only thing I have to say is that I was almost in tears laughing at the part you put at the end when it had the ‘Hal 9000’ logo! If you guys know what I’m talking about, don’t ruin it for everyone else! 😂

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Chase Adams said:

Oh my god, Hal, I just finished watching the workprint and the only thing I have to say is that I was almost in tears laughing at the part you put at the end when it had the ‘Hal 9000’ logo! If you guys know what I’m talking about, don’t ruin it for everyone else! 😂

I loved that 😃

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Please don’t remove the dyad exposition for the sake of it being exposition. It’s the only reveal that ties all three of these disjointed movies together, imo.
EDIT: It also creates several new problems for the movie. How the hell can you explain Vader’s mask and Rey’s lightsaber teleporting without the dyad? Crazy.


Movies Remastered said:

jkimm said:

Does anybody else find it odd that Luke’s hair blows in the wind? He is a ghost after all.

Don’t mention this to Jonh. He loses his shit every time Luke’s hair is mentioned. 🤣

Hahahahha! Like charles manson, gandalf or sean connery in the rock


Too many things to comment on at the moment!

I think skipping “Leia knew it too” is the way to go.

I’d happily remove Klaud if those two shots can be worked on to remove him.

I’ll try again to remove the lightspeed skipping dialogue.

I’ll try a quick cross fade as Finn senses Rey dying. Good idea!

I plan to include lines for the Knights of Ren from the other thread, but probably just a couple.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I still think you should have the scenes play out the way Dominic had it.

Palpatine offers Kylo Ren an offer with the new Empire.

Rey training on the planet.

The Falcon’s mission.

Back on the base.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


idir_hh said:

Also, are you planning on making the Sith Acolytes chant duel of the fates when Palpatine prepares for the sacrifice? Would be a great nod to TPM.

If this is possible, that would be absolutely incredible


Hal 9000 said:

Too many things to comment on at the moment!

I think skipping “Leia knew it too” is the way to go.

I’d happily remove Klaud if those two shots can be worked on to remove him.

I’ll try again to remove the lightspeed skipping dialogue.

I’ll try a quick cross fade as Finn senses Rey dying. Good idea!

I plan to include lines for the Knights of Ren from the other thread, but probably just a couple.

Hey there Hal, just watched the edit. It is already a vast improvement on what we got. There has already been quite the discussion on things and to not add on so much, I like this direction you plan on doing. There are still 2 major eye rolls for me, which you plan on fixing by removing the “Leia knew” thing. It totally breaks the first two movies quite frankly. Especially Luke in TLJ.

Anyway, the other eye roll is still the dagger “pop out” on Endor that points to the location of the Wayfinder. A simpler thing to do is to remove that pop out and make use of Sith whispers to “guide” Rey.

It’s a Sith thing, has dark side power to it and she has been guided by it before. (Sensing it on the Destroyer before her first duel with Kylo.)

The pop out part is just so … cheesy. Too Gooney. Also, it really makes no sense why they dude would chose a specific spot on “Endor,” made a design to “line” up with the DSII spot. It’s so bad.

Sith whispers is such a simple solution.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


axlanian said:

idir_hh said:

Also, are you planning on making the Sith Acolytes chant duel of the fates when Palpatine prepares for the sacrifice? Would be a great nod to TPM.

If this is possible, that would be absolutely incredible

You bet it is

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


jarbear said:

Anyway, the other eye roll is still the dagger “pop out” on Endor that points to the location of the Wayfinder. A simpler thing to do is to remove that pop out and make use of Sith whispers to “guide” Rey.

It’s a Sith thing, has dark side power to it and she has been guided by it before. (Sensing it on the Destroyer before her first duel with Kylo.)

The pop out part is just so … cheesy. Too Gooney. Also, it really makes no sense why they dude would chose a specific spot on “Endor,” made a design to “line” up with the DSII spot. It’s so bad.

Sith whispers is such a simple solution.

This is exactly what I suggested a few pages ago 😛


The edit is coming together really nicely! I’m all for the level of conservatism we are going for, as it genuinely feels like a better version of what was in theaters. Too much changing and it starts to feel unofficial. I don’t think I have a ton to add that others haven’t said, but here we go.

  • Klaud to me is at a point where the effort put into cutting him while we still see him in the background is more distracting than his actual presence in the theatrical movie. This can be changed if his removal is really strong, but he doesn’t bother me at all and I’d probably rather see him retained.
  • I’m not a huge fan of the Palpatine “Find Me” with the wayfinder. It buries the lead of the reveal that is about to happen in the very next scene and lays on the device’s purpose a little too thick while the new crawl will already establish that as is.
  • I can take or leave the Chewie capture scene being in this cut at all. It is short and harmless but also the new placement doesn’t feel 100% right to me. Still better than the original.
  • I am actually fine with the camp that Leia knew, but Luke didn’t. Luke cut himself off from the war, the force, and his loved ones for long enough that I can buy him not knowing about Rey’s grandpa until he becomes one with the force after TLJ. I think making him already know hurts Luke in TLJ, but cutting everybody knowing out of TROS hurts what we have to work with for Leia. A lot of the themes that Luke and Leia discuss in this movie have to do with identity and where you come from not defining you, and cutting their knowledge altogether will cut out most of the meat of those parently conversations with Rey, domino effecting into having their ghosts appearance at the end on Tattooine be less earned.

Aside from all that banter, I love this edit! It seems like it is coming together really well, and it helps to take what we got and enhance it, rather than hacking it into an even less coherent mess. I really appreciate your work on this, Hal.


Hal 9000 said:

Anyone know where to find some good Sith whispers? Or maybe Palpatine can continually chant “find me.”

The Phantom Menace Soundtrack: Ultimate Edition has a lot of instances of voices subtly whispering the words to “Duel of the fates.”
Specifically, the track “Qui-Gon’s Death / Surrender of the Gungans” has a really cool moment where a lot of whispers overlap.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


krausfadr said:

Darth Muffy said:

  • Remove Kylos exploding tie centre piece after crash @ 00:38:44


  • 00:45:39 Zorii telling Poe “I want to see your brains in the snow”
    Doesn’t sound like what a StarWars character would say. dropping that line leaving her slight nod to Poe holding a gun to his head would be a much better effect.

Darth Muffy several of your suggestions I had implemented, and I’m sure others will. And the above two ideas are quite good. I just implemented both of them.
Kylo would have had to jump out before the explosion and that’s a bit ridiculous. So I cut it.
Also the brains in the snow bit is too much. I cut that as well. It was simple and only required muting the center channel and blending into and out of the muted part. Thank you!

Hal 9000 said:

You’ve all given me a hell of a lot of feedback on day 1 of the first workprint. I thank you.

I’ve just updated the OP with my intentions at this point in time and the status of each.

If anyone is interested in Muffy’s idea of making it appear that Kylo is farther away from Rey as they fight over the Chewie shuttle, feel free to give it a shot. I didn’t put it on my list, though.

I’m glad to hear your onboard with a few ideas I pieced together 😅

I really want to get a simple proof of concept clip up soon I’m sorting out involving Leia and Rey/Ren sabre battle I hope you also agree with. The misses is visiting the mother inlaws at the mo with the little ones (UK lockdowns have ease somewhat) which will give me time to sort it out 😏👍

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

💡 Save confusion & express your comments with Markdown Emojis here 💡


jarbear said:

Anyway, the other eye roll is still the dagger “pop out” on Endor that points to the location of the Wayfinder. A simpler thing to do is to remove that pop out and make use of Sith whispers to “guide” Rey.

It’s a Sith thing, has dark side power to it and she has been guided by it before. (Sensing it on the Destroyer before her first duel with Kylo.)

The pop out part is just so … cheesy. Too Gooney. Also, it really makes no sense why they dude would chose a specific spot on “Endor,” made a design to “line” up with the DSII spot. It’s so bad.

Sith whispers is such a simple solution.

Completely agree jarbear, make use of Sith whispers to “guide” Rey 👍

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

💡 Save confusion & express your comments with Markdown Emojis here 💡


Personally, I think the order of scenes at the start of the movie is fine. Reordering them makes a bit more sense if you want to remove the “who is she” thing, but even then…

Let me stew on that.

I will play with the Sith whispers thing, but if anyone has the chance to first, feel free!

What does everyone think of having an allusion to DOTF as the acolytes kneel in front of Palpatine? I think it was brought up before and shot down. If it sounds diagetic and isn’t tracked, I think it could work. Maybe even enough not to need to use it for the DSII duel.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I favor the first act restructuring (Exegol, then Rey, then Falcon mission). Keeps the actual edit conservative in terms of story, but reduces the breakneck pacing.

The Goonies moment with the Dagger has to go. When 3PO reads the inscription he speaks some kind of coordinates, those can be easily handwaved as the actual spot on the wreckage where the Wayfinder lies. Add the Sith whispers while Rey’s climbing the ruins and you’ve got a mostly credible scene.

I don’t know if cutting Leia’s knowledge of Rey’s lineage would work seamlessly, because one of the main things that makes Rey change her mindset during the Luke pep-talk moment, is the fact Leia still trained her and accepted her despite the risk. But I agree Luke should be the one that didn’t know, at least prior to his passing (He was isolated from the Force, and Luke knowing about Palpatine doesn’t fit that well with his genuine surprise and fear of Rey’s dark side in TLJ).

It would be great if DOTF can be incorpored in some way during the faceoff between Sidious and Rey.

Have you considered that dialogue reshuffle someone did for the opening scene, where Palpatine establishes the Dyad as being a thing from the beginning?


idir_hh said:

axlanian said:

idir_hh said:

Also, are you planning on making the Sith Acolytes chant duel of the fates when Palpatine prepares for the sacrifice? Would be a great nod to TPM.

If this is possible, that would be absolutely incredible

You bet it is

The way I’ve used it is to have the acapella intro and stretched the scene by having the Sith stand up (first shot in reverse), pan to wideshot and then sit back down. It works great for that segment.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Knight of Kalee said:

Have you considered that dialogue reshuffle someone did for the opening scene, where Palpatine establishes the Dyad as being a thing from the beginning?

Here it is for those wondering: https://vimeo.com/411776713

It basically changes the dynamic between Kylo and Palps, the latter playing the act of an old man about to die, wanting someone worthy to take his throne. He plays into Kylo’s weakness, promising him that he will rule the galaxy with Rey by his side. This is Palpatines trap, once the dyad is brought before him he will restore himself as the one true emperor, springing the trap.

Kylo senses that something is off, so he makes his own plan, turn Rey to the dark side and kill the decrepit clone of Palpatine, he won’t take handouts from anyone.

I was finalizing a version with clearer audio but my computer fried, will take a while for me to get back into the game.
Maybe someone else could give it a go?

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Octorox said:

DZ-330 said:

(Also, if we see his ghost in the end, he has “come home” to her)

I cried right here

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural