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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 110


Yes, we agree on that. I don’t think he was trying to piss people off, I just think he has no idea what it is to not see yourself on screen, what horrors LGBTQ+ people have gone through, and how much they want to see people like themselves in a futuristic fantasy.

I’m someone that wasn’t on board with StormPilot initially, because Finn’s motivation was so directly tied to his romantic interest in Rey. But they could have just kept Poe single and built on it in comics or novels where it’s safer. Instead they chose to ensure that wasn’t the case. That, by itself, was also insulting. Isaac said he played the character gay, and it would have been incredible to have a gay hero and protagonist.

I’m not trying to get Hal to change his edit, but I’ll defend the choice I’ve made and that the actor made.


Look, I’m not opposed to Stormpilot, but at the end of the day I never picked up on any signs, and I say this as a Reylo fan. Maybe I’m just too straight to ever pick up on gay hints. Harley and Ivy seemed outta nowhere to me in Harley Quinn so…


Anakin Starkiller said:

Look, I’m not opposed to Stormpilot, but at the end of the day I never picked up on any signs, and I say this as a Reylo fan. Maybe I’m just too straight to ever pick up on gay hints. Harley and Ivy seemed outta nowhere to me in Harley Quinn so…

Haha! Okay, rewatch some of their scenes together… the way Poe bites his lip while examining the fit of his jacket on Finn is where it all started. A lot of their interactions are very comfortable with each other.

Oscar Isaac said “Personally, I kind of hoped and wished that maybe that would’ve been taken further in the other films, but I don’t have control. It seemed like a natural progression, but sadly enough it’s a time when people are too afraid, I think, of… I don’t know what. But if they would’ve been boyfriends, that would have been fun.”

Boyega said “They’ve always had a quite loving and open relationship in which it wouldn’t be too weird if it went beyond it.”

As for Harley and Ivy… that one has been in the cards and hinted at since Batman: The Animated Series, where Ivy helps console Harley to not need abusive men in her life. It wasn’t overt until much later in the comics, but it definitely has a lot of foundation.


To go back to earlier, I think making Jannah be Finn’s sister (and not Lando’s daughter) would be the the type of relationship reveal that would benefit this movie, if it were doable, which I highly doubt.

Anyway, has anyone successfully implemented the Rey killed her parents angle? The FX work is beyond my ability, but if someone has done it, I’d be interested in borrowing it for my edit.

Also, is the trailer footage officially available anywhere? They’re not on the Blu-Ray and Disney+ doesn’t let you download extras. Granted there’s only a couple seconds of footage not in the finished film.


joshuabri said:

To go back to earlier, I think making Jannah be Finn’s sister (and not Lando’s daughter) would be the the type of relationship reveal that would benefit this movie, if it were doable, which I highly doubt.

Anyway, has anyone successfully implemented the Rey killed her parents angle? The FX work is beyond my ability, but if someone has done it, I’d be interested in borrowing it for my edit.

Also, is the trailer footage officially available anywhere? They’re not on the Blu-Ray and Disney+ doesn’t let you download extras. Granted there’s only a couple seconds of footage not in the finished film.

The hardest thing with this change to Jannah’s story is the end celebration. Jannah and Lando are only in their scene, not in any of the rest of the celebration. I dislike the scene (tried to add Maz to make it clearer that Lando is either her father or adopting her) but without it, two major heroes disappear without explanation.


joshuabri said:

To go back to earlier, I think making Jannah be Finn’s sister (and not Lando’s daughter) would be the the type of relationship reveal that would benefit this movie, if it were doable, which I highly doubt.

Anyway, has anyone successfully implemented the Rey killed her parents angle? The FX work is beyond my ability, but if someone has done it, I’d be interested in borrowing it for my edit.

Also, is the trailer footage officially available anywhere? They’re not on the Blu-Ray and Disney+ doesn’t let you download extras. Granted there’s only a couple seconds of footage not in the finished film.

IlFanEditore did a version where Rey killed them by blowing their ship up with Force lightning.


Hal 9000 said:

What, like he was gonna say, “OMG we’re gonna die in sand, omg real quick, Rey, I’M GAY! hhurvvvldlejerjjdies ?

Seems disjointed and extremely on the nose. I wouldn’t have cared if they took Finn and Poe in that direction but it’s hard to imagine a fan edit pulling it off without feeling fan-fic-y.

No, I meant change that moment so Finn’s trying to tell Poe something, not Rey.

Here’s Snooker’s tests for this idea.


The first one:
Finn calls out to Poe and Poe yells out Finn’s name as his (potentially) final word.

The second one:
In the original, Poe said “Rey! Finn!”. Now he calls out for Finn first

The third:
Rey asks what Finn was gonna tell ‘him’ rather than ‘me’.


I’m honestly not coming from a perspective of desperately wanting the two characters to be together, but it bothers me how the “Finn’s Secret” subplot is introduced but never addressed. Finn being Force sensitive is a paper thin revelation, and Rey, the person he wanted to tell, never even learns about it on-screen. Most people only realized what that was all about from post-release interviews or tweets. So I personally think the Finn’s Secret subplot should either be removed completely, or utilized for a different purpose, which is why I’m in favor of this idea. Sure, it’s not perfect (like nothing in this movie), but it could at least provide a subtle resolution to that subplot, rather than no resolution.


Anakin Starkiller said:

Look, I’m not opposed to Stormpilot, but at the end of the day I never picked up on any signs, and I say this as a Reylo fan. Maybe I’m just too straight to ever pick up on gay hints. Harley and Ivy seemed outta nowhere to me in Harley Quinn so…

I don’t think you have to be gay to feel any of that tension bro. xP

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


As for Harley and Ivy… that one has been in the cards and hinted at since Batman: The Animated Series, where Ivy helps console Harley to not need abusive men in her life. It wasn’t overt until much later in the comics, but it definitely has a lot of foundation.

And I didn’t pick up on any of it there either, but at least there Ivy wasn’t straight-up cheating on her fiance.

Finn being Force sensitive is a paper thin revelation, and Rey, the person he wanted to tell, never even learns about it on-screen. Most people only realized what that was all about from post-release interviews or tweets.

I 100% believed he was trying to tell Rey he loved her and was shocked to find people read it differently. I may not have picked up on Stormpilot, but Finn’s simp act is hard to miss. Why else would he rush over to the Death Star ruins?


I kind of agree, I think MSW alluded to that in early leaks.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Finn’s motivations across all three films was his crush on Rey. Removing that already helps his character have more depth.


Anakin Starkiller said:
I 100% believed he was trying to tell Rey he loved her and was shocked to find people read it differently. I may not have picked up on Stormpilot, but Finn’s simp act is hard to miss. Why else would he rush over to the Death Star ruins?

That subplot is basically jealous Han thinks Leia loves Luke in ROTJ lmao

I don’t know, if Finn’s simp act is supposedly telegraphing a romance, then all of the Finn/Poe stuff has more weight, because it’s more overt than that little un-reciprocated crush. But I digress.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Anakin Starkiller said: I 100% believed he was trying to tell Rey he loved her and was shocked to find people read it differently. I may not have picked up on Stormpilot, but Finn’s simp act is hard to miss. Why else would he rush over to the Death Star ruins?

…Because he cares about her? Han would have done the same thing for Luke.


Idea: place Poe’s “can we kiss?” line during the final celebration when he’s embracing with Finn.

If the shot’s not long enough I remember a much longer alternate take/different angle existing in the documentary.

For the record I am desparate for these two characters to be in love because I desperately want to see people like me on the big screen for longer than one second.


omnimuffin said:

Anakin Starkiller said: I 100% believed he was trying to tell Rey he loved her and was shocked to find people read it differently. I may not have picked up on Stormpilot, but Finn’s simp act is hard to miss. Why else would he rush over to the Death Star ruins?

…Because he cares about her? Han would have done the same thing for Luke.

No? Han would’ve left him to attend to Jedi business and trust he could handle himself, or if he thought he couldn’t would’ve tried to help. What’s the point of running up and calling their name?

JakeRyan17 said:

Finn’s motivations across all three films was his crush on Rey. Removing that already helps his character have more depth.

Yeah, it’s kinda sad he was still into her even in TLJ, although given it takes place immediately after TFA, it does make sense that he still would be. Still he shouldn’t be by TRoS, and if we remove the “secret” subplot, that will be the case.


snooker said:

Idea: place Poe’s “can we kiss?” line during the final celebration when he’s embracing with Finn.

If the shot’s not long enough I remember a much longer alternate take/different angle existing in the documentary.

For the record I am desparate for these two characters to be in love because I desperately want to see people like me on the big screen for longer than one second.

That’s one of the changes I made in my version. I posted the clip somewhere in this thread, but it might be simpler to point you to this thread instead.



There were so many references to Finn being force sensitive in TROS that it can’t be anything else other than him telling Rey.

I doubt the cast will return for another movie so I’m sure we’ll find out in a comic or something soon.

What’s everyone’s take on Doomcocks info that Disney is gonna introduce different timelines to bypass the sequels?

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Movies Remastered said:

There were so many references to Finn being force sensitive in TROS that it can’t be anything else other than him telling Rey.

I doubt the cast will return for another movie so I’m sure we’ll find out in a comic or something soon.

What’s everyone’s take on Doomcocks info that Disney is gonna introduce different timelines to bypass the sequels?

No alternate timelines. Alternate places in the timeline, sure. But that stuff will stay canon.

The references to him being Force sensitive are still few and far between, and always separated from his interactions with her. The first time he tries to tell her something, he hasn’t figured it out for himself yet. It’s just clumsy, and with chasing Rey around for two movies, that’s what people thought was on his mind… again.

Cutting down his crush on Rey from the other movies helps sell the idea of his Force sensitivity, while laying the (optional) groundwork For StormPilot.


Does anyone have a few tips for possible sources I could use to redub Palpie? Other media in which Ian played the emperror or a character with a similar tone from which I could mine a few lines.
I am having a hard time achieving what I want for my edit, especially since Ian’s performance is just so different in this movie. The scene in which he meets Rey… the character never sounded so regular old guy-ish. It works in and on itself, but makes it neigh impossible to copy paste anything form ROTJ for instance.


Movies Remastered said:

There were so many references to Finn being force sensitive in TROS that it can’t be anything else other than him telling Rey.

I doubt the cast will return for another movie so I’m sure we’ll find out in a comic or something soon.

What’s everyone’s take on Doomcocks info that Disney is gonna introduce different timelines to bypass the sequels?

I just watched Doomcocks’ video and that’s ten minutes of my life I’m never getting back. I know it’s somewhat hypocritical sharing this on a fan edit message board but this guy is clearly incredibly bias and needs to accept the fact that Rey Skywalker is canon and will be forever. This video has about as much credibility as something Mike Zeroh would produce with an extra dash of misogyny. For more reliable star wars news I would suggest sticking with the star wars leaks reddit, Youtube is full of trash.


jordan_winter said:

Movies Remastered said:

There were so many references to Finn being force sensitive in TROS that it can’t be anything else other than him telling Rey.

I doubt the cast will return for another movie so I’m sure we’ll find out in a comic or something soon.

What’s everyone’s take on Doomcocks info that Disney is gonna introduce different timelines to bypass the sequels?

I just watched Doomcocks’ video and that’s ten minutes of my life I’m never getting back. I know it’s somewhat hypocritical sharing this on a fan edit message board but this guy is clearly incredibly bias and needs to accept the fact that Rey Skywalker is canon and will be forever. This video has about as much credibility as something Mike Zeroh would produce with an extra dash of misogyny. For more reliable star wars news I would suggest sticking with the star wars leaks reddit, Youtube is full of trash.

Absolutely agreed! I’ve had to unsubscribe from so many star wars YouTubers recently for spouting utter garbage! Did you watch the Mike Zeroh clickbait breakdown video? It was hilarious. 🤣

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Mike Zeroh is well known to have, pardon me, Zero credibility.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…