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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 137


JakeRyan17 said:
The logic of the scene has always bothered me. Lando is the choice to go with Luke to track down a Sith assassin? And when Luke gives up to go train the next generation of Jedi, Lando just stays there? For ~30 years? Not continuing to track down the assassin, nor continuing his search for his daughter… just decides to chill the the desert, and wait 30 of the 42 years for the festival?

So many Story and logic issues.

I never once thought Lando had just stayed on Pasaana for 30 years. I assumed he was either back for the festival or some reason


specialk2121 said:

JakeRyan17 said:
The logic of the scene has always bothered me. Lando is the choice to go with Luke to track down a Sith assassin? And when Luke gives up to go train the next generation of Jedi, Lando just stays there? For ~30 years? Not continuing to track down the assassin, nor continuing his search for his daughter… just decides to chill the the desert, and wait 30 of the 42 years for the festival?

So many Story and logic issues.

I never once thought Lando had just stayed on Pasaana for 30 years. I assumed he was either back for the festival or some reason

It’s just kinda left as “I was helping him look” and he is still there. There’s no “I came back for the festival” or “Leia mentioned you were picking up Luke’s search” or any sort of logical connection to why he’s there.


But he literally says in the scene, “Leia sent me a transmission.” The implication is that he was informed about the heroes picking up Luke’s search, and went to meet them at the festival.

I don’t really have a problem with Lando’s scene in the desert. Cutting it makes Lando’s appearance even more random, and it contains some important exposition about the hunt for Ochi.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

But he literally says in the scene, “Leia sent me a transmission.” The implication is that he was informed about the heroes picking up Luke’s search, and went to meet them at the festival.

I don’t really have a problem with Lando’s scene in the desert. Cutting it makes Lando’s appearance even more random, and it contains some important exposition about the hunt for Ochi.

I felt like the implication was “Leia told me you were swinging by” more than “she told me to meet you, and that’s how I got here way before you did and found a way to blend into the culture when she only realised you were coming here right before you set off.”

The randomness of him showing up after his best friend’s widow dies is less than him living in the desert for 30 years, but that’s just me.


But if you cut the scene on Pasaana, then you’re left with no explanation for how Lando knew where the Resistance base was. The earlier scene establishes that Leia is already in contact with Lando, and creates some conflict over whether he will return. If you remove that scene, then it seems like Lando just pops out of nowhere, which was the whole problem in the first place. It seems like it doesn’t really improve anything.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Him asking them to send Leia a message contradicts the idea of him being in contact with her more than assuming friends and compatriots in a war would find out where to go after she died.


Sounds like this project would be better served to leave Lando’s introduction in Panama. Though I used a foreign language track to replace the muppety “okay!” line with something milder.

And I think pacing-wise they may have made a good move structuring there opening as Kylo > Falcon > Rey.

And yeah, I haven’t removed Rey handing Leia the saber. I don’t see any reason to aside from the continuity error. But, do you happen to already have a clip posted of the change? What all are you cutting? I know the Leia footage is fleeting and so I hate to cut it down.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Darth Sadifous said:

For what it is worth, I am not in favor of this change. I like the Lando introduction and his exchange about sending Leia his love. Sure it is overly nostalgic and perhaps interrupts the pacing a tad, but without this scene then Lando is definitely nothing more than a glorified cameo in my opinion.

It was the “send Leia my love” line that really annoyed me. They never followed it up. We never saw them together, yes Carrie died before filming but they had plenty of option to give us a heartfelt farewell with Lando by her deathbed. That would have been beautiful imo but now it feels a bit hollow.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Movies Remastered said:

Darth Sadifous said:

For what it is worth, I am not in favor of this change. I like the Lando introduction and his exchange about sending Leia his love. Sure it is overly nostalgic and perhaps interrupts the pacing a tad, but without this scene then Lando is definitely nothing more than a glorified cameo in my opinion.

It was the “send Leia my love” line that really annoyed me. They never followed it up. We never saw them together, yes Carrie died before filming but they had plenty of option to give us a heartfelt farewell with Lando by her deathbed. That would have been beautiful imo but now it feels a bit hollow.

I understand it ringing a little hollow on the backend of the film as Leia and Lando never get a moment together. However, that is indicative of this entire sequel trilogy; missed opportunities for OT characters to have meaningful interactions with each other. Even though in this case, with Carrie Fisher’s passing this would have been hard to pull off. I enjoyed the line as it was a nice tip of the hat to TESB and how smooth Lando was trying to be when they initially met and how antagonistic their relationship played out throughout that film till the end. This line to me shows that despite starting out as not trusting Lando and even thinking he was in it entirely for himself, they formed a lasting friendship and he became one of her most trusted friends (and vice versa). We missed so much between the OT and ST, lines like this help me film in the gaps between trilogies.


The logic of the scene has always bothered me. Lando is the choice to go with Luke to track down a Sith assassin? And when Luke gives up to go train the next generation of Jedi, Lando just stays there? For ~30 years? Not continuing to track down the assassin, nor continuing his search for his daughter… just decides to chill the the desert, and wait 30 of the 42 years for the festival?

The randomness of him showing up after his best friend’s widow dies is less than him living in the desert for 30 years, but that’s just me.

I feel compelled to point out that in earlier cuts, the reason Lando was the person who went with Luke is because the First Order (or, rather, what they’d later find out was the First Order) had taken Lando’s daughter; Pasana is where the trail went cold, and so that’s where he stayed, trying to find more leads and find peace for the next ten or so years, and joining the local community. This is retained in the novelization and visual dictionary.

As always, I’ll maintain that most of the problems in this movie have to do with JJ Abrams extremely attention-deficit editing style.


Darth Sadifous said:

Movies Remastered said:

Darth Sadifous said:

For what it is worth, I am not in favor of this change. I like the Lando introduction and his exchange about sending Leia his love. Sure it is overly nostalgic and perhaps interrupts the pacing a tad, but without this scene then Lando is definitely nothing more than a glorified cameo in my opinion.

It was the “send Leia my love” line that really annoyed me. They never followed it up. We never saw them together, yes Carrie died before filming but they had plenty of option to give us a heartfelt farewell with Lando by her deathbed. That would have been beautiful imo but now it feels a bit hollow.

I understand it ringing a little hollow on the backend of the film as Leia and Lando never get a moment together. However, that is indicative of this entire sequel trilogy; missed opportunities for OT characters to have meaningful interactions with each other. Even though in this case, with Carrie Fisher’s passing this would have been hard to pull off. I enjoyed the line as it was a nice tip of the hat to TESB and how smooth Lando was trying to be when they initially met and how antagonistic their relationship played out throughout that film till the end. This line to me shows that despite starting out as not trusting Lando and even thinking he was in it entirely for himself, they formed a lasting friendship and he became one of her most trusted friends (and vice versa). We missed so much between the OT and ST, lines like this help me film in the gaps between trilogies.

Completely agree but isn’t that what we’re here to fix?

I feel Lando could have stood at Leias bedside and said something like “Goodnight sweet Princes, I love You!” Or something touching. Very easy scene to do in the circumstances.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Completely agree but isn’t that what we’re here to fix?

I feel Lando could have stood at Leias bedside and said something like “Goodnight sweet Princes, I love You!” Or something touching. Very easy scene to do in the circumstances.

There are amazingly talented people on here, including yourself, so I’ll never bet against any of you. However, we do have to work with what we have available to us for the most part. I think cutting Lando’s first introduction is not the way to go personally. If there was a way to project to the audience a little more when and how long he has been on Pasaana then I say go for it. However, Lando does serve a purpose of giving us some history of the planet, info on Luke and his travels post ROTJ and gives us info on Ochi and his purpose in the story. I can see this scene being cut for edits removing any mention of Ochi, the dagger and Rey being a Palpatine. However if not, I think the scene should remain. This is just my personal opinion…you guys do you. I appreciate all the hard work everyone has poured into this film and cannot wait to see the end results.


Good call on keeping the Lando scene. I understand wanting to cut all of the exposition, but some of it is necessary. It’s also our only actual introduction to him, and without it, his role feels even more forced.

However, I think cutting out the whole exchange between Lando and Rey about “sending Leia his love” would work. It’s never picked up on again, and Lando never interacts with Leia on-screen. Also, when Rey tells him “you can give it to her yourself”, Lando looks like he’s thinking about what Rey just said, and then we move to the next scene. It felt like Lando was dodging his responsibilities, which is also never brought up again. Anyway, I think it would work if Rey said her line about “needing pilots”, and we saw Lando’s reaction of considering what she just said, and then the next scene. There’s some emphasis now on him scrounging up enough ships to take down the First Order, even if it’s just one line.


Hal 9000 said:

Sounds like this project would be better served to leave Lando’s introduction in Panama. Though I used a foreign language track to replace the muppety “okay!” line with something milder.

And I think pacing-wise they may have made a good move structuring there opening as Kylo > Falcon > Rey.

And yeah, I haven’t removed Rey handing Leia the saber. I don’t see any reason to aside from the continuity error. But, do you happen to already have a clip posted of the change? What all are you cutting? I know the Leia footage is fleeting and so I hate to cut it down.

Sorry Hal, Didnt see you reply. I’m still stuck with crappy upload speeds but you can see the edit on my tutorial 11:52 in https://youtu.be/878FfeIm7D8 I think it works well.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


omnimuffin said:

The logic of the scene has always bothered me. Lando is the choice to go with Luke to track down a Sith assassin? And when Luke gives up to go train the next generation of Jedi, Lando just stays there? For ~30 years? Not continuing to track down the assassin, nor continuing his search for his daughter… just decides to chill the the desert, and wait 30 of the 42 years for the festival?

The randomness of him showing up after his best friend’s widow dies is less than him living in the desert for 30 years, but that’s just me.

I feel compelled to point out that in earlier cuts, the reason Lando was the person who went with Luke is because the First Order (or, rather, what they’d later find out was the First Order) had taken Lando’s daughter; Pasana is where the trail went cold, and so that’s where he stayed, trying to find more leads and find peace for the next ten or so years, and joining the local community. This is retained in the novelization and visual dictionary.

As always, I’ll maintain that most of the problems in this movie have to do with JJ Abrams extremely attention-deficit editing style.

Maybe it’s worth creating some dialogue where Lando mentions his daughter here then… could take some of his dialogue from his conversation with Jannah and some of Rey’s or Poe’s dialogue from… I don’t know where, all they have to ask is “why?”


TK-422 said:

Good call on keeping the Lando scene. I understand wanting to cut all of the exposition, but some of it is necessary. It’s also our only actual introduction to him, and without it, his role feels even more forced.

However, I think cutting out the whole exchange between Lando and Rey about “sending Leia his love” would work. It’s never picked up on again, and Lando never interacts with Leia on-screen. Also, when Rey tells him “you can give it to her yourself”, Lando looks like he’s thinking about what Rey just said, and then we move to the next scene. It felt like Lando was dodging his responsibilities, which is also never brought up again. Anyway, I think it would work if Rey said her line about “needing pilots”, and we saw Lando’s reaction of considering what she just said, and then the next scene. There’s some emphasis now on him scrounging up enough ships to take down the First Order, even if it’s just one line.

Cutting the Landos intro scene would cause so many more edits that it’s just not worth it. I’m still trying to come up with ways to make it less coincidental with every scene after it but it;s tricky.

There is some extra footage of Lando looking really sad at the base so I was thinking if someone had the skill to have him over Leia’s bedside and just say one line that it would complete that circle. At least have him next to her at some point. @jonh would this be something for you to think about?

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Movies Remastered said:

TK-422 said:

Good call on keeping the Lando scene. I understand wanting to cut all of the exposition, but some of it is necessary. It’s also our only actual introduction to him, and without it, his role feels even more forced.

However, I think cutting out the whole exchange between Lando and Rey about “sending Leia his love” would work. It’s never picked up on again, and Lando never interacts with Leia on-screen. Also, when Rey tells him “you can give it to her yourself”, Lando looks like he’s thinking about what Rey just said, and then we move to the next scene. It felt like Lando was dodging his responsibilities, which is also never brought up again. Anyway, I think it would work if Rey said her line about “needing pilots”, and we saw Lando’s reaction of considering what she just said, and then the next scene. There’s some emphasis now on him scrounging up enough ships to take down the First Order, even if it’s just one line.

Cutting the Landos intro scene would cause so many more edits that it’s just not worth it. I’m still trying to come up with ways to make it less coincidental with every scene after it but it;s tricky.

There is some extra footage of Lando looking really sad at the base so I was thinking if someone had the skill to have him over Leia’s bedside and just say one line that it would complete that circle. At least have him next to her at some point. @jonh would this be something for you to think about?

good idea! where can i see those images?


Okay, party people. A LOT of you sent in voices for the Fleet, so I’m trying to find a balance between making sure everyone’s got a line in there while still making some lines stand out and not muddying the whole thing up. This is what I’ve got right now, let me know what does and doesn’t work:

Version A: https://vimeo.com/427444580

Version B (moved lines of encouragement to Poe to a different shot, not sure if it works): https://vimeo.com/427446625

Passwords are fanedit


jonh said:

If you have idir_hh extended shots video it’s at 3:40. Landos back for a few frames. Think it’ll be perfect.

axlanian said:

Okay, party people. A LOT of you sent in voices for the Fleet, so I’m trying to find a balance between making sure everyone’s got a line in there while still making some lines stand out and not muddying the whole thing up. This is what I’ve got right now, let me know what does and doesn’t work:

Version A: https://vimeo.com/427444580

Version B (moved lines of encouragement to Poe to a different shot, not sure if it works): https://vimeo.com/427446625

Passwords are fanedit

Absolutely amazing! I love it.

UPDATE: I think I fixed the Lando intro scene…

If you cut 3P0s intro, Cut Rey’s snappy reply and cut straight to Finn saying “it’s an honour”

Then later on cut Rey saying “Ochis ship” and just cut to her saying “I know that ship” it seems less convenient on both segments.

Sorry I can’t upload any clips. I’m stuck with shitty upload speeds until I move again but I’ll help where I can.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


axlanian said:

Okay, party people. A LOT of you sent in voices for the Fleet, so I’m trying to find a balance between making sure everyone’s got a line in there while still making some lines stand out and not muddying the whole thing up. This is what I’ve got right now, let me know what does and doesn’t work:

Version A: https://vimeo.com/427444580

Version B (moved lines of encouragement to Poe to a different shot, not sure if it works): https://vimeo.com/427446625

Passwords are fanedit

that’s amazing, looks like there’s real people behind those ships.
but I think the “For Skywalker” lines could stand more a little bit, it’s kind of hard to hear the way it is now and it’s super important line to understand why those guys are there.

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


oviniboy said:

that’s amazing, looks like there’s real people behind those ships.
but I think the “For Skywalker” lines could stand more a little bit, it’s kind of hard to hear the way it is now and it’s super important line to understand why those guys are there.

Cool, I’ll tweak that in the next mix. Last time I had people saying it was too loud haha so I probably overcorrected.


Sounds like this project would be better served to leave Lando’s introduction in Panama.

Yeah, I agree. The visit to the canal was my favorite part.

As always, I’ll maintain that most of the problems in this movie have to do with JJ Abrams extremely attention-deficit editing style.

Nah, the script was crap too. In fact, I actually kinda liked the breakneck pace, although perhaps it should’ve slowed down somewhere in the midpoint.


axlanian said:

Okay, party people. A LOT of you sent in voices for the Fleet, so I’m trying to find a balance between making sure everyone’s got a line in there while still making some lines stand out and not muddying the whole thing up. This is what I’ve got right now, let me know what does and doesn’t work:

Version A: https://vimeo.com/427444580

Version B (moved lines of encouragement to Poe to a different shot, not sure if it works): https://vimeo.com/427446625

Passwords are fanedit

Great job axlanian, really lifts the scene!
I’m feeling Version B myself 😃

Cheers, Paul


Axlanian, that’s really cool to see (Ok, hear) this happening.

I think option B works works better since its helps differentiate the voice clips and you get the best of both worlds of both the call-ins and the encouragement.

Really neat. Plus it’s neat to hear my call in. Nice.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”