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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 101


(I have put this in another thread)
Shit! I have noticed that in part 2, an unwanted frame. i just fixed the vesion, shit shit shit, f_king ghosts. sorry friends I’m a disaster (artist) hahah
I don’t know what done! I upload them again
on the other hand, I have made a different version of the most closed close-ups of the jedi, in part 1, obi wan is new … I upload it so that people choose the version that they like the most.



Love the new close up

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


RogueLeader said:

Random idea regarding Palpatine:

One gripe I’ve heard people bring up before is Palpatine committing the “Evil Gloating” trope when he tells Rey that if she kills him, his spirit will pass into her.

Palpatine: You want to kill me. That is what I want. Kill me, and my spirit will pass into you, as all the Sith live in me.

This may have been suggested before, but I was thinking this line could be moved to Kylo’s first scene with Palpatine, replacing Palpatine response after one of these two lines:

Kylo: I killed Snoke. I’ll kill you.


Kylo: You’ll die first.

I personally think it would fit better to replace Palpatine repeating the “to cheat death” line that doesn’t do anything beyond being a callback. Either way, I think this change would accomplish a few things. First, we get a stronger explanation and understanding of Palpatine’s true nature and means of survival at the beginning of the film rather than the end. Second, it provides a good reason for why Kylo didn’t just immediately kill him. And third, it creates dramatic irony during the climax, because we know what is at stake if Rey kills Palpatine, but she doesn’t. So hopefully the audience would react by thinking, “No no no, Rey, don’t do it he’ll possess you!”

RL, this is brilliant. I liked the idea so much I did a quick test. The timing for the Kylo part is perfect, and most of Palpatine is obscured anyway so you can pretty much put in whatever dialogue you want there and not have to worry about the lip movements matching:


Out of curiosity, I also rendered a clip of the Rey section with those lines removed and it works pretty well here too. Since Palpatine mentions Rey’s hatred in the next scene, cutting it here and leading into the empress line makes me not even miss the moved dialogue over to the Kylo scene. (P.S.- It’s not Rey ‘Palpatine’ in this version)


Exceptional creativity, man. This really does change some motivations, as you stated previously. Plus, it removes the prequel redundancy dialogue, which you really don’t need if you show Palpatine in the clone tanks. I don’t miss the callback at all by making the change. Well done.

JEDIT: It’s also interesting that going this route makes Kylo the true vessel. Palpatine has been grooming him for quite a while, but Kylo doesn’t want to be taken over, so he decides he’ll take Palps up on his offer instead…more ships, more power…all he has to do is kill the girl who is a threat to them both (and Palps would likely betray him later). This simple dialogue switch sets up motivations now for a good chunk of the movie and eliminates the silliness of Palpatine wanting Rey to kill him at the end of the film, seemingly out of the blue after he’s wanted her dead the whole movie. Now, we know much earlier why he wants this and that Rey is now Plan B with Kylo taken off the Sith board. Genius…


The tough thing is, if Rey doesn’t know the risk of killing Palpatine, why wouldn’t she strike him down earlier? What’s her motivation to sending Anakin’s/Luke’s sober to Kylo and not striking down the Emperor before he kills so many more people?


Rogue, I like your idea a lot about Palps plan being more “open” at the beginning since “we” the audience know the danger of Rey striking him down.

The work around would be Rey doing the actual striking Palps since she was so hesitant for a bit till she thought she had no other choice (untill she sensed Ben) to then change her action.

That is the key is making changes and cuts to support that. Since the idea is to change, or remove, Palps explanation at that time about the whole possessing thing there is no reason for Rey to hesitate. Since simply for her, it’s “Hey, major bad guy let’s kill him since he is the cause of all the problems.”

She doesn’t have a reason to hesitate, though “we” the audience know she sbouldnt.

So my initial thought is Ben needs to “tell her” or does something where she understands that she can’t strike him down.

Maybe a voice over of some sort during the “Rey and Ben stare” before she transfers the lightsaber over could do it? Not sure if audibly it can be done.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


DarthYcey said:

RogueLeader said:

Random idea regarding Palpatine:

One gripe I’ve heard people bring up before is Palpatine committing the “Evil Gloating” trope when he tells Rey that if she kills him, his spirit will pass into her.

Palpatine: You want to kill me. That is what I want. Kill me, and my spirit will pass into you, as all the Sith live in me.

This may have been suggested before, but I was thinking this line could be moved to Kylo’s first scene with Palpatine, replacing Palpatine response after one of these two lines:

Kylo: I killed Snoke. I’ll kill you.


Kylo: You’ll die first.

I personally think it would fit better to replace Palpatine repeating the “to cheat death” line that doesn’t do anything beyond being a callback. Either way, I think this change would accomplish a few things. First, we get a stronger explanation and understanding of Palpatine’s true nature and means of survival at the beginning of the film rather than the end. Second, it provides a good reason for why Kylo didn’t just immediately kill him. And third, it creates dramatic irony during the climax, because we know what is at stake if Rey kills Palpatine, but she doesn’t. So hopefully the audience would react by thinking, “No no no, Rey, don’t do it he’ll possess you!”

RL, this is brilliant. I liked the idea so much I did a quick test. The timing for the Kylo part is perfect, and most of Palpatine is obscured anyway so you can pretty much put in whatever dialogue you want there and not have to worry about the lip movements matching:


Out of curiosity, I also rendered a clip of the Rey section with those lines removed and it works pretty well here too. Since Palpatine mentions Rey’s hatred in the next scene, cutting it here and leading into the empress line makes me not even miss the moved dialogue over to the Kylo scene. (P.S.- It’s not Rey ‘Palpatine’ in this version)


Exceptional creativity, man. This really does change some motivations, as you stated previously. Plus, it removes the prequel redundancy dialogue, which you really don’t need if you show Palpatine in the clone tanks. I don’t miss the callback at all by making the change. Well done.

JEDIT: It’s also interesting that going this route makes Kylo the true vessel. Palpatine has been grooming him for quite a while, but Kylo doesn’t want to be taken over, so he decides he’ll take Palps up on his offer instead…more ships, more power…all he has to do is kill the girl who is a threat to them both (and Palps would likely betray him later). This simple dialogue switch sets up motivations now for a good chunk of the movie and eliminates the silliness of Palpatine wanting Rey to kill him at the end of the film, seemingly out of the blue after he’s wanted her dead the whole movie. Now, we know much earlier why he wants this and that Rey is now Plan B with Kylo taken off the Sith board. Genius…

Wow, those concepts were executed and worked better than I could have imagined! Love how it takes out the redundant RotS line and how it brings those aspects of the Emperor to the front of the film.

On an unrelated note, I really enjoyed your Vader battle with Kylo Ren clip, that was very well integrated into the overall scene and I think it would be a great addition to the movie. Please go through with making the fully realized version of that moment. Even if not many edits would use it, I would certainly add it to my own definitive cut of the film.


Hal 9000 said:

It’s something I’m going to have to give some real thought. Would it require jettisoning Rey about to do a ritual sacrifice of Palpatine?

Maybe the scene could be rearranged/repurposed as Sidious taunting Rey the same way he did with Luke on the Death Star…something in the same vein of “Strike me down and your journey to the dark side will be complete”. Basically Palpatine’s bait for Rey’s known struggle with her inner darkness.
This could explain her hesitation. She considers the possibility of falling prey to temptation and becoming her dark self she dreads so much, besides the viewer would have an added concern, knowing that Palpatine will possess Rey if she complies. The ritualistic aspect, Palpatine’s bombastic announcement and Rey’s outright decision not to hate him would have to be toned down to sell it.


Making Rey UNAWARE of Palpatine’s possession method also can give her a motivation for not killing him instantly: she is still torn over her parentage. That’s one of the few plot threads that actually was relevant to her character arc in all 3 movies.


Hey everyone.

I just discovered this thread and stuff I saw here is amazing. I figured I’d share this small change I made to the Kylo vs Knights fight (I started reading here at page 82, so if someone’s already done it, sorry in advance 😄 )


I never understood why they put that close-up shot of Kylo lowering himself, it just froze the action and made it look like he was waiting.


Nicely done! That really stood out like a sore thumb in the original. Very odd choice by the editors.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


David__B said:

Hey everyone.

I just discovered this thread and stuff I saw here is amazing. I figured I’d share this small change I made to the Kylo vs Knights fight (I started reading here at page 82, so if someone’s already done it, sorry in advance 😄 )


I never understood why they put that close-up shot of Kylo lowering himself, it just froze the action and made it look like he was waiting.

I’ve actually cut that a little heavier and taken out Ben’s exhale. It sticks with the action a lot more without that pause.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Movies Remastered said:

I’ve actually cut that a little heavier and taken out Ben’s exhale. It sticks with the action a lot more without that pause.

I liked the exhale, it was a fun Ben trait. I just wish it was positioned somewhere. Fact is that his last line in the movie is “ouch”, so I figured ‘let’s keep as much Ben characterization as possible’.


David__B said:

I liked the exhale, it was a fun Ben trait. I just wish it was positioned somewhere. Fact is that his last line in the movie is “ouch”, so I figured ‘let’s keep as much Ben characterization as possible’.

Don’t even get me started on that “Ouch!”. I’m thinking of replacing it from one of his grunts from TFA. Ouch just seemed out of place after the huge Whisper crash and being stabbed without a word.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Just wanted to share a few scenes that I’ve made slight trims to. I know it’s all subjective but am curious to hear any feedback.

•Shortened Palpatine electrocuting himself. Seems like he would’ve stopped using force lightning after half of his face had been blown off. (using the amazing jedi ghost version by Jonh).

•Removed Kylo’s tie exploding after the mile long roll. The explosion definitely would have killed him.

•Removed stormtrooper finding dagger in Chewie’s bag after being captured. We saw Chewie take the dagger and can already assume that the First Order would find it on him.

•Removed flying stormtrooper whizzing around after being shot (too goofy). Finn doesn’t say there’s something he needs to tell Rey.


I’ve noticed that a lot of edits are trying to make the it more evident that Luke’s sacrifice was what inspired people to rise up against the First Order, so what if TRoS opened with the Broom Boy scene from TLJ? Or, if we just used the first half of it, and then showed the second half in place of Endor in the Star Destroyer montage at the end?

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


jkimm said:

Just wanted to share a few scenes that I’ve made slight trims to. I know it’s all subjective but am curious to hear any feedback.

Cutting before the TIE explodes was seamless, great work on that one!

Removing the balloon Stormtrooper was nice, too. The quicksand scene needs a bit of smoother SFX to cover Finn’s muted line but otherwise good job.


Would it make sense to change Palpatine’s line “The Princess of Alderaan has disrupted my plans” to “The Queen of Alderaan…”? On one hand, the audience knows her as a princess and it wouldn’t make sense to be crowned the queen of a planet that no longer exists, but on the other hand… after all that time, not to mention the death of her parents, wouldn’t she be considered a queen, at least in the eyes of the few remaining Alderaanians?

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


If Leia got referred to as Queen from ESB onward, maybe I would like that. But as it is, I think it would be unnecessarily confusing.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


@DarthYcey, those tests you did were really cool! I especially like the way he says, “I am Snoke.” Idk, it just sounds a lot cooler than just “I made Snoke.”


If you remove the first Stormtroopers death (out of place shot anyway) and replace it with the balloon whoop it makes for a smoother transition to Poe

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


I personally didn’t mind the “balloon trooper”. That’s how I imagine someone would zip around if their jetpack was damaged. That’s what Ahsoka did a few different times to Mandalorians during her descent into Mandalore in TCW S7E9. Personally, what bothered me more than that trooper was the crew landing in the sinking fields (exactly where they needed to be), miles from a random chase after fleeing the First Order. Having a chunk of the movie be a fetch quest was annoying enough, but then having something as ridiculous as quicksand ex machina right where they needed it was too much for me. I’ve been experimenting with that chase and some of the dialogue from Pasaana and was able to eliminate that whole bit by implying they knew the whole time they needed to go to the caves because that’s where Luke told them to go (per 3PO’s dialogue). The chase audio isn’t quite there yet, but you’ll get the idea of how this could work with a little more refinement. Check it out…


JEDIT: Also, here’s another minor annoyance I don’t think has been mentioned on here yet (I don’t think).


A simple fix, but that door never should have been closed if the movie wasn’t going to show it open up again before Rey flies through it. Maybe Evil Rey’s magical hiss powers opened it just beforehand and we didn’t hear it. 😃