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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 115


Burbin said:

Hal 9000 said:

Here’s the civilian fleet! There’s still gonna be room for more submissions until I render out the final edit at some point.


Well that’ll be a challenge to subtitle 😮

Nah, you would just put the distinguishable lines and then “comlink chatter”.


Awww shucks.

I REALLY, truly, genuinely hate to be the sole voice of negativity ESPECIALLY considering this idea is born out of contributions from the community…but something is off here.

Maybe it’s too much audio clutter?

But all I’m hearing is lots of random voices coming out of the ether

I know I’m going to be in the minority (or even alone) here but the mixing doesn’t convey ‘radio
chatter’ and so these voices seem like they are randomly placed and out of context.

From a real world perspective this amount of ‘check-in’s’ all piled on top of each other would even defy the objective as it wouldn’t serve the purpose of being accounted for as your tag/handle/call sign/identifier would get lost in the traffic

Just so I’m not being negative without bringing anything to the table, I suggest maybe cutting down on the amount of call in’s and keeping them only audible for the in cockpit shots so that they remain in context? Maybe just pick your favs/best executed?

I’m truly sorry to be ‘that guy’ Hal. It’s a solid idea through and through, but I’m not sure about the implementation.

I’m sure it can work, but in my own opinion I think it might need to be approached from a slightly less overt angle?

Sorry guys. Please don’t hurt me 😬


JakeRyan17 said:

Burbin said:

Hal 9000 said:

Here’s the civilian fleet! There’s still gonna be room for more submissions until I render out the final edit at some point.


Well that’ll be a challenge to subtitle 😮

Nah, you would just put the distinguishable lines and then “comlink chatter”.

You’re right but I can’t make out most of the lines besides “We believe in you Poe!” & “For Skywalker!”. Though I think that’s by design.


Feedback is good. I don’t think it’s quite there yet either but you can see how it’s shaping up. It’s a tricky thing and I’m trying to identify why it feels off to me too. Here’s my thoughts.

  • It doesn’t necessarily make sense, but I think after Lando’s line you should let the music have it’s moment before the chatter starts to pick up when the Star Wars theme has fully kicked in.
  • Either cut the chatter when Poe’s talking, or make it really soft and indistinguishable
  • Some of the call ins are too clear and need more distortion
  • Maybe a bit too much overlapping on the call ins?
  • The first "For Skywalker"s are nice but I think the second round is really pushing it. Tough because I know so many people are involved on that one and this was the real focus here but it just seems a bit repetitious for so many people to be saying that exact phrase.
  • I almost wonder if it’d be better if it was two "For Skywalker"s, then someone saying “Skywalker lives!” and then for the next one people said something else (“For Leia”? “For the Republic”? “For Kijimi”? something like that) or just nothing at all.

axlanian said:

Hal 9000 said:

I agree, I’ll see about boosting the volume for a couple at the start. And I don’t want to distort all of them, but some could go further. Lando’s voice sounds super clear so I think the voices don’t need to be so modulated that it’s harder to hear them. But yeah I’ll keep tinkering with this.

Would you mind if I mixed this part for you? I do audio (not a video guy like most of you),

Audio guy eh? Could you take a look at this and tell us if it’s improvable?

pw: fanedit


Hmmm, good feedback all around. Maybe less is more here. I brought the volume down a little as the chatter comes in, but raised the center channel back to zero when Poe speaks, so it’s less noisy.

I can apply the sort of ‘telephone line’ filter to more of them, also.

I figured in a fleet with thousands of ships they wouldn’t be calling in formally or in an order, but just chattering and announcing themselves haphazardly, with no one really keeping tabs.

And yes, the second rounds of “For Skywalker”s probably has too much going on.

This probably isn’t helped by having all the chatter on a single channel, but that’s how comm chatter has to be.

I’ll reduce the overall volume of content here before tossing the whole idea, even if severely.

Axlanian, if you’d like to give it a shot feel free. When I can I’ll PM you the raw material.

My stance on revising fan edits.


axlanian said:

Hal 9000 said:

Just as a show of what I can do, I’m currently working on giving the Knights of Ren voices, here’s my first attempt at recreating their vocal sound based off the grunts when Ben kills them. (Once we’ve pinned down the lines we want, we’ll need three other voices to join mine for this project if anyone’s interested!)

Password: fanedit

That’s a lot of fun. Great work!

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

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I loved the fleet voices. Maybe a couple of them (right at the beginning, or when Poe’s cockpit is shown) should be clearer/louder so the audience gets what’s going on, with the remaining cluster of voices backing up the general idea. But it works much better than the original.

Hal, isn’t it nosey to ask for some of the lines that were included, for the sake of those who’d like to make some hypothetical subtitles?


I think if anything this proves this idea shouldn’t be tossed completely. Just a question of how much is too much I think.


DominicCobb said:

Feedback is good. I don’t think it’s quite there yet either but you can see how it’s shaping up. It’s a tricky thing and I’m trying to identify why it feels off to me too. Here’s my thoughts.

  • It doesn’t necessarily make sense, but I think after Lando’s line you should let the music have it’s moment before the chatter starts to pick up when the Star Wars theme has fully kicked in.
  • Either cut the chatter when Poe’s talking, or make it really soft and indistinguishable
  • Some of the call ins are too clear and need more distortion
  • Maybe a bit too much overlapping on the call ins?
  • The first "For Skywalker"s are nice but I think the second round is really pushing it. Tough because I know so many people are involved on that one and this was the real focus here but it just seems a bit repetitious for so many people to be saying that exact phrase.
  • I almost wonder if it’d be better if it was two "For Skywalker"s, then someone saying “Skywalker lives!” and then for the next one people said something else (“For Leia”? “For the Republic”? “For Kijimi”? something like that) or just nothing at all.

Hi Dom!

I think you might be on to something with the ‘For Leia’ idea! Even above ‘For Skywalker’

Thematically it’s actually more relevant to THIS movie than Skywalker.

I know, I know the title is ‘TROS’ and Rey takes the name but hear me out.

Leia is/was supposed to be the beating heart of Ep9

At the end of ‘TLJ’ she had failed to rally the galaxy behind her and it took Luke to return to turn the tide (allow the resistance to escape so that they could live to fight another day)

However her actions in this movie see her nurture Rey and redeem Ben.

I think it’s appropriate that what rallies the free people of the galaxy is the news of her death.

They fight to honour her and what she stood for (just as Han says)

They may have let her down in life, but they won’t in death.

Therefore I think the Radio chants could be used to bring that point home in a way that was missed and/or overlooked in the original?

The Skywalker name isn’t really a ‘thing’ in this movie until the end, but Leia’s relationships and legacy is, so I think it would be a good idea to work on emphasising that wherever we can.


DominicCobb said:

Audio guy eh? Could you take a look at this and tell us if it’s improvable?

pw: fanedit

I’d be happy to take a crack at it! Do you have the dialogue separated from the music, or are the two all on one layer? If there are separate stems, PM me and I’ll try to smooth it out.


Hal 9000 said:

This probably isn’t helped by having all the chatter on a single channel, but that’s how comm chatter has to be.

I’ll reduce the overall volume of content here before tossing the whole idea, even if severely.

Obviously it would make the most sense for the chatter to all be on a single channel, but if you get me the stems, I’m going to try mixing them a bit wider. If what we’re really after here is an inspiring moment of thousands of people showing up to help, I’d happily suspend my disbelief about the panning if it makes the scene hit harder.

Obviously, we won’t know if it works until we try, so I’ll attempt it when I get the sounds from you and report back.


axlanian said:

Hal 9000 said:

I agree, I’ll see about boosting the volume for a couple at the start. And I don’t want to distort all of them, but some could go further. Lando’s voice sounds super clear so I think the voices don’t need to be so modulated that it’s harder to hear them. But yeah I’ll keep tinkering with this.

Would you mind if I mixed this part for you? I do audio (not a video guy like most of you), so I could get the voices to sound more like the chatter Poe’s hearing in the beginning part of the scene. I wouldn’t have a problem getting them to sit on top of the music and spreading them out so they don’t sound like they’re sat right on top of each other.

Just as a show of what I can do, I’m currently working on giving the Knights of Ren voices, here’s my first attempt at recreating their vocal sound based off the grunts when Ben kills them. (Once we’ve pinned down the lines we want, we’ll need three other voices to join mine for this project if anyone’s interested!)

Password: fanedit

Wow! This really serves to enhance the little screen time these characters get.


Movies Remastered said:

axlanian said:

Password: fanedit

That’s a lot of fun. Great work!

Jar Jar Bricks said:

axlanian said:

Password: fanedit

Wow! This really serves to enhance the little screen time these characters get.

I’m glad you liked it! It was krausfadr’s idea: https://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Knights-of-Ren-Overhaul-Ideas-for-Fixing-the-KoR-in-TROS/id/75011/page/1

I’m about to make a new post with some dialogue options that we’ve come up with, and then I’ll try to get some more voices for the final audio.

Edit: New post is here:


Hal 9000 said:

This probably isn’t helped by having all the chatter on a single channel, but that’s how comm chatter has to be.

I’ll reduce the overall volume of content here before tossing the whole idea, even if severely.

I think the real goal here is something like StarTrek: First Contact did, an inaudible undertone with, small clearly understandable “vignettes” in one of my favorite scenes of the movie:


For seventeen years the renegade Pfhor scoutship jumped between the closely packed stars of the galactic core. And all over the ship, dancing through the wreckage of the Pfhor computer core, Durandal was laughing…


Chase Adams said:

Literal goosebumps hearing all you amazing people’s voices.

Much appreciated lol

Also, I think this is literally my first post ever, but I’ve been stalking this thread for a while now and everyone’s work is just absolutely fantastic.

booyah baybeee


Hey guys, just noticed that Hal had recently updated his OP to include this:

Hal 9000 said:

  • Find something to replace 3PO’s line “is everyday like this for you people? Madness.” We get it. Not every sentence from you has to remind us you don’t remember.

After recieving lots of positive feedback from Hal and others about my “Chewie person” line from 3PO, I decided to tackle this for him.

I have an extensive knowledge of most of Anthony Daniels’ work as 3PO which makes it a lot easier to source lines from other media. (I watch a lot of the parody LEGO cartoons and other Star Wars things with my friend’s kids!)

Here it is:


I will need major assistance from an audio expert to remove the background noise in these lines if Hal ends up using them!

Join us in the OT.com Discord server!


Vidmaster said:

Hal 9000 said:

This probably isn’t helped by having all the chatter on a single channel, but that’s how comm chatter has to be.

I’ll reduce the overall volume of content here before tossing the whole idea, even if severely.

I think the real goal here is something like StarTrek: First Contact did, an inaudible undertone with, small clearly understandable “vignettes” in one of my favorite scenes of the movie:


Yes, that’s a helpful example.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hey, Chase, that’s awesome! I’m partial to “Where is an R2 unit when you need one?”

It doesn’t feel like he needs to have memories to say such a thing, and yet still had irony. The original line was just pointedly saying “I still don’t remember anything durrr.”

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Hey, Chase, that’s awesome! I’m partial to “Where is an R2 unit when you need one?”

It doesn’t feel like he needs to have memories to say such a thing, and yet still had irony. The original line was just pointedly saying “I still don’t remember anything durrr.”

Nice. That’s my favourite too.

It has some loud beeping in the background that’s really bugging me so someone will need to take care of that!

Join us in the OT.com Discord server!


With any luck the scene itself will just have his dialogue in the center channel. Can you send me the raw lines for now? If I get the chance I’ll see how it sounds.

JEDIT: Even though the prequel edits are over with, I need to ask.

Any idea of a better line for 3PO than, “I think I’m getting the hang of this flying business”?

In Ep1, I replaced “I can assure you they will never get me onto one of those dreadful starships” with “I hope never to end up on a mission of that nature.”

And in Ep2 I replaced “I’m not worried, R2, it’s just I’ve never flown before” with “For a mechanic you seem to do an excessive amount of thinking.”

For Ep3 I couldn’t find a slam dunk replacement so I imagine it just sounds like 3PO has settled into being a chauffeur.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

With any luck the scene itself will just have his dialogue in the center channel. Can you send me the raw lines for now? If I get the chance I’ll see how it sounds.

PM sent.


Any idea of a better line for 3PO than, “I think I’m getting the hang of this flying business”?

I’ll look into it. 😉

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