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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 111


Chase Adams said:

It’s weird, when I woke up I saw the shuttle and Vader’s TIE shots on his Google drive, but the Vimeo link with all the joke shots was busted so I never got to see any of them. 😦

Hal 9000 said:
The original TIE wasn’t really meaningful anyway, they just showed us something common that Kylo found that was flyable.

Nope. Have to disagree. As Rich Evans describes Abrams:
“His whole thing is feeling over sensible plotting.”

Honestly, when I first saw the Tie and X-Wing next to each other, I felt more like it was a scene where JJ was like “Look here are the two main ships of Star Wars next to each other”… I guess fan service, but not necessarily in a way that made a lot of sense… kind of like Yoda’s theme being used when Luke lifted his X-Wing out of the water. This was in the Sideways Youtube video but it just felt really off in the theatre… like I know the Force Motif is used a lot in Star Wars but it was Luke’s theme before it was the Force’s theme.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


Okay, okay… You fought valiantly, so you win.
You said someone would have to talk you out of it, so I tried…
This is your edit at the end of the day, so do whatever the hell you want. 😉

Maybe Poppasketti can use a model of Vader’s super star destroyer, since that was undeniably present at the second Death Star. 😏

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Don’t listen to me, but the shuttle seems kinda goofy. Like he brought that whole big thing? If it were me using it I’d cut away after Ben leaves the shot and not linger on it.


DominicCobb said:

Don’t listen to me, but the shuttle seems kinda goofy. Like he brought that whole big thing? If it were me using it I’d cut away after Ben leaves the shot and not linger on it.

sticks fingers in ears saying “LALALALALA” loudly


To be fair, for this movie you MUST suspend disbelief and accept fan service.

The movie is essentially a movie you watch after drinking a little. or a bit. Maybe a little more.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Hal, Chase Adams, my apologies for the link issue! I made a change that affected the vimeo link (honestly, I’m not sure why).

Anywho, this should work: https://vimeo.com/421655865/736f7fb25b

Chase Adams said:

Just thought I should let Poppasketti know that the shot of Vader’s TIE next to Luke’s X-wing is my new desktop wallpaper. 😉


Maybe Poppasketti can use a model of Vader’s super star destroyer, since that was undeniably present at the second Death Star. 😏

That’s doable. Probably should go between Slave I and the Ferrari. What a weird sentence.


jarbear said:

DominicCobb said:

Don’t listen to me, but the shuttle seems kinda goofy. Like he brought that whole big thing? If it were me using it I’d cut away after Ben leaves the shot and not linger on it.

sticks fingers in ears saying “LALALALALA” loudly


To be fair, for this movie you MUST suspend disbelief and accept fan service.

The movie is essentially a movie you watch after drinking a little. or a bit. Maybe a little more.

Hehe, I will admit, watching Episode IX is like, at least 50% enjoyable, more after drinking a little lol

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


I could go with either ship. Vader’s TIE Advanced works better as fanservice, but I’ve always been fond of the Lambda shuttle. Arguably, if we bring continuity issues and general geekness to the table, it’s equally nonsensical to pretend a ship survived the Death Star explosion and remain functional after 30 years of wear, be it the shuttle or Vader’s TIE. The minor advantage the shuttle has over the TIE is that it appeared prominently in ROTJ and one was glimpsed when Rey climbed the DS structure.

I don’t know what you guys think but for me, it’s easier to forgive Vader’s TIE being somewhere in the DS wreckage, than Luke’s fighter magically regenerating its missing wing when being lifted out of the water.


DominicCobb said:

Don’t listen to me, but the shuttle seems kinda goofy. Like he brought that whole big thing? If it were me using it I’d cut away after Ben leaves the shot and not linger on it.

I would have no objections to either ship. In the end it’s just a single shot and the important part is that it is an old Imperial ship with a hyperdrive.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Hal 9000 said:

We saw Vader arrive on the DSII in a shuttle, and he hasn’t been seen using his TIE since ANH. I know “realism” isn’t this movie’s strong suit anyway, but the shuttle just seems to make more sense.

Hal, poppasketti, why not just change it to an Interceptor model? This would keep the interesting shot of a TIE fighter next to an X-Wing but a TIE that actually could have a hyperdrive.


EDIT: but seriously why not use the Avenger model? It really does have a hyperdrive as a standard feature.

heil Palpatine!


Hal 9000 said:

The audio feels pretty ugly to me; are you guys listening with earphones?

Does anyone have any sound effects laying around that could depict bursting through the ice wall, maybe some shimmer or WOOoooosh of trailing off into hyperspace? If foley can be identified the music wouldn’t be as problematic. (This is the kind of thing I’d spend an hour doing myself if I were able. Getting audio to feel right really does take patience. I may be able to at some point but I toss out my thought process in case anyone does come across something suitable.)

And kewlfish, it’s good to have you here! It’s a weird, arguably stupid thing we do around here but we… we like it. At least the 9000 saga will go out on a high note. And then I can get stabbed by Vader.


I’ve just spent the morning figuring it out! If you take the whoosh sound of the final lightspeed skip before the transition and lay it over the clip just after the wall burst, it fits perfectly for a seamless transition with sound and cut just before the TIE comes into frame. I hope that helps you fix the sound issue. I think it works great.

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The original issue was “Hey, regular TIEs like that don’t have hyperdrive!”

With Vader’s TIE it would be “Hey, Vader didn’t take his TIE to go to the DSII, where did that come from?”

With the shuttle it would be “Oh, I guess the DSII explosion was reeeally overpresented in ROTJ if there’s ships inside that still work!”

And that last one feels better than the original TIE because while you still have to accept that the DSII ‘sank’ more than blew up, at least the ship he used was about as plausible as the TIE but has hyperdrive.

I bet JJ would’ve used Vader’s TIE if even he thought he could get away with it.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal, use the TIE Avenger model. It has a hyperdrive.

heil Palpatine!


Would it be possible to place Vader’s TIE in one of the Death Star wreckage scenes earlier in the movie? Just so it makes at least a little sense for him to take it to Exagol.


The shuttle works best. I also think that shot of both ships just sitting there should stay. Luke approached the first Death Star in that X-Wing and left the second Death Star in (a model) of that shuttle. It’s like poetry, it rhymes.


Knight of Kalee said:

I could go with either ship. Vader’s TIE Advanced works better as fanservice, but I’ve always been fond of the Lambda shuttle. Arguably, if we bring continuity issues and general geekness to the table, it’s equally nonsensical to pretend a ship survived the Death Star explosion and remain functional after 30 years of wear, be it the shuttle or Vader’s TIE. The minor advantage the shuttle has over the TIE is that it appeared prominently in ROTJ and one was glimpsed when Rey climbed the DS structure.

I don’t know what you guys think but for me, it’s easier to forgive Vader’s TIE being somewhere in the DS wreckage, than Luke’s fighter magically regenerating its missing wing when being lifted out of the water.

I am legally compelled, as a pedantic doofus, to point out that the entire wing wasn’t removed to make Luke’s door, just a piece of the outer panelling; the door isn’t thick enough to be the entire wing.


I vote for the lambda. We’re casting votes, yes?

Personally, I consider that shuttle to be very iconic, up there with X-Wings, TIEs and Star Destroyers. So, It’d make me quite happy for it’s inclusion in the shot.


Movies Remastered said:

I’ve just spent the morning figuring it out! If you take the whoosh sound of the final lightspeed skip before the transition and lay it over the clip just after the wall burst, it fits perfectly for a seamless transition with sound and cut just before the TIE comes into frame. I hope that helps you fix the sound issue. I think it works great.

That sounds like it would work well


FreezingTNT2 said:

Hal 9000 said:

Yeah, I don’t know though. If a thousand generations live in her and she’s trying to commune with past Jedi, I guess it’d have to be more than like four guys.

I’m not sure what the canon explanation will end up being, though.

I suppose one of Anakin’s lines could be trimmed thus: “Restore the balance, Rey (, as I once did).”

Given how the sequel trilogy planned out, the only natural interpretation would seem to be that Rey ended up as the chosen one. Given TLJ especially, the prophecy thing is a bit misguided, though its nonfundamentalistic essence can be valid in the sense that anyone could be. One could argue that Anakin failed, though did come to redemption. Luke did likewise in a way. Then, the Force awakened in Rey who went on to embody all the Jedi and decisively destroy the Sith. How could it be otherwise, in hindsight? That’s how religious prophecies tend to go IMHO: they are people groups grappling with their realities, and the details are best taken somewhat loosely.

So, Anakin beckoning her to restore the balance can lend some credence to that. Sort of like how Qui-Gon in LOE encouraging Yoda to “complete what [he] could not” implies that the chosen one remains as potential for the future (Luke, supposedly at that point).

cough There’s voice-over of Ahsoka Tano and she likely died after the originals and before the events of The Rise of Skywalker and that’s more than four… cough

I think at the very least we should try to have each character whose voice we hear make at least a brief appearance as a force ghost in that scene.

As shown before, Yoda, Anakin (Who should possibly be shown as sebastian shaw if possible for continuity), Luke, Obi-wan have been integrated into the scene well. I would like to additionally see at least Mace Windu and Qui-Gon Jin (Especially Qui-Gon as he was the very first jedi we see chronologically, bringing the story full circle in a way). Ayla Secura wouldn’t be too hard to add from footage. Luminara Unduli has like one shot in AOTC. Adi Gallia, Kanan Jarrus, and Ahsoka Tano and don’t have any footage that I am aware of so including them might prove challenging aside from using cosplayers or something.


Nah, let’s not open a can of worms. I like the four ghosts we see thanks to John.

I played with the audio for just a little bit this morning for the TIE escape, but haven’t found any better of a solution. Movies Remastered, how are you handling the scene? Leaving it as is, sans Klaud or something?

This is the sort of tricky audio thing that i wish I had a whole morning to work on. It’ll need it!

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Nah, let’s not open a can of worms. I like the four ghosts we see thanks to John.

I played with the audio for just a little bit this morning for the TIE escape, but haven’t found any better of a solution. Movies Remastered, how are you handling the scene? Leaving it as is, sans Klaud or something?

This is the sort of tricky audio thing that i wish I had a whole morning to work on. It’ll need it!

I’ve cut Klaud, cut all of Finns annoying Woo’s and weird blank expressions, cut Poe saying Sorry etc, Cut the oncoming TIEs as they just seemed to blast right past them anyway, and now I’ve taken out the whole lightspeed skipping so cut straight after the Falcon breaks through the wall and fixed the transition whoosh sounds with a climactic fade out.

I wish my upload speeds didn’t suck right now otherwise I’d show you 😦

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