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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 97


stevepaynter said:

idir_hh said:

My main issue with the film is that the story is never allowed to breathe, characters don’t have time to reflect, Rey doesn’t even acknowledge that she’s a Palpatine. Kylo’s redemption and death are merely skimmed over. It’s just run run run.

Idir_hh, have you read the novelization if TROS?

I’m a few chapters in and there is a lot more dialogue and the character motivations are much better explained and it doesn’t feel as rushed. I know it won’t improve the movie but it’s an enjoyable read of what the movie could have been. I have hope we get an extended cut coz Chris Terrio’s BvS got one a few month after release.

I’ve only read bits and pieces of it on reddit but just from that I can tell it’s a night and day difference.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Don’t let the internet hate machine get to your head. Semi-comedic YouTube rants are a path to the dark side!

In all seriousness though, I would really like to see an extended cut. The Reddit plot leaks made it seem like a much better movie than what we ended up getting.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Hell yeah

[The Past- Unknown Location].

Luke is training Leia as a Jedi. Lightsabers are involved. Leia reveals to Luke that she is pregnant and Leia makes the decision to end her Jedi training due to the impending birth of her son.

[The Present- The Resistance’s Jungle Base]

Years later, Leia has picked up where her brother left off and has been helping Rey learn the ways of the Jedi. Rey is first seen doing some meditative/ “mental” Force training, but is struggling with it. In frustration, she asks Leia if she can do a physical training course instead. This is what we see Rey doing in the jungle forrest in the D23 First Look.(1, 2) It appears that Rey has more physical fortitude than she has mental strength.

[Forrest planet bathed in red light]

Supreme Leader Kylo Ren has been aware of a dark power behind his predecessor and former master, Snoke. Kylo has been spending his time as leader of the First Order with the purpose of locating this power. Generals Hux and Pryde have been following Kylo around on his quest and are beginning to get very frustrated with what they see as a fool’s errand. They see this as a waste of First Order time and resources. When we catch up with the villains of our story, Kylo is leading an assault on this planet with the purpose of finding Darth Vader’s wayfinder device. The device reveals coordinates within the Unknown Regions and Kylo is confident that this will reveal the source of Snoke’s power. Kylo Ren slaughters his way through the natives and is eventually led to “the oracle” who gives him the wayfinder.

[Asteroid Base]

We pick up with Finn and Poe on the Millennium Falcon, accompanied by a hand full of unfamiliar alien characters traveling to an icy asteroid base to meet with a First Order informant. This informant, an alien, is acting as a middle man between a First Order mole and our heroes. The First Order arrives and begins attacking the base. The assault causes forces our heroes to make a hasty exit by what was described to me as “light springing” away. Light springing involves making the jump to light speed without plotting a course or a predetermined destination. As we all remember, making the jump to light speed without precise calculations could have dire consequences such as ‘flying right through a star or bouncing too close to a supernova’. The Falcon makes a hand full of these springs to throw the First Order off their trail, but as a result they are forced to deal with the consequences of such a risky maneuver. After surviving the dangers of light springing, our heroes plot a course to the secret Resistance jungle base.

[The Unknown Regions- Exogol]

After obtaining Vader’s device Kylo travels to the place specified by the wayfinder. It takes him to the Unknown Regions and a dead planet of flat, black rock. I previously reported that the planet where Kylo finds Vader’s wayfinder was called Exogol. Since then my understanding has evolved and I’ve been told that this planet actually bears that name. Kylo lands outside a giant cube, floating just above the ground and begins walking toward it. Kylo walks between the cube and the ground and once he reaches the center he discovers an elevator leading down below the planet’s surface. He follows teh lift down and finds an old man, near death and lying in bed and being tended to by cloaked aids. My source believes these aids to be referred to as Sith Loyalists. The old man identifies himself as Darth Sideous. Kylo initially dismisses the old man, knowing that the Emperor had died over 30 years prior over the forest moon of Endor. Feeling that this must be a trick, Kylo claims that there must be some other explanation, such as this man being a clone. My sources specifically tell me that the Palpatine refutes the idea of him being a clone and affirms that he survived his fall. After his defeat at Endor, he left the known galaxy and traveled to the Unknown Regions to rebuild his Empire. Despite his skepticism, Palpatine begins to reel Kylo in and subsequently tells him of something known as a “Force Dyad”. The Force produces two incredibly strong users and when they unite together, both become stronger than either one could be on their own. Palpatine believes Kylo Ren and Rey to be the two halves of this dyad and shares this knowledge with Rey. (Note: I previously wrote that Palpatine wanted them to become “master and apprentice” since then this has been clarified to me as Palpatine seeking the two members of the Dyad) Palpatine claims that he seeks the Dyad because he is weak and dying and he wants the Dyad to rule together once he’s gone. Palpatine orders Kylo to bring Rey to him and turn her so that the Dyad will be a strong, unified force of darkness. Palpatine also reveals that he has been amassing an armada of Star Destroyers equipped with Death Star tech, each one capable of destroying a planet on its own. Generals Hux and Pryde are tasked with rounding up children in large numbers to train and staff his armada.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…



The sacking of Coruscant.
It would be glorious.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


we could try it hahahh

a calm sequence, with calm music

, then the millenium, and then exegol

I think the first shot, would be one of the most difficult, would require a star destroyer 3d model


jonh said:

we could try it hahahh

a calm sequence, with calm music

, then the millenium, and then exegol

I think the first shot, would be one of the most difficult, would require a star destroyer 3d model

3d models don’t really look that convincing, It would be easier to pan down to a wide shot of the destroyer(could be rotoscoped from TFA or TLJ) with Coruscant just under it’s frame, Shot of Kylo on the bridge from TLJ, and then you can have Kylo’s Tie leave the destroyer from below.

Instead of the old republic shot, I’d suggest using this one but you might have to get rid of the smoke.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

jonh said:

we could try it hahahh

a calm sequence, with calm music

, then the millenium, and then exegol

I think the first shot, would be one of the most difficult, would require a star destroyer 3d model

3d models don’t really look that convincing, It would be easier to pan down to a wide shot of the destroyer(could be rotoscoped from TFA or TLJ) with Coruscant just under it’s frame, Shot of Kylo on the bridge from TLJ, and then you can have Kylo’s Tie leave the destroyer from below.

Instead of the old republic shot, I’d suggest using this one but you might have to get rid of the smoke.

I like! The sequence is a lot of work, but I like it, it would be a sequence to breathe calmly


While narratively it wouldn’t make a difference whether he finds the mcguffin on Coruscant or Mustafar, I think it’s still worth experimenting with for the different pacing and austhetic.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

While narratively it wouldn’t make a difference whether he finds the mcguffin on Coruscant or Mustafar it’s still worth experimenting for the difference pacing and austhetic.

Yes! the only difference is that it could be a calm sequence, instead of fighting images

apart from a great tribute to the prequels…


If we’re to have Kylo walking inside the temple, some of the shots of Kylo walking on Exogol could be re-purposed.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

God with each of these videos my hate for this film grows. The pacing of this film drives me nuts!

Hopefully with the success of the Snyder Cut movement Disney may look into releasing an extended cut.

Please, Please, please let this happen or even a few hours of unused footage so we can do it ourselves! 🤣

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What if Coruscant is just part of a sequence in Kylo’s detective style investigation. Instead of him finding the wayfinder in the temple, he comes across the X Sith sign on the ground of the council chambers, perhaps with an illustration of Vader’s castle, a clue to where to find the wayfinder.
From the slow Coruscant scene you would then cut to the luke and Leia flashback, Rey training, and THEN the Mustafar massacre.
That way you show a passage of time and fix the brake neck pacing.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Axed Chewie’s useless fake-out death and instead provided some much needed Reylo setup 😉

Test 1: https://vimeo.com/421215166 (inspired by Macsvoltage)

References to Chewie’s death in the proceeding scenes would have to be cut, with his capture being implied. The Chewie reveal with Hux and Pryde would be kept in its original place.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I’m not sure if anyone wants to make an edit that removes the old woman and the ghosts from the ending entirely, but I used some masking and added a bit from the Idirhh/ChaseAddams alternate “Rey Skywalker” take to shorten the scene. Now, Rey is simply looking sentimentally at the sunrise before flying off.


You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


That looks fantastic! It sets the perfect mood for the scene.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…