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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 104


Octorox said:
By removing it, you’re also robbing the movie of the only significant action setpiece in the first act (and arguably the only unique or visually interesting setpiece in the entire movie), which makes it feel like a bit of an exposition dump for the first 20 minutes or so. RoS as-is isn’t much more than a pretty roller coaster ride. I wouldn’t try to rob it of one of the few elements that works.

This would be my counterargument for keeping it too, but if the rationale is “I just don’t like it and I think it sucks” there’s really no way to talk someone out of that, haha.

Apologies for my contributions to this thread becoming less “Hal’s prospective edit” thread and more like the unofficial replacement “general edit ideas” thread, but I guess that’s one of the side-effects of so many very talented people congregating in here and making “what ifs” into mock-up reality at lightning speed. Forums are sometimes like that - you put up guardrails but when everyone at the party notices there’s a bunch of really cool stuff happening in the living room, people will crowd in there and start spilling drinks while they dance 😃

again, apologies. Thanks for hearing us all out and being so patient.


Hal 9000 said:

Ideally the mention of lightspeed skipping could be elegantly removed without losing the earlier or later portions of the scene. Ending the iceberg escape scene with the falcon entering hyperspace without TIEs would be ideal, save for effects or holes left later on.

Something like this…


As someone else mentioned in the thread, Poe and Rey just met at the end of the last movie and they unnecessarily go at each other’s throats the next time we see them onscreen. I really didn’t like this scene at all, especially because of the lightspeed skipping talk, but it works now I think with some clever edits.


Broom Kid said:

Octorox said:
By removing it, you’re also robbing the movie of the only significant action setpiece in the first act (and arguably the only unique or visually interesting setpiece in the entire movie), which makes it feel like a bit of an exposition dump for the first 20 minutes or so. RoS as-is isn’t much more than a pretty roller coaster ride. I wouldn’t try to rob it of one of the few elements that works.

This would be my counterargument for keeping it too, but if the rationale is “I just don’t like it and I think it sucks” there’s really no way to talk someone out of that, haha.

Beyond that I actually think the biggest wound that will be felt in edits that cut the scene out is that with the music building up and the TIEs chasing after them, cutting there really feels like you’re abruptly cutting the sequence short.

Apologies for my contributions to this thread becoming less “Hal’s prospective edit” thread and more like the unofficial replacement “general edit ideas” thread, but I guess that’s one of the side-effects of so many very talented people congregating in here and making “what ifs” into mock-up reality at lightning speed. Forums are sometimes like that - you put up guardrails but when everyone at the party notices there’s a bunch of really cool stuff happening in the living room, people will crowd in there and start spilling drinks while they dance 😃

again, apologies. Thanks for hearing us all out and being so patient.

I’m sure Hal would be the first to admit that he’s encouraged and enabled these sorts of discussions. And some great stuff has come out of them too. I just think out of respect for Hal and thread cleanliness in general, once he says he’s pursuing a certain idea, it’d be better to move further discussion of it to the general thread.


JJ - Destroyer of Worlds


To get things back on track, here is a complete list of all the moments in the film when a reference is made to the Final Order having Death Star cannons:

(I think we can imply that the function of those cannons is just, big guns, not blowing up planets!)

  1. Hux saying, “Shall we destroy the city?”

  2. Palpatine telling Pryde to destroy a world they know. (So dumb!)

  3. Scene of Kijimi’s destruction.

  4. The aftermath scene with Poe, Rose and Merry.

  5. Poe saying, “Every one we knock out is a world saved!”

As you can see, there is not many, so it should be pretty straightforward!

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DarthYcey said:

Something like this…


As someone else mentioned in the thread, Poe and Rey just met at the end of the last movie and they unnecessarily go at each other’s throats the next time we see them onscreen. I really didn’t like this scene at all, especially because of the lightspeed skipping talk, but it works now I think with some clever edits.

That’s not bad, but maybe too short in an already jumpy opening (though Hal might say otherwise).

Personally, I enjoyed their bit of back-and-forth in the theatrical. It was a bit hostile, but it was nice seeing some kind of relationship between them, and Finn trying to calm the two down works well from what the audience knew from the last movies, which is that Finn is the mutual friend keeping the group together while Rey and Poe aren’t that close.

On that note, another problem (besides just the length and my personal preference) with that edit is that Rey and Poe both seem to be in a bad mood, and while Poe might just be shaken by his adventure and disturbed by the news, I’m not sure why Rey would be upset after having just calmed herself in her previous scene.

Chase Adams said:

  1. Hux saying, “Shall we destroy the city?”

I don’t even think that needs removed. I might be misremembering, but I think that line was said well before we actually knew the Star Destroyers were planet killers. Hux could just be suggesting they raze the city, or blow it up with a Juggernaut like we saw in TLJ, and I think he was being half-sarcastic there anyway to make fun of Kylo’s destructive mood swings (especially since Kylo get’s upset with him over the comment).


Honestly, in a scenario where you’re cutting out the chess and the lightspeed skipping, maybe just cut out the whole scene entirely?


Chase Adams said:

JJ - Destroyer of Worlds


To get things back on track, here is a complete list of all the moments in the film when a reference is made to the Final Order having Death Star cannons:

(I think we can imply that the function of those cannons is just, big guns, not blowing up planets!)

  1. Hux saying, “Shall we destroy the city?”

  2. Palpatine telling Pryde to destroy a world they know. (So dumb!)

  3. Scene of Kijimi’s destruction.

  4. The aftermath scene with Poe, Rose and Merry.

  5. Poe saying, “Every one we knock out is a world saved!”

As you can see, there is not many, so it should be pretty straightforward!

Honestly I think you could take 3 and 5 out and almost be okay. It kind of reminds me of KOTOR and how Taris was “destroyed” by a fleet of ships with really big guns.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


kewlfish said:

Honestly I think you could take 3 and 5 out and almost be okay. It kind of reminds me of KOTOR and how Taris was “destroyed” by a fleet of ships with really big guns.

It’s sort of a package deal, if you want to bake the cake, this is the recipe. 😉

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Neerb said:

DarthYcey said:

Something like this…


As someone else mentioned in the thread, Poe and Rey just met at the end of the last movie and they unnecessarily go at each other’s throats the next time we see them onscreen. I really didn’t like this scene at all, especially because of the lightspeed skipping talk, but it works now I think with some clever edits.

That’s not bad, but maybe too short in an already jumpy opening (though Hal might say otherwise).

Personally, I enjoyed their bit of back-and-forth in the theatrical. It was a bit hostile, but it was nice seeing some kind of relationship between them, and Finn trying to calm the two down works well from what the audience knew from the last movies, which is that Finn is the mutual friend keeping the group together while Rey and Poe aren’t that close.

On that note, another problem (besides just the length and my personal preference) with that edit is that Rey and Poe both seem to be in a bad mood, and while Poe might just be shaken by his adventure and disturbed by the news, I’m not sure why Rey would be upset after having just calmed herself in her previous scene.

Yeah… Someone else is welcome to take a crack at it, but there’s so much lightskipping talk, and JJ loves his one-shot spinning camera, so there’s very little wiggle room to fake a transition. BB8 was a good spot to do it earlier with a reaction shot, and Rey’s final line is a perfect response to Finn mentioning the message, but I suppose you wouldn’t have to make that last cut if you liked all the bickering at the end. It just turned me off on the first viewing. It’s not like Rey isn’t doing anything…she’s training. I guess Poe thinks she should be out there doing more since the first time he saw her she was moving a bunch of boulders haha.


And it sounds like it’d be very doable to remove explicit mention of the underbelly cannons as being world killers, if Kijimi is to be spared. They’ll still be seen, but who knows what Cos has been up to over the years. The visual is silly but it makes sense: omg big guns.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Just something to mention that may be better for The Last Jedi thread, but if you were to hear Palpatine say, “Find me” when Ben holds the wayfinder, then I think it would be good to use poppasketti’s ending with Palpatine communicating with him in his edit of The Last Jedi. It even adds consistency to this fractured trilogy.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


In that case the use of “find me” would become a little repetitive, I’d suggest using “come to me on Exogol” for when he holds the wayfinder on Mustafar. That way you get the implication that since TLJ he been searching the galaxy for clues to his whereabouts, with the wayfinder being the final key.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I saw on the discussion that you were looking for a better transition with the Millenium Falcon passing-by after the Opening Crawl instead of TIE fighters.

Here is the link:

I always get worried about disrupting continuity. I seem to get blamed for that a lot.
Dave Filoni


Here’s another stab at the opening crawl:

Episode IX

The galaxy has united after the
heroic sacrifice of Luke Skywalker.
Countless systems have taken a stand
in the name of RESISTANCE.

To suffocate this growing uprising, the
tyrannical FIRST ORDER has silenced all
communication between neighboring systems.

Meanwhile, Kylo Ren, haunted by visions
in the force, seeks to find the hidden power
of his former master. Determine to destroy
any threat to his rule…

Let us figure out what Rey and Leia are up to in the movie itself. Use the crawl to explain what has happened since TLJ and the state of the galaxy.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Hal 9000 said:

krausfadr said:

No lightspeed conversation, smooth and less abrupt:


I also cut some of Poe repeating himself.

That’s good! Little is lost and it flows well. In that case, would Skenera or anyone else like to visually extend the end of the iceberg escape scene with the Falcon jumping to lightspeed but without TIEs?

I agree the flow is pretty good. What I would do to help simulate Finn is approaching them is to have some leaf stepping sounds that leads up to his appearance.

Also Hal, yes, please someone take out the TIES making that jump would be perfect.

Jonh? Poppa?


“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Heh, I PMed Hal about that already! I just need skenera’s extension shot.


DZ-330 said:

Here’s another stab at the opening crawl:

Episode IX

The galaxy has united after the
heroic sacrifice of Luke Skywalker.
Countless systems have taken a stand
in the name of RESISTANCE.

To suffocate this growing uprising, the
tyrannical FIRST ORDER has silenced all
communication between neighboring systems.

Meanwhile, Kylo Ren, haunted by visions
in the force, seeks to find the hidden power
of his former master. Determine to destroy
any threat to his rule…

Let us figure out what Rey and Leia are up to in the movie itself. Use the crawl to explain what has happened since TLJ and the state of the galaxy.

Man, you design some very well done crawls! Only thing I think I would add is Kylo’s title as Supreme Leader and to capitalize “FORCE”

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


kewlfish said:

Man, you design some very well done crawls! Only thing I think I would add is Kylo’s title as Supreme Leader and to capitalize “FORCE”

Here ya go then lol

Episode IX

The galaxy has united after the
heroic sacrifice of Luke Skywalker.
Countless systems have taken a stand
in the name of RESISTANCE.

To suffocate this growing uprising, the
tyrannical FIRST ORDER has silenced all
communication between neighboring systems.

Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren,
haunted by visions in the FORCE, seeks
to find the hidden power of his former
master, determined to destroy any
threat to his rule…

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


DZ-330 said:

kewlfish said:

Man, you design some very well done crawls! Only thing I think I would add is Kylo’s title as Supreme Leader and to capitalize “FORCE”

Here ya go then lol

Episode IX

The galaxy has united after the
heroic sacrifice of Luke Skywalker.
Countless systems have taken a stand
in the name of RESISTANCE.

To suffocate this growing uprising, the
tyrannical FIRST ORDER has silenced all
communication between neighboring systems.

Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren,
haunted by visions in the FORCE, seeks
to find the hidden power of his former
master. Determine to destroy any
threat to his rule…

Fantastic! I was always partial to putting Rey and Leia in the crawl but I kind of like your reasoning of not really knowing what the Resistance has been up to in the year since TLJ.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


DZ-330 said:

Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren,
haunted by visions in the FORCE, seeks
to find the hidden power of his former
master. Determine to destroy any
threat to his rule…

Sorry to be nitpicky, but the last sentence is a fragment. Here’s a quick fix:

Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren,
determined to destroy any threat to
his rule and haunted by visions in
the FORCE, seeks the hidden power of
his former master…