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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 103


The Emperor’s theme doesn’t really fit all that well there in the first place (although I like that uptempo rendition of it) so I don’t think you really need to change the music. The sequel trilogy’s score definitely plays a little faster/looser with leitmotif usage anyway.


DZ-330 said:

Respects to: idir_hh, poppasketti, Dominic_Cobb

Restructure 2.0

Putting it all together
PW: fanedit

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

This opening act works even better than I thought, besides the con of explaining how the Resistance learns of Palpatine. I’m looking forward to whatever edit features this restructure.

Hal, in your current set of ideas, how are you doing the Darth Vader helmet vision? Are you keeping it where it currently stands or keeping it for later and justify Kylo’s decision to rebuild his own helmet?


Alright, some things with the 15-minute clip posted.

  1. The pacing of putting the Falcon scene first was nice, but the issue is how they get that information from the FO before the FO has it.

  2. The lack of establishing shots when transitioning from Exegol to Ajan Kloss and then from Ajan Kloss to Kylo’s room is unfortunate. Possibly doing a planet shot for the first transition and then just a static Destroyer shot for the second one. But then Audio becomes an issue…

  3. Kylo’s vision with Vader’s helmet and then moving directly into reforging his mask was amazing and I loved it and it made me happy and I am so glad that it was thought of.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


Movies Remastered said:

DZ-330 said:

Movies Remastered said:

How do you make your crawls? Any chance you could switch “Tros” to “The Last Hope” for me?

I don’t, I just type them out and hope one of the better editors likes my writing more and uses it haha 😄

Haha haha! I’ve seen so many so there must be a setting to do them. Even iMovie has one but the letter spacing is awesome.

Has anyone thought about removing the dagger?

I’ve figured a way of doing it but it means removing a large amount of the movie, I.e. Lando intro etc.

Rey finding it in Kylos chamber when she picks it up can be the first time she sees it.

It’s just an idea as I hate that macguffin!!

I know * a lot* of people use DigModiFicaTion’s blender tutorial… I found it difficult to use but I think that’s mainly due to noob-ness with blender and there has been some changes with Blender 2.8 but look into that if you know blender.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


Do you still plan on keeping Rey and Ben’s visions together, or separate them? I think DominicCobb made a good attempt at separating them.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


kewlfish said:

I know * a lot* of people use DigModiFicaTion’s blender tutorial… I found it difficult to use but I think that’s mainly due to noob-ness with blender and there has been some changes with Blender 2.8 but look into that if you know blender.

I’ve never used blender for 2D stuff. It seems overkill. I’ll have a look. Thanks!

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


I’m surprised nobody has made an attempt to extend Ben’s death to add more breathing/grieving time to take in his loss.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Broom Kid said:

It’s more about not smashing straight to the Palpatine reveal. If nothing else, the Mustafar provides a little buildup and anticipation of the Palpatine reveal.

I don’t know that it provides any buildup or anticipation, though. Theoretically it could, but the structure of the story (and its execution in the film itself) prevents that. I agree that Mustafar is supposed to possibly function as buildup, but I don’t think it does that at all


Mustafar sucks

Kill it


smpearce1981 said:

…in the theme of ideas:

Has anyone considered the viability of this?

Do away with ‘Mustafar’ (bear with me)…but keep the slaughter sequence?

Repurpose it.

Start the movie with Kylo dropping out of HS . Landing on EXAGOL!..

There’s your establishing sequence! Then repurpose the slaughter on Mustafar (via colour correction) to have Kylo killing the cultists in order to get to/into Palpatine’s lair? (Instead of it being to find the way finder)

Keep it all, but make two sequences across two planets, just one???

Brilliant idea! Some extreme color correction though.

EDIT: Gave it the old college try but too many things going against it pieced together this way… Ren is now very dirty when piloting the ship to Exegol for no apparent reason. Only his TIE flies to Exegol but there are stormtroopers suddenly with him fighting the cultists. The sun is out when fighting in the forest. Suddenly the forest is gone with no sun and he’s at Palpatine’s lair. Nothing matches up well.

heil Palpatine!



I… all these points make sense and are valid. I never had a problem with Mustafar personally at all, so for lack of anything to push me over the edge I’d like to keep the structure as it is. Nothing else feels totally right, at least based off our finished product source material. I do like getting a “Find me” at the end to lessen the necessity of spelling out Papa Sheev Cos “Frank” Palpatine in the crawl.

If there’s a good establishing shot that doesn’t hurt anything, fair enough. But removing Mustafar AND the chess leaves too little breathing room.

And hey, if this project turns out like TFA:R, TLJ:L, and others, it can be used as a launchpad for other projects to go in other directions. I’m more than okay with that.

No one will be totally happy with it. Not even me!

My stance on revising fan edits.


I went through and I must have missed it: Why is lightspeed skipping/chess being deleted?


Lightspeed skipping because lightspeed is not random improbability-drive teleportation,

And the chess scene is (probably) being moved to the ending to imply Rey has friends accompanying her to Tatooine.

My stance on revising fan edits.


The restructure was just idea to do something different. But I am all for whatever makes this movie more watchable. If you are set on leaving the structure as is, I’ll see if I can focus my creativity elsewhere in the movie!

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


There are so many great ideas on the thread that would contribute to many great edits that I would love to watch… do I personally like the Mustafar sequence… yeah. But I would be super interested in seeing edits where Kylo drops out of hyperspace and goes straight to Palpatine… that after-crawl pan that poppa did was pretty sweet and did feel like Star Wars.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


krausfadr said:

smpearce1981 said:

…in the theme of ideas:

Has anyone considered the viability of this?

Do away with ‘Mustafar’ (bear with me)…but keep the slaughter sequence?

Repurpose it.

Start the movie with Kylo dropping out of HS . Landing on EXAGOL!..

There’s your establishing sequence! Then repurpose the slaughter on Mustafar (via colour correction) to have Kylo killing the cultists in order to get to/into Palpatine’s lair? (Instead of it being to find the way finder)

Keep it all, but make two sequences across two planets, just one???

Brilliant idea! Some extreme color correction though.

EDIT: Gave it the old college try but too many things going against it pieced together this way… Ren is now very dirty when piloting the ship to Exegol for no apparent reason. Only his TIE flies to Exegol but there are stormtroopers suddenly with him fighting the cultists. The sun is out when fighting in the forest. Suddenly the forest is gone with no sun and he’s at Palpatine’s lair. Nothing matches up well.

The Kylo Ren fan film has some great establishing shot footage of Kylo landing on star-killer base (similar colour scheme to Exogol) along with Stormtroopers.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


kewlfish said:

There are so many great ideas on the thread that would contribute to many great edits that I would love to watch… do I personally like the Mustafar sequence… yeah. But I would be super interested in seeing edits where Kylo drops out of hyperspace and goes straight to Palpatine… that after-crawl pan that poppa did was pretty sweet and did feel like Star Wars.

Well put. Thanks to all; calls have to be made.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I personally think that if the lightspeed skipping scene is removed, the later mention of it also has to be removed somehow. You can make the argument that “lightspeed skipping” in this context just means crashing through the ice wall at light speed, but I think new viewers will just be confused by the term, and every time I watch the later scene myself I’m going to be thinking of the earlier scene that was cut.

Ultimately though, I think the lightspeed skipping thing, while it doesn’t make sense if you pick it apart, is one of the least offensive things in the movie. You can handwave it away by saying that lightspeed tracking has technologically advanced since the last movie to the point that they can fit it into TIE fighters, and all the planets they travel to could easily be in the same system. By removing it, you’re also robbing the movie of the only significant action setpiece in the first act (and arguably the only unique or visually interesting setpiece in the entire movie), which makes it feel like a bit of an exposition dump for the first 20 minutes or so. RoS as-is isn’t much more than a pretty roller coaster ride. I wouldn’t try to rob it of one of the few elements that works.


I’m out of it for a little while and everyone gets delusions of grandeur!

I had no idea this edit had picked up so much steam! Looks like I have a lot to catch up on.

Forum Moderator

I have no love for the lightspeed skipping scene, and to me it’s more flippant than the SKB magical galactic death beam. I know I’m a geek weirdo and people shouldn’t care about this, but to me it’s sooo bad.

To me, seeing the TIEs follow the Falcon into hyperspace is enough to allow for a later lightspeed skipping reference to spark imagination about other things Poe had to do to shake the pursuers. Even seeing TIEs with technology last scene only on capital ships doesn’t feel right.

Ideally the mention of lightspeed skipping could be elegantly removed without losing the earlier or later portions of the scene. Ending the iceberg escape scene with the falcon entering hyperspace without TIEs would be ideal, save for effects or holes left later on.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Tobar said:

I’m out of it for a little while and everyone gets delusions of grandeur!

I had no idea this edit had picked up so much steam! Looks like I have a lot to catch up on.

Yeah, this thread added 25 pages in the last week alone. It’s all I can do to just track everything! Good problem to have.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Yeah, this thread added 25 pages in the last week alone.

Exactly why I’ve been trying to convince others to shift some of these conversations to the ideas thread… It seems many newcomers can’t see the difference between that thread and a thread for someone’s specfic edit. 😐

It’s become an orgy of Mustafar establishing shots and fortnite broadcasts.

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Hal 9000 said:

I have no love for the lightspeed skipping scene, and to me it’s more flippant than the SKB magical galactic death beam. I know I’m a geek weirdo and people shouldn’t care about this, but to me it’s sooo bad.

It’s okay Hal, anyone who thinks you’re a geek weirdo for that can make their own fan edit. Like me!

Chase Adams said:

Hal 9000 said:

Yeah, this thread added 25 pages in the last week alone.

Exactly why I’ve been trying to convince others to shift some of these conversations to the ideas thread… It seems many newcomers can’t see the difference between that thread and a thread for someone’s specfic edit. 😐

It’s become an orgy of Mustafar establishing shots and fortnite broadcasts.

It’s pretty much been that way since the thread started. I gave up trying long ago.