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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 98


Hal 9000 said:

Oh my God.

I just had a terrible thought.

Palpatine in TROS is about Trump. Evil came back up from nowhere but don’t worry because “there are more of us.”

I 100% believe this, most people assumed TFA, RO, and TLJ were anti-Trump anyway, so they leaned into it here (see also “We go together” aka “Stronger together”).


Chase Adams said:

kewlfish said:

Yeah man, I think that would look great! Looks like you’ve definitely got this under control!

Ummmm… About that, I can’t really do it myself, so I don’t really have anything under control… We had planned on having Snooker do this but she is no longer available. 😕

OOOOOOHHHH, gotcha… I could try to take a look at it… is there a resource for Star Destroyer?

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


DominicCobb said:

Hal 9000 said:

Oh my God.

I just had a terrible thought.

Palpatine in TROS is about Trump. Evil came back up from nowhere but don’t worry because “there are more of us.”

I 100% believe this, most people assumed TFA, RO, and TLJ were anti-Trump anyway, so they leaned into it here (see also “We go together” aka “Stronger together”).

That’s not surprising, I think I recall seeing something where Bob Iger really doesn’t like Trump.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


Neerb said:

Maybe we don’t need to remove the traffic? George Lucas certainly didn’t think traffic would stop just because of a gigantic battle overhead. The only time the surface of Coruscant ever looks remotely bothered by war in the prequels is when the temple is attacked by their own army.


Anyway, it’s a little despressing just how many people have lost interest in editing these films. I remember lurking back when Hal was doing ROTS and TFA and there seemed to be loads of people that were assisting with VFX. And believe it or not, they still managed to make it look great even without solely relying on the big shots like Poppasketti and Snooker! I know right? 😄

kewlfish said:

OOOOOOHHHH, gotcha… I could try to take a look at it… is there a resource for Star Destroyer?

I’m not sure what Snooker was planning on using, she had said that the idea was to use a rendered model but I don’t know where they come from.

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Chase Adams said:


Personally I don’t think this particular shot works, it’s a rather bland, monotone view of Coruscant and, besides recognizing it from AOTC, I wouldn’t buy this particular shot as one from TROS.

Off the top of my head, it’d take a lot of work (including removing the smoke), but something like the establishing shot of the Jedi temple when Yoda and Obi-wan storm it in ROTS has a better look in a few different ways.


kewlfish said:

DominicCobb said:

Hal 9000 said:

Oh my God.

I just had a terrible thought.

Palpatine in TROS is about Trump. Evil came back up from nowhere but don’t worry because “there are more of us.”

I 100% believe this, most people assumed TFA, RO, and TLJ were anti-Trump anyway, so they leaned into it here (see also “We go together” aka “Stronger together”).

That’s not surprising, I think I recall seeing something where Bob Iger really doesn’t like Trump.

I’d think it more a JJ thing. I believe Iger shut down speculation that RO was political.


DominicCobb said:

Personally I don’t think this particular shot works, it’s a rather bland, monotone view of Coruscant and, besides recognizing it from AOTC, I wouldn’t buy this particular shot as one from TROS.

I agree 100%, I only chose it to test because it was the only shot I could find that had a clear blue sky making it easier to add the Star Destroyer.

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DominicCobb said:

kewlfish said:

DominicCobb said:

Hal 9000 said:

Oh my God.

I just had a terrible thought.

Palpatine in TROS is about Trump. Evil came back up from nowhere but don’t worry because “there are more of us.”

I 100% believe this, most people assumed TFA, RO, and TLJ were anti-Trump anyway, so they leaned into it here (see also “We go together” aka “Stronger together”).

That’s not surprising, I think I recall seeing something where Bob Iger really doesn’t like Trump.

I’d think it more a JJ thing. I believe Iger shut down speculation that RO was political.

Yeah I never really got any messages like that out of RO.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


kewlfish said:

DominicCobb said:

kewlfish said:

DominicCobb said:

Hal 9000 said:

Oh my God.

I just had a terrible thought.

Palpatine in TROS is about Trump. Evil came back up from nowhere but don’t worry because “there are more of us.”

I 100% believe this, most people assumed TFA, RO, and TLJ were anti-Trump anyway, so they leaned into it here (see also “We go together” aka “Stronger together”).

That’s not surprising, I think I recall seeing something where Bob Iger really doesn’t like Trump.

I’d think it more a JJ thing. I believe Iger shut down speculation that RO was political.

Yeah I never really got any messages like that out of RO.

It’s just generally anti-fascist, as is typical for SW. People latched onto it simply because of when it was released.


Random footage:

Does anyone happen to have a HD version of Netflix ‘our planet’ documentary series? Episode 3 has some amazing jungle clips that fit extremely well with the lighting in Rey’s meditation scene.

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In watching through the first few scenes of the movie, skipping around to imitate our ideas, I think the opening feels very rushed removing Mustafar and the chess scene.

You can try it: skip to Kylo approaching Exogol, then skip the chess scene. Feels pretty breakneck. The Mustafar and travel scenes let us get into the movie for a minute before dumping Palpatine on us.

I really don’t mind Mustafar as is, so this isn’t an obvious answer. It might be best as it is, even without the meat of the scene, with or without a couple establishing shots. (Just leave it at the theatrical version so no one’s happy!) Leaving this alone could help losing the chess scene in the opening a bit more forgivable.

This finished movie just doesn’t give us much wiggle room.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

In watching through the movie, skipping around to imitate our ideas, I think the opening feels very rushed removing Mustafar and the chess scene.

I really don’t mind Mustafar as is, so this isn’t an obvious answer. It might be best as it is, even without the meat of the scene, with or without a couple establishing shots.

This movie just doesn’t give us much wiggle room.

I think I agree with you about Mustafar. The film already sorely misses huge chunks of unreleased scenes, and cutting not one but two scenes from the first ten minutes wouldn’t do any favors to its jarring, non-stop pacing.

The chess scene at the end is so good that I don’t really want to see it returned to its original spot lol. So far I’d rather fix Mustafar, unless we go the radical route and begin the film with something else and then lead up to Kylo’s journey and finding Palpatine.


DominicCobb said:

Not my thread, but if we were to remove Mustafar I’d much prefer starting the film at the point where Kylo’s TIE is flying through space with the Wayfinder, rather

Was anyone ever suggesting to open the film on Exegol, skipping the TIE beat?

I’ve been saying to cut Mustafar since day 1, but never meant to suggest we pan down from the crawl to Exegol, I always meant for it to pan down from the crawl to see Kylo in his TIE following the Wayfinder to Exegol. Is the reason everyone dismissed this idea until apparently just now just because people assumed we’d skip the TIE beat, too?


poppasketti said:

jonh said:

I personally still think that the movie should start with this clip. And completely erase mustafar. (Which doesn’t seem to mustafar)

Good call, jonh! Here’s a quick mockup of that idea:
TROS - Alt Opening without Mustafar
pw: fanedit

Ooh, YES! I actually was thinking of keeping more of the TIE flight than this (start with him navigating through the nebula using the Wayfinder), but this works really really well.

JEDIT: Holy crap I didn’t realize how many more pages there were after this…my bad!

I still will advocate for removing Mustafar entirely for any TROS edit. That’s getting ever closer to being a “TROS edit deal breaker” for me (much like how keeping the droid factory is an “AOTC edit deal breaker” for me).


So are you suggesting not moving the chess scene to the end Hal?


While I’m not 100% sure about the chess scene, I think removing both it and Mustafar from the opening chunk of the movie makes it interminably fast. Mustafar lets us see Kylo’s been roving and searching to find Palpatine and lets us get settled in and curious by the time he finds him. Leaving Mustafar alone might make moving the chess scene feel less frenetic.

Ash, I imagined the shot of the TIE exiting hyperspace near Exogol as the easiest place to open from a crawl pan. And based on discussion the last couple pages, if one were to remove Mustafar there would be some fruit in also removing showing him with the Wayfinder, in that we see Kylo’s when Rey does. (And it’s less of a sense that Luke reminded Rey of something the audience feels she was already aware of, burning things wantonly.)

My stance on revising fan edits.


ChainsawAsh said:

DominicCobb said:

Not my thread, but if we were to remove Mustafar I’d much prefer starting the film at the point where Kylo’s TIE is flying through space with the Wayfinder, rather

Was anyone ever suggesting to open the film on Exegol, skipping the TIE beat?

Lotta people suggesting it in the past couple pages.

I’ve been saying to cut Mustafar since day 1, but never meant to suggest we pan down from the crawl to Exegol, I always meant for it to pan down from the crawl to see Kylo in his TIE following the Wayfinder to Exegol. Is the reason everyone dismissed this idea until apparently just now just because people assumed we’d skip the TIE beat, too?

I think it’s sort of a thorny web no matter which solution is used, trust me I’ve mulled over many different permutations.


Here’s Kylo’s tie replacement on Exogol:
pw: fanedit

I went with the shuttle (sorry Chase Adams!) as that’s what Hal had wanted to see. The ship is still a little floaty; the track on that shot is near impossible, so it will need more refinement. I tried three different After Effects trackers and Mocha and still have to do much of it manually because of all that darn lightning and haze!


Looks amazing technically. Tho the TIE being there doesn’t matter to me much one way or the other.

heil Palpatine!


Awesome work poppasketti, even if it’s just a WIP! I kind of liked the proposed idea of the TIE Advanced (rhyming and all that…), but the Lambda is fine for me, and makes more sense in the context of the story since a Lambda was glimpsed when Rey climbed the Death Star wreckage IIRC.


ok, imagine we opened the movie with kylo looking for wayfinder in coruscant, instead of mustafar, and that vader left the wayfinder in the ruins of the jedi temple. poppasketti, a question, how difficult would it be to obtain a 3d model of a ship of the first order to appear in shot just like in ANH and ROTJ?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHfLyMAHrQE
if this were possible, we could include the montage of idir_hh, with kylo looking through the ship with the scene removed from TLJ, the temple ruins, and then with rotoscopes and some VFX, kylo entering the temple and finding the wayfinder…


I like the shuttle, because we actually see a rusty shuttle in the first shot when Rey is inside the ruins of the Death Star. So Ben could‘be presumably taken that one.

The visual of panning down (or up, like Hal suggested) to the red nebula is cool, and with some quiet, spooky music, it could perhaps make the film start a little slower and more mysterious. I personally like the idea of the film not having a bombastic opening, but something darker and quieter.

But I do agree with Hal that his edits typically don’t stray too radically from the source material. If you keep the Mustafar opening, I honestly think the establishing shot poppa made with the TIEs flying over the forest would be enough to help smooth out the transition from space to the planet surface. Any other shots would be too much. It’s cool to see all of these options, but one shot is enough.

If people wanted to see Vader’s castle, maybe we could use it as an establishing shot for when Kylo rebuilds his helmet. I wouldn’t use it at the beginning of the film though.

I might have a go at some of those vfx ideas that haven’t been played with it. There’s still so much beyond the opening that I think needs to be touched on, too.