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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 97


^I mean, he would still find it, it just wouldn’t be immediately identifiable as the wayfinder.

kewlfish said:

NeverarGreat said:

That’s a good point about Rey’s point of view. Thinking about it, it’s not impossible to combine that idea with the Mustafar vision idea. How about:

Kylo kills the cultists and comes to a stop. Before him is the stone container inserted via VFX (cut the shot of him turning). He opens the box and places his hand on the square item inside. Use shot of him turning and then his environment dissolves into the interior of the cultist’s base on Exegol. After the Exegol scene it returns to the shot of Kylo standing over the box, this time with it open and the Wayfinder still upside-down inside.

This allows for the audience to put the pieces together as Rey does.

I like this idea but would you still use the Kylo traveling to Exegol sequence?

No, this would start with him already inside the building.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

That’s a good point about Rey’s point of view. Thinking about it, it’s not impossible to combine that idea with the Mustafar vision idea. How about:

Kylo kills the cultists and comes to a stop. Before him is the stone container inserted via VFX (cut the shot of him turning). He opens the box and places his hand on the square item inside. Use shot of him turning and then his environment dissolves into the interior of the cultist’s base on Exegol. After the Exegol scene it returns to the shot of Kylo standing over the box, this time with it open and the Wayfinder still upside-down inside.

This allows for the audience to put the pieces together as Rey does.

That’s incredible creative. I’d love to see that just because it sounds awesome.

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Hal 9000 said:

Oh my God.

I just had a terrible thought.

Palpatine in TROS is about Trump. Evil came back up from nowhere but don’t worry because “there are more of us.”

I agree with you!!


Hal 9000 said:

Oh my God.

I just had a terrible thought.

Palpatine in TROS is about Trump. Evil came back up from nowhere but don’t worry because “there are more of us.”

“When the New Republic sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending Imperials. They’re not sending Sith. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing spice. They’re bringing Jedi teachings. They’re traitors. And some, I assume, are good people.”


Hal 9000 said:

Oh my God.

I just had a terrible thought.

Palpatine in TROS is about Trump. Evil came back up from nowhere but don’t worry because “there are more of us.”

Zorii saying “They win by making you think you’re alone!” really hit home after me suing the government last year. It’s 100% accurant!

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Hal 9000 said:

Oh my God.

I just had a terrible thought.

Palpatine in TROS is about Trump. Evil came back up from nowhere but don’t worry because “there are more of us.”

That’s honestly the first thing I thought of when that line came up, but that would imply that the writers are familiar with the concept of allegory.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


That explains the fortnite broadcast. It’s basically Palpatine’s twitter feed.


If that’s what they’re going for than it’s a pretty pathetic attempt at reflecting the politics of this time.
Though I’ll stop here before dragging us into a political discussion.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Hal 9000 said:

Same as parts of ROTS were about Bush. But yeah, that’s have to attribute to the top level creators of TROS with a capacity for abstract thought. 😕

I actually like the thought behind Canto bight. The fact that super-rich sell weapons to both sides was very controversial for Star Wars in my opinion.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


It’s not a bad idea in removing Mustafar, but I think we should try playing around with the idea of Ben touching the helmet on the ship, his vision, establishing shots of the planet, then we get into the action.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Since the current problem with Mustafar is now looking like “too many” options rather than “not enough,” how far do we want to pursue the other currently unaddressed items on the list?

Unless I’ve missed something (very possible), these were the things that no one was really working on and that hadn’t been abandoned yet:

  • Establishing shot of Coruscant from space during the conference room scene
  • Extend the squeaky wheel scene (EDIT: is that what Chase just posted from LILIAN02230? That looks good to me)
  • Possibly some line from 3PO when his mind is restored to hint at his prequel memories
  • Replace Kylo’s TIE on Exogol when he arrives to help Rey
  • More civilian fleet lines
  • Star Destroyer destroyed over Coruscant for the ending montage

I saw someone somewhere suggest Kijimi as a end montage location as well, but looking through the movie footage I’m not sure there’s a single good shot of Kijimi’s skies that could easily be recognized as Kijimi.


I like DominicCobb’s idea of separating Rey and Ben’s visions from one another, as he put is, the editing felt too ADD. I don’t remember who, but someone here pointed out that it doesn’t make sense for Ben to rely in Vader’s helmet now that he knows that Palpatine has been impersonating his grandfather the whole time.

Another suggestion I have is that, if we’re going with poppasketti’s incredible work on replacing the Snoke clones with clones of Palpatine, then I think going with the concept of Snoke being an apprentice of his could work. The line, “I made Snoke” could still be kept in, as if he’s implying that he created the dark lord Supreme Leader that was Snoke, but I would remove Snoke’s line, “you have ever heard” if we’re not making Snoke a clone.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Neerb said:

Since the current problem with Mustafar is now looking like “too many” options rather than “not enough,” how far do we want to pursue the other currently unaddressed items on the list?

Unless I’ve missed something (very possible), these were the things that no one was really working on and that hadn’t been abandoned yet:

  • Establishing shot of Coruscant from space during the conference room scene
  • Extend the squeaky wheel scene (EDIT: is that what Chase just posted from LILIAN02230? That looks good to me)
  • Possibly some line from 3PO when his mind is restored to hint at his prequel memories
  • Replace Kylo’s TIE on Exogol when he arrives to help Rey
  • More civilian fleet lines
  • Star Destroyer destroyed over Coruscant for the ending montage

I saw someone somewhere suggest Kijimi as a end montage location as well, but looking through the movie footage I’m not sure there’s a single good shot of Kijimi’s skies that could easily be recognized as Kijimi.

A couple posts back I put a Coruscant planet shot with Dooku’s ship removed from Attack of the Clones up, but there weren’t any truly good shots of Coruscant that can be used, just brief planetary approaches because the ships usually engulf the entire camera frame.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


Neerb said:

Since the current problem with Mustafar is now looking like “too many” options rather than “not enough,” how far do we want to pursue the other currently unaddressed items on the list?

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that you didn’t see my post only a couple hours ago when I sent out the exact same thing.

kewlfish said:

A couple posts back I put a Coruscant planet shot with Dooku’s ship removed from Attack of the Clones up, but there weren’t any truly good shots of Coruscant that can be used, just brief planetary approaches because the ships usually engulf the entire camera frame.

Should probably show you this:

Chase Adams said:

I’ve been thinking that it might be easier to create a Coruscant shot to replace the Ewok shot in the ending montage by possibly using the removed Star Destroyer matte to add to an already existing Coruscant shot from the prequels.
Here’s a very rough mockup that I did in like two minutes:


By doing this, we can avoid having to go to the trouble of rendering new models that might not fit with the original film’s aesthetic.

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Chase Adams said:

Neerb said:

Since the current problem with Mustafar is now looking like “too many” options rather than “not enough,” how far do we want to pursue the other currently unaddressed items on the list?

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that you didn’t see my post only a couple hours ago when I sent out the exact same thing.

kewlfish said:

A couple posts back I put a Coruscant planet shot with Dooku’s ship removed from Attack of the Clones up, but there weren’t any truly good shots of Coruscant that can be used, just brief planetary approaches because the ships usually engulf the entire camera frame.

Should probably show you this:

Chase Adams said:

I’ve been thinking that it might be easier to create a Coruscant shot to replace the Ewok shot in the ending montage by possibly using the removed Star Destroyer matte to add to an already existing Coruscant shot from the prequels.
Here’s a very rough mockup that I did in like two minutes:


By doing this, we can avoid having to go to the trouble of rendering new models that might not fit with the original film’s aesthetic.

I like it, What about an establishing shot for the board scene though? Would the First Order allow citizens to go about their daily business?

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


kewlfish said:

I like it, What about an establishing shot for the board scene though?

The Star Destroyer will remain, it will just be hovering over the planet. 😉

Would the First Order allow citizens to go about their daily business?

I was thinking about erasing all those unnecessary ships flying in every direction in the shot just posted above though!

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Chase Adams said:

kewlfish said:

I like it, What about an establishing shot for the board scene though? Would the First Order allow citizens to go about their daily business?

The Star Destroyer will remain, it will just be hovering over the planet. 😉


I was thinking about erasing all those unnecessary ships flying in every direction in the shot just posted above though!

Yeah man, I think that would look great! Looks like you’ve definitely got this under control!

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


kewlfish said:

Yeah man, I think that would look great! Looks like you’ve definitely got this under control!

Ummmm… About that, I can’t really do it myself, so I don’t really have anything under control… We had planned on having Snooker do this but she is no longer available. 😕

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Maybe we don’t need to remove the traffic? George Lucas certainly didn’t think traffic would stop just because of a gigantic battle overhead. The only time the surface of Coruscant ever looks remotely bothered by war in the prequels is when the temple is attacked by their own army.