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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 86


Yep, and there’s that idea coming around again. I like it a lot, but I still feel like Driver’s acting after being stabbed feels like it’s pre-Han conversation, not post. But again, it’s hard to imagine whether it would have felt that way in the theater.

My stance on revising fan edits.


MDDBatman said:

The only problem with the alt shot is that there should not be any rocky mountains in the background, they were removed in post in the rest of the shots.

Took a shot at removing the mountains for the alt-take “Rey Skywalker” shot (at 20 seconds in).

pw: fanedit


DarthYcey said:

Wow I never thought this idea would translate well on screen but you proved me wrong, now the scene is so much more impactful.

poppasketti said:

MDDBatman said:

The only problem with the alt shot is that there should not be any rocky mountains in the background, they were removed in post in the rest of the shots.

Took a shot at removing the mountains for the alt-take “Rey Skywalker” shot (at 20 seconds in).

pw: fanedit


Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

DarthYcey said:

Wow I never thought this idea would translate well on screen but you proved me wrong, now the scene is so much more impactful.

I just don’t buy Leia’s final act being ‘Ben…’. And then she dies. That took all her energy? It’s much more impressive and bad ass if she used up her energy to turn Ben away from the dark side. Projecting a Han memory is a Luke-esque feat, and a we’ve seen from the last movie that requires an enormous amount of energy. 😉


The only thing I would change though is the implication that Han’s just a memory, I personally didn’t like how he just forgives himself and suddenly he’s good again.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

The only thing I would change though is the implication that Han’s just a memory, I personally didn’t like how he just forgives himself and suddenly he’s good again.

I don’t think that’s quite what’s happening in that scene.


idir_hh said:

The only thing I would change though is the implication that Han’s just a memory, I personally didn’t like how he just forgives himself and suddenly he’s good again.

He’s interacting with the memory though…the idea is that Leia is basically making him re-live it because he felt so torn in TFA. He claims Han’s death set him free but you can tell he still has remorse. And he couldn’t pull the trigger on Leia in TLJ either. There’s still good in him apparently. Personally, I’m more a fan of irredeemable Kylo in the DOTF script, but TROS is what we got, so we need to make it work. If Kylo were to be redeemed, what’s the best and most feasible way to do it…? I just think it’s more impactful that Leia’s sacrifice had a bigger hand in his turn. Not just, ‘Well, Rey healed me and now my mom is dead. Oh, and there’s dad’. When I saw that in the theater for the first time, it didn’t land with me at all. Is his redemption earned regardless of how we edit this? That’s debatable. But Leia being the instrument here in making him re-face his hardest decision seems to have the most impact. And it gives more justification for why Rey would heal him. She senses it. Otherwise, why would she heal the guy that was going to kill her just seconds earlier…? It’s because she still feels he can come back to the light and is giving him that chance. Leia was trying to show Kylo that, as well…that it’s never too late to reject the dark path.

Anyway, that’s my two cents…just a visual suggestion, but Hal is free to go in the direction he feels is best. It’s primarily his flick after all as the editor/director. 😃


idir_hh said:

One thing that I can’t unsee is the road with the few cars on the top left corner of the forest.

Removed the road/cars from the shot. Good call!
pw: fanedit

Kewlfish, I can send you something later without any color correction so you can match your shots!


We will have to let it sit and see if it… ferments? I do like the idea and would prefer it, as long as I‘m wrong about the healing scene feeling wrong being made to follow Kylo resolving himself.

My stance on revising fan edits.


@poppasketti, you are a wizard. I’m still amazed at how fast you can pump out these clips!

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Movies Remastered said:

NO WAY!!?? That has made me SO happy! Your work is amazing! I finished my rough cut a few days ago but I’m literally re-editing scenes just to try and add your segments now. This forum is awesome!!

Here is that shot of Vader Castle to match the other Mustafar Scenes… I worked around with it for awhile and this may be the best… I am currently waiting for a new external blu-ray drive so this was made from a clip from youtube which I think explains why it kind of looks grainy, but this is what the clip looks like with all of the crazy encoding that youtube does.

password - Ascendant

Also I agree with DZ-330, @poppasketti is a VFX god!

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


kewlfish said:

I am currently waiting for a new external blu-ray drive so this was made from a clip from youtube which I think explains why it kind of looks grainy, but this is what the clip looks like with all of the crazy encoding that youtube does.

password - Ascendant

Also I agree with DZ-330, @poppasketti is a VFX god!

Do you want me to see if I have a higher res version of the movie and crop the clip for you?

It looks awesome on my phone screen but I’ll check it when I’m home. Great work as always.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Movies Remastered said:

Do you want me to see if I have a higher res version of the movie and crop the clip for you?

It looks awesome on my phone screen but I’ll check it when I’m home. Great work as always.

Yeah man that would be great! If you could do that, I would remove the ship and re-apply the color and throw into my drive for download once I got done with it.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


DarthYcey said:

idir_hh said:

The only thing I would change though is the implication that Han’s just a memory, I personally didn’t like how he just forgives himself and suddenly he’s good again.

He’s interacting with the memory though…the idea is that Leia is basically making him re-live it because he felt so torn in TFA. He claims Han’s death set him free but you can tell he still has remorse. And he couldn’t pull the trigger on Leia in TLJ either. There’s still good in him apparently. Personally, I’m more a fan of irredeemable Kylo in the DOTF script, but TROS is what we got, so we need to make it work. If Kylo were to be redeemed, what’s the best and most feasible way to do it…? I just think it’s more impactful that Leia’s sacrifice had a bigger hand in his turn. Not just, ‘Well, Rey healed me and now my mom is dead. Oh, and there’s dad’. When I saw that in the theater for the first time, it didn’t land with me at all. Is his redemption earned regardless of how we edit this? That’s debatable. But Leia being the instrument here in making him re-face his hardest decision seems to have the most impact. And it gives more justification for why Rey would heal him. She senses it. Otherwise, why would she heal the guy that was going to kill her just seconds earlier…? It’s because she still feels he can come back to the light and is giving him that chance. Leia was trying to show Kylo that, as well…that it’s never too late to reject the dark path.

Anyway, that’s my two cents…just a visual suggestion, but Hal is free to go in the direction he feels is best. It’s primarily his flick after all as the editor/director. 😃

I see your point, I just prefer it if the nature of Han’s appearance was left ambiguous while still implying that Leia was a part of it. Leaves more place for the imagination.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


kewlfish said:

Yeah, I just threw my copy in and it’s starts at about 1:12:55. Thanks, I appreciate this!

Randomly, that’s exactly where I stopped watching last time. All sorted. PM me where you want it sent…

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Hal 9000 said:

To move crawl discussion for this project into its own thread, here’s my current draft. Could stand some tweaking yet.

Episode IX
Across the galaxy, the spark of hope lives on. To suffocate a growing uprising, the tyrannical First Order has silenced communication between neighboring systems.

Attempting to unite the disparate rebelling worlds, General Leia Organa dispatches her brave agents across the stars to fan the flame of Resistance.

Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren has traveled to Mustafar in search of a rumored Imperial fleet that would allow him to destroy any threat to his power…

Regarding the debate around overusing imagery of flames, it can be a bit cheesy, but it’s better to embrace the imagery than to half begin using it and flit. To move between different imagery in the same context is jarring and usually comes off more pretentious and forced.

Both this and another crawl I read are good, though I found both had bits the other lacked (mentions of Rey and Luke is missing here, while the other didn’t flow quite so nicely as this).

Also, being a bit pedantic, but “Attempting to unite the disparate rebelling worlds, General Leia Organa dispatches her brave agents across the stars to fan the flame of Resistance” reads well and has clear meaning to most, but it’s construction is confusing - from a technical perspective it raises 2 purposes - uniting the world and fanning flames of rebellion - in terms of construction it makes it seem like her agents are fanning flames of rebellion in the hope to unite the disparate worlds. (Pedantic I know, but it jars to read as a result). I’m sure the agents act as ambassadors and speak to world leaders, opening dialogue…etc, etc, not just stand on street corners preaching to rebellious folk in the hope all worlds then unite (I know it’s not implied, but it’s certainly possible given the sentence structure).

Anyhow, not really much change, but I tried a slight difference. Only issue is 91 words may be a fraction too long to fit with the constraints of a timely crawl.

"Resistance to the tyrannical First Order was all but extinguished, until Luke Skywalker’s valiant last stand sparked a new hope. To suppress growing dissent, the First Order has silenced communication between neighbouring systems.

General Leia Organa has dispatched agents across the galaxy to unite rebelling worlds and further fan the flames of resistance, whilst she continues Rey’s training in the ways of the force.

Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren has traveled to Mustafar in search of a rumoured Imperial fleet that would allow him to destroy any threat to his power…"

Don’t think I’m completely happy with it, but it’s late and it might be easier to let you all tear it to shreds instead 😁

On a side note, I really am not a literature pedant (usually), but am writing 2 books (no publications, just a wannabe), and my background writing is mostly scientific. Literature boffins may disagree with my interpretations wholeheartedly, but being far from video editing savvy I thought I might pitch in my two pence if I can help for this (my main bug bears with the film were plot contrivances rather than structure, and that is unlikely to be changed) I’ve been watching the thread very enthusiastically.

“It’s over anakin. I have the high ground.” After Darth Maul, Obi Wan should have known better.


poppasketti said:

MDDBatman said:

The only problem with the alt shot is that there should not be any rocky mountains in the background, they were removed in post in the rest of the shots.

Took a shot at removing the mountains for the alt-take “Rey Skywalker” shot (at 20 seconds in).

pw: fanedit

Oh, You found the footage. Nice! The thing I’ve noticed about that whole scene is the constant changing of background colours. It’s a really nice scene you’ve made there.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


poppasketti said:

idir_hh said:

One thing that I can’t unsee is the road with the few cars on the top left corner of the forest.

Removed the road/cars from the shot. Good call!
pw: fanedit

Kewlfish, I can send you something later without any color correction so you can match your shots!

Is there any way you could add a few seconds before the tight fighters come into shot? I’m trying to work out transition times. Such a good scene. Thanks

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Hal 9000 said:

Jamesleaf, thanks! Pedantry makes for a good end result.

I’m glad you think so. I almost didn’t post it, but I was beginning to feel too much of a tourist. There’s a lot I don’t like about my change (or edit of the two previous crawls, I should say - mainly the transition to the sentence on training), but such a tight word limit makes perfection difficult. I’ll have another look with fresh eyes. I also like the idea of The Resistance dispatching agents, rather than Leia (she did step back at the end of TLH, and I feel she had a moment of letting the others lead. It seems logical her best move would be to delegate (plus, “we are what they grow beyond”" and all). But that would make it far too long.

“It’s over anakin. I have the high ground.” After Darth Maul, Obi Wan should have known better.


Wow there’s so much going on, hard to comment on it all!

First the Vader & establishing shots are looking good and progressing nicely! Inserting those will really help out in keeping the Mustafar scene at the beginning. If the Vader helmet scene is used towards the beginning, even inserting a shot or two or whatever would also help sell “Vader” guiding Kylo to the Wayfinder at Mustafar.

It’s all looking great. Also Poppa making those adjustments with the TIES and the removal of the mountains with the Rey Skywalker scene is fantastic!

Also the topic of moving the Han scene with Kylo is interesting and I dod recall this topic some time back. I would need to sit on it and think, since I like it help bolster the idea of “Leia used all she could to project Han’s memory and not just saying “ben” and then die.” That aspect I like and all. But visually it doesn’t jive for me since Ben/Kylo is scarless. Unless someone “put back” his scar to rearrange it … it doesn’t work. A person can rationalize why he doesn’t have the scar for Reason A or Reason B during that sequence … but a person watching it would catch that.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Movies Remastered said:

Oh, You found the footage. Nice!

No actually, but I’ve built comp in such a way where I can just swap in the master clip when I get it. If anyone has access to a usb Blu-ray and can rip the shot straight from the bonus disc, that would be great! It’s at about 2 hours into the doc, there’s a whole portion about filming the Lars homestead.

The thing I’ve noticed about that whole scene is the constant changing of background colours. It’s a really nice scene you’ve made there.

I think given that it’s just as the sun is rising, every angle would be very different lighting-wise. I think that’s why as long as the same angles match each other that’s all you need!

Is there any way you could add a few seconds before the tight fighters come into shot? I’m trying to work out transition times. Such a good scene. Thanks

I think there’s about 6 seconds from the original footage that’s usable (before it there’s a fade from black and after there’s titles on screen). The clip I posted is 5 seconds. So I may be able to make an alt where I add the 6th second, and have the ties come in 2 seconds later, so you have 2 seconds clean and 4 seconds of ties. Would that work?


I think the rearrangement of the Han scene would work better if there was some kind of visual filter or even background replacement to clearly indicate this is taking place in a different “internal realm”. I probably wouldn’t even be bothered by the lack of Ben’s scar if that were the case. If someone could add the scar, that would be even better, but probably quite difficult.