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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 85


Excellent thoughts, you all. Perhaps simply using the establishing shots of the forest may be nice enough of an addition to the opening. Truth be told I never had an issue with the opening scene as it was.

And I won’t be using the Palptine broadcast.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Here’s an example of the restructured scene order that I pitched several pages back. This is of Leia’s death.

PASSWORD: fanedit

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


@nl0428, I’m on board! It definitely gives that part of the film some much needed breathing room

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


I was just wondering if it would be possible to remove the wooded background when Kylo finally retrieves the wayfinder from the stone chest? If you were able to put in an alternate background or even a convincing matte painting in this shot of the interior of Vader’s castle it could work well with the re-purposed RO Shot of Vader’s castle. This would imply that Kylo fought through the forest and then ultimately entered the castle to where the sith wayfinder was being stored.


idir_hh said:

Like this? https://youtu.be/dFG0YgxEN2M

Yes, it looks a little rough. However, I believe that was the idea I had in my head. It makes more sense to me for the wayfinder to be stored safely in the depths of Vader’s castle instead of on the castle grounds anyways. Also I just think it could sell the establishing shot of Vader’s Castle from RO better and make it not feel so random or tacked on. Now Kylo fights his way through the surrounding area to get to the castle “ruins” where the wayfinder is stored. Also from that link, I think a few First Order banners or some sequel era stormtroopers walking around Coruscant could definitely help sell the First Order occupying the former republic capital before Kylo’s board meeting scene.


Here is my first attempt at coloring Vader’s Tower, it’s kind of grainy but I think that is a pretty decent first draft.
I’m liking the ideas of having Kylo in the forest then go to Vader’s Tower. I think this would be the best shot to convey that idea and stick to canon, as there would probably be something left over if the tower was in ruins.

password - Ascendant

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


nl0428’s restructure of the post-Leia death section of the movie allows for removing the destruction of Kijimi, along with the sole pre-FO-personnel-getting-involved-as-lead-by-Pryde interior glimpse of one of the Final Order destroyers.

The destroyers will all still have those big guns mounted, but nothing in the movie would need to spell out “THESE ARE MINI DEATH STARS” or actually destroy yet another planet.

Any thoughts about this? In this order, it does make it look like Ben was standing around for a while, and we lose the direct transition from the crew reacting to Leia’s death to him dealing with it. I guess a restructure wouldn’t even technically be needed to remove Kijimi. Just have Palpatine say “come to me on Exegol, General Pryde,” and go to Poe praying to Leia. (That’s not sarcastic, he’s interceding to her for help even if it’s symbolic; we all do it.)

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Poe praying to Leia. (That’s not sarcastic, he’s interceding to her for help even if it’s symbolic; we all do it.)

Poe a hispanic Catholic drug smuggler?

They really had it in for this guy with the stereotypes😂

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Hal 9000 said:

The destroyers will all still have those big guns mounted, but nothing in the movie would need to spell out “THESE ARE MINI DEATH STARS” or actually destroy yet another planet.

If they still have the guns, but they’re not planet killing weapons, then I’d be down for that!

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


kewlfish said:

After seeing poppasketti’s tie fighter fly over (fantastic work), I tried my hand at color-grading that shot from the 1080p to match my Iron Tree Forest Shot 2.

password - Ascendant

Looks great! Actually could you send me the 1080p clip from the forest fire footage? Or let me know how to download 1080p now from youtube, because somehow I forgot. I usually use firefox plugins to download clips but now I can only grab the 720p files. I can then send you the shot with the ties for color grading!


poppasketti said:

idir_hh said:

Here’s the source: https://youtu.be/cwP9LB_i8P8

I wasn’t sure yet where tie fighters should go in Kewlfish’s 2nd shot, but I really like the first shot Chase Adams found in the clip above.

Here’s a possible option for a tie flyover:
pw: fanedit

You and Kewlfish are killing these scenes. SO GOOD!

Check out - http://www.youtube.com/moviesremastered

Promote your own Fanedits here: https://www.reddit.com/r/moviesremastered/

MR Discord Community (Only taking fanedit requests via Discord with proof of ownership/subscription) - https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


One thing that I can’t unsee is the road with the few cars on the top left corner of the forest.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

One thing that I can’t unsee is the road with the few cars on the top left corner of the forest.

Oh you’re right! Ha! well I can probably take care of that.


poppasketti said:

Looks great! Actually could you send me the 1080p clip from the forest fire footage? Or let me know how to download 1080p now from youtube, because somehow I forgot. I usually use firefox plugins to download clips but now I can only grab the 720p files. I can then send you the shot with the ties for color grading!

Yeah, I can put that video in my drive. And for downloading Youtube clips I use these two links, probably better to keep a firewall or something up just in case - https://www.clipconverter.cc/2/ and https://www.y2mate.com/en19. Personally clip converter is a better choice but if there is music that has been flagged or something, it won’t always work so that’s when I use the other.

And yeah, if you could send the tie footage that would be sweet!

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


kewlfish said:

Yeah I can try to recolor that one. Also, I love your channel and content. You were the editor that inspired me to use the Nat Geo footage in the first place!

NO WAY!!?? That has made me SO happy! Your work is amazing! I finished my rough cut a few days ago but I’m literally re-editing scenes just to try and add your segments now. This forum is awesome!!

Check out - http://www.youtube.com/moviesremastered

Promote your own Fanedits here: https://www.reddit.com/r/moviesremastered/

MR Discord Community (Only taking fanedit requests via Discord with proof of ownership/subscription) - https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Hal 9000 said:

nl0428’s restructure of the post-Leia death section of the movie allows for removing the destruction of Kijimi, along with the sole pre-FO-personnel-getting-involved-as-lead-by-Pryde interior glimpse of one of the Final Order destroyers.

The destroyers will all still have those big guns mounted, but nothing in the movie would need to spell out “THESE ARE MINI DEATH STARS” or actually destroy yet another planet.

Any thoughts about this? In this order, it does make it look like Ben was standing around for a while, and we lose the direct transition from the crew reacting to Leia’s death to him dealing with it. I guess a restructure wouldn’t even technically be needed to remove Kijimi. Just have Palpatine say “come to me on Exegol, General Pryde,” and go to Poe praying to Leia. (That’s not sarcastic, he’s interceding to her for help even if it’s symbolic; we all do it.)

I like this re-edit of all the Leia post-death stuff, but personally I think the Han convo is in the wrong spot. It should occur before Rey stabs Kylo. Here’s my edit…


And here’s my reasoning…

I think there’s more emotion this new way because Kylo’s already had the convo with Han, then Rey stabs him…but you can tell Rey senses the internal struggle of what just happened to him. He’s mournful after he senses Leia’s death, and now he’s also wavering on a turn from the dark side…makes it much more believable that she’d heal him.

Personally, none of the original arrangement makes any sense. Leia is already gone…then Han shows up later…so it’s not Leia doing the Han force projection when she originally distracted Kylo…at that point, it’s entirely Kylo “seeing things”…the problem is that you don’t know what his struggle is as he’s standing on the cliff edge…he tries to kill Rey, then his mom basically distracts him into dropping his saber and nearly gets him killed. It’s very sloppy, in my opinion.

Having that convo in this new spot gives Kylo a reason to drop the saber…his guard is down and he’s showing some regret in reliving the memory in that moment…plus, why would he look back like that for so long in surprise if nobody was there? Did he think Leia was gonna be back there and jump out from behind a rock? He looks behind himself for a long time…only thing that makes sense is that Han is already there and Leia is force projecting the memory…it’s not realistic in the moment that Kylo would change from being a raging lunatic on the verge of killing Rey just because he heard an echo of his mom’s voice.

Essentially, there are two things that are a major improvement about this order…1) it makes much more sense for the viewer that Leia is the one actually projecting Han’s memory a la luke did in TLJ…2) its very symbolic – the saber drop = the death of Kylo Ren…the arm drop = the death of Leia…this arrangement shows how the events are linked, as it should be.

As for what comes next, insert this new scene as in the clip, then have things progress as normal. Then, you can have Kylo toss his saber after Chewie is inconsolable, or stretch that out to later where nl0428 has it – personally I think it works well after Chewie. I have that part edited too, but not outputted to watch. Basically though, just mirror the saber shot from the convo from earlier since he’s looking to the right now into the ocean. Then, cut to him tossing the saber. I even re-scored this a tad using the Torn Apart music from TFA with the same musical timing. He’s faced with the same choice, except now he throws away the saber and the Kylo Ren mantle. He’s now Ben…

P.S.- It’s a Force memory convo, so it’s not real anyway. Kylo with the face scar already gone doesn’t matter. It’s what he’s projecting himself as in that moment, you could say.