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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 92


Hal 9000 said:

^ Are you saying that version stays timed to the original scene’s audio with the new visuals being worked in? Without a direct comparison, that version plays very nicely.

The first time I saw the movie after Palpatine explodes (2.0), I imagined a bedtime narrator saying, “And then huge rocks and granite flew into the people that were watching and chanting, because if you believe in yourself boulders will smash the heads of your enemies.” Weird to be paired with the yearning of the binary sunset piece.

Yes, exactly that.


DarthYcey said:

jonh said:

Jedi ghosts_prores 444 (thank you krausfadr, good eagle eye!!)
Blue version

purple version

it would be great if someone does a good audio mix

Amazing work with the Jedi Force ghosts, man…but I really don’t think the audio needed re-mixed, the scene just failed to follow through on the VOs that got Rey to her feet in the first place. The goosebumps really hit now with the music and Force ghosts showing up. This is exactly what I was expecting in theaters but was totally let down. But great job man. Oh, and I re-edited this sequence using your purple saber footage (which I also love). 😃 Rey really IS all the Jedi now… Check it out…


ouhhh sure, you have eliminated other shots !! nice job 😃

and you have changed the order of the shots, I like it! Looks wonderfully

I like that everyone is satisfied with this sequence, which is fan service hahahha … they helped me a lot to make it better!


Silent reader here. Been casually picking up ideas and effects from here for my own sage re-edit, but this community ended up contributing so much, especially for TROS, I decided a thank you at least was in order.
By the way, I am making a Rey is Anakin’s reincarnation/chosen one-edit, if anyone’s interested. Not exactly the way most of you seem to be going, but it was my fan theory before seeing the movie, so I went for it.

In fact, it was my theory right up to the point Kylo said “You’re his granddaughter”. That threw me off completely, haha. I mean, the dark side pulling on her, her always fighting out of anger, the natural force aptitude, Palpie wanting her, damn, even her looking at the Vader helmet in that one scene, it was all set up so well, no?
(Not to mention that due to Kylo being such a Vader fanboy, of course he would be all over his gorgeous female reincarnation. The perfect woman for him. 😄 )


Because of course they cut that. this movie …



idir_hh said:

TRoS had a cut subplot of Rey building her lightsaber throughout the movie:


Definitely a missed opportunity. I wouldn’t mind in the future for Daisy and John to reprise their roles in a Disney Plus show or mini series with Rey reforming the Jedi Order and Finn being her first student. I know the sequels aren’t the most popular now days, but we missed seeing Luke form his Jedi Academy. I’d like to see this come to fruition without the impending doom of the Jedi falling on the horizon. Also they could actually pick up the dropped plot thread of Finn being force sensitive in TRoS. However, I know this slightly off topic here.


As interesting and impressive of a task that is Jonh … I am the guy who hated everything about Rebels so anything that plays tribute to it, especially the “World between Worlds” and Time Travel crap … it’s a nope for me.

I too disliked Rebels, and hated the time travel, but the World Between Worlds itself I actually really like. It plays into the mysticism of the Force. Just because a show is bad doesn’t mean there aren’t good elements within it.


mrsmith said:

Silent reader here. Been casually picking up ideas and effects from here for my own sage re-edit, but this community ended up contributing so much, especially for TROS, I decided a thank you at least was in order.
By the way, I am making a Rey is Anakin’s reincarnation/chosen one-edit, if anyone’s interested. Not exactly the way most of you seem to be going, but it was my fan theory before seeing the movie, so I went for it.

In fact, it was my theory right up to the point Kylo said “You’re his granddaughter”. That threw me off completely, haha. I mean, the dark side pulling on her, her always fighting out of anger, the natural force aptitude, Palpie wanting her, damn, even her looking at the Vader helmet in that one scene, it was all set up so well, no?
(Not to mention that due to Kylo being such a Vader fanboy, of course he would be all over his gorgeous female reincarnation. The perfect woman for him. 😄 )

I assume (nay, HOPE) that means you would cut their kiss?

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Movies Remastered said:

idir_hh said:

TRoS had a cut subplot of Rey building her lightsaber throughout the movie:

If I can ever raise the funds this is the first scene I’m shooting.

Release the deleted scenes, already!!!

Any official reason why they refuse to release those scenes?


They probably made two different films with all the reshoots they did.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

They probably made two different films with all the reshoots they did.

I wouldn’t go so far. There were a few reshoots, and some serious ADHD editing, but people crying bloody murder over some imaginary reshoot scandal are setting themselves up for disappointment.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


I hope you’re right but it doesn’t explain Disney clamping down on everything to do with deleted scenes. I guess what I’m getting at is that there must be fire under the smoke.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

I hope you’re right but it doesn’t explain Disney clamping down on everything to do with deleted scenes.

JJ has never been a fan of deleted scenes, or BTS material in general. It’s just part of his on-the-fly filmmaking style that makes that sort of stuff confusing. I highly doubt some mythical “original cut” that fixes all the problems exists, there’s literally no evidence to support it.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


thebluefrog said:

Any official reason why they refuse to release those scenes?

Nothing official but I feel Disney was going to do a cashgrab and release an extrended version blu-ray at some point. They did delelted scene for every other movie but TROS. So frustrating!

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Darth Sadifous said:

idir_hh said:

TRoS had a cut subplot of Rey building her lightsaber throughout the movie:


Definitely a missed opportunity. I wouldn’t mind in the future for Daisy and John to reprise their roles in a Disney Plus show or mini series with Rey reforming the Jedi Order and Finn being her first student.

Both Daisy and John have said “You ain’t gonna Disney+ me!”

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Movies Remastered said:

thebluefrog said:

Any official reason why they refuse to release those scenes?

Nothing official but I feel Disney was going to do a cashgrab and release an extrended version blu-ray at some point. They did delelted scene for every other movie but TROS. So frustrating!

That’s my theory. Disney has always had deleted scenes, and Lucasfilm too, it’s definitely a cash grab for the eventual extended directors cut

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


DominicCobb said:

RogueLeader said:

You know, I actually think using her lightning would actually be a good resolution to the story.

I mean, throughout the movie she is absolutely afraid of her inner dark side. So much so that she tries to exile herself to Ahch-To. She isn’t afraid of Palpatine, she’s afraid of herself and what she is capable of. I actually could see it being satisfying to realize she doesn’t have to afraid of herself if she acknowledges the dark side within her.

If you think about it, that has always been the flaw of the Jedi. They’ve taught their students that their emotions are dangerous, and their dark side is something to be feared. Ben Solo thinks that because the dark side is in his nature, that he is a monster and can’t go back to his mother.

The Sith, on the other hand, totally let their negative emotions control them. They’re consumed with hate, greed, and selfishness. They’ve let their Shadow-self take over.

But a balanced person has to find a healthy relationship with their emotions, between their self and their shadow-self. Someone who bottles up their emotions, like the Jedi did, are much more likely to let their shadow-self consume them, like Anakin or Ben, because they didn’t cultivate a healthy relationship with their repressed shadow. So this has given the Jedi the mistaken idea that the dark side will corrupt instantaneously.

Someone described integrating your shadow as “having weapons and the ability to use them, but being determined to keep them sheathed”. Being totally harmless isn’t a balanced way to live. Instead, it is having the ability to defend yourself when necessary, and choosing not to harm others even when you have the power to do so.

I’m actually beginning to think not having Rey actively destroy Palpatine is actually the wrong path. Rey, Luke, and other Jedi killed plenty of people in self defense. Why is it suddenly bad for Rey to kill literally the embodiment of evil?

And I think that would make Rey’s yellow lightsaber work well. Rey has the power to protect others, but she has control of it (represented by it being contained by the hilt).

And just as the conscious mind can put the questions, “Why is there this frightful conflict between good and evil?,” so the unconscious can reply, “Look closer! Each needs the other. The best, just because it is the best, holds the seed of evil, and there is nothing so bad but good can come of it. (Jung 133).”

It’s an interesting idea to ponder but I feel like it’s too radical a change to the mythos for an edit to attempt. Knowledge and defense, never attack, etc. The problem is not that Rey kills the most evil guy, it’s that the final climatic moment of the saga is a Jedi killing someone. It felt much more fitting when Luke threw his saber in ROTJ and Vader sacrificed himself for him. Especially coming off TLJ where Luke saves the day without hurting a fly, and they spell out that the message is ‘save with love, not fight with hate.’

Anyway, if you’re serious about this idea it’d probably help if you have Leia repeat “never be afraid of who you are” right as Rey strikes the fatal blow.

This is a late reply, but I think that could be fixed by changing the pacing of that scene. Maybe cut out the shot of Rey pushing the lightsabers forward toward Palpatine, and/or have Palpatine’s last big burst of lightning come right before he gets obliterated. Something to make it clearer that he’s destroying himself in his hubris, and all Rey’s doing is defending herself.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Movies Remastered said:

Darth Sadifous said:

idir_hh said:

TRoS had a cut subplot of Rey building her lightsaber throughout the movie:


Definitely a missed opportunity. I wouldn’t mind in the future for Daisy and John to reprise their roles in a Disney Plus show or mini series with Rey reforming the Jedi Order and Finn being her first student.

Both Daisy and John have said “You ain’t gonna Disney+ me!”

I’ve read the interviews, but I feel they may be singing different tunes if their careers don’t have quite the upward trajectory they are hoping for. I think Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver are going to continue to go on and be involved with bigger projects and be potential leading men. I don’t know if Daisy or John are going to be able to carry a movie by themselves, but time will tell.