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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 78



This edit helps cement the idea that these people are a family now, instead of Rey being completely alone on a desert planet at the end. Her friends are there waiting for her : )

It also helps explain why BB-8 is there, he’s just a curious little friend : )


snooker said:


This edit helps cement the idea that these people are a family now, instead of Rey being completely alone on a desert planet at the end. Her friends are there waiting for her : )

It also helps explain why BB-8 is there, he’s just a curious little friend : )

Huh, I would have never thought to do this but I actually really like it. I wish we could see Rey walking past in the background behind Chewie though, just to sell that they’re in the same location. It’s not strictly speaking neccesary though, and I think it works quite well as is.


snooker said:


This edit helps cement the idea that these people are a family now, instead of Rey being completely alone on a desert planet at the end. Her friends are there waiting for her : )

It also helps explain why BB-8 is there, he’s just a curious little friend : )

i had this idea in my head lmao

It works for me! I really really like it!

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


What a great idea! Now only if Rose could be there. 😭


I’m so mad at how horribly she was treated > : (


RogueLeader said:

What a great idea! Now only if Rose could be there. 😭

Unfortunately, without deleted scenes, it’s pretty much impossible to fix the fact that Rose gets royally shafted in this film 😦.


I’m sure Rose died offscreen after the previous scene. Maybe add her ghost… surprise Force user.

That’s a clever idea! I guess the earlier scene would then begin with “hey, Klaud, hows the air conditioner coming” or whatever it was.

My stance on revising fan edits.


snooker said:

I’m so mad at how horribly she was treated > : (

It just occurred to me that she’s actually in that last shot of the Resistance, but you can’t see her because the trio is blocking her.

I mean, come on guys.

(idea is great by the way)


It’s funny, the What the Force podcast did an episode on the score, and they specifically mentioned the idea of having Rose’s theme during Finn’s talk with Jannah. They said they’re glad they didn’t do that because it would just be liking pouring salt in the wound, which I get, but without footage I think it is the only way to give her anymore sense of presence or impact in this film.


snooker said:


This edit helps cement the idea that these people are a family now, instead of Rey being completely alone on a desert planet at the end. Her friends are there waiting for her : )

It also helps explain why BB-8 is there, he’s just a curious little friend : )

Wow, this is perfect.


It’s like a drinking game, every time Jannah says something stupid, play Rose’s theme.

heil Palpatine!


stevepaynter said:

idir_hh said:

A compelling analysis of Rey’s character flaw in TROS and how it could have been fixed.
A Closer Look

I just watched the whole video…I’m now super pissed Lucasfilm hired a “hack” writer like Chris Terrio for this movie who clearly doesn’t understand how write a character arc. God, why do such amateurs keep getting hired in Hollywood…so frustrating!

TBF, Argo was really good. That said, while I haven’t seen it, I’ve practically heard horror stories about BvS.


snooker said:


This edit helps cement the idea that these people are a family now, instead of Rey being completely alone on a desert planet at the end. Her friends are there waiting for her : )

It also helps explain why BB-8 is there, he’s just a curious little friend : )

I like how you can still hear Poe, Finn and Chewie still arguing as Rey leaves the Falcon. This is great…well done.


stevepaynter said:

snooker said:


This edit helps cement the idea that these people are a family now, instead of Rey being completely alone on a desert planet at the end. Her friends are there waiting for her : )

It also helps explain why BB-8 is there, he’s just a curious little friend : )

I like how you can still hear Poe, Finn and Chewie still arguing as Rey leaves the Falcon. This is great…well done.

It is wonderful, though perhaps the sounds of arguing should stop before the wide shot of the Falcon.

For this idea, would you be keeping the very end of this scene in the beginning of the film? You might be able to re-use the shot of Chewie looking intently at the game board, then the sound of the proximity indicator, ‘We won’t turn it off’, and run the rest of the scene from there to establish the ‘cheating’ joke in reverse.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I know many people have written crawls that describe Kylo Ren on a quest to discover the origin of his former master’s power, and I was trying to think of a way that could tie Snoke, Palpatine, Vader and Mustafar together.

Right now, I’m playing around with this idea of starting the movie with Kylo touching Vader’s helmet to sort of lead him the right way to the wayfinder on the planet surface. So he touches the helmet, then he would hear the voices of either Snoke and/or Vader, and get quick flashes of Vader’s castle, the Sith wayfinder, and the Exegol temple/the fleet. The idea being that this is Palpatine speaking through Vader’s helmet, trying to lead him the way to Exegol. I also would fit the “Find me” line somewhere in here. I’m still not exactly sure what to fit in the vision but maybe others would have some ideas about this. But I think it should set up Kylo’s “want” in the film, whatever that is.

But, I thought it would be interesting to have a shot of Snoke on Mustafar, standing in front of the Sith Wayfinder (either to use it to find Exegol, or to place it there as part of Palpatine’s plans). But I was thinking it could be a quick shot of something like this.



snooker said:


This edit helps cement the idea that these people are a family now, instead of Rey being completely alone on a desert planet at the end. Her friends are there waiting for her : )

It also helps explain why BB-8 is there, he’s just a curious little friend : )

Bravo!!! great idea!!!


NeverarGreat said:
A potential direction would be to lean on the idea that Rey is a feral Force user who can’t distinguish what her power actually comes from. In that case when she confronts Sheev it is the first time her power is being put to the test, so it isn’t if she can defeat him but whether she can do it using only the light side that counts.

This was where I thought her character was going. After her snarl in TFA, “you went straight to the dark” in TLJ, and especially after her lightning in this movie, I felt it was clear she was using the dark side most of the time, even though she was using it to do good. After all, it is quicker, easier, and more seductive, and Rey always tended to be motivated by strong emotions. I was really hoping for an “I am a Jedi, like my father before me” moment where she finds a light side way to defeat Palpatine. Instead we got a hilarious inversion of Luke throwing his saber away and refusing to fight: she force pulls a SECOND saber into her other hand, allowing her to more effectively EXPLODE Palpatine’s FACE.


snooker said:


This edit helps cement the idea that these people are a family now, instead of Rey being completely alone on a desert planet at the end. Her friends are there waiting for her : )

It also helps explain why BB-8 is there, he’s just a curious little friend : )

This is sooooo good!

Italian faneditor.

PM me for links if interested.


snooker said:


This edit helps cement the idea that these people are a family now, instead of Rey being completely alone on a desert planet at the end. Her friends are there waiting for her : )

It also helps explain why BB-8 is there, he’s just a curious little friend : )

Much more comforting, feels like a Harry Potter ending.

“The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.” - DV


@snooker, I definitely think having Chewie, Finn, Poe and BB-8 there at the end is enough to feel like she’s has her newfound family there with her. It would be interesting if we could hear C-3PO, R2, and maybe Rose chattering in the background, even if we can’t see them. It would be great if we could find good shots to use of them, but hearing them in the background could be nice too. On the other hand, it could make the ending too crowded or busy, noise-wise.

EDIT: Also wanted to mention that I REALLY appreciate the title of that video clip.


snooker said:


This edit helps cement the idea that these people are a family now, instead of Rey being completely alone on a desert planet at the end. Her friends are there waiting for her : )

It also helps explain why BB-8 is there, he’s just a curious little friend : )