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Dom's (Possibly) Useful TROS Edit (WIP) — Page 12


Nah, it still sounds too chopped-up as it is…wish I was more skilled with audio stuff. I think just EQ-ing the different “patches” to blend a little better is the key - as it is, it sounds like a couple snippets have much more bass to them.

Maybe even processing it more - compress the dynamic range so the pieces all feel like they’re at the same volume/intensity, then run it through whatever filters to give it the “mask modulated” sound?

Again, don’t know a ton about audio work, this is just me spitballing stuff that might be nonsense words.


Have you considered taking the route of Rey having killed her parents? For me the hangar scene just screams “revelations” like a big reveal in the making, and dialogue wise it might be easier to work with.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


The big reveal in the hangar scene can be the dyad, right?


It could be a 3 part reveal

“I pushed you in the desert because I needed to see it, I needed you to see it, What you did to your parents, so long ago”. Rey’s reactions to Kylo’s dialogue works perfectly as a reaction to the reveal. In the hangar Kylo would tell Rey that Palpatine has been waiting for them all this time, that he sensed their darkness since they were children and declares that Kylo and Rey are a Dyad and that they will inherit the dark throne. (for this to work, Palpatine’s plan from the start would be to bring Rey, not kill her, so instead of “kill the girl” his dialogue to Kylo would change to “find the girl” “you will rule the Galaxy as Emperor and empress”)

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


The only major issue is the word any. Does he say it again in another line? I’m assuming you already staggered the center channel audio between different tracks and slightly crossfaded each word over the next word in an app or mode that gives you fine detail control.

EDIT: could maybe be changed to he wanted to end YOUR resistance to his power (though this is not quite as good)

heil Palpatine!


Hmm, I agree that the hangar scene needs to have something juicy, and it seems pretty “duh” for Kylo to tell her Palpatine wanted to squash any potentially powerful Force user.

Tangential: Would it make sense to change Palpatine’s line at the start to “Find the girl,” and have Kylo Ren apparently lie to Rey that he wants her dead?

If Palpatine is then portrayed as wanting to bring the two together, it seems even dumber for him to be surprised about the Force dyad fountain of youth. (Well, not youth, but of being alive and having all your fingers and pupils and stuff.)

My stance on revising fan edits.


I am probably in the minority and this may not be doable with the source material, but to me, in the first two movies Rey is a character with a “default” star wars background character… background. Parents either poor as shit, or dead for trivial reasons (disease/gang violence/whatever), or abandoned/sold her (or… all of the above). Such is the star wars world (except on more sophisticated worlds like naboo or alderaan where you might have more “normal” parents). And her specialness comes not from her origin, but from… the force awakening inside her for some reason and her having a good heart or whatever.

As such, a “reveal” post-TLJ about her actual origin - any reveal - diminishes that in my view. If her background is in some way special, and Kylo Ren or whoever reveals that to her, that gives her character motivation basically for free.

If she is a Palpatine, she has an innate reason to fight against her legacy, to basically cleanse her name in some way, so as to show herself not to be what her ancestry would suggest her to be (although that is also undermined by her parents being good and loving already). If Palpatine killed her parents it becomes a simple revenge story, in the end she takes her revenge against him and all is good (even though apparently that’s what he wants anyway at the start, but at some point that just changes…? and he wants her dead?). If she herself killed her parents it’s again sort of a self-redemption story and she has newfound purpose with the reveal. If the reveal is that there is no reveal - no “free” character motivation - then she has to find her place in the story herself and has to wrestle her inner demons that she has anyway - dark origin or not.



Hal 9000 said:

Hmm, I agree that the hangar scene needs to have something juicy, and it seems pretty “duh” for Kylo to tell her Palpatine wanted to squash any potentially powerful Force user.

Tangential: Would it make sense to change Palpatine’s line at the start to “Find the girl,” and have Kylo Ren apparently lie to Rey that he wants her dead?

If Palpatine is then portrayed as wanting to bring the two together, it seems even dumber for him to be surprised about the Force dyad fountain of youth. (Well, not youth, but of being alive and having all your fingers and pupils and stuff.)

Palpatine’s surprise about the dyad could be cut, setting it up in the opening and replacing it with “and now, your coming together will be your undoing.” or “stand together, die together” springing the trap immediately, his talk about “the power of 2 will restore the 1 true emperor” could be VO as he sucks the life out of Rey and Ben.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


So upon further thought, having Rey as the killer makes the most sense to me now, as you can still have her parents having “sold her for drinking money” as well as “dead in the jakku desert”, but what happened was she was upset about it and she killed them and didn’t remember it until this movie?



Yeah, I think things generally make more sense in a Rey Nobody edit if Palpatine tells Kylo about the dyad, and his plan the whole time is to use the two of them to rejuvenate himself. It builds on the whole ‘darkness rises and the light to meet it’ idea from TLJ rather than retconning it entirely. It’s not like the theatrical cut makes any attempt to explain why or how Kylo knows they’re a dyad, iirc.
Unfortunately I think it’s difficult to cut around the whole ‘kill me and let me steal your body!’ bit of the movie. I’m interested to see how Dom handles that. Also, if Palpatine doesn’t explicitly want Rey dead, then the difference between Kylo’s plan (“Let’s go kill him and take the throne!”) and Sheev’s plan (in this idea: “I’m going to trick him into bringing Rey to me so I can suck the life out of them!”) is less clear cut.


KumoNin said:

I am probably in the minority and this may not be doable with the source material, but to me, in the first two movies Rey is a character with a “default” star wars background character… background. Parents either poor as shit, or dead for trivial reasons (disease/gang violence/whatever), or abandoned/sold her (or… all of the above). Such is the star wars world (except on more sophisticated worlds like naboo or alderaan where you might have more “normal” parents). And her specialness comes not from her origin, but from… the force awakening inside her for some reason and her having a good heart or whatever.

As such, a “reveal” post-TLJ about her actual origin - any reveal - diminishes that in my view. If her background is in some way special, and Kylo Ren or whoever reveals that to her, that gives her character motivation basically for free.

If she is a Palpatine, she has an innate reason to fight against her legacy, to basically cleanse her name in some way, so as to show herself not to be what her ancestry would suggest her to be (although that is also undermined by her parents being good and loving already). If Palpatine killed her parents it becomes a simple revenge story, in the end she takes her revenge against him and all is good (even though apparently that’s what he wants anyway at the start, but at some point that just changes…? and he wants her dead?). If she herself killed her parents it’s again sort of a self-redemption story and she has newfound purpose with the reveal. If the reveal is that there is no reveal - no “free” character motivation - then she has to find her place in the story herself and has to wrestle her inner demons that she has anyway - dark origin or not.

I agree with all of this in theory. However I’m not sure if it works within the structure of the movie we have, which is built around there being “reveals” about Rey’s parentage, and Rey squaring off against some sort of darkness within herself. I think the best we can do is swap out the reveals delivered by Kylo with something that’s less of a severe retcon. The movie doesn’t really build on TLJ’s themes of a nobody finding her place, so there does need to be some sort of additional motivation for it to work.


sade1212 said:

Yeah, I think things generally make more sense in a Rey Nobody edit if Palpatine tells Kylo about the dyad, and his plan the whole time is to use the two of them to rejuvenate himself. It builds on the whole ‘darkness rises and the light to meet it’ idea from TLJ rather than retconning it entirely. It’s not like the theatrical cut makes any attempt to explain why or how Kylo knows they’re a dyad, iirc.
Unfortunately I think it’s difficult to cut around the whole ‘kill me and let me steal your body!’ bit of the movie. I’m interested to see how Dom handles that. Also, if Palpatine doesn’t explicitly want Rey dead, then the difference between Kylo’s plan (“Let’s go kill him and take the throne!”) and Sheev’s plan (in this idea: “I’m going to trick him into bringing Rey to me so I can suck the life out of them!”) is less clear cut.

Yeah the scene where Kylo learns about the dyad was the oracle scene, which was cut from the final film, so the theatrical cut gives no explanation as to why or how he knows about that.



I can’t help but read it as Rey accidentally killing her parents, similar to what happens with Chewie. She’s frightened, calls out, “Come back! No!”

I guess Unklar Plutt would have just reacted with, “Holy hell! I’m not keeping you where I live. Good luck bringing me shit in exchange for food.”
Unrelated to these events or Rey’s parents per se (since they have no prior connection), Palpatine senses Rey as a powerful person and wants to either put a proactive end to her or bring her to him. Either way, Ochi is sent to find her but ends up dying from a snake because he’s a dumbass. He doesn’t end up killing anyone or anything, just stopping to take a piss and getting killed.

This keeps getting more complicated. Ochi’s ship shouldn’t still exist or look like it does, if Rey destroyed it as her parents tried to leave. If the ship is replaced in TFA’s flashback (and its appearances in TROS), she shouldn’t recognize Ochi’s ship or get a feeling about it.

My stance on revising fan edits.


rocknroll41 said:

Yeah the scene where Kylo learns about the dyad was the oracle scene, which was cut from the final film, so the theatrical cut gives no explanation as to why or how he knows about that.

Maybe as he holds the Wayfinder in the opening scene, it could go on a dubbed extended expositional monologue.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

rocknroll41 said:

Yeah the scene where Kylo learns about the dyad was the oracle scene, which was cut from the final film, so the theatrical cut gives no explanation as to why or how he knows about that.

Maybe as he holds the Wayfinder in the opening scene, it could go on a dubbed extended expositional monologue.

In Vaders voice perhaps?
Also, having the wayfinder speak of 2 halfs of the dyad, while there being 2 wayfinders would be kinda poetic.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I think the notion of the Dyad is pretty guff. I’d rather that Rey’s and Kylo’s bond was emotional, slightly aided by Snoke force-connecting them. It just feels pretty nonsense to have a new bit of force lore introduced in this one which seems to be 'you’re powerful and Palpatine can eat you.

I’d rather that the new force-thing which happens in this movie is simply that Palpatine can rip the force from force users. It makes him way more monstrous, just like the original lightning did in ROTJ.

Rey is a naturally powerful and well-honed (if not long-trained) Jedi, with a little dark leaning, a close relationship with another powerful force user, and near the end, the support of a bunch of ghosts. That’s good enough for me to justify her power, I don’t think we need a whole other thing, especially one so clumsy as the Dyad.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Good discussion guys. I really like the “Rey killed her parents” idea but I’m not yet convinced it is possible to accomplish. I do think the best way to do it though would be to unlink Ochi, his ship, the dagger, and Palpatine from Rey’s parents entirely.

As for Palpatine, I was thinking recently that you could potentially change his line to “find the girl,” but leave the implication that he wanted her dead. I’m not sure I’ll go this route though for a few reasons, at least not for now.

I tend to think the first few versions of this I’ll do a more conservative approach, trying to change as little as possible to allow for Rey Nobody. I’d like to get that down pat first. Then I’d be interested in playing with more radical alternatives.


DominicCobb said:

Here’s a rough idea for changing the music in the final scene, using poppa’s WIP final shot:

Wow its awesome 😮

Maybe guys you could just tease the Rey Killing her parents thing? Like, she tries to stop the transporter and during the process we could hear the small Rey s “come back” in the background, then show some Quick shots from the flashback from TFA and then intercut into Rey s using force lighting? Subtle enough to suggest she killed her parents but not too much, So the viewer can still interpret it as he wants.


Octorox said:
Would be even better if she said “Just Rey” 😉

Hah, indeed!
You know, this bit, I’m assuming, is from the end credits of TFA or possibly TLJ, and when I read you would be replacing the music, this specific bit is exactly what I had in mind, and you’ve shown it to fit brilliantly, well done!

Hal had great points about the hillarious implications of Rey killing her parents. I guess it’s just such a core piece of the plot, perhaps a more conservative approach is apt after all for now, though it is unfortunate
